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Topics - Shaman

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General Discussion / Beheading = True Death
« on: December 14, 2008, 01:08:57 pm »
Purely my opinion, but this is something that's been gnawing at me for a while now. When you kill a creature, like let's say a Trepor, you're able to take its wiggly feelers before it disappears. Now, when you die, you and all of your possessions disappear. However, since we're allowed to take animal parts before they disappear, shouldn't it be the same for heads of fallen foes? That head is no longer the possession of the person it came from, since...well, it isn't attached to the body anymore, and you should be able to take that as a trophy while that person you just killed faces true death. A body can't function without a head, so...need I say more?

General Discussion / Dark Way and Black Flame
« on: December 13, 2008, 10:43:44 am »
I've noticed that choosing Black Flame as your religion in character creation gives more levels in Dark Way than choosing Dakkru. But why? Isn't Dark Way closely related to the Dark Crystal? Why would Black Flame followers tap into their mortal enemy's power?

My question is, how would the Black Flame feel about followers using Dark Way?

General Discussion / Kran Tongues
« on: December 07, 2008, 12:01:06 pm »
Pretty straightforward: do Krans have tongues? If not, how do they go about pronouncing "L" and other letters?

Wish list / Early Customization
« on: December 07, 2008, 11:03:57 am »
Races that don't have their own mesh yet share the mesh of other races. Therefore, when their race is released, they will be categorized into the "default" customization of that race, when it came with something like eye tattoos, multiple hair colors, etc.

That might sound confusing, so let me put my idea this way: for races that don't have their own mesh yet, or even races that do, but don't have all of their customization options yet, let them pick what they want their character to have BEFORE it's implemented. This would be a nice way of "planning ahead" for the art department, and it would also make it so people won't have to remake their character they worked so hard on in order to get that one little freckle that they've always wanted on their character.

So let's use Diaboli as an example. Despite sharing the Ynnwn mesh, they still have customizable hair. Therefore, when their race's mesh is released, they -should- have that same hair color they picked, despite the mesh not having been implemented.

Now let's use Hammerwielders as an example. Say they have the choice for a long or short beard; even though their race doesn't have its own mesh yet, they can pick to have either a long or short beard, and when the mesh IS implemented, they have it already and won't have to remake their character in order to get it.

It's hard to word this idea understandably, but if there are any questions I'll try to answer. >.>

Complaint Department / Dwarven Clans
« on: December 06, 2008, 03:00:33 pm »
Does anyone still roleplay this 'rivalry', or is it just a guild rivalry now? Hammerwielders and Stonebreakers are NOT brothers. I guarantee that when the Hammerwielders get their own skin/mesh/art (whatever you want to call it) and stop sharing the Stonebreaker one, the guilds paying absolutely no attention to Hammerwielder/Stonebreaker differences will fall, since you'll no longer be able to do the endlessly long lines of dwarves wearing the same armor and weapons.

Single Author Stories / Slated Morals
« on: December 05, 2008, 08:07:33 pm »

In what seemed like mere seconds, cloaked figures approached and surrounded the caravan.

"Drop everything and get lost!" One of them yelled, holding a sabre in his left hand, and a dagger in the other.

"We ain't playin' with fire here; well, we won't, as long as ya cooperate!" Another shouted, having a somewhat feminine voice.

As the goujah stood quietly in front of the wagon, it seemed to bend slightly as a Kran crawled out from the white tapestry covering it.

The thieves grasped their weapons tighter. "You," one of them yelled at kra, "get outta here, or we're gonna burn ya down with the rest o' the luggage after we're done with it!"

The Kran walked further from the wagon, where kras armor shined in the light of the Azure Sun. The thieves, angry from lack of response, started to surround the Kran and seemed to completely forget about the wagon.

"That's it!" One standing behind the Kran shouted. "Ye're dead!" Wasting no time, he ran at kra as fast as his legs could carry him; his dagger-holding arm drew back, and as he approached, kras head turned toward him. "Eat this!" He yelled as he thrusted his dagger at the Kran's side; however, before his dagger could even come close to reaching kra, kras arm flew back toward the thief and smacked him hard in the side of the head, knocking him away like a bug.

Angered, the other thieves drew closer, and soon they all rushed at kra, raising their weapons in a frenzy. The Kran simply stood still, doing nothing but putting kras arms to kras chest as the thieves sprinted toward kra. Suddenly, kras body lit up, and a coat of rock covered kras skin, deflecting the weapons as they simultaneously struck kra at once. While the thieves were momentarily disoriented from the failed attack, the Kran began to glow with a bright light, which grew brighter with each passing moment until it blasted out in a wide ray and temporarily blinded them all. In a matter of seconds, the Kran had gone to each individual thief and hit them over the head with kras wrist, knocking them outcold while they screamed out due to lack of sight.

