
Gameplay => General Discussion => Topic started by: Taslion on August 30, 2002, 03:19:54 am

Title: How will planeshift pay for server upkeep?
Post by: Taslion on August 30, 2002, 03:19:54 am
I don\'t know how you guys plan do pay for server upkeep....I mean its not free, so are you guys gonna use a ad-system or something?

 I\'m sorry I just made this account after I saw this website this night and was wondering this, I don\'t know how many times this has been asked before but I would really like to know, I look forward to playing this game, thnx in advance!
Post by: bbum on August 30, 2002, 08:42:42 am
Were just gonna have to pay =)

Its not greatly expensive... im planning to pitch in to keep the servers running if sure it wont be a problem though
Title: gamiix
Post by: tcd12642 on August 30, 2002, 09:02:57 am
Gamiix is providing the server needed, unless they stop, or charge us, it will not be needed....
Post by: Link on August 31, 2002, 01:53:56 am
they will need more servers later on, Gamiix is not going to just hand us all of their bandwith.
Post by: Shanky on August 31, 2002, 02:01:12 am
should the time come when PS out grows gamiix, or vice versa, they will just have to move on and find other donors, i would be more than willing to donate, i have more than enough computer power to run it, and i can hook it up to my t1 or mabye sneak it into work and run it on their T3 (though those chances would be slim)
Post by: Link on August 31, 2002, 03:16:43 am
Well, here i could get about 10 phone lines running into my house, get a bunch of 486s and chain them together on 56k modems. thats about as close as ill get to anything fast.
Title: lol
Post by: tcd12642 on August 31, 2002, 07:52:18 am
10 lines...nice very very nice, maybe you could offer them for would take a lot of configuration though.
Post by: Link on August 31, 2002, 08:53:39 pm
Or ill just steal all my nieghboors phone lines at the main telco box and route them to my house untill the phone companies finds it and sends me to prison.
Post by: TheGeneral on August 31, 2002, 09:58:52 pm
Where, some guy by the name of Rusty makes you his shower room \"b888888\" once you drop the soap.
Title: ...
Post by: bbum on September 01, 2002, 06:50:52 am
This thread is silly.... its NOT a problem
Post by: Cyonamie on September 01, 2002, 10:21:21 am
did u guys realise we have nearly 1000 registered people on the boards? when the gmae starts to become more interactive, instead of seeing 3 or 4 people on, its gonna be 100-200 atleast...meaning more servers, but tehre r plenty of people that would be willing to donate servers.
Post by: valcrist3317 on September 01, 2002, 10:42:24 am
i most definitely would...if i had the resources. (stupid resources)
Post by: bbum on September 01, 2002, 12:04:50 pm
100 - 200 people on the servers is not a problem...

for 60 dollars per month we can get a 850+ server....

sheeesh id be willing to pay that p ;).

BTW servers are probly the LAST thing on our mind
Post by: TheGeneral on September 01, 2002, 12:37:40 pm
I would say it\'s the first thing on their mind. The rest is do-able without any major contributions(money wise) You can always find ppl to program them, and get all the network stuff together, but for a non-profit company to get some money together and pay for the servers, monthly, is fairly difficult.
Post by: Shanky on September 01, 2002, 01:00:31 pm
Well, i just went and took a gander at what we in my house lovingly call the \"Scrapheap\" and just with my spare stuff i could throw together a system that could run about 1000 people pretty well, now on the other hand if my dad would let me use his server there would be no worries about ever needing to upgrade really...the thing is about what they would use to run an EQ server, though he is pretty protective of it. Basicly it comes down to just off donations from me PlaneShift could keep running, and there is still other people who would be willing to donate.
Title: lol
Post by: bbum on September 01, 2002, 01:44:29 pm
lol...... why would it be the first thing on our mind at the moment?
Title: ...
Post by: bbum on September 01, 2002, 01:47:36 pm
As i said before.... I ALONE would pay for server upkeep... there not terribly expesive nor hard to come by...

plus there already is a server which can hold more players than PS will require for along time.... just remember how very close to the begining Planeshift is in its development.
Post by: tcd12642 on September 01, 2002, 02:09:29 pm
well how exactly do you know this stuff? ???
I mean it might need a whole new PC!
In a year[/b] or so....
Post by: Shanky on September 01, 2002, 02:16:02 pm
you can lease servers from even say Dell, and for leasing one $60 a month is more than generous...though why pay when i can provide free of charge? :D
Post by: TheGeneral on September 01, 2002, 02:21:07 pm
If you are talking about the ps.gamiix.xom one, maybe. But how long do you think they will let PS use-up their bandwidth. I say get a good server right way, so you don\'t have to worry about it later on, when over 1000+ are on at the same time, and the current one can\'t support it.
BTW, what is the current limit on the one? Like how many ppl can it hold, and still run smootly?
Post by: Shanky on September 01, 2002, 02:24:19 pm
When PS is fully developed and cleaned up and all, i think the gamiix one will be able to hold about 200 at one time
Post by: Link on September 01, 2002, 04:21:13 pm
Originally posted by bbum
100 - 200 people on the servers is not a problem...

for 60 dollars per month we can get a 850+ server....

sheeesh id be willing to pay that p ;).

BTW servers are probly the LAST thing on our mind

For that you might be able to hold 200 people in a mud text game...
Title: ...
Post by: bbum on September 01, 2002, 06:13:35 pm
no... actully.... it could hold as many as I said...


As you know I was in the FPS community in IRC and made many friends... friends in high places...

such as which holds THOUSANDS of people each day for FPS games... i have talked to him and for 60 dollars per month I can get 850+ people on a server...

You guys act as if finding/paying for a server would be a problem....
Post by: Bigfoot on September 02, 2002, 02:03:17 am
The ammount of Data transfered between a player and the server in a text MUD is identical to the data sent in a Graphical mud like PS, the only thing that would be differant would be the constant stream of data pertaining to the locations of players and there current actions or animations, all the rest is on a case by case basis.

Then again i think most muds have a constant update on who is in a particular location/room/area at one time.

So if it can hold 850+ for a Text MUD id say it can hold at least 750+ for a graphical MUD.
Post by: Shanky on September 02, 2002, 02:31:29 am
In a rather lengthy (8 hour) conversation with Paxx, the topic of money came up....i\'m going to retract my previous statements, PlaneShift does need money, there are alot of expenses they need to take care of, but at the moment it isnt the biggest concern, priority one is getting the game up and running decent, and when the time does come to start worrying about money, there are tons of options, and the PS team to a degree has it figured out, basicly it comes down to the point that the general public doesnt need to worry about it at the moment  :D
Post by: Link on September 02, 2002, 03:16:15 am
Shanky im just wondering if you have noticed that you have only been her for a little more then a week and almost have more posts them I, who have been here since april, i think it said you average 15 posts a day, could you stop?
Post by: ParaSite on September 02, 2002, 05:42:40 am
Link: As long as they are normal, useful posts there is nothing wrong with posting alot. When he would post 3 words and a smilie everytime it would be concidered spam. But I haven\'t seen Shanky spamming anywhere on the boards.
Post by: Shanky on September 02, 2002, 01:49:45 pm
I just have alot of free time, so i post when i deem it necessary. I could post more, but it would be me posting with nothing to say, so it would be in essence as ParaSite said \"3 words and a smilie\".