
Fan Area => Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) => Single Author Stories => Topic started by: Merdarion on February 03, 2005, 04:11:36 pm

Title: Legends of Yliakum
Post by: Merdarion on February 03, 2005, 04:11:36 pm
[OOC: Well I recently came up with a idea:

We have many players, most players have thier own unique history,

Any of them written by themselves,

So why not tell the stories of others.

This Thread shall be dedicated for players writing stories about others, with their own words]

I picked Draklar, of whom i know the most

A child of commoners, he was. His father, Gordo, a warrior who made money by armor smithing. It was a simple uneventful live for him, in a smalll hut with a smithy next to it. Like most Dermorians they gathered herbs and fruits from the forests, for his mother, Sil, was a herbalist.

Well it was a simple uneventful live until Draklars father joined a crusade in the name of talad, against the infidel tribes.

The crusade came to a victory, but Draklars father died in one of the many battles, as a hero. The diaboli Datentor, fellow soldier and friend of Gordor, took care of Draklar and his mother, so they moved into a Diaboli village, where the still young Draklar learned much about leadership, a worthy skill even for him.

He left the city as a fully trained warrior towards Hydlaa, where he became member of the warriors guild.

With both the skill of sword as the skill of leadership he soon became the co-leader of this guild. This was the time when he found out more about this guild\'s past, shocked by it and his own deeds he left them with some other members and founded the guardians of Yliakum,

-the more light there is the more shadow-

And fanatism is a strong light. A light which feeded the shadows until they consumed him.

In all his hatred against evil he self fell to it. He became a fearsome warlord of the Dark Empire, a honoured servant of Aelya.

But he began to doubt his way, remembering what Datenor told him about the tribes,
what Datenor told him about brave men and robust fighters.

So he decided to travel deep into the white snow covered mountains of the north, and found one of their villages.

He lived with them, learning their ways.

Together with a Ylian named Xalthar he created the templars of steel, a religious organization, according to the way of living of the tribes and their gods of steel.

He learned of the pointlessnes of the fight of good of evil. A struggle with no seeable end, and decided to protect that which has nothing that protects it.

The nature.