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Messages - Zontick

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General Discussion / Re: Is This Game Too Hard?
« on: January 28, 2014, 02:56:40 pm »
A solution that would work for me would be an ability to create 2 kinds of characters. The current regular, and an RP only which gets player assigned stats and skills during creation, within limits, which will remain forever unchangeable. Possibly an option to assign a character as RP only and set levels could be made sometime after entering the game so as not to add confusion to the initial process.

While an interesting idea, I don't like it myself - because there's already an apparent separation between role-play and game mechanics. I'd like to see that separation become smaller and not larger.

I don't mind people RPing outside of the game mechanics, mind you, but allowing characters completely outside of the game mechanics doesn't seem like a solution to a game mechanics problem.

If the game mechanics problems were addressed, maybe this idea wouldn't be as appealing to some. In short, it seems like treating a symptom instead of the disease. "Yes, your cough is gone, but the lung cancer is still there."

General Discussion / Re: Is This Game Too Hard?
« on: January 28, 2014, 11:28:27 am »
So as someone who does write, sometimes getting paid for it, and who has been considering this all from a PR angle (how to get more involvement for the project)...

I've written some of my gripes in the complaints department some time ago. I'll revisit this but will do so from a PR angle.

That said, let's say that the following are true: (1) We have a relatively small community of players, (2) We have a relatively small community of volunteers who keep things running.

The problems I see are echoed by others here, but from a PR perspective, I find it hard to sell the game even to friends because:

(1) Starting off is decidedly wonky nowadays, and balancing tria/PP for training is difficult. Meanwhile, with an upper-mid level character, I have more PP and trias than I can spend. So that scale needs to be readjusted - so that we *retain* players.
(2) The disappearing NPCs allegedly add realism, a point I will not debate (I am a stone creature that rides a fish - REALISM?), but a player who may have only 1-2 hours a day to play may simply not see some NPCs when they do play. That needs to be dealt with, or we can't really attract players so that they can sit around and be frustrated.
(3) Running. The quests require some silly amounts of running that used to be much more interesting with mobs attacking along the way. Going to Bronze Doors the first time, way back when, was a group adventure. Now it's a long solo run that would eventually bore even Forrest Gump. Getting people to the game so that they can press an arrow key for half an hour at a time isn't really a selling point.
(4) No spoilers vs. Reporting bugs: I've done at least a few quests where I thought I should get a glyph but I haven't. Is it a bug? I don't know. Honestly, I sort of gave up on that and I pity anyone that is starting off on the quest chain simply to get access to the Winch so that they aren't handicapped characters. And access to the Winch requires a level of potentially OOC decisions, as do some glyphs. "Sure, I'll run back and forth to Bronze Doors 6 times so that you can give me a glyph" is somewhat sadistic. Oh, and that anvil quest? With the newer system, that seems kind of silly (no more said to avoid a spoiler).
(5) Not enough characters for an ingame economy, and I'm not sure adding more characters to the world will help the ingame economy. We're top heavy with crafters who make 300q everything - and 300q almost never wears out! The ingame economy is wonky.
(6) Different mobs need to be added to allow for characters as they develop. Tefus to Ulbernauts is a pretty big jump, as an example, and the game is full of that.
(7) Empathy for mounts... c'mon. That forces grinding with the present algorithm. I recall Talad saying that there would be less grinding sometime in the past...

Now, these are all tough sells for a newcomer player. But then there's the newcomer volunteer: how does one know that it's worth volunteering if you may not agree with the general direction?

From a PR perspective, PS has a lot of stuff that really needs to be thought out - and that directly impacts attracting players, retaining players, attracting volunteers, retaining volunteers, and so forth. My 2 cents.

Complaint Department / The NPC Issue.
« on: December 12, 2013, 10:38:17 pm »
This is an opinion based on what I've experienced after a 5-6 year absence. It's meant to cause a re-evaluation, it's not a condemnation. Planeshift has evolved quite nicely and I would hope that what is written below would be taken on board for future evolutions.

I've been gone for some time and, as such, have been able to see some of the great changes that have been made to the quest system as well as other things. Overall, the game has come a very long way in the last 5-6 years while my character was dormant.

Because the character has been dormant, I've had to redo quests as if I were almost, if not completely, new. This, I think, has been a good thing because I've had to redo things as someone who is new. And there's really two aspects that are annoying for new players, though I have been recently reminded that the weight of plate mail is also prohibitive to those who wish to use it when they first start.

