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Topics - mistwalker

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Respawn button
« on: May 04, 2002, 06:49:13 pm »
We should have a button to respawn since people many times end up under the floor. Of course this wouldn\'t work for the final game, but it would save people from having to restart the game and would lag the servers down a lot less, since there would be a lot less restarts.

Kudos to deadly pencil for the idea. A very good one.

General Discussion / Naughty pic on building.
« on: May 04, 2002, 03:11:25 am »
If you manage to get the planeshift tech demo working, you should try to find the naugty pin up on the backs of one of the buildings. :D

Yes, there really is one, but I\'m not going to tell you where it is. It\'s in an out of the way spot.

Happy hunting.

I can\'t upload my char. When I click upload, nothing happens.

Can anyone help me with this?

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / LOTR Parody: Book II
« on: April 20, 2002, 01:52:16 am »
This will be my first one in a long while. If you haven\'t read the first ones, they\'re on a post titles LOTR parody, or someting like it. Enjoy!

The Wristwatch of Doom: Book 7
Recap: Mistwalker and Sam run off to Boremore, after the tragic but completely obvious death of Boedtotears. The rest of the party has run off to try to find Marie and Flippin, who have been captured by Dorcs, because for some reason Sorehueman told his Dorc\'s to grab the \"Little butt-ugly-hairy-smelly ones\", even though they don\'t have the wristwatch of power...

Streaker: I see something there! Yes, it is a broach off of the cloaks that only fools cannot see!

Lickanass: I don\'t see anythi- I mean, yes, I see it too!

Streaker: They must be this way! And still alive at that!

Gimpy raises an eyebrow.

Gimpy: Wait, have either of you read a story, called, \"The Emporers new Clothes?\"

Streaker: No, but what does that have to do with anything?

Gimpy: Nothing, nothing at all. I see it too.

GrandAlf: It is clearly there. They must be this way. Come, I will lead you into battle!

They journey on for many hours...

Streaker: When you said you would lead us into battle, you didn\'t time that very well, did you?

GrandAlf: Not really, no...

Meanwhile our \"hero\" looks apon Scrotum with distaste, and holds out the wristwatch for him to see.

Mistwalker: Apparently I can make you do anything I want with this damn thing. I think I\'m gonna have you fall down this big hill onto those rocks...

Slam: We can\'t kill him! He could be useful!

Mistwalker: For what?

Slam: Arrow absorbtion?

Mistwalker: Or we could have him get eaten by- I mean \"distract\" that huge spider in the tunnel we for some reason will have to go through, even though there is a shorter and easier and much safer way to get into Boremore, that leads directly to Butte Doom, with signs pointing out that crack, and directions on how to destroy the ring properly in it...

Slam: We can\'t go the easy way, because I heard somewhere from someone completely unreliable who likes to make things up for no obvious reason that there were mosquitos there that carry disease.

Mistwalker: Just heard? I mean, we know  that there is a HUGE F***ING SPIDER the other way.

Slam: Can\'t be taking chances...
Thats all for now.

Wish list / Player businesses. Please read.
« on: March 08, 2002, 04:22:50 pm »
This might have been emntioned before.
I would like to see player owned businesses. There would be a few bugs that would have to be worked out. Like suppliers of goods. Either you should buy them from players who craft or smith them, or you could buy them from built-in in game suppiers, which would probably be the way to go, much simpler and more reliable. The sucsess of your business would depend on how many customers bought goods there, and that would depend on the prices you set, and other factors, like quality of goods. Different suppliers would have better or lower quality of goods. Perhaps at first all you could afford would be the cheap stuff, until you had the money to really get going. And as you got more wealth you could hire NPC workers, and would always have one to replace you when you were away.

Costs would include-

-Cost of building.

-Cost of goods.

-Cost of workers. (perhaps also hire player c. as employees, paid by hour. perhaps not, though)

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Something funny.
« on: February 19, 2002, 06:08:08 pm »
I actually posted this on another thread, but no one seemed to see it. (it wasn\'t a thread I started).
Anyway, here is my story, have fun!
The elders of the great city of yliakum call a meeting.

-Elder #1: There is a great peril in our land. Is it someone named sorehon.

-Mistwalker: Sorehon? What the hell are you talking about?

-Elder#2: Yes, sarehon. He is seeking something that used to be his. It is the one wristwatch!

-Mistwalker: A what?

-Elder #1: A wristwatch of power. And you, yes you, must take this wristwatch to the one place that it can be destroyed!

-Mistwalker: Why me?

-Elder #2: Your the only one who showed up.

-Mistwalker: Damn. Where do I have to take it?

-Elder #1: You must take the wristwatch to the evil land of boremore, to the great Butte Doom, where it must be tossed into the crack of fire there!

-Mistwalker: Please don\'t say it.


-Mistwalker: On my own?

-Elder #1: No, we will put you with a group of 9 people, who won\'t get along, and will be a royal pain in the ass for you, and will eventually start to kill each other in order to gain the wristwatch of power. Oh, and you will also have to avoid 9 unkillable guys dressed in black who ride small pink ponies.

-Elder #2: Your companions will be Lickanass, the Elf, Streaker, the ranger, Gimpy the dwarf, Boredtotears, the large and unsightly warrior, Marie and Flippin, the small unsighlty things smaller and uglier than dwarves, Slam Bang-gee, who smells quite a bit, and GrandAlf the light purple, who likes to eat cats.

-Mistwalker: Sounds like winners.

-Elder #1: Oh yeah. Off with you now.

-Mistwalker: Can\'t I just smash this thing with a hammer?

-Elder #2: Oh hell no, that would be to simple. Its indestuctable unless you toss it into the Butte Crack.
Thats all for now! Let me know if you want more installments of this almost good story.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Death and items.
« on: January 17, 2002, 03:46:08 am »
When we die, do we lose everything? Do we lose all but a few items? And will there be anyway to store items so we don\'t lose them?

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