Author Topic: BISM members, show your creativity!  (Read 1636 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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BISM members, show your creativity!
« on: August 05, 2003, 05:40:51 pm »
We\'re on a role at the BISM, with not one, but two completely different ways to get rid of your boredom!

1) The logo competition. Since Lokee created the new webpage for the BISM, the current logo falls a bit out of tune.
Therefor the wise members of the council have come up with a brilliant sollution, a competition!
And there\'s more....... you even have a say in the type of prize you win!!
So drop in, let your creativity flow and win that prize!
This is the post that starts it all:

2) For those of you who are a lot better with words than with images, like me for instance,
there\'s another great way to waste your time. This is your chance to participate in the story of your lifetime.
The first BISM roleplaying thread since the new forum, with a mesmerising story, well thought out and
interesting characters and as an extra bonus, a spy.... 8o
Interested, drop by and read the OOC (out of character) thread:
and of course the story itself in the IC (in character) thread:
For those of you who want to join the story, submissions will be possible for another 1 1/2 weeks.

And for all you people who are completely enthousiastic by now, but suddenly remember that you\'re not a member :( ,
there\'s a very simple solution. Join the BISM!

We\'re not a guild and don\'t interfere with them, so you can join both us and the guild of your choice
(as many of our members do).
« Last Edit: August 05, 2003, 05:42:50 pm by Sharaz »
The two most common things in the Universe are hydrogen and stupidity. Just look at the number of Windoze users ;)
     -- Harlan Ellison (Edited by me)

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