The NPCs wandering around, as they do, has been apparently widely accepted by players experienced with the game. It is, however, a problem when a new player comes in and cannot find an NPC related to a quest - because they don't know if they're in the right spot, they don't know if they have the background bug that they need to contend with, and because there's little want for spoilers in game, other players aren't likely to help. It's annoying, especially when you factor in that despite the ingame clock being shorter than the real world clock, people from different timezones who may play 2 hours a day will almost never encounter an NPC that they want/need to encounter.

Trainers make it even more interesting.

Now it's not a bad idea, this wandering around - but as I made mention to Venalan with respect to Todas, it's uncertain when something is bug to be reported or not. Maybe the NPC is supposed to be gone, maybe not. Should I file a bug report when they are absent? No, that's by design. Will I fill out a bug report when they are there when they aren't supposed to be (at the top of the stairs in the case of Todas)? Unlikely; the potential 'bug' is more useful to the player than the feature.

I've yet to see a NPC camping issue, and maybe it's because the NPCs are wandering around, perhaps flushing toilets or making little characters. But for approximately 40% of the quests, I've encountered this issue because it combines with the travel issue.

Yes, travel. By the time you get a mount, you've already run to Bronze Doors at least twice - and for a new player, it's not that interesting to stay on a path and keep running (back in 2007-2008, there were more NPCs that made the run much more interesting. The whole Ulbernaut invasion).

Some quests take the running thing too far.

The Pterosaurs are awesome, the rides make a fine addition. Why isn't there one to Bronze Doors?

In all, great additions.

The disappearing NPC issue is charming if you don't need to see the character. I've sat in game for an hour waiting for an NPC to pop into the game. It's a good thing I know where they are supposed to be. A new player wouldn't.

That's my 2 pence. I don't enjoy forums. It's an opinion of someone who plays the game and, while it may not be popular amongst the veteran players... it's not the veteran players that need be worried with this. If we expect new players, perhaps we should make things more workable for them.

Drop me some fliers. And quit trying to make me use the forums. :P

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: Get rid of the Wish List forum?
« on: April 04, 2009, 02:50:11 pm »
Honestly: It is very difficult to contribute. I wonder how many already gave up trying to contribute because of this  :-\


In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: A farewell gift from Ausuna
« on: April 04, 2009, 02:48:34 pm »

He wasn't blessed by Xiosia  :P

Yeah, you cleared that up in game. But the initial poster made the accusation... and the fact that it ties Xiosia madness to abuse was, admittedly, something I expected.

Ahh well. Can't believe everything you read on the Internet.  ::)

Server Status / Re: Deja Vu? tell me not....
« on: April 04, 2009, 02:44:08 pm »
What if every member of the community donated $5 to a project to build a back-up server?

Pay for a backup server with the same level of service? No, it would have to be more than a backup server to pay for - and therefore, it would be more than $5. But if someone made a plausible case, I wouldn't have a problem paying. How much I pay for what  is really the question.

Server Status / Re: Server crashing: Good news?
« on: April 04, 2009, 02:41:03 pm »
Yes, Viruses... really, I'm not saying the crash was caused by a virus, i am saying that maybe a crash could stop a virus... what are you getting at?

Yes. To protect yourself from viruses, crashing your computer is a valid method. However, the consequences can be severe. Should you feel the need to crash your computer because of the possibility of infection, you can...

  • Hit it with a hammer, repeatedly. Note: You should not hit the monitor as this will not crash your computer (unless it is a laptop). The downside is that it can be expensive to UnCrash (tm) it.
  • Open the case and place peanut butter on all fans, then let your Rottweiler (or one you borrowed) clean everything off. Again, UnCrashing can be pricey.
  • Disagree with Xillix in Notepad. Then Xillix will lock you out of Notepad and crash your computer.
  • Remember Benjamin Franklin, the kite and the key? Again, expensive to UnCrash.
  • Last, but certainly not least, you can turn your computer off, unplug everything and pack it in a warehouse in Kansas. Then you just fool yourself and your friends that it crashed. Shipping to Kansas can be expensive, so the UnCrash could be expensive as well

Please take this in the good humor it was written in. In fact, try to one up me with a way to crash your computer. That would make it interesting.

General Discussion / Re: The Great inconsistency hunt is on!
« on: April 04, 2009, 02:29:34 pm »
not necessarily an inconsistency but gardr keck trains armor and weapon repair, is involved with quest repairs but doesn't sell repair kits of any kind.

