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Messages - Tidebringer

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 15
The Xacha alphabet has been cast adrift, it seems, by the merger of Xacha and Lemur. Maybe someone from settings can weight in here, but do Lemurians and Kran both use the same written alphabet? Was that always true? I'm trying to think of a reasonable way to keep the Xacha alphabet associated with Lemurians, but maybe another race could use it if Lemurians can't.

I have a downloaded graphic of the Xacha alphabet. I'm pretty sure I got it from a link on the Lemur Language page of the PSWiki, which would be the part where it says "Here":

Please note that Xacha and Lemur races have been merged into a single race in 2011. So we are going to use the former Xacha language for Lemurs.

Here is the list of symbols for the Lemur written language.

From this, I gather that there was intent for the Xacha language (and, subsequently, alphabet), to be used for Lemur.

That, however, still doesn't explain if the Kran also used this language...

Cue Tidebringer trying to figure out the lore from limited available resources... :detective:

If we look at this segment, from the "Second Epoch: Division" section of the History page, it says the following:

Though they were simpler in mind than the Lemurs, they were also given the same language skills and called themselves 'Kran'.

From this, it would be perhaps too much of an assumption to say they were created with the same language (despite nothing clearly stating that they weren't) -- especially considering that all it says about the Lemur language (in the same Epoch), is the following:

Having been given full self-awareness, intelligence, and understanding of language by Laanx, they called themselves 'Lemurs'.

So I looked deeper, as you do, and I found the following under the events of 10 AY in the "Race History in Yliakum" segment of the Lemur race page:

The Lemur, now mostly deaf, were still unsettled and confused by what had happened so they were suspicious of the Kran, and avoided them at first. A leader emerged from the group of Kran worked not only with the Kran, but with the Lemur, struggling to build a friendship between the very different races. The Kran, dealing with vibrations, had no problems learning to communicate the Lemurs.

Given the reference of the Kran having "no problems learning to communicate the Lemurs", it rather seems to imply that they weren't created with the same language, but rather both with the abilities to make languages of their own. All in all, everything I've been able to see -- from the above to a certain Kran from Jayose's Library mentioning in passing translating works written in the "old language" -- gives no clear-cut indication as to whether or not the Kran ever spoke a different language from the one the Lemur used. I rather question why I went to all this effort just to say that... :sweatdrop:

  • Lemur and Kran of course speak the common language, and therefore do not require much in the way of a language project, though I must note the Lemur have inherited a set of symbols used to write their language from the Xacha, but no mention is made on whether Kran use the same symbols or not.

As for this, Migg, while you're certaainly not wrong by any means, you do seem to be neglecting (or at least not clearly stating), that all the races speak the common language. Behold, more lore! (this from the "Race History in Yliakum" segment of the Ylian race page):

442 AY - Truvar created the "Edict of One Language" to spread a common language amongst the races. The adoption will take about 100 years.

In other words, it took around 100 cycles, but it's been quite a long time (given that I believe the current cycle is supposed to be 750 AY or such), since the One Language ("Common") was fully adopted. Further, if we look at the Klyros language project wiki, we find the following:

All modern historians agree that like other languages, Old Klyran lost its positions after formation of the Octarchy and the degree of 451 AY. Since that time Common language was spreading rapidly and in just few decades made Klyran a dead language. The process is believed to have been completed in 530-540 AY. At least the last known book written in Klyran was written in 511 AY and a book that describes Klyros villages of 540s in first and second levels claims even elder Klyros didn't use Klyran.

This seems to state that with the adoption of the Edict of One Language leading to Common becoming essentially the only language in use, Klyran (along with other languages), became dead. Thus, the rekindling of racial languages can be assumed to be a very recent thing, as reinforced by these excerpts (from the same place as the one directly above):

And the last, third layer of Klyran emerged only few decades ago when number of enthusiasts began their efforts in restoring the language. As there were no native speakers left to the moment, the last layer, Modern Klyran, is definitely the closest one to the Common, especially in terms of grammar.

Number of factors enfueled the process of relearning the language by Klyros. Lack of farming lands for more and more growning population, rogue raids on roads resulting into problems with supply lines, natural disasters like the Ojavedan Plague - all these problems that the Octarchy failed to solve effectively. The Octarchy started to lose the trust and multicultural integration process not only stopped but even went in reverse direction. More and more people started looking answers for thier lives in ancient racial cultures including languages.

