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Topics - PhoenixRizin

Pages: [1]
Wish list / Armor Making
« on: November 18, 2009, 04:09:23 pm »
Quote from: #planeshift
(3:33:39 PM) ***thob laughs "I think nearly every smith was asked now if he/she/kran knows a good amor smith... there are some.. but I think kaerli prefers a rp amor smith"
(3:38:00 PM) Jonoth_: there will be more if leatherworking and armormaking become active skills
(3:40:23 PM) HTT-Bird: Jonoth_: I know that. :p
(3:40:50 PM) ***Jonoth_ goes to make a detailed post in wishlist
(3:42:58 PM) thob: it will be just the 32452351st... :)
(3:44:16 PM) Jonoth_: yeah, but it will be mine, and I will love it like it was my child. I will hug it and give it milk so it grows up to be big and strong

My thoughts on armor making...

1 rat fur -> process -> 1 leather strip (think ingot)
1 tefu skin -> process -> 1 leather cloth (think stock)
(use ulber fur to make cloak)
1 steel stock -> process -> 1 chain mesh
3 steel stock -> process -> 1 plate piece

Leather Torso = 4 leather cloths
Leather Arms = 2 cloths, 2 strips
Leather Pants = 2 cloths, 4 strips
Leather Gloves 1 cloth, 2 strips
Leather Boots = 1 cloth, 4 strips

Chain Torso = 4 chain mesh
Chain Arms = 2 chain mesh, 2 leather strips
Chain Pants = 2 chain mesh, 4 leather strips
Chain Gloves = 1 chain mesh, 2 leather strips
Chain Boots = 1 chain mesh, 4 leather strips

Plate Torso = 4 plate pieces, 2 chain mesh
Plate Arms = 2 plate pieces, 2 chain mesh
Plate Pants = 2 plate pieces, 4 chain mesh
Plate Gloves = 1 plate pieces, 2 chain mesh
Plate Boots = 1 plate pieces, 4 chain mesh

Wish list / Cloaks Reloaded
« on: September 25, 2009, 12:51:41 pm »
The old topic was locked, so I am starting a new thread

Currently GMs have the capability to change characters to other models (most recently clackers). So I was wondering, for characters like mine that operate in secret and wear cloaks, what was the possibility of having a switch that turned a player model from the normal one to that of a rogue when cloaked? The name would remain, as players are supposed to ignore the name and guild tag anyway, but there would be the physical appearance of a disguise. To make it interesting, perhaps the ability to cloak can be a quest reward or purchasable item (ie a Ring of Shadows) from Zak, Kisatol, Lori, The Dark Wanderer or Pauril. The technical parts of this exist for the most part in game, so perhaps you get the ring and use the command /cloak to change the model.

Wish list / NPC Player Knowledge
« on: September 25, 2009, 12:39:31 pm »
We've all seen it:

/about something

You then get a response about whatever that something is. I want to suggest a way that characters can submit information that, upon approval, will be known about that character if asked. For example, if I submitted info for Jonoth to specific NPCs, then on approval they get asked /about Jonoth, they might say one of the following:

Trasok or Harnquist: See him around the forge often. A menki with a red paw print on his face and wearing many belts. He carries two interesting short swords made of blue-steel. Seen him trying to perfect making them himself.

Allelia: He comes here a lot. Almost always orders beer. He's menki with a red paw print on his face, and wears these crossing belts.

Brado: Yeah I've heard of him. He grew up in a village just outside of Ojaveda. His mom was a great dancer and his dad was a mapmaker. Troublesome kid though. Went off and joined the military. Back in town now though. Seems like an honest menki but sometimes I wonder. He got a red paw print on his face, and a bunch of belts with swords and daggers and stuff.

And so on

Settings could filter it a bit and make it more in character for those NPCs, or they can have the players fix it up until it gets approved, or just let players edit it and let other players flag inappropriate content. This can be limited to 1 or 2 submissions per char per year. Probably something that would have to be done through the forums, but maybe something to add in-game as well.

General Discussion / What do you call English in Yliakum?
« on: August 19, 2009, 09:19:08 am »
Random question. When someone is speaking english IC, since in this world there is no England what would you say they are speaking? Hydlaan? Ylian? Just curious because my enki character tends to use enkien phrases, and one character requested IC that he speak so everyone could understand. So it made me think, "If I should stop speaking enkien, then what would I start speaking?" Not vital to my RP but just curious.

Fan Art / Jonoth's Artistic Artstuffs
« on: August 13, 2009, 10:22:34 am »
A heavily armed menki's creator makes a wooden board and hangs it in the PlaneShift forum. There he posts all his "cool" and "hip" PlaneShift artstuffs for all to see.

First one is a photoshop of my character Jonoth. Below are the images I collaged to make it. If anyone has requests for art please PM me.

Wish list / Anti-magic Revisited
« on: June 03, 2009, 09:02:16 am »
I am posting this in response to an old locked thread

I am interested in the progress of anit-magic in Planeshift. As a swordsman, I find that even with high fighting stats it appears quite difficult to fight even the most meager of mages, as ranged magic spells make it difficult to get close enough to use my own advantages.

So firstly, I wanted to know where magic resistance is currently in terms of development (and perhaps I may be missing something in my own training that would assist in this). Also, I like the ideas in the afformentioned thread (5 years old but still relevant I think). Perhaps leveling in each way adds to resistance to that kind of magic.

And one final thought. I notice that magic is not bound by walls or any other objects in its immediate path. I understand that its magic and could simply move around or possibly through objects, but want to suggest that maybe this leads to lesser damage than say a straight on attack.

I'm interested in everyone's thoughts.

Hi all,
I was able to get on PlaneShift a week ago after going through hell with the settings and client. After resolving the OPENAL32.dll issue, I still couldn't get in the game. I got the exception access problem on the client, but settings would crash and my system told me that data execution prevention stopped it. I turned data execution prevention off (not sure how dangerous that is, but most places i read said it stopped many legit programs) and lo and behold, both client and settings worked. Must see how it works in the long run, but I thought this might be useful to admins or users.

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