
Gameplay => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mordaan on December 21, 2004, 10:10:25 am

Title: Before the MB database is wiped...
Post by: Mordaan on December 21, 2004, 10:10:25 am
Does the MB database have an accurate log of how much time was spent ingame for each char?  I am just curious as to how many hours of my life I have blown ... er ... \"invested\" in MB.   ;)
Post by: ramlambmoo on December 21, 2004, 10:16:48 am
I highly doubt it... the database wouldnt waste space storing that kinda information.  but it would be interesting to know, i agree.
Post by: jorrit on December 21, 2004, 10:30:03 am
Originally posted by ramlambmoo
I highly doubt it... the database wouldnt waste space storing that kinda information.  but it would be interesting to know, i agree.

That information IS actually kept. Before MB was shut down there used to be a page where you could watch this info. The info was incorrect but that\'s because of a bug in the page.

Post by: Typhorean on December 21, 2004, 10:38:33 am
Originally posted by jorrit

That information IS actually kept. Before MB was shut down there used to be a page where you could watch this info. The info was incorrect but that\'s because of a bug in the page.


I remember that had bold red text on it that said \'Obviously these times aren\'t correct.  This is due to a bug on the page which will be corrected soon.\'  I guess the prefered method of correction was to render it obsolete. :D
Post by: Mr. GworthoX on December 21, 2004, 12:21:25 pm
Originally posted by jorrit
That information IS actually kept. Before MB was shut down there used to be a page where you could watch this info. The info was incorrect but that\'s because of a bug in the page.


TY for this verry usefull information. :D It helped us a lot ;-)

(sry Jorrit, but: is someone ever gonna make that information availible by writing a correct page, without bugs? (....or must I look sweet to Xordan for that), or will we never know cause that information will be lost with the new CB start.

If there comes a page....will you please password protect it. Don\'t wanna let my Boss know how much I was online when I shouldn\'t be ;-) .
Well....if he finds out, I will only have more time to play in the future :D
Post by: Xordan on December 21, 2004, 12:26:17 pm
Don\'t look at me :s
I\'m sure blueCommand will make one for cb :P
Post by: Mr. GworthoX on December 21, 2004, 04:46:54 pm

so you mean I practiced \"Looking sweet\" the whole evening for nothing.

It\'s a pitty :( .
( least it\'s better then spending your time on a server to C that you still were 9999 hours online ;) ).
Post by: Androgos on December 21, 2004, 04:53:26 pm
Originally posted by Mr. GworthoX
(....or must I look sweet to Xordan for that)

Why the heck do everybody think Xordan is that good at coding? (No offence Xor :) )
Everything he does will be my work to an extent of about 50% or higher :D
That\'s the usual amount anyway :P
Post by: Xordan on December 21, 2004, 05:04:32 pm
Originally posted by Androgos
Originally posted by Mr. GworthoX
(....or must I look sweet to Xordan for that)

Why the heck do everybody think Xordan is that good at coding? (No offence Xor :) )
Everything he does will be my work to an extent of about 50% or higher :D
That\'s the usual amount anyway :P

Hey, I\'m the public face :P Someone needs to take the credit, and as I\'m t3h Corruptor, that someone is me :D

(And yeah, I\'m not that brilliant a coder :P I can still do some funky php stuff though :D)
Post by: Mr. GworthoX on December 21, 2004, 05:41:53 pm
Originally posted by Androgos
Why the heck do everybody think Xordan is that good at coding?

I know .......but maybe Xordan hos more beautifull eyes to look at. ;)

But if you are such great programmer blueC......why do you let that script kiddy TAKE all the credits, by always posting his name first on the Scripts you two made.

(....or.......did you made the whole script, while Xordan, only edit the both names :D ).

* This post is neither an offence to BlueC nor Xordan. (only couldn\'t hold my laugh when I read BlueC his comment :P ).