Of course, in grand PlaneShift tradition, the available lore seems to contradict itself: that is to say, despite indications of there being an "old language" of the Lemur and/or Kran, the General Language Notes on the PSWiki says this:

Lemur/Kran is the Common tongue used in modern times, and as such, will not have its own language.

Kran and Lemur languages are virtually identical. The reason for this is the nature of their creation by the Gods, and that they were only created 10 years apart. They then existed 300 years side by side, for the most part, negating the need for any deviation in speech. Some people say that this Lemur/Kran language is the Language of the Gods, and cite that as one of the main reasons it became the only language commonly used after the Temples were built.

All other languages fell into disuse after formation of the Octarchy and the decree of 451 AY. To the end of 5th century no racial languages were used except the Common.

However in last decades linguists and historians have made an attempt to resurrect the lost race languages. Their attempts were supported by number of racial groups within Ylaikum society, that desired to re-establish old racial cultures.

Also seemingly contradicting this, and in favor of there having been an "old" (or perhaps merely disused? magical?) language of the Lemur and/or Kran prior to the establishment of Common, is the following (which, bit of a Spoiler Alert I suppose, comes from one of the first of the Laanx religion quests available in-game):

(21:35:44) [NPC] Jayose says: It's surely some magical language.
(21:35:44) [NPC] Jayose says: I remember reading about a similar one in one of these books...
(21:35:44) [NPC] Jayose says: I will search for it.
(21:35:44) [NPC] Jayose moves into the library and starts searching the shelves. After a few minutes, he returns holding a book.
(21:35:44) [NPC] Jayose says: I've found it!
(21:35:44) [NPC] Jayose says: It's related to Laanx mythology.
(21:35:44) [NPC] Jayose says: This book says that the phrase 'Herta Feer Garad' was written on a few monuments in the legendary Kadaikos and means: 'light forms shadow'.
(21:35:44) [NPC] Jayose says: You can give those words to the person that asked for the translation.

Although, speaking of the Laanx religion, that brings me to this, which I've always felt deserves to be expanded upon more (source being "The Five Branches of Laanx", a book that can be found in Jayose's Library):

Laanx followers are expected to know the complex number system and language by a very early age, and be well versed in the teachings of Laanx.

To me, this seems to imply that there's some separate language and number system in use by those in the Laanx religion, one which is separate from Common -- otherwise, why would it be specifically called out in an information text as something followers are expected to know, considering that Common is considered the default and obvious language? That, then, would seem to contradict the General Language Notes assertion that, I quote again, "Some people say that this Lemur/Kran language is the Language of the Gods, and cite that as one of the main reasons it became the only language commonly used after the Temples were built."

And it would seem that in my grand tradition, this post turned out long and rambling. :oops:

All that said, though, I'm very excited to see if these languages get expanded upon more!

A TL;DR because I got excited about lore-stuffs and rambled:
  • It seems like the Lemur and Kran both had essentially the same language to start, and any gaps were bridged due to their time together
  • While it's unclear whether or not this is truly the case, Common might actually be separate from the original/"old" Lemur/Kran language (I feel like it makes more sense that it's separate, but I'm just a player, so...)
  • It seems the old racial languages (aside from that of the Lemur/Kran) were lost due to the adoption of the Edict of One Language, which led Common to become the standard/only used language
  • A movement to reclaim the old racial languages seems to have started very recently (within approximately a few decades of current setting time)
  • There is some sort of Laanx religion-specific language & number system, presumably separate from Common, that has very little information on it
  • Tidebringer is definitely excited about the prospect of the language lore potentially being expanded upon

I enjoyed this event. It was interesting to learn about where glyphs can come from, and hunting said glyphs down was fun as well!

I'm too lazy to put the screenshots I took in here individually, so have link: ;D

*Tidebringer rates this a fun event, and would definitely sit atop Jashoky's kiosk and listen in again while she's distracted by a Stonehammer asking after glyphs

Fan Art / Re: The Official Phase Two City Contest: Amdeneir
« on: March 28, 2019, 04:42:28 pm »
This has me really excited. ;D

One thing I noticed, though, is that the original shape of Amdeneir looked rather like a Klyros wing, but this one doesn't! I have to admit that kind of disappoints me, although it still looks really beautiful.

