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Topics - Volki

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Complaint Department / Why is my thread locked?
« on: March 24, 2015, 03:51:34 pm »

Why is it locked and where did the comments go? There is no mod statement as to why.

Wish list / Baths/Bathhouses
« on: February 02, 2015, 05:56:53 pm »

also how ironic that the notorious ERPer said my idea sucked

The Hydlaa Plaza / Warning about metal
« on: January 01, 2015, 10:24:54 am »

Complaint Department / Why is homosex marriage disallowed?
« on: December 14, 2014, 05:19:29 am »
Hi, I'm making a separate thread to Mishka's to draw more attention to this particular topic. I don't have a complaint, as I am personally ambivalent to whether or not homosexual marriage should be allowed. However, if it isn't to be allowed, then there should be an IC reason for it. Considering that PlaneShift is a roleplaying game and the average age of the playerbase, I would think this would be a mature enough environment to flesh out the reasoning for why homosexual marriage is not allowed in Yliakum. Or if this is even the case, and it's not simply outdated mechanics.

This isn't a thread to argue why it should or shouldn't be allowed, but instead why is it not allowed currently.

I also believe that if the reasoning is made more clear and if the developers convey their intentions, we might be able to better understand and roleplay the world our characters live in. This might answer some questions such as, "Is there a stigma associated with homosexual behavior?" or "Is a marriage strictly a union between two beings which can procreate?" What if marriage is viewed as something different in Yliakum?

Wish list / AW & Illusions
« on: October 31, 2014, 09:40:12 pm »
Dear game devs,

Many Azure Way players like myself feel left out when Blue Way is given shapeshifting and we are ignored. Telekinetics is great and all, but we would really like to be shapeshifting witches and mind-controlling jedi. The description of AW says I should have the power to control the will, perception, and intentions of another being. I want to be able to do that.

I get why BlW was given a shapeshifting spell, but I think AW could do with a similar spell. The difference being that BlW is literally shapechanging and AW is merely a trick of the mind.

concerned player

The Hydlaa Plaza / .
« on: October 16, 2014, 02:33:22 am »

The Hydlaa Plaza / People Saying They Suck At RP
« on: September 07, 2014, 06:37:14 pm »
I can't play the game right now, but checking the forum and seeing someone's post got me thinking.

A lot of players assume that they are terrible at roleplaying. It is true that players differ greatly in spelling ability, creativity, speed, confidence, and style. If a player sees another player receiving praise for his roleplay, the player receiving praise is likely to be seen as an idol. Other players will then strive to become like the player who received the praise. This could be a method of fitting in, searching for similar praise, trying something new, or I don't know.

As a case most players are probably familiar with, remember when Mariana began posting short novels in the main tab? Long posts were previously rare, until other players realized they preferred Mariana's roleplay style, and then everyone began to conform to this standard. Not long after, players who preferred short posts were not taken as seriously when their style was no longer the norm. Were those players inferior roleplayers?

Personally, I felt I was the only one who saw the change for what it was, and I witnessed many mistakes committed by players who typed long posts, both grammatical and rulebreaking. No one is perfect. Every roleplayer is guaranteed mistakes.

More than your method of roleplay, I remember the stories, interactions, and hilarity that our roleplay produces. Roleplay can only be ruined with rulebreaking (godmoding, powerplaying) and OOC drama. If you play with passion and understand that the nature of roleplay is dynamic interaction, you are golden. I find that some of the best moments in roleplay are spontaneous, with people I never imagined my characters would meet, or who perhaps I did not realize roleplayed at all. Even noobs are enjoyable company, when they are interested in learning or surprise you with their ambition.

So, what I'm saying is, don't try to be like the people who are on pedestals. Measure yourself, realize your strengths, and build your own.

the end

btw, no offense to mariana, she a cool cat

General Discussion / Free Guild
« on: June 29, 2014, 12:36:43 am »
One of my characters is the leader of a hand-me-down guild and I have no plans for it. If anyone doesn't have the money and wants to start a guild, post here or PM me.

General Discussion / Why is the Polymorph spell Blue Way?
« on: March 24, 2014, 01:08:32 am »
Polymorph enables the caster to polymorph their body in order to take on the physical aspects of a chosen animal. The transformation confers some of the animal's physical energy to the caster, but to cast the spell an animal part must be consumed by the magic.

Brown Way
Focus: Nature, Protective Magic, Earth Element
Description: The glyphs of this way give the wizard the ability to cast different protective spells, to summon natural creatures and some monsters and to influence their will.

Blue Way
Focus: Divination, Purification, Water Element
Description: Many diseases and poisons will be incurable without the help of the spells of this Way. The offensive and defensive potential of this art resides mainly on the control of the water element, but also of cold and ice that are strictly related to it.


General Discussion / Is This Game Too Hard?
« on: January 28, 2014, 10:38:09 am »
(Don't move this to Complaint Department, otherwise not enough players will see it.)

