
Gameplay => Guilds Forum => Topic started by: Garris Shrike on August 24, 2015, 12:08:31 pm

Title: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Garris Shrike on August 24, 2015, 12:08:31 pm
Hello, partners!

I'm newly flush with time, and I'd like to gauge some interest. Seems the current standings of PlaneShift are more grey-character oriented, but there aren't any people who's motives aren't at least mostly pure ;) I.E., they might be bad....but let's be honest, they're really good!

Now, I know Riggystein and I usually play at different times, but I'd like to get a guild going again where we can focus some efforts! Not necessarily creating EVIL RP, but just being lackabouts, thieves, cutpurses, rogues, robbers, mercenaries, assassins, and the like!

Just those types of people who may not have the purest of heart and motives, hey?

If there's enough people interested, I'd be more than willing to step in and help start an unholy flock!
(We'll do it differently than last time, where I just randomly disappeared ;))

Remember folks - it's good to be bad!
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Demagul Riwe on August 24, 2015, 01:44:42 pm
Love this idea, Garris! We certainly do have a lack of "villains" in PS, despite the supposed existence of these evil Blackflame cults lurking in every shadow...

I might have a character that would be interested :D It feels SO GOOD to be bad...
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Jilerel on August 24, 2015, 01:58:46 pm
There is already something like that in preparation ;)
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Garris Shrike on August 24, 2015, 02:00:37 pm
Well, let's have a chatsy!

IN the meantime, let's keep this thread going. The more input, the better.
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Jilerel on August 24, 2015, 02:03:04 pm
Indeed, also, my main problem with evil RPs are the lack of "realist" evil people. It's all about necromancers, mad men, Black Flame...
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Garris Shrike on August 24, 2015, 02:10:18 pm

I'm of the opposite philosophy. People like that would/should be weeded out and be EVIL. There also need to be people who have other reasons for doing things, who may not be evil, just...oppressed ;)
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Mariana Xiechai on August 24, 2015, 04:07:05 pm
I think what Jilerel's saying is that typically crazed necromancers and serial killers and whatnot can be fun, but they tend to be kinda sort lived. You can't really crank out undead and dead dead bodies without a mob swiftly forming. But cut-purses, Dakkruist assassins and etc etc etc who aren't necessarily hell-bent on bringing the dome down so much as turning profits last longer.

Granted, I'm not of the opinion that good guys must "win" either, but it also tends to get unrealistic if you've got some maniac constantly causing world-ending scenarios and never being stopped in some fashion or other (though I tend to enjoy more creative solutions than just offing them.) I think Rigwyn does a good job of balancing this with his character that constantly acts like its redeemable, making folks hesitate on actually dealing final blows and so forth. (Wait till the hospital staff gets their hands on him, though...)

I tried a little bit ago to start something like this using the old Camp Banished location and at one point it was pretty successful, but I found it difficult to continue because of player fluctuation. I still have the key to (what I think is your guild hall anyway? xD) so if you need it feel free to hit me up.

PM me if you need asseeeeeeestance.

Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Garris Shrike on August 24, 2015, 05:13:06 pm
Which is what I meant, haha. Sorry for being typically unexplanatory.

Yes, I could use the key for sure.

I think you probably understand better after getting a hold of me ingame.
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Rigwyn on August 24, 2015, 05:30:44 pm
Hey now, there's nothing wong having an emotionally disturbed character run amuck now and then, though I conceed that too much of a disasterous thing can get tiring. Too much of anything gets tiring for that matter. Some old school cloak and dagger stuff sounds like it could be intersting.

We used to do road blocks and petty scams a lot. Lots of back biting, back stabbing, tail cropping and a hell of a lot of threatening to cut people's tongues out if they blabbed about things they should have kept to themselves - though it was very rare to actually see someone without a tongue. Swords and daggers were flashed more than actually used.  :p

Camp banished was kind of neat I guess, but what I didn't like about it was that it was so remote and guild houses in general, I really dislike - mainly because they tend to physically separate and isolate people. It's hard to get into an RP if you can't find where everyone is. This was in my opinion, one of the advantages to rping in an open space.

Another thing is spying. Spying works great in taverns and such, but when people start using their physical location to guarantee privacy, then the spying kind of goes out the window - unless you can get someone to betray their group.. but that's much more difficult.

I remember when I was new to the Outlaws, I walked into Jayose library and spotted Lhaa standing in the corner of the door and facing the crack as if looking through at the people who were inside the building. I was a newb and sent a /tell to guarantee that nobody could hear what I was saying to her. I asked, wouldn't it be better to just go around the side of the building and listen through the wall? Surprisingly, he said he would rather see Lhaa get caught for being a nosey little bitch than play it super safe. This seemed counter intuitive to me at first, but over time, I saw the wisdom in playing loose like this. Sometimes you need to let things go wrong and fall apart on your character so the game flows and things happen. It doesn't mean you have to do terribly stupid things, but rather just to open up and take some risks. If your character gets caught, they might get bribed or beat up or whatever, but it's just a character, no real damage done.

Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Garris Shrike on August 24, 2015, 05:32:29 pm

You learn how to play within the rules and also cater to other people.

And frankly, I do miss the heated exchanges that came with having a group of people who truly were not out for your character's greater good or greatest evil, but rather the people who just have misguided principles or goals.

The arguments mean that people care. The screw ups mean that there is some reality.
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Mariana Xiechai on August 24, 2015, 05:51:58 pm
Hey now, there's nothing wong having an emotionally disturbed character run amuck now and then, though I conceed that too much of a disasterous thing can get tiring. Too much of anything gets tiring for that matter. Some old school cloak and dagger stuff sounds like it could be intersting.

Certainly not! I've played quite a few of the buggers myself. Tbh, I feel that a balance of "catastrophe" and your usual fun-loving daggers'n'rogues would be best. Is it just me, or do these things come in waves of either or rather than coexisting at once? Maybe it's just me.
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Rigwyn on August 24, 2015, 06:00:51 pm
/me mutters, "Dwarf killer".    ;D
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Mariana Xiechai on August 24, 2015, 06:01:57 pm
/me mutters, "Dwarf killer".    ;D

You're a demon. That RP literally made my cry. I CRIED!

Good times.  :'(
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Rigwyn on August 24, 2015, 06:15:12 pm
Good times.

Oronec was always fun to play with. While her charcter Vayl was not a criminal per se, she was not the type that a smart character would turn their back on. The surprise and suspense, revenge, dread and so on was always fun. Her characters were surpisingly unique. Sometimes you just wanted to laugh and yet smack them at the same time. Sadly, Vayl got a very bad reputation and became a target a.k.a. "psycho magnet" somehow. Too bad there isn't a "Summon" button or something...

/me puts a bowl full of poutine on the table and blows the steam in a Northwest sort of direction.


Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Garris Shrike on August 24, 2015, 06:29:26 pm

I do miss Vayl! You're absolutely right that she was a blast to play with, and it's a shame she got a bad reputation. Sometimes we players are keen to attach that to people, undeservingly so. So thin is that OOC/IC divide :/


Yes, they do tend to come in waves! At least ever since 09-10. I do think that there needs to be fun lovin' rogues and whatnot that hold steady and provide a fun undercurrent, part of that simply coming in that there are very few stable things in the game right now for new players to be drawn to. (The Hospital, the learning center, etc.) are all good things, but why not have more?
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Mariana Xiechai on August 24, 2015, 06:48:06 pm
It shocks me to hear Vayl got a bad rep. She was always a doll in tells and a blast to rp with, I only regret I got to do both very little. Others have only had good to say about her from what I've experienced. It's really sad to know she got stuck with a negative image.

If she comes back we'll be sure to love on her ;D
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Rigwyn on August 24, 2015, 06:54:08 pm
Well not the player, but the character.... I think Vayl became more of a target than what was realistic. Anyway... we'll see if the poutine works.  :p

Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Aramara Meibi on August 24, 2015, 08:42:34 pm
There,s a level of evul somewhere between petty crime and maniacal necromancers likewise missing from rp, and that is political corruption and conspiracy, or corruption in other institutional powers. I guess the quests give a hint of such flavor in the world, but since PCs can not rise to any such level of authority, there are really no means for players to run such plots. I tried to do something in this vein through a forum rp, but it petered out :/
I think it'd be cool to pull off. Maybe I've been watching too much x-files.
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Semutara on August 25, 2015, 03:06:48 am
But, but, but... I do my best to be not all good and stir up all those pretty sweet little ones wandering around these days  :innocent: :'(

But I agree about your points of view. The nutties are fun, but shortlived. Stiring up things wisely AND get to use the daggers is an art ;)
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Demagul Riwe on August 25, 2015, 06:12:26 pm
There,s a level of evul somewhere between petty crime and maniacal necromancers likewise missing from rp, and that is political corruption and conspiracy, or corruption in other institutional powers. I guess the quests give a hint of such flavor in the world, but since PCs can not rise to any such level of authority, there are really no means for players to run such plots. I tried to do something in this vein through a forum rp, but it petered out :/
I think it'd be cool to pull off. Maybe I've been watching too much x-files.

Totally agree! It would be so cool to see all the shades of grey between a total angel character and the most wicked creature you can think of. The diversity of the characters is one of the driving forces in making PS interesting to RPers, so some things in place to encourage it (guilds like this, for example) could make a big difference :D
Title: Re: Rogues Rebooted
Post by: Garris Shrike on August 25, 2015, 10:48:25 pm
Well I believe we have the right tenets to create something wonderful.

One important thing is to be completely willing to separate IC from OOC and play someone who is truly flawed, not someone who just makes mistakes but easily fixes them.