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Topics - Illysia

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The Hydlaa Plaza / 'Sup
« on: May 12, 2018, 08:34:59 pm »
So I found myself back here looking for forgotten information and decided to stop and say Hi...


So who around even knows who I am now? I figure you're still around Gag. :)

Forum and Website Discussions / Where did the news go?
« on: April 26, 2017, 03:01:54 pm »
Hey, the news link on the main website just links back to the home page now and there's no way to browse through old news. Where'd the news go? :o

General Discussion / Trepor Greet Lockout
« on: April 26, 2017, 11:04:20 am »
While it's cute that the trepors greet me, they are getting pretty spammy while I'm harvesting. It would be better if the trepors could keep a list of who they have already greeted and have a lockout on greeting them again for like 15 mins or so. What I am thinking is that names are only temporarily stored during the lockout time then dumped once the lockout expires. This should keep the trepors from starting dossiers on the players they meet.  :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Hello Everybody!
« on: April 23, 2017, 07:34:01 pm »
Hello o/

I haven't had the energy to post topics for a while and it looks like the forums started to quiet down again. So, here's a hi to poke everybody again.  :P

General Discussion / Inventory Window
« on: December 28, 2016, 10:36:44 pm »
So I know I'm probably late to this, but I like the changes to the itty bitty inventory window. I like the slots for the hands and mind. Much more convenient. \\o//

Complaint Department / Indigestion shouldn't kill you
« on: December 28, 2016, 08:42:53 pm »
 X-/ I'm all for a debuff but who dies because they over ate a little? I can see it taking you down as far as 1 health even, but it shouldn't outright kill you certainly not as fast as it does.

Forum and Website Discussions / Problem with the Domain
« on: December 26, 2016, 11:54:05 pm »
Whenever I use I keep getting different pages all of them not the forum. The latest is a page connected to "Hover"(the host?) that says, " is a totally awesome idea still being worked on. Check back later."

I have to use to get here instead.

Unreal Engine / Modular Art
« on: December 26, 2016, 02:15:09 pm »
Are PS' environment assets modular? For instance, are city walls constructed from segments or are buildings separate assets that were placed into Hydlaa in the engine?

The reason I ask is because this seems to be how game art is typically constructed rather than simply modeling the whole map, buildings and all, in a 3D program then just uploading the whole thing. One of the things that will need to be considered for the transition to Unreal is the conversion of art assets if they are not already in this form.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Shaders
« on: December 21, 2016, 02:12:30 pm »
Does anyone know how shaders work in a 3D game? I know that they are used to do all sorts of wonderful things in game but each time I try to look it up my eyes glaze over. The programming aspect doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me since I have little idea of what is being talked about.

The reason I ask is because shaders are often used to swap colors on textures. A prime example is changing skin, hair, and eye color in character creators. Being able to swap texture colors would get a lot more use out of the art assets already in game; they would just need the right shaders and to have their textures colors converted to better base colors.

Wish list / Bug Tracker Link in the Navigation Bar
« on: December 13, 2016, 08:52:08 pm »
The main website needs a link to the Bug Tracker on the lefthand Nav Bar under "Support". It will make it easier to direct people there from in game not to make it slightly visible to a casual skimmer.

General Discussion /'s Planeshift Page
« on: December 13, 2016, 02:01:39 pm »
Recent talk of PS promotion reminded me that had a space for PS that devs used to update. Their Planeshift page could use some updating and correction. *cough*PS has never had player housing for individual players or the ability to build. 9 races...*cough* It's been several years since it was updated with game changes as well.

If the page gets updated they may do a new official review on the game. Might be a good idea to update the page after there are some more updates to the game though.

Wish list / A New MOTD
« on: December 13, 2016, 01:01:20 pm »
Can we get an MOTD directing players to the forums to discuss their difficulties? I think there's only one directing to the main page and the bug tracker right now. It's hard to address the problems of new players if you don't know what difficulties they are having.

General Discussion / AFK Indicator
« on: December 12, 2016, 11:14:32 pm »
Could some kind of a visual indicator be added to characters that have not moved, posted to chat, or interacted with a tool or container for a long time, maybe and hour or so?

General Discussion / One Shot Indicator
« on: December 12, 2016, 10:55:16 pm »
Is it possible to get a name color change for the names of mobs capable of one shotting your character, something that will adjust as your combat skills improve?

General Discussion / Mine Indicators
« on: December 12, 2016, 10:45:14 pm »
Could mines get a few items placed around them to indicate that they are mines? While exploration is a hallmark of MMOs, the days of people wanting to spend all day pursuing a single task are waning. Fewer players will want to have to /dig across a whole map to find a mine. Also, many people like to be autonomous early on in the game then ease into social interaction. A lot of people may be too shy to ask for locations in game, at first. I think a little accommodation might help to retain these kinds of players.

Something like pickaxes; a tiny (individual person sized) mining camp; or maybe a miner corpse or two, around the more dangerous mines, could help players to find where the mines are faster without putting out a blazing "Gold Mine Here" sign.

I think Planeshift should work towards making itself more friendly for new players coming from commercial MMOs where more of these kinds things are done. I don't think PS should do exactly like commercial MMOs, but I think some nods to what those players are accustomed to should be made.

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