
Gameplay => Wish list => Topic started by: Valathous on January 12, 2002, 04:53:53 pm

Title: Farming Guide My Way-
Post by: Valathous on January 12, 2002, 04:53:53 pm
Ok since we know there will be the job of farming here are my ideas of how you should be able to farm.  I think you shoudl be capabale of gaining levels in your job.  It makes it alot more fun and interesting.  it also verys the ammount which you can make so your not stuck ona  strict budjet.

Lvl 1- Corn
Lvl 2- Tomatoes
Lvl 3- Carrots
Lvl 4- Peas
Lvl 5- Cabbage
Lvl 6- brussel sprouts
Lvl 7- Broccali
Lvl 8- Watermellon

Livestock On Your Farm-
Lvl 1- Chickens
Lvl 2- baby Cows
Lvl 3- Adult Cows
Lvl 3- Mature Female Cows
Lvl 4- Mature Bull
Lvl 5- Pigs
Lvl 6- Goats
Lvl 7- Ponys
Lvl 8- Horses (can be road)

I like making these charts.  You will see more in the future!
Post by: master2010 on January 12, 2002, 09:31:08 pm
?( how are you supposed to grow those vegtables with no sun????  i think they should be growing different kinds of mushrooms.
Post by: Valathous on January 12, 2002, 09:43:43 pm
What do you mean?
Post by: Bill on January 12, 2002, 11:21:19 pm
Just as the Crystal acts as night and day, it also warms the crops to grow.
Post by: antonio842 on January 12, 2002, 11:26:43 pm
yea the crystal give everything all its energy

i dont even know if you would have to water the crops
Post by: ratdudett on January 13, 2002, 01:40:37 am
that\'s a cool guide :) btw watermelons rule :) and maybe u could be able to grow seedless watermelons...
Post by: Dwinney on January 13, 2002, 01:50:18 am
Yeah you should be able to grow seedless fruits like in rl using stem cutting or margotting(sp).  And can you get leather off the cows to make leather armour?
Post by: Bill on January 13, 2002, 01:57:23 am
Dwinney don\'t try to make this game like \"that other game\".
Post by: antonio842 on January 13, 2002, 03:20:14 am
wow this game gets more complicated by the second

seedless watermelons stem cutting margotting
Post by: Valathous on January 13, 2002, 03:26:42 am
Heh, yeah, it would make it very fun though!
Post by: Battle-Master on January 13, 2002, 05:03:32 am
you have to get to level 6 before you can plant brussel sprouts???? 8o  level 1 would be more realistic  :))
Post by: Valathous on January 13, 2002, 05:05:14 am
I was mostly just doing a range of how levels with planting could work and some things which could maybe be grown.
Post by: Dwinney on January 13, 2002, 07:46:21 am
Uh, I\'ve only played \"that other game\" for about five minutes before I quit, so I dont know how its like.....
Post by: Bill on January 13, 2002, 02:55:40 pm
Well the whole \"getting leather off the cow\" is a big \"other game\" thing. I thought it was sort of stupid. I saw down with leather armor.
Post by: Valathous on January 13, 2002, 02:59:04 pm
After a month leather armour will be useless to all of us.  Its about really cheap stuff any new player could afford it.  Theres really no point in having it as a player made thing, maybe being bought is ok!  I dont think making clothing is crafting anyway  8o !
Post by: Kendaro on January 13, 2002, 08:40:32 pm
Originally posted by Valathous
After a month leather armour will be useless to all of us. Its about really cheap stuff any new player could afford it. Theres really no point in having it as a player made thing, maybe being bought is ok! I dont think making clothing is crafting anyway  !

that would be bad news to those that can only wear light to medium armor types.... whats a guy to do if he can only use studded leather armor?? LOL ;-)
Post by: Flik on January 13, 2002, 08:53:03 pm
Remember, plate armor is HEAVY. to the point where you must have a great amount of strength to even consider using it without a horse.  And there are far too many variations of the \"Fighter\".  Not all fighters are going to wear full plate the first chance they get.  Could you see Porthos putting on a set??
Post by: whitti on January 13, 2002, 09:33:43 pm
Archers and mages arnt expected to ue Heavy Plate mail. Do you know how heavy that is in real?