I want to know if I'm imagining things or if this game is really that impossible to play.

Been playing for years. Just recently I've been trying to level a new character. I've found it to be very difficult. I know how to rank up. I know how to get PP and money. I know the tricks. But they aren't enough. I am losing motivation to level this character, and I really don't see how an ordinary gamer is going to want to level up, either.

For four hours today, I've focused on this new character. His rank started at 2 in 3 different skills, one being magic. In four hours, I have only been able to reach rank 3 in each. I haven't had any trouble with money. The main issue has been PP and time.

Regarding PP, I will have to try something other than hunting. The creatures my character can kill right now do not offer enough PP as reward. The other creatures are too powerful, and although they reward more PP, it is not enough for the amount of time it takes to kill those creatures. Problem here is, my character is supposed to be a hunter. I guess I could change the character into something more profitable, like a smith or miner, but that completely changes who he is.

It didn't take too long to rank up in skills after buying them, but I know that it's going to get much harder later on. I feel like it already might be taking too long at the low level I am. That is very disappointing.

The only reason I continue to level this character is because I want his skills to match who he is in roleplay. If I weren't a roleplayer, there is no way I would put up with this.

Not looking for arguments. I want to see who else thinks this game is hard. In fact, I don't want to see anyone arguing that this game isn't hard, because I already know it is and you cannot change my mind or the minds of anyone else who thinks the same. This thread is for players to speak their minds. Those players exist, even though you may have not heard from them. They're always told, "You're wrong, you're not willing to try, you're criticizing what you don't know." Well, they do know. They're the players. So, listen to them.

Wish list / Very Exploitable Idea: Moveable Limbs
« on: January 23, 2014, 08:30:48 am »
This isn't really a wish, but I had a dream of this. So, it's not really my idea, but my dream's. And it wasn't for this game specifically. This is just the only one where I can see it mattering.

The idea was player-controlled limb movement. Like how you can position and rotate items, but with limbs. I doubt the game can be programmed to do this, but like I said, I'm only sharing this because it came to me in a dream. And I remember it being both cool and funny. And now I realize it could be exploited easily.

Would make roleplay more interesting, though. Easier to tell what's going on. Imagine, if you were standing next to someone, and you actually stabbed them visibly. Someone running by might see it and stop to help the victim instead of running off because it takes you forever to post.

I guess it's irritating to know actions are being done while being unable to see them being done.

General Discussion / Why Not Have Classes? And Other Things
« on: December 22, 2013, 04:45:13 am »
This isn't in the wishlist because I'm not sure about it, and I'd like to hear others' opinions.

So, Talad doesn't like the idea of classes. He says they are constraining. I agree with that, but I think they could still be incorporated into the game. Right now, training skills is nebulous. You aren't sure which skills you should have for the character you want. You aren't sure which NPCs to train with. There are no official trainers (they are mostly guards?) and no official gyms/dojos/etc. to train in. For a society that places so much importance on combat, the neglect of organized martial arts is unbelievable.

I suggest that we do have classes. There should be schools for classes, similar to how players have to go through quests to achieve Way mastery, but more organized. Maybe with a physical school, even, where trainers can be found and players can practice (rank up) with other students and dummies. I think it would make training combat easier and reflect reality more closely.

The school could offer many different skills. And that's when you choose your future skillset (class). You could ask an NPC about the classes, and he/she would tell you their specialties, which you could then focus on to become a master in that class. It would be interesting if NPCs could detect the ratio of your skills (if they were high enough) and then address you by that title. Like "Good day, Nostromo the Battlemage!" (Sounds dorky, but people like being special.) Of course, you'd have to account for the differences between classes so you could correctly identify a character. A spellsword is not the same as a battlemage. An archer is not always a ranger. And it would be strange if you had a character with a Sword rank of 180 and an Axe level of 150, and although he consistently used both he was always determined to be a swordsman by NPCs. So I think it would be simpler to have a trainer NPC ask a player, "What is your specialty?" and the player could choose, then leave it as that until he wished to change it. All NPCs would then address the player as the chosen class (given the player was qualified).

Also, not all schools would have to be combat-oriented. Just as there are cooking schools, music schools, and even colleges in the real world. I couldn't believe Aleena was offering herbalism training when it was implemented. It's so out of character.

I know this seems complicated, but I think it would be great for immersion. And I think new players would appreciate it, as it would help guide their training. Personally, I think players who have mastered skills (at rank 200) should be able to offer apprenticeship to lower level players, but somehow I doubt the developers would like that. So I came up with something completely different.

Wish list / Sanatorium -> Building
« on: December 13, 2013, 01:26:08 am »
The Sanatorium has been a tent for too long. It's in constant use, and I think the city has enough reason to build a brick and mortar Sanatorium. It looks really out of place as it is now.

The Hydlaa Plaza / I Have a Confession
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:50:43 am »
I have a confession to make.

Sometimes, when I'm very, very bored, I go back and look at my old posts on this forum.

They are freaking hilarious.


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