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The Hydlaa Plaza / Local radio from around the world
« on: April 26, 2007, 08:39:38 am »
I know a lot of you listen to your favorite music while playing, but do any of you listen to your local radio stations?

This is a link to my favorite local station Q92, They have a 'Listen Live' link near the top left.
(it is a Java link so it changes constantly, or I would post a direct link)
Q92 Is In Sudbury Ontario, Canada.

If any of you have Live broadcasts from your local stations, I think it would be a lot of fun checking them out.

The Hydlaa Plaza / The Corporation
« on: April 09, 2007, 12:44:17 pm »

If any of you have not seen this documentary, I strongly suggest you watch it. The topic is as the name suggests, 'The Corporation' and its influences and control. It is a very informative look at strategies of the past, presant and future from all over the world. The documentary has won many awards from many organizations.

You can get more info at their website:

this is a link to the trailer
Here is Part 2

The Hydlaa Plaza / Planeshift Software
« on: April 09, 2007, 06:30:18 am »
I was doing a little googling when I found this site called Planeshift Software

Did anyone else see this?

Can they use the PS name ?

General Discussion / The end of PS?
« on: April 01, 2007, 07:49:22 am »
This could mean The end of PS

In a freak accident Talad was struck by lightning early this morning. An electrical storm was building in the area near his home for the last two days. This is an unusual weather pattern that only occurs every ten to twenty years.

Talad was on his way home and being unaware of the dangers around him; his car was struck by lightning several times before he arrived at his residence. As he left the protection of his car, ‘it was almost instant’ a neighbor reported. ‘I couldn’t believe it, there were arcs of electricity all over his car as he drove into his driveway’ the neighbor continued, ‘I have never seen a car glow like that before’

Talad is unresponsive at the local hospital; a team of specialists are on route to asses his condition.

The mistress of Talad gave a brief statement, “It’s always like him to do this kind of thing. We had a whole day planned. If it isn’t his wife or that stupid game he keeps blabbering about, he finds something to keep us apart. I have finally had it! I planned this special day to tell him that I have won the lottery and now I can afford anything. We had been waiting for something like this for years and it happened. Winning this is the best thing ever, I called my doctor right away and my final gender surgery is in three days, and I will finally be all woman. His loss now. I am going to be a single beautiful woman in just days, I am so exited. If you know of any good lookin guys wanting a good time, let me know, my email is chick&d*”

We will keep you posted throughout the day on Talads condition.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Facts and Laws of our understanding
« on: March 15, 2007, 07:19:56 pm »
I am going to share a discussion from another forum, simply because brain food is yummy ;)
The views you are going to read are that of an interesting individual who has a firm understanding of the LOA (law of attraction) and a unique way of explaining it. I will post a bit at a time so we can discuss it, if any are interested that is.


First let me state, that the only Law in the universe, IS the Law of Attraction. Every other "law" we've managed to experience is purely a result of the first law. We wanted it, and thus we got it. Think about how science operates for a moment. A theory (an imagined scenario of "how things work" is developed within the mind of a scientist), then that scientist goes about trying to "prove" whether the theory is right or wrong. The universe mean time is doing everything it can to make the theory right, assuming of course the scientist is happy about being recognized as the finder of this great new model of the universe. Once the scientist allows the theory into existence, he shares it with other scientists that mull it over and imagine the possibilities, and then they collectively allow or disallow the new theory, usually based on ego and self gratification. Even though a scientist will argue that it was all very serious work, held up to the standards of the scientific principle. Which it may or may not have been. The point being, it was the scientists that created the “law” in the first place. Once the scientists collectively allow a new theory into existence, they go around convincing everyone that it's true. Since most people assume the scientists know what they are talking about, they accept the new reality without question or regard for the consequences. It's all Good don't get me wrong. It's just not what most people realize is going on. So! What does that mean for the rest of us. It means that everything you think you know about how the physical world works is completely YOUR CHOICE. The unified field theory equation that I will be presenting shortly proves once and for all that the answer to all math questions is 1. It proves that all things are 1. It proves that 1 equals any and all other numbers, including 0, and negative 1. It proves that math is a flawed model of the universe, and thus should be banned from this day forward. I am so appreciative of the positive energy I feel at the cheer of glee coming up from all children past, present, and future that all math classes will be discontinued. The other great news is that if someone ever asks you a math question you can show your mathematical genius by answering the question, before they finish the telling of it, as undeniably 1. I will start by stating the unified field theory equation in it's simplest and most pure state. 1? Without explanation or “proof”, that statement is meaningless to you now. You will quickly come to realize the beauty, simplicity, and shear ecstatic bliss, that this is mathematical proof of the Law of Attraction. 1 represents itself. It is the familiar numero uno digit that you are aquainted with. ? is a new mathematical operator that I refer to fondly as the “strange operator”. More to come, ahhh, you're going to Love this, Andrew

