Author Topic: In Observance of Novari  (Read 934 times)


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In Observance of Novari
« on: December 13, 2014, 02:58:10 am »
Observance of Novari

         A bitter cold wind blows across the landscape. It's chilling bite seeps deep into the body instantly. Each new blast
penetrates deeper then the last until one's very bones and muscle begin to ache. Scarcely is another soul to be found as frigid
temperatures continue the long winter's grasp upon the world. The many inhabitants of Yliakum preferring to stay inside behind the
closed doors of hearth or tavern. Those few daring souls venturing out into weather do so in haste seeking cover and warmth indoors as
quickly as they can. Finding instant relief at the sound of a door clicking shut behind them and the welcome glow of the fireplace.
Their heavy winter clothing slowly loosened and removed with stiffened hands, reluctantly discarded before settling down in front of
the heat of the fire. With a warm drink grasped tightly enclosed within their frozen fingers. They begin to relax as they shake off
the feel of the winders cold bite. Many times a weary traveler or a tavern patron may in jest be heard to compare the wrath of winter
to the stories they often heard on the effects Drakku's curse. Even though many may have find themselves fortunate to have not shared
such an experience. Those that have may indeed find it to be a fair comparison.

       So it is, as the month of Novari opens and extends winter's bitter face for all to see. The hoarfrost drifts through the air as
it falls. It covers the ground at times, blanketing it for as far as the eyes can see. It's white residue locking in the cold that
winter has wrought across the land. Cold to the touch, but wondrous to the eyes as it paints over everything in sight. The newest
layer often picked up to drift again within the wind as if searching to create a new spectacle elsewhere. Tough the cold remains.
There are days, when the wind rests where both children and adults may find sport and amusement. The merriment of such activities are
enjoyed by most. The exception may be those that clear the hoarfrost that has collected outside the storefronts and  upon the city

      Far from over, winter's touch begins to relinquish it's solid grasp. It's anger subsiding from time to time as if tiring from
the effort. The days seem warmer as the wind disappears. On occasion returning to remind all that winter has not yet yielded it's
desire to remain. As the days past by it's resistance grows weaker as the frost fall begins. The hoarfrost that once covered the ground
in it's beauty disappears, melting into the ground until the soil can take no more. The runoff entering into the many rivers and lakes
found throughout land. The ice that hid them fractures and eventually breaks away with the rising force from the increased volume of
water that finds it's way into the waterways. The great Melt of the season begins. Bringing with it only the promise of warmer weather
to come.

      It is at this time that traveling becomes the most hazardous. With the Great melt reaching across the land floods and flooding
are commonplace. Flash flooding occurring randomly and without warning within the rivers and streams. Wreaking havoc as they rise
suddenly. Roads and trail become impassable at times or even washout completely. Those that do find it necessary to travel in there
times are reminded to do so with caution. For even though there are days that are warm, the winter season is far from over. Raising
it's head yet again in a bitter attempt to remain. Any unprepared travel can find themselves unwillingly offered into Drakku's

      On rare occasion during the Great Melt when the days begin to warm. The first blossoms of snowbuds may make their appearance in
areas across the landscape. Such an event is often coveted by locals and religious factions. Often observed as a sign from their deity
of the upcoming change of the season or a  reminder of better days to come. How it is observe widely depends on the religious beliefs
of those factions or the fractured groups of those religions. As far as local folklore is concerned an early snowbud blossom is often
cherished and treasured, but often bears more value in relation to the approaching month of Yndoli when snowbuds  are more in

As winter's cold, cold breath
draws down hard upon us
let not it's bite
chill my soul
As Novari slowly passes
bring a sign that Cheliss comes

O' chill my bones
While you will
O' chill my bones
While you hang on still
As Novari slowly passes
Bring a sign that Cheliss comes

Though your beauty
Was ever so stunning
Your bitterness
Can never be
As Novari slowly passes
Bring a sign that Cheliss comes

O' chill my bones
While you will
O' chill my bones
While you hang on still
As Novari slowly passes
Bring a sign that Cheliss comes

Soon the Frost fall
will be upon us
Then will end
your bitter reign
As Novari slowly passes
Bring a sign that Cheliss comes

O' chill my bones
While you will
O' chill my bones
While you hang on still
As Novari slowly passes
Bring a sign that Cheliss comes

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: In Observance of Novari
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2014, 10:36:09 am »
 :thumbup: fantastic. Love it.


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Re: In Observance of Novari
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2014, 01:15:33 am »
The Daughters are going to need cloaks for the upcoming ceremony...bbrrrrrrrr