There's a book in Jayose's Library called "The Operation of the Bronze Doors". This lists the names of all the bronze doors, which are as follows starting with the one nearest Hydlaa and traveling to the right from the perspective of one facing the bronze doors nearest Hydlaa:

  • The Eagle Bronze Doors
  • The Clacker Bronze Doors
  • The Serpent Bronze Doors
  • The Tloke Bronze Doors
  • The Ulbernaut Bronze Doors
  • The Rivnak Bronze Doors
  • The Pterosaur Bronze doors

It also contains some other information about the bronze doors, including, of course, how they operate.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: That special song
« on: April 28, 2018, 08:33:06 pm »
Easier to link things like this anyway :innocent::

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Suicide Game
« on: April 23, 2018, 06:59:55 pm »
Still in the death realm, Rigwyn encounters Dakkru. He's zapped clear out of existence for crimes past, and as the ultimate dick move, Dakkru vanishes also, along with the death realm, the entire planet, everything and everyone who ever lived on it, and all the time and space surrounding it. Further, she manages to erase every memory of it. She leaves behind nothing.


In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Jessamine's Labors
« on: April 19, 2018, 09:50:00 pm »
Migg, I read this and couldn't help but notice that you wrote this from Jessamine's perspective. While Jessamine the character is Migg the character's wife, it's still improper for you to post something written from the view of a character who isn't yours. Maybe you weren't aware of this.

Now, if the player of Jessamine reviewed this and gave you a definitive all-clear to post it as it was when she read it, that's a different matter.

If the above was not the case, however, then this really is in validation of RP courtesy, as one is not supposed to write how another player's character will act or react, including thoughts, feelings, etc., no matter how close one is to that player or that player's character.

I understand that maybe you weren't aware of this, and I mean this as friendly advice. Perhaps you should consider double-checking with the player of Jessamine about this post just to be sure, and if it's not okay with her edit it to have it from Migg's view instead?

Sincerely, Tidebringer. :)

Guilds Forum / Re: [Group] Hydlaa Chronicles
« on: April 15, 2018, 02:05:21 pm »
The article you submitted has been reviewed and is much appreciated! :)

That comment for some reason makes me feel achieved. :D

[...]the first advice i'll be giving you right now: don't expect people to help a lot... i closed the journal for lack of staff and I've been running it for almost 10 years... People will help, eventually, but you must be prepared to do a LOT of work by yourself!


First off, thanks for the advice! Second, yeah, in all honesty I completely expected that I'd have to do LOTS of work by myself. That won't stop me from pestering people to help out, though! ;D

Also the Guilds & Traders Journal was really an inspiration for me in doing this, so thank you for all the hard work you put into it for so many years, Zakena (and whomever helped you along the way). :love:

Guilds Forum / Re: [Group] Hydlaa Chronicles
« on: April 05, 2018, 04:25:56 pm »
Starting the Hydlaa Chronicles' Second Issue

As some of you may know, the first issue (No. 1) of the Hydlaa Chronicles is already out, and available for purchase IG. If you'd like a copy for yourself and haven't been able to catch me (Layenel Mawaen) IG, feel free to send a /tell IG or a PM via these forums letting me know you'd like a copy (and include the character's name, of course, so I can get it to you ;D).

Now for the news! The plan is to start No. 2 of the Hydlaa Chronicles soon. I have no idea how long it will take to write, but it will probably go faster with help. Which just so happens to bring me to the next point...

Help would be gladly accepted! Writing a newspaper isn't exactly easy, so help is welcome! If you have an IC article you would like to write and submit to the editor, Layenel Mawaen, for review, feel free to let me know IG via /tell or here on the forums via a PM. Letting me know IC is preferred, but OOC will work too!

Last but not least, if you have any questions feel free to ask me OOC via the forums, either a PM or a reply here (yes, you can definitely reply here, I don't want to be the only one posting!), or you can ask through an OOC /tell to one of my characters if you catch me IG.

Thank you, and please feel free to reply to this thread if you want!

I don't really know tech, but I see a lot of "ERROR: Couldn't load plugin with class ‘crystalspace.planeshift.spellchecker’!" showing up. That might have something to do with it.

Maybe if you check to see if that file is missing or if it's in the wrong location? Again, I'm not too familiar with sort of thing, so I'm afraid that's about the best advice I can currently give.

EDIT: Second thought, lots of things have errors in that terminal readout. Maybe more information would help. Did you just download PlaneShift or compile it or what? While I'm personally rather clueless here, I'm sure providing as many details as you can would help more tech-savvy forum critters help you figure this thing out.

Guilds Forum / Re: [Group] Hydlaa Chronicles
« on: March 27, 2018, 03:23:34 pm »
The Hydlaa Chronicles is Looking for Volunteers!

Interested in volunteering as a writer or a reporter? :detective: Maybe you'd like to do both! Even if you're just curious, we have some information on what the Hydlaa Chronicles would expect of our volunteers.

