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Topics - sliss

Pages: [1]
Linux Specific Issues / Client crash - psclient.bim: i915_vtbl.c:478
« on: November 23, 2008, 09:25:08 am »
I got a c,ient crash with the following out put on my terminal:

Sun Nov 23 15:15:34 2008, Got DR message for unknown entity 53443.
psclient.bin: i915_vtbl.c:478: i915_emit_state: Assertion `get_dirty(state) == 0' failed.
(0) : fatal error C9999: *** exception during compilation ***

Ubuntu 8.10


I Just finished the "Polyuntri needs a key" quest and was just about to select my reward --> a Light or Darkness glyph *whoops server crash!*
After relogin I found out I missed my reward and my quest was finished and the keyhandler dagger was gone too.

Do I really need to redo the whole quest? I did the quest! So will I end up with no reward and nobody that can help me. This is a strange situation and I demand my earned glyph! I understand the server does crash now and then but gm's must be able to help me out and restore these errors.
I know they are bound to rules but the rules must be redefined --- I talked to Mektar and a bit to Quizzel but I hope this forum topic can change this rule for the good.


Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Quests should give PP!
« on: November 15, 2006, 09:27:08 am »
Hi there,

I see sometimes Plansshift "commercial" texts that tries to promote doing quests and I agree this is fun too (sometimes...) but why do they not give you any pp (Progression points)?
I think in order to promote people in doing quest you really should give them pp in return. The more difficult a quest the more pp.

What do you think?


General Discussion / Furnace - you forget you loose
« on: November 06, 2006, 06:48:37 pm »
I have a game enhancement proposal...

It is quit anoying to wait for the furnace if people just do not get their ready made items out in time...
I suggest there itenms will fall out of the furnace in 10 min. So others can use it again (and steal yours)


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