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Messages - Kendaro

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17
The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: May 01, 2003, 01:56:00 pm »
That is a quote from Denis Miller from his last stand up on HBO.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: April 20, 2003, 01:17:22 am »
I mean to tagent....... Some of my most favorable insults, for men, while staying in character.

I would be willing to wager that you don\'t applaud at the local theater for you fear you would be arrested for spousal abuse.......

I dare not shake your hand for I see you suffer of the sticky palm......

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: April 03, 2003, 09:18:09 pm »
Originally posted by Keldorn
??? So we should just blindly follow their rules even if they are wrong? Not that we have much choice here, but still. We are allowed to voice out opinion about it.
This isn\'t a dictatorship (is it?)

When you come to a place like this, you place yourself in the hands of the people that run it. That means they make the rules. There for the rules they make cannot be wrong because it is their domain and have full say of what ios or isn\'t allowed. You may have the right to disagree with them but that only entitles you to abide by them unwillingly or just leave.

Now I am not asking or suggesting you, personally, to leave but that is the way the world works.

When you enter someone\'s house and they have a rule not to smoke in their house, just because you may feel you should be allowed to smoke anywhere does not give you the right to smoke in their house. As soon as you walk through their door you give up most of your freedoms and place yourself at the mercy of the owner.

Same thing aplies here. When you click the link to open these forums, you have agreed to abide by the rules that have been placed for you. If ytou do not agree with them is not an issue. You are subgect to them for as long as ytou wish to post here.

General Discussion /
« on: March 28, 2003, 09:51:47 pm »
The funny thing is that the edits were already made once. What happened was that there was some massive changes to the history and it was rewritten. The rewrite was horrid not only in content but in text flow as well.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 27, 2003, 07:09:20 am »
It was a joke someone made. Click on the hyperlink and see what it is about.......

The Hydlaa Plaza / FBI found new way to track terrorist on the net!
« on: February 27, 2003, 03:42:20 am »
Man it is so inventive I don\'t see why they never tried it before.

Big Brother Is Watching You!

Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: February 16, 2003, 03:26:38 pm »
Instead of making a new thread for your new thoughts. How about just adding them to one thread and save some space on the boards?

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 16, 2003, 03:23:15 pm »
We could sit here and talk about the evils of both countries and all that would come of it is the two or three of us mad at each other with no outcome at all. I could go on about the UN suplies poisoned by Iraqies so to taint the UN. I could go on about Iraq using Americans in their country as human shields for their military bases. I could go on about how Sudam horded food supplies for his inner circle while his subjects and outlining troupes starved. I could then go on about how American media is private owned while others are government run and only say what their politicians allow. Then you would reply I was just biased cause that\'s all my media\'s fault. Well the same can be said about other medias. No one is more right than the other.  You can\'t say I am non intelegent cause what I know is different that what you know. You base your opinions on what you are told and I base mine on what I am told. Each will believe we are right but niether can say one is better than the other. For the exact reasons you argue against me, I can use them to argue against you. It is a no win sittuation so it ends.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 16, 2003, 12:42:33 pm »
I think it is so funny that the whole world is sayiong the US has no right to go to war with Iraq. Then as they protest for peace, American Embasies are fire bombed, an American plain is shot down and its passengers are taken hostage, a terrorist troupe is discovered in Sadi that were attempting an assult on Americans in the area... The whole world sits back and says we want peace whiole the entire time Americans are being killed.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 14, 2003, 02:54:41 pm »
I am not sure of the names but if you like it a lot, there is a PSX 2 game made from it.

Wish list /
« on: February 12, 2003, 02:12:03 pm »
About religion. Well we know there are gods, we know there are temples, and we know there are priests. So that would leave us to also know that rteligion plays a large part in this world. Laanx and Talad used to be friends and now they are rivals. Laanx had his temple raised right in the center of Talad\'s people\'s capitol city. There is some tension between these deities and thus so would there be tension between their followers.

General Discussion /
« on: February 12, 2003, 11:21:51 am »
I needed to correct my post but if I only did an edit, you would most likely not see it. The program I meant to mention was G-Max. It is a free version of 3D-Max and that is the program used by most of this team. G-Max is not compatable with 3D-Max but will get you started in understanding the program. Then if you like it, buying the 3D-Max is your best bet.

General Discussion /
« on: February 11, 2003, 10:03:32 pm »
Yes, that 3D-Max that Kada\'El links to is a very nice little thing to play with and has a very nice tutorial.

Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: February 11, 2003, 10:00:42 pm »
What the heck was that about??

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