Ok, I'm back. Source decided to give me a much needed week of appreciation. I'm so thankful Source loves us as beyond comprehension. Where were we... hmmmm... Ah, yes. I had just stated the equation "1?". This is the simplified form of the equation "E = E + 1". Assume that E represents infinity. Modern mathematics supports the concept that adding any finite number to an infinity still leaves you with infinity. In other words, finiteness is so small compared to infinity that adding anything finite to the infinite has no effect on the infinite. This also applies to taking a finite number away from an infinite source. What I want to do here more than anything, is to demonstrate to you that math is just a language we use to “attempt” to model the physical universe. Math is no more true than any other thought construct we've created. All thought constructs or belief systems are built upon assumptions. Assumptions are thoughts we choose to be true although we cannot prove them one way or the other. Math is no different. Math has assumptions that cannot be proven. The main assumption of math is the concept of equality, the “=” operator. If I write, 1 = 1. Most everyone will say, “Oh, yes, that is definitely true.” I say, “Within math, it is true, because we choose to believe it is true. However! There is no example of equality in nature, so how can math be used as the fundamental measure of understanding physical reality?” Here's my challenge. Find me any two things in nature that are equal. If you can manage to demonstrate two things that are truly equal in every way, I'll demonstrate you have the same thing from two different perspectives. If you have the same thing from two different perspectives, then you don't have two things that are equal. Life is not about knowing how things works, it's about choosing how you want life to work. Choose wisely. More to come, Andrew p.s. Math is a useful tool, and allows us to do some amazing things. Math is good, but it is not God. Andrew

Fan Art / Evil and scary Things
« on: March 11, 2007, 09:23:32 am »
Lets see what everyone can come up with.

Create your own or modify something that has a resemblance of a PS character.

I found this pic and played with the colors to get An Evil Kran

The Hydlaa Plaza / 9/11 re-opened
« on: March 01, 2007, 07:53:31 am »
I dont know if people here are aware of the discovery of errors in the live video broadcast from the BBC.

BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell.

An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell. The incredible footage shows BBC reporter talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head.

The footage keeps disappearing, and the BBC has deleted it from its achives.
Try these links, I dont know how long they will stay there.
part 1
part 2
part 3

With all the contraversy around 'Building 7" in the past, this really makes me question everything a lot more. You can read the responces in the first link to see how different the opinions are, but watch the footage and decide for yourself.

General Discussion / Dead getting deader
« on: February 17, 2007, 03:32:37 pm »
A glitch had a group of us continualy dying at the drop in the DR.  ;D

Started while on my way to sell my gold to Harny, when i stepped over the map transition line, it killed me  :o
12 tries later, they finally moved us all out of the DR.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Happy V-Day or not ??
« on: February 14, 2007, 10:10:18 am »
Happy valentines day

For those of you who dont like this day too much, here are a few avatars just for you :)

Cheer up!

One for those who like it

Wish list / Master Tester
« on: February 04, 2007, 11:20:17 am »
After reading the ’Open letter’ about the testing abilities of players, I had this idea.

Create a new class of player, the ‘Master Tester’. To become a Master Tester one would have to apply for the position, or be chosen, much like a GM. With this title comes the ability to modify your stats and equipment, but only yours. The duties of a MT are to search for bugs and test the limits of the game at each lvl of advancement. I understand some people do that now as they progress, but it is a slow drawn out process.

Having MTs would greatly speed up the bug detection process, and give the Devs much more time to fix any bugs found for higher lvl game play. This may sound redundant right now, but after a wipe or once a new skill is added, it will be very helpful.

It would need to be a strict selection as it would be an easily abused position, much the same as a GM.

This was a quick post to a though, I understand there may need to be more clarification on aspects of the idea.

Opinions and feedback welcome  :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Super Bowl
« on: January 14, 2007, 07:01:34 pm »
Who's going all the way??

By the time you read this post it is possibly down to 4 teams. Who is your pick? and why?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Open discussion
« on: January 10, 2007, 01:49:18 pm »
There has been a lot of discussions latly that are not allowed on the PS forums, such as religion and politics. In order to help keep these topics away from the all ages PS community, I have created an alternative.

For those of you who want to share your views on these and any other topic, I invite you to speak your mind here in the 'Free For All' section.

You must register first, then you will need to PM me for details on how to get access, because it is a private forum.

Lets all help keep this kind of stuff out of the PS forums and give the Mods a break :D 

See ya in the Free For All Soon ;)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Mans best friend Or Not ?
« on: January 01, 2007, 05:04:40 pm »
I stumbled across this doing a little research for a friends dog.

"It was a surprise to find that some breeds such as the Ibizan hound and the Pharaoh hound, along with several others that dog aficionados have long believed dated back thousands of years, are actually much more modern animals – re-creations that were probably produced by breeders," said geneticist Leonid Kruglyak, who helped conduct the research. "However, it was more of a surprise to find that some breeds are not even dogs."

 \\o// ;D Now i get to call them rodent raisers LMAO  :woot:

The Hydlaa Plaza / BitTorrent, Inc. Acquires ĀµTorrent
« on: December 09, 2006, 09:56:23 am »
This really sux, IMHO Utorrent was the best lightweight torrent app, bar none. I hope they dont mess with it too much.

Here is another discussion about the situation

The Hydlaa Plaza / Are we alone ? Lets find out.
« on: November 23, 2006, 12:37:03 pm »
It took five years for this to surface, thats our press for us.

After you watch it, I would like your oppinions :)

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