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Topics - Alvero

Pages: [1]
In-Game Roleplay Events / Another Azure Way Rp
« on: February 07, 2017, 01:02:07 pm »
Greetings everyone. (due to my inability to keep things short, scroll down for the short version)

For awhile now, I have been thinking (and claiming for over a year but who is counting..) of arranging some sort of rp beyond the usual one on oneĀ“s that I..have a habit of doing.

The plan is to make a longer term one, give or take some a week or two. The reason I am posting this in the first place is because I need volunteers to play the part of the attempted kidnapping victims. Considering the nature of the rp being the azure way, the branch of it that deals with the mind at least, asking in here seems to be the way to go (thanks for the advice evi)

(self proclaimed short version)

So in short, the rp might take everything from a week to..say a month at the unlikely max. I need volunteers regarding the kidnapping victims (pm me if you are interested) and who..wouldent mind an attempted intrusion in their mind. Thats more or less it.
It will be as big as the characters rally it up to be, naturally.

An azure way practitioner amongst the many, signed, Said azure way practitioner.

General Discussion / Book donation for the Hall of Learning
« on: November 08, 2016, 12:18:49 pm »
Greetings all, Alvero of the Knowledge Seekers here.

As some of you might know, we are currently working on the, "Hall of Learning" in Amdeneir. It is meant to host the library of Amdeneir using player made books but I fear we possess few of them ourselves. Hence, we would like to ask you if might be able to donate those you have. We will give them back to you as we only need them in order to copy them. Giving them IG, sending them in a PM to me or posting them on this thread should be alright. Just keep in mind that they must must not already be present in the libraries around yliakum and that it is unlikely we will put all of them into our public library.

Maps, music scores, paintings are also very much welcome additions.

On behalf of the knowledge seekers, I thank you for reading and know that we are grateful for all which we receive.

The thin professor and guy most of you are unlikely to know, Alvero Alenciar.

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