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Messages - Shaz Zamari

Pages: [1]
Fan Art / Re: The Doømed Ones [Comments]
« on: April 04, 2012, 07:39:18 am »
I loved your comic strip. Made me laugh and I had fun reading it, especially about the one where you run into the wall near the leatherwork station:) hee hee so true.

Here's another idea - running off the bridge in DR as you are talking / typing on screen with someone only to die again. That kills me, lol.

All the best!
Looking forward to more :)

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: A Life Devoted
« on: April 04, 2012, 07:26:38 am »
I must say that was an amazing roller coaster ride of a read! I read all the parts at one go including comments by others, and it was truly entertaining :thumbup:
My reaction progressed from interesting to great and to wow! Including some moments of light comedy in the comments. And I am left wanting more as the coaster ride came to the end! I must agree with Mariana. You should write a book too! That was  \\o// unbelievably good! Kudos to you Aramara :) I am flabbergasted at all the talent in Ps!

Single Author Stories / Re: Serpentella
« on: March 31, 2012, 03:43:31 am »
Very nice Rigwyn :flowers:

Wish list / Re: Make some objects in game environment movable
« on: March 31, 2012, 03:28:13 am »
1) idling isn't abuse.
2) mobs are static because people were getting killed in load screens. They are the reason of complains in this same forum, even though plans are to introduce tribes no one has time to work on them it seems.
3) cd in public areas allows plenty of abuse even in limited range: blockades, cages and other disruptions including exactly those pics of people flying without having the proper equipment for it.
4) movable items will get performance worse. Those items aren't real items but a bigger item which includes other objects like a crate can actually be a crate together with whole buildings. Splitting them off will degrade performance. Other problems regarding what i call "setting items" is the problem of consistency between databases.
5) climbing also creates several problems which needs to be addressed. going off map could get you stuck forever requiring a gm to come save you, and they don't really have all this time to use for such reasons, or killing yourself.
Thanks for replying in depth Weltall.  So sad..that it ..cannot least for now..:(

Wish list / Re: Make some objects in game environment movable
« on: March 31, 2012, 03:00:49 am »
Tman said:
And I'm surprised no one has thought of the simple solution.  Just make it so only unguarded objects have collision detection.  If someone tries to trap you with crates you can just move them.
Hear! Hear! I definitely agree with this. A limited number of objects could be allowed to be moved, and perhaps already preplaced nearby to area of use. For example, the crates or barrels around Hydlaa that are already placed at certain locations could be made movable first. Then, if those work out fine..without too much abuse..we could try it out on another set of objects. 

Also there is the question of what kind of movement you might wish to allow; 1] pushing because the feet of the character are running against it..or 2]..actually being able to pick it up , and place it on top of another object or 3] even picking up the item, putting it in storage and carrying it somewhere else to put it down.

We could try limited movement of objects that are not too open to abuse :)
pretty please :D

Wish list / Re: Make some objects in game environment movable
« on: March 30, 2012, 10:02:56 am »
Ooooh  ....I've got to try that Aramara;)..I suppose it should work in the Guildlaw as well?

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Re: Cry of the Fallen
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:56:42 am »
Great poem Rigwyn!

I love the rhythm in stanza almost feels like a drum the pumping of his he approaches his doom. Then in the second stanza, there is a complete break in this rhythm..that epitomises his 'release' or 'change' so well  \\o// ( even if he is about to do evil stuff:))

Wish list / Re: Make some objects in game environment movable
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:36:16 am »

Aramara Meibi said
if you haven't noticed, your character has a stat for a climb ability. no idea how that will ever be implemented.

Yeah..I did notice Aramara:)..I think that one will just give u greater resistance to falling or less harm to life if you fall...not sure. But moving things about would make it more interesting and real ingame and could allow more climbing to take place. Imagine if you wanted to roleplay spying or being a thief...It would be cool. Roleplay accompanied by actions just make it more real:)

No Timil:)..sorry to wasn't inspired by that..but it has been on my mind for a while..and i thought I would bring it up in the forum. And I still haven't got my Rivnak keep thinking how I can get up to certain places:)

Thanks for the comments guys!

Complaint Department / Re: Is MyPLane still working?
« on: March 30, 2012, 05:49:09 am »
Thanks alot! This is great, finally I  :)can get in

Fan Art / Re: Art...sort of
« on: March 30, 2012, 04:28:15 am »

You are amazingly talented! Very good drawings:)
Keep it up! I hope to read your books one day too \\o//

Complaint Department / Is MyPLane still working?
« on: March 30, 2012, 04:11:09 am »

I was just wondering.
I have been tryinbg to access MyPlane for a while now..and have been unable to do so. Is it up and running ?And if it is, how can I access it?
I would really like to update some of my stuff there.


Wish list / Make some objects in game environment movable
« on: March 30, 2012, 03:43:21 am »
I've been exploring the climability of parts of Hydlaa..lately..and been having some fun with it. I like the fact that..buildings are climbable at least to a point. I believe if a character could manipulate his envronment,  for example, by being able to push a crate or a chair or some other small piece of his envronment, this could really enliven RP more, and facilitate a greater interest in climbing than what we have now. Not everyone has a rivnak or drifter to get to high spots. Besides, it's just fun to climb with 'one's' own hands and feet.

I'm not certain whether this is too difficult to achieve in PS or not, but I hope it's seriously considered:)

Love the game by the way :thumbup:

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Seeking of the Butcher
« on: March 12, 2012, 10:23:38 am »
Simply awesome  :flowers:

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Have you ever? (game)
« on: March 11, 2012, 12:30:09 am »
No. But a brilliant idea  :)

HYE gone on holiday and wished you'd brought your lap top along so u could still play the game.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Seeking of the Butcher
« on: March 10, 2012, 11:11:26 pm »
Hey Sserp
Great job on the Gazette  \\o//
Am glad I finally got to read it. Would be even better if you could reproduce it ingame and either give it or sell it to the citizens of Hydlaa. :thumbup:

And Mariana. I have to agree with Dannae. I couldn't stop reading. In fact I wanted more \\o// Fantastic writing! I'm sure I speak for all who have read your work - more- more-more  :thumbup:

Shaz curls her tail around  herself in anticipation, and looks forward to it with glee

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