There will be light, medium and heavy armor of different materials.
Post by: whitti on January 13, 2002, 09:35:35 pm
- I hope
Post by: wolfman on January 15, 2002, 10:29:44 am
Originally posted by Bill
Just as the Crystal acts as night and day, it also warms the crops to grow.

have u read the stuff on the web site man.
the crystal give of constant light. ther is no night and day. the only way they tell is by the level of the lake. :rolleyes:
Post by: Valathous on January 15, 2002, 03:12:35 pm
Um dude, if the crystals can give day i bet there is a way to turn them off.  Also in the game the crystals will probably be non turnable off.  Anyway what does that have to do with this wolf?  It doesnt have to be that advanced of a game.  Therefore the times in the different areas of the world would have night when they should have day.  It will probably day the whole game!
Post by: ArchSummoner on January 21, 2002, 01:53:33 am
How about this: according to Valathous\' chart, u an plant these crops as u lvl up.... but i got another idea(maybe not as good though) how about , you can plant anything at lvl 1, but the better yur level is the more chance u plant and grow that crop successfully.

What do u think?

.. can anyone tell me how to put a signature?
Post by: antonio842 on January 21, 2002, 10:41:22 pm
yea i think that makes a lil more since

who thinks you should have to go up levels just to be able to get a friggen mellon

Post by: ratdudett on January 21, 2002, 11:04:10 pm
\"the game\" doesn\'t have copyright on the leather armor thing, i think its a really good idea :)
Post by: Lenric on January 31, 2002, 05:11:48 am
Originally posted by Valathous
After a month leather armour will be useless to all of us.  Its about really cheap stuff any new player could afford it.  Theres really no point in having it as a player made thing, maybe being bought is ok!  I dont think making clothing is crafting anyway  8o !

1.Here im sure leather armor and such will most likely for a long time be more common than some other armors being as it will be the first armors that you can make and most likely enchant as well.

leather armors
Full leather
Leather armor
padded Leather armor
Double leather
Studded Leather.

also that other game is the only game ive ever seen that was so outa whack

Now onto farming I dont agree with that either i think you should be able to grow a different amount of crops perhaps a bunch of several diff veggies and such for each different lvl then as you got better and better you could grow more and as your crops grew they wouldnt get spoiled as much from different things animals weather whatever.
Post by: Lenric on January 31, 2002, 05:14:25 am
Originally posted by ArchSummoner
How about this: according to Valathous\\\\\\\' chart, u an plant these crops as u lvl up.... but i got another idea(maybe not as good though) how about , you can plant anything at lvl 1, but the better yur level is the more chance u plant and grow that crop successfully.

What do u think?

.. can anyone tell me how to put a signature?

I like your idea I had the same one but didnt read all the way to the bottem before i posted and to adda signature [ img ] url-here [/img ] no spaces
Title: the things i see
Post by: Montenegro on February 06, 2002, 07:52:52 am
My mom always had gardens.  We had a garden about 80 ft. by 120 ft. (I kid you not) as well as subgardens of strawberries, grapes, raseberries, asperagas, and for awhile a small second vegitable patch.  Oh, and highbush blueberries.  The point is, that when your mom is both industrious and has a major outdoor hobby like this, YOU end up to your neck in it too.  
        Now, a couple friends of our family got inspired by this and tried gardening on their own, with some success I might add.   Yes, they could plat whatever they felt like, because thats how things work.  However, they didn\'t do things like fertilize the soil enough, remove the rocks enough, till the ground enough (you know, the process that makes the dirt fluffy enough for plants to grow in), and most especially, they didn\'t weed.  Most were content to occasionally spray a pesticide, but with their inconsistencies, the bugs ate most of the stuff anyway.   What was left was scrawny, week, bug munched plants with a yield per square foot that was a shame.  Were im going with this, is that the better your skill in gardening, the better your ability to grow crops quickly, with a minimal amount of labor and time, to avoid disaster more readily, and to maximize the possible yield.   Those things should be the factors in the skill.