Expectations for Volunteer Reporters:
  • Pay attention to goings on in Hydlaa and its surrounding areas
  • Take relevant and accurate notes so articles can be written
  • Report to the Hydlaa Chronicles writers with your notes
  • Do your reporting work when you choose
Expectations for Volunteer Writers:
  • Use notes to write interesting and reliable articles
  • Turn your articles in to the editor(s) for review
  • Do your writing work when you choose

If you're interested in volunteering or simply want to learn more, you can contact a representative of the Hydlaa Chronicles.

Guilds Forum / [Group] Hydlaa Chronicles
« on: March 27, 2018, 03:05:43 pm »
Hydlaa Chronicles
The Reliable Newspaper

About the Hydlaa Chronicles

  • We value truth and knowledge, and believe that every citizen has a right to be informed
  • We are dedicated to creating a newspaper that provides reliable news to our fellow citizens
  • We are independent in order to maintain a truthful and objective newspaper, free of guild-bound conflicts
  • We offer advertisement space for purchase in our newspaper to support our work in a mutually beneficial arrangement
  • We welcome any citizen to volunteer if they wish to work with us as either a reporter or a writer, regardless of their guild or lack thereof
  • We will review -- and, if necessary, edit -- any and all work done by volunteers in an effort to ensure the accuracy and clarity of their reports or articles

Layenel Mawaen, founder and editor of the Hydlaa Chronicles

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The Hydlaa Market
« on: March 26, 2018, 02:31:57 pm »
The Market had Merchants and Customers...

...and reporters, oh my! ;)

Well first things first, the amazing Larili was there! For those of you who maybe don't know, Larili has a beverage shop that sells many amazing drinks. Even if those drinks don't interest you, well, Larili offers something special: general wares from other merchants!

Amazing, right? You know what else is amazing?

People gathered at the reporter's kiosk to buy a copy of the newspaper! That newspaper just so happened to be the first issue of the Hydlaa Chronicles, a newspaper just starting off. (And yeah, maybe the name sounds familiar to some of you, but that's bound to happen eventually ;D)

All in all, it was an enjoyable market, profits were made (or mildly lost, depending on how you look at it), and most importantly people were there! People who talked!

Once again, as always, if anyone has screenshots or what-have-you from this market that they'd like to add, feel free!

*Tidebringer looks around for a moment before slowly setting the defibrillator down and waiting to see what happens next.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The Hydlaa Market
« on: March 25, 2018, 11:48:43 am »
*Tidebringer uses a defibrillator on this thread.

Ah, to heck with it! I'll go haunt the Hydlaa Market today. ;D

Be there if you can, folksies!

Results of the Seventh Annual PlaneShift Community Awards

Character Awards

Friendliest Character:

Meanest Characters:
Geoni and Sarras

Biggest Mary Sue:

Most Charismatic Characters:
Damola and Gova

Most EVIL Character:

Most Chaotic Characters:
Allena and Djugu

Most Lawful-Good Character:

Most Helpful Character:

Creepiest Character:

Scariest Character:

Shadiest Characters:
Izzabella and Saralya

Unluckiest Character:

Luckiest Characters:
Deryna, Edara, and Jessamine

Funniest Character:

Strangest Character:

Clumsiest Characters:
Fesara and Jessamine

Most Active Character:

Most Volatile Character:

Characters with the Best Descriptions:
Geoni and Saralya

Favorite Child Characters:
Jemima and Sahisa

Most Likely to be Mugged:

Most Likely to be Doing the Mugging:

Most Likely to be Found in Kada's:

Most Likely to be Found in the Arena:

Most Likely to be Found at the Market:

Most Likely to be Found at Harnquist's:

Most Eccentric Character:

Most Fashionable Character:

Happiest Character:

Most Paranoid Character:

Player Awards

Most Community-Involving Roleplayer:

Most Descriptive Roleplayers:
Alvero, Evirea, and Saralya

Most Ambitious Roleplayers:
Alvero and Sarras

Best Story Writer:

Worst Speller:

Most Likely to Have Their Character's Pose Fill the Entire Chat Window:

Funniest Forum Poster:

Best Artists:
Grindulf and Migg

Biggest Oldbie:

Most Helpful Player:

Biggest Power Leveler:

Most Active Players:
Gonger and Larili

Most Active Developer:

Most Helpful Developer:

Most Active Game Master:

Most Helpful Game Master:

Most Creative Game Master:

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