
Support => Forum and Website Discussions => Topic started by: Maharaja on April 13, 2005, 12:13:38 pm

Title: About abusing !
Post by: Maharaja on April 13, 2005, 12:13:38 pm
There should be some information on the main page about what players can do who feel abused by GMs in the game? Where they can go and complain?

Many of the players are not teenagers, but quite mature professionals etc. I have personally seen many players complaining that some GM abused them!

Wether it is true or not is beside the point!

Players should have a channel to be able to file a complaint about GMs if they feel that some GM unfairly used his/her privilages!

This would only help PlaneShift project.

just my two trias :)

Post by: Moogie on April 13, 2005, 12:18:03 pm
If you have complaints about GMs you can join the Public Developer Channel on IRC:

channel: #planeshift

Speak with anyone who has a @ or + beside their name (look for Vengeance primarily; he is the one who deals with GM issues).

Whatever you do, do not use the forums to voice complaints, because they do not belong here. Those will be deleted.

When speaking with Vengeance or any other dev about the problem, give as much information as possible, and provide chat logs that can back up your claims. Chat logs are located in your PS folder\'s \"logs\" directory.
Post by: Ashamn on April 13, 2005, 12:19:06 pm
Gms abusing? Strange.. a lot..=s
Post by: Maharaja on April 13, 2005, 12:36:13 pm
Thank You Moogie!

In the spirit of customer service, it would be nice to place this information on a suitable and prominent place at the main site or perhaps this forum site.

Rumors, even when untrue, have a nasty way of sinking great projects.

Title: blah
Post by: Moogie on April 13, 2005, 12:39:02 pm
Noted, I\'ll put up a sticky in the General forum.

Edit: Sticky\'s up, (

Case closed :)

please see here for complaints against the gm staff:   --neko