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Topics - Sarko

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In-Game Roleplay Events / Hydlaa Drifter Cross
« on: February 14, 2020, 04:44:55 am »
Coming Soon !!
The Hydlaa Drifter Cross

Guilds are invited to participe to the greatest Drifter contest.
more details coming soon...

In-Game Roleplay Events / [PvP] DarkStars Duelists Championship
« on: March 30, 2016, 07:48:23 am »
Any Fighters wanting to join the championship, needs to register and pays the inscription fee of 1 000 000 trias, please contact Sanraka [petiton @Sanraka or Forum]

We want to be fair to anyone joining so here are some rules:
- ONLY CRAFTED GEARS ALLOWED, enchanted ones will be accepted except those dealing extra magic damage. (Weapon & Armor). [some mod being totaly broken with the looted weapons, we decided to not accept those].
- NO BAG ALLOWED, to avoid any cheating, one of the DarkStars team will toss your pockets before fight start [you need to show empty inventory, a GM will scan it before starting, so no potions, no magic weapons  or helm that could be switched during the fight]

All Fighters will have to fight against eachother, in a 2 rounds fights.
   2 wins = 3 points
   1 win for each = 1 point for each
   2 losses = 0 points

The winner of the championship is the one with the highter number of points, after all fight been done.
In case of Tie at the end, the winner will be the one with the more wins.

See exemple below:
- Player A      
   A lost player B   
   A Won player C   
   A Tie player D   
- Player B      
   B won Player A   
   B Won Player C   
   B Tie Player D   
- Player C      
   C Lost Player A   
   C Lost Player B   
   C Tie Player D   
- Player D      
   D Tie Player A   
   D Tie Player B   
   D Tie Player C   

Player B with 2 wins & 1 tie
- won the championship with 7 points

Player A with one win,  Tie &  loss
- is the second with 4 points

Player D with 3 Ties,
- is the third with  3 points

Player C with only one Tie,
- is the last with 1 point

Inscription Fee is fixed at 1 000 000 tria per fighter,
DarkStars will keep 20% for the organisation
 the 80% will be shared between the first 3 fighters as following
55% for the Winner
30% for the Second
15% for the third one
exemple with:13 fighters
 13 000 000 total inscription fees
  2 600 000 for the DarkStars Squadron as organisation fee
 10 400 000 for the reward

-  5 720 000 for the winner
 55% + specials rewards
- 3 120 000 for the second
30% + specials rewards
- 1 560 000 for the fird
15% + specials rewards

The championship will start as soon as inscriptions will be closed.
[saturday April 9th 20GMT]

Once championship started, fighters can fight whenever they want just need,  in addition to the two fighters, to get 2 others participants as witness, to confirm that the fight was done fairly and the result.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Player Event Initiative
« on: October 07, 2014, 02:26:19 pm »
1) What is it ?
A way to temporary become an Event GM, and run an event, not just any event but the one you wrote.

2) How ?
You have an idea for an event, you want to run it in game, for other player but you don’t have the tools to do it ? then we offer you a way to do it and we'll provide you all help & support you need.
You just need to send an Email there with a small script of your event.

3) Rules
- First your event must fit with the setting,
- The event must be shorter than 2 hours long
- Not more than 2 GM should  be involved, so a team of 3 ppl (2GMS + you), and only one GM in case you need impersonations.
- You must think about a good reward that fit ICly with the event itself.

For those who just want to help us running event we also made a guild for that, PS Events, we actualy use it for most of the event we are running, and under some conditions we also accept player characters there.
If you're interested just send me an Email, poke one of us InGame or log on #ps-events

Here are some of the questions your script need to answer:
- Character who will run the event:
- Will the event need advance preparation? (For example, advertising)
- How will the event begin?
- How will the event progress?
- How will the event end?
- How long do you expect the event to last?
- What GM assistance is needed for the event to run?

General Discussion / Menille's new record
« on: August 25, 2014, 07:06:08 am »
  Congratulation to Menille for the time she spend in Ps.
20 000 hours in game. \\o//
  Talad has asked us to interview you for main PS site.
GM team will contact you ingame for the interview...
Also Talad proposed to Menille her own writen quest that will be implented ingame after setting


In-Game Roleplay Events / [GM EVENT] August's Event Calendar
« on: August 04, 2014, 07:24:07 am »
Here is the Calendar for August's Events,

I would like to Officialy welcome our news GMs, Bodier & Iridia, & our GM prospect, Zunna.
But I also want to give  a special thanks to someone, who spend hours with me in the last past weeks,
training our Prospects and Eventing...
 I  would certainly have failed my mission without her support... So Thanks very Much Tay  \\o//

Now as its been requested at the last Q&A Devs meeting, when we run an Event, I'm using a range command to register everyone within the Range. I usualy Use a range of 50-60 (ingame step), Its mostly impossible to keep track of who is registered or not so.. If you're part of the the event and after some time you notice you're not registered just poke me or the GM in charge of the event, be patient since all the GM are also playing their role, so it may take some time for them to answer... But be sure they will register you.

See you saturday 21 GMT we will try to liberate Theodor a second time and kick those Xrogues out of this lvl

In-Game Roleplay Events / [GM EVENT] Manhunt
« on: July 19, 2014, 07:56:24 am »
[today 20:00 GMT]

An alchemist from the 6th level (the Stronghold) made his way to the Dome, because he inadvertently made and sold a potion that has addictive properties. He's been convicted but escaped from the guards.

The octarchy's goal is to catch the alchemist, the alchemist needs ingredients to try to make an antidote against this spiked potion to cure the victims. Players can choose to help the alchemist, or bring him in and collect the reward from the octarchy.

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