He did sell weapons repair kits, but no armor repair kits. I haven't bought from him lately, but it seems the powers-that-be thought it amusing to take repair kits and place them under Smith tools. This, I am sure, was done for the General Good, and we should all be adulating. Or something.  :lol:

Kra sells both.

I don't think so. I will check when the server is resurrected. It takes 3 days, right?

Server Status / Re: Server crashing: Good news?
« on: April 04, 2009, 02:27:53 pm »
Pure speculation here, but educated speculation.

(1) The server crash is probably hardware related, not software. This conclusion comes from the fact that the server has been down in excess of 24 hours, and from what I understand the server is donated (or, in essence, lowest priority to fix).

(2) Virus? Really? Confickr vs. Laanx? I don't think so.

Server Status / Re: Deja Vu? tell me not....
« on: April 04, 2009, 02:24:45 pm »

Yes, someone - be they volunteers or the volunteer's cat - should probably have something on the site that says, "Server's down. Our magic 8 ball says 'outlook not so good'. Go help us with the wiki documentation in the interim, please."

Or something like that.

It really isn't that hard to do something like that. Yes, volunteers, I understand - but a simple statement like the above, as vague as it is, at least tells people "Go do something else and quit slamming the server".

There was a point where I would have been upset about the lack of such notices - in fact I was - but I have come to realize over the months that this is just the accepted practice by the PlaneShift team - lumped all together since it really isn't clear who does what and blah blah yakkity schmakitty. So I don't get upset.

After all, it isn't a user's place to care more about how PlaneShift is implemented than the team. So you can care a lot and be disappointed, or not. I choose not. And that I have reached a point where I procrastinate about bug reports among other things...well, if I felt I could affect the project, I would. But I can't, so I don't.

Apathy. Coming soon to a tavern near you.

Development Team Blog / Re: Explanation of Dead Reckoning in MMO's
« on: April 03, 2009, 09:56:40 pm »

 I've got a background in making things communicate in 'different versions of real time', so I'll toss my hat into the ring.

Man, you folks can make things seem pretty complicated when, given certain assumptions, they are not.

These assumptions are:

(1) That an advantage should not be given to someone because they happen to have the lesser ping time in PVP. Failure to meet that assumption - which is usually done by game designers, unfortunately - means that the people who have longer ping times are at a disadvantage and thus their experience is greatly diminished. This could be seen as helpfully self limiting from a game designer perspective such that they don't have to worry about the game experience while churning on stuff that they would prefer to do. "Blame the Internet" == Poor Answer.

(2) To make things fair in PvP, one can synchronize to assure fairness.

Pretty simple, really. And the answer is - at least for PvP - use the LCD. This is 'relative time'. The combat happens at the rate at which the lesser connection is running and can be done by testing ping on both PVP candidates and only allowing them to interact at the speed of the lesser ping.

As far as NPCs go - this could also be done but would be done more simply since there would be no ping comparison.

Group battles work on the LCD.

Yeah, I know, this is unpopular with the people with the faster connections to the server (and thus unfair advantage) - but if the intent is fairness, that would be how it would be done.

Yes, you could say that alot of other games ignore this and you would be right. And if the point is to be 'only as good as other games', that is the right answer as well. Diving into the infinitesmall details of an instantiation of the same iimplementation is just rearranging cookies on the plate. And we all know Ernie eats all the cookies and Bert gets none because Ernie's ping time to the plate is less.  ;D

;D Apparently, Zontick is busy doing something (and he wasn't in battle that I knew of!)... but I can't login because... he's busy doing whatever....

If anyone sees Zontick, let him know his player misses him... (snap! Reboot Zontick...)


Resolved. Oddly, the Planeshift client wasn't showing in the taskbar.


 ;D Apparently, Zontick is busy doing something (and he wasn't in battle that I knew of!)... but I can't login because... he's busy doing whatever....

If anyone sees Zontick, let him know his player misses him... (snap! Reboot Zontick...)

General Discussion / Re: Mining
« on: February 23, 2009, 10:09:00 pm »
First off - really happy with this discussion for a variety of reasons. Thank you.

One thing about mining that seems odd to me is that the distance you have to move to defeat the 'you can't mine twice' message does not seem to be consistent. I wonder if there is some kind of grid where this location is in this box and that one is over there. This would mean that if , say, you were on the left side of the box you would have to move further to the right to get to the next viable spot than you would to the left. Is there such a grid system or something else?

I've noted a similar inconsistency. I'm wondering if the terrain has something to do with this; if distance is calculated in 3 dimensions (why wouldn't it be?) this could account for the differential I have noticed.

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