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Messages - PanDeMur

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the huge amount of replies :D

I was mainly interesed in group interaction, like grouping up to take down bosses and all.  PvP seems interesting too but from what ive seen most people who play PvP have been training for years and are all mostly maxed out, so being on par with their level will take ages.

If i want to find a group to take on bosses and such, where should i look for?

To my knowledge, PS has no true dungeons or raids. However, I believe there are some boss level mobs hidden in out of the way places that require a group to take down. I think the lava monster may be one such mob, but I can't say for sure. Combat was never really my thing.

Is there any documentation on such mobs?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Is there any endgame content for this game?
« on: October 02, 2016, 01:54:03 pm »
Ive started playing a few months ago and i'm enjoying this so far, i've been grinding for the most part though.

i was wondering however if there is an actual reason to grind? is there any dungeons/raids like other MMOs have? any bosses that require a group to take on? PvP?

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