The Kran's armor spell soon faded, and kra looked around with a somewhat sad expression at the unconscious bodies laying around kra. Kra walked to each of them and began to heal their bumps and bruises, but made sure that they remained unconscious as kra did so. Kra then collected up all of their weapons and walked back to the wagon, sliding them to one corner of it. After that, the Kran pulled out a small trunk from the wagon, which turned out to be all that was in it, and opened it up, revealing nothing but strands of rope inside. As some of the thieves began to squirm, the Kran went to them and began tying their wrists and ankles together, then made sure they were secure before loading them into the wagon itself and removing their cloaks.

"H-hey..." one of them said, waking up from his unconscious state as kra looked down at him with a sad expression, "what're you -"

The Kran, holding the tapestry, said in a calm tone, "I'm making sure you don't harm anyone else on this road." Kra then let go of the tapestry and moved to the front of the wagon, tugging a bit on the goujah's rein to make it walk.

A few hours later, once arriving at Gugrontid, the goujah stopped walking once reaching the large slope leading to the main city as the Kran stopped to talk to one of the town's guards.

"What this?" The guard asked, staring at the wagon with interest. "Malco no remember shipment."

"You may like this shipment, Gemma Malco," the Kran said with a smile. "I've gathered many of the thieves on the road from Hydlaa to our dear home."

"Oh," Malco said simply. "You good Kran."

The Kran made a small bow to Malco, then said, "Thank you. I must return the wagon and goujah, so please take care of the thieves."

"Malco do," Malco said, proceeding to the wagon and dragging each one of them out one-by-one, paying no care to their heads smacking against the stone road as their bodies fell from the wagon's edge. The Kran rubbed kras head, looking a bit pitiful as the thieves were once again knocked outcold by Malco's careless handling, but soon guided the goujah up the slope to a Kran standing at the top waiting for kra.

"Thank you, Rulek!" The Kran said, taking the goujah's reins as Rulek handed them back to kra. "Hopefully now our gem shipments will be safe from harm."

Rulek gave a small bow to the Kran, then looked up at kra and spoke. "It was my pleasure, Gemma," kra said. "My parent did always enjoy waiting for your caravan to arrive each week, before kra passed away."

A look of sadness coated the Kran's face as kra nodded. "Yes, kra did," kra said, soon smiling again. "Kra was a good Kran, and kra certainly raised you well."

Rulek laughed a bit, and gave another bow. "Thank you," Rulek said. "I try my best."

The Hydlaa Plaza / The Total Gym
« on: December 03, 2008, 05:03:04 pm »
Does it do the job, or is it just an expensive house decoration?

General Discussion / Derghirs and Krans
« on: November 26, 2008, 01:21:49 pm »
For some reason, I remember hearing that Derghirs eat Krans at times. I reread the books, but I either didn't see it mentioned in them, or I overlooked that information. So, for clarification, would it be safe for a Kran to walk near them (IE: do their quests)?

General Discussion / More Kran Questions
« on: November 17, 2008, 03:58:35 pm »
This one seems obvious, but I've never seen it used before, so I need to make sure:

Itself = kraself?

Also, what would a Kran call kras parent? Father and mother is obviously the male and female version of it, but...what's the genderless version?

General Discussion / Laanx and the Winch?
« on: November 13, 2008, 06:31:28 pm »
I'm trying to figure out why my character is unable to get access to the winch. He's done most of the required quests in "that area" (trying to do this without giving a spoiler >.>) except for two that involve Laanx. Since my character isn't a Laanx follower, I thought it would be appropriate to NOT do these quests. However, since I'm unable to get winch access, I'm curious to know if these quests are needed in order to get it?

If so, why? That pigeonholes people into the Laanx religion by having them take on an entire atonement ceremony, and bring someone back into the faith, which makes me feel like I'd be better off doing the "other" winch access quest as opposed to being pigeonholed into a religion that doesn't fit my character.

However, if there's simple some sort of "cooldown" on the winch access quest, I can live with that.

General Discussion / Kran Possession
« on: November 07, 2008, 05:27:22 pm »
Kra's or kras? This is something that I've, on many occasions, been unable to figure out. I've seen it used both ways, and it seems like "kras" would work for "his" or "her" simply because it doesn't use the apostrophe.

General Discussion / Death Guardian - Why Hasn't This Been Asked?
« on: November 03, 2008, 04:43:23 pm »
Surprisingly I haven't seen this question asked yet: why was the Death Guardian moved right in the middle of the road and in everyone's way? You either try tackling the Death Guardian down to get to the road you need to go, or risk moving around him and missing a step into the abyss (realistically speaking, anyway - OOCly it's obvious you can run right through him).

General Discussion / Enki, Menki, Fenki...
« on: November 02, 2008, 10:28:14 pm »
Are any of these terms really accepted by settings, or are they just player-made slang?

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Portals
« on: November 02, 2008, 01:05:54 pm »
Is it just a personal problem of my own, or does "ctrl-clicking" the portal not work? I was only able to enter the portal by NOT pressing the ctrl key and simply right-clicking instead.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Windows Vista
« on: November 01, 2008, 07:07:50 pm »
Is anyone else disappointed with this game-destroying lagmonster? I've had nothing but bad luck with it since I got it. At first I thought it was a dream come true, now I actually start playing a variety of games and each one lags so badly I just have to quit before I rip my hair out.

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