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Topics - piprees

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Death and progression points/skills
« on: May 26, 2008, 10:26:00 am »
I know there are a few threads about the effects of death, and i may be being a little lazy on this but has anyone considered the death curse etc from a roleplay perspective.

Let me explain

At the moment, you die, you get sent to death realm, you escape and respawn - the curse takes effect and 30 mins later your recovered.

Ok fair enough but as thats the only penalty as we know its open to abuse and death is not much of a threat.

However "dying" and having your soul ripped form your body is a traumatic instance and there should be some long lasting effect and i belive there is one, one that does not include stat reduction beyond the curse or damaging items.

Quite simply and its been stareing people in the face - you lose your memory IE your progression points and random levels in skill.

If you die, you lose all progression points not spent and at random a varying amount of skill levels depending on how recently you died.

First time 1 or 2 skill levels in one or 2 skills, die again within a set time frame (say two hours) and the loss is more severe say double the effect 1 to 4 levels between 1 to 4 skills.

This allows death a more severe consequence rather than the "Time delay" it currently is whilst still allowing people a chance to recover from it by retraining.

Be good to see some feedback on this idea

The Hydlaa Plaza / Eurovision - Who you going to vote for
« on: May 24, 2008, 03:29:27 pm »
Remember you cant vote for your own country.

For me, i think ukraine have got it

The Hydlaa Plaza / What would you ask the PS project leaders?
« on: May 14, 2008, 02:25:25 pm »
If you where to interview the project leaders of the PS project - for example if you were a journalist - what woud you ask?

Im developing an interview of what you - the player and the reader would like to know the answers too.

However you must bear in mind that these questions could end up in a press release pack - so if its bollocks ill delete it, keep your questions relevant to the PS project and no flaming.

Answers on a postcard please - ok maybe not, but put them here instead.

The Hydlaa Plaza / PR, Marketing or Sales Professionals
« on: May 14, 2008, 01:54:56 pm »
I recently applied to help PS to  help with their PR and Marketing, now its a big task and im looking for other "SKILLED" pr and marketing persons.

If you have any real life experiance in these matters can you drop a quick post here - its a but unofficial at present but if you have the same vision as i have in regards to the positive activity of planeshift then you need to be involved.

At the end of the day it can do nothing more than evolve your career.

By the way i have over 15 years promotion experiance and a professional affiliate of the chartered institute of marketing.


If you are studying communications, business studies, media, marketing etc etc etc

Or are active in these roles already


The Hydlaa Plaza / European planeshifters
« on: May 14, 2008, 01:08:17 pm »
Im really interested in finding out how many active UK and european planeshifters there are.

Well to start im Phil, live in england, 36 years of age and a PR department want to be.

Where are you lot from ?

Why - all will be revealed :)

Can you also indicate on this poll as well to give us a better idea of numbers;topicseen#msg373556

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