
Fan Area => Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) => Topic started by: Pestilence on February 09, 2005, 08:08:04 am

Title: Meriner Seraphim
Post by: Pestilence on February 09, 2005, 08:08:04 am
His story (it\'s in my description aswell)

As a child Meriner\'s village was stroken down by a disease. It is not known witch disease it was exept that it left hideous scars on Meriner. One of the few survivers of this plague he had no family left and was adopted by ffriends of the family that lived in an other village.

Though this family was kind Meriner never felt really at home there. The other children often teasing him with his scars. As he grew older his fur started growing back covering the scars. Now only some lighter spots on his fur are an indication of his scars. Ofcourse the mental scars weren\'t as easely hidden and as soon as Meriner came of age. He left the village to seek his fortunes in the city.

The only ones really close to him are the brothers he got from being adopted Alfdaur and Kronon who also came to the city in hope of a better faith. In the city he has not made many friends yet, but the ones he made he is always glad to see.


Comments anyone? Would like to know what people think does it fit the planeshift world?
Post by: Pestilence on February 11, 2005, 07:45:58 pm
Noone? :(
Post by: Seytra on February 13, 2005, 05:25:38 pm
The story is alright for PS, although I don\'t like \"unknown\"s much. In this case, however, this might be better than just giving it a name that might later conflict with the setting once it is being expanded.

I have some resentment towards your lastname, though. As there is no such thing as a \"seraphim\" in PS, I don\'t see the name as fitting. It also reminds me of a far-fetched backstory I once read. :tup: for presenting something believable (not insulting the many people whose backstories I don\'t know)!
Title: My latest edits ;)
Post by: Pestilence on July 02, 2005, 08:23:30 pm
As a child Meriner?s village was striked down by a disease. A plague that had no name, but left few alive and Meriner with many furless scars. Meriner had no family left after this event and was adopted by friends of the family.

This family lived in an other village and although this family was kind Meriner never felt really at home there. The other children of the village often teased him with his scars and Meriner longed for the family he had lost. As he grew older Meriners fur started growing back covering the scars that were still visible but had decreased a little over time. Now only some lighter spots in his fur were an indication of the physical scars. Ofcourse the mental scars were not as easely healed or covered up.

As soon as Meriner came of age he left the village to seek his fortune in the city. Discovering some distant family branch he had not heard about before it seemed the place to start again. The distant family branch however did not seek closeness to Meriner although ignoring him they didn?t do either. Leaving Meriner to look for his need he felt inside elsewhere.

Then he met Jirhad. Someone who he had traveled with before and had had a few adventures with in the city. He looked different and said he had found someone that had made everything so clear to him. Being sceptical at first Meriner did agree to meet this Rioth and was suprised to fine there was a strange bond between them.

As he entered Rioth was reading a book but looked in suprise, looking for somthing. When he looked Jirhads and Meriners way his eyes stayed fixed upon Meriner. Jirhad sencing something was up introduced the two. ?There is a bond between us Meriner? Rioth stated, ?I am a decendant of the Dragon family. I have their blood running through my vain and I sence that you have this same blood in you?

Not totally convinced yet by then Meriner did decide to join Rioth in building up Rioths dream. Not long after he started playing an active role in this did he realize Rioth had been right. They were decendants of this great bloodline and he felt what they were doing was the right thing.
Post by: Pestilence on July 02, 2005, 08:24:00 pm
Improvement or should I throw it away immediately?

PS: Please send me a PM about any typo\'s and gramar mistakes made :)
Post by: Pestilence on July 16, 2005, 11:26:29 am
*starts to wonder who to kick to get some responses *

hehe ;)

I mean come on open target for slaming and noone using it?

*shakes his head*
Post by: Valbrandr on July 16, 2005, 11:53:24 am
Your story is still a bit awkward.  I would say keep adding detail to it.  Try to explain more of who Meriner actually is.  It is just a little too jumpy still.