
Fan Area => Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) => Poetry, Comedy, and other. => Topic started by: Waxy on November 30, 2004, 11:11:46 am

Title: "The Newbies Dialog"
Post by: Waxy on November 30, 2004, 11:11:46 am
Note from author:
it\'s actualy funny when you\'re not the newbie.
it\'s not quite storywrighting because it mentions NPC\'s
by the term \'NPC\' but it\'s not quite general because it\'s
dialog.  Hope you enjoy.

Grok:  \"Hello.  I\'m looking for a quest or SOMETHING i can do with this pre-beta other than run around and collect crystals.  I need something to keep the game interesting until the next alpha/beta release.\"

Xeon: \"Sorry, we\'re not supposed to help people with quests.  it\'s against the rule.\"

Grok: \"Ok, then how about an intresting NPC?  any of those around?\"

Xeon: \"Oh, yes, plenty!\"

Grok: \"Great!  Where are the interesting ones?\"

Xeon: \"I\'d tell you but we\'re not supposed to help other players with quests.\"

Grok: \"Um... ok....  Then i don\'t suppose you know of anyone willing to \'hire\' a drifter, do you?\"

Xeon: \"Actualy, i do.  they can\'t actualy pay you because it\'s alpha/beta version still.\"

Grok: \"OK!  Now where getting somewhere!  I\'ve asked the barkeep and everyone around the pub with \'i want work\' and pretty much got beta dead ends.  same from the bookstore and all the npc\'s around there.  the iron tower people were\'nt much help.  Do you know of anyone that might be looking for an employee?\"

Xeon: \"Well, there is one that works.....\"

Grok: \" :) \"

Xeon: \"But we\'re not supposed to help players with quests.\"

Grok: \" :(  .... Alright then... how about just telling me what NPC\'s i haven\'t met yet?  i don\'t think i\'ve found them all and i\'ve looked all over.  this town was built by a madman or a geinous: easy to get lost.\"

Xeon: \"Well, yes i do know of atleast one NPC you haven\'t talked to.  he\'s not always there but you can look anyway.\"

Grok: \" :D That would be a huge help. Thank you.\"

Xeon: \"Actualy it won\'t be a help.  i can\'t tell you because we\'re not supposed to help players with quests.\"

Grok: \"(, then tell me of a PC that\'s hireing.  how\'s that?\"

Xeon: \"I would, but if they had work for you then it\'s the same as a quest. and i.....\"

Grok (interrupting): \"When do they install combat?  there\'s atleast one person around here That I wanna kill!  ( \"

Post by: leji on November 30, 2004, 11:36:09 am
:D do you have a macro to say

we\'re not supposed to help other players with quests

You could change the form of your sentence ... it\'s a bit mean like that ! poor newbie :\'(
Post by: Waxy on November 30, 2004, 12:26:14 pm
i am a newbie.  

that\'s exactly what it seems like.  like everyone hates newbies.  

the only help we get is

\"we\'re not allowed to help you.  visit the website.\"

at which point we don\'t learn anything we didn\'t already know.  

wouldn\'t a mmorpg be more fun if people CAN help each other?

For example - with the quest where you must tell a person the L.S.S. phrase (i won\'t type it out because it seems for some reason everyone is scared to death of quests) i find the person to say it to.  but all i get is \'you must ask the right question\' and \'i know nothing of that\'.  

NPC: I know that phrase...blah blah blah... but you must ask the right question.

ME: (shouting in frustration)  *bashes [NPC NAME] over the head* i am asking the right questions!  but you don\'t speak english yet!

OtherPlayer: (shouting back) You\'ll never know and we\'re not allowed to help you. ;)

Heh, i mean comon - do people really think no one will wright a stratigy guide if this gets popular? Think about it... be a friendly community or let the stratigy guide be the friendly one...hum....

(please do not mistake my frustration for hostility:))