
Gameplay => Wish list => Granted or negated Wishes => Topic started by: Lode on September 16, 2002, 06:19:36 am

Title: Books
Post by: Lode on September 16, 2002, 06:19:36 am
I don\'t know if this is original, probably not :p

But I\'d really like it if there were spell books and cooking books in the game

Spell books contain some combinations of words you have to pronounce (type in the console) to cast spells or to add to existing spells to upgrade them (but you still need to find better combinations or even secret words yourself).

Cooking books contain recepies for potions (but you still have to try to mix other ingredients in it to find out if that can make an even better potion).

Of course, the disadvantage is that fansites will probably put all these books on their site so you people who don\'t have the book will know them as well, but for honest people this feature can still be enjoyable.
Title: Cool Idea
Post by: Falcon Eyes on September 16, 2002, 07:50:14 am
I like the typing of spells idea.  It adds another level of complexity.

Could be something like:


Once the spell is cast, you could then click on the target, or just hit enter again for yourself.  Or for projectile spells, it just fires off to where the mouse pointer is once it\'s been entered (not as much control in this method though).

As for cook books, my brothers the chief, I just writing fantasy and code (awfully fine line some days...)
Post by: Golbez on September 16, 2002, 12:27:41 pm
If they implement the typing spells idea (which many people seems to like. I never actually tried a game which had that feature) then yes, people would show the command for a very powerful spell in a page. But perhaps there are ways to avoid this. It may be possible to set limits or requirements for mages to cast that kind of spell.

For example, in order to be allowed to cast the spell, the character must have read the book. This action would unlock the spell so he is free to use it.
Post by: Falcon Eyes on September 16, 2002, 12:40:30 pm
I like that idea.  Guilds could maintain libraries and restrict access based on character skills and guild standings.
Post by: Xolon on September 16, 2002, 12:45:00 pm
That way a library would also become usefull.

Put alot of books in it with loads of stories, history etc..
But also spell books and cook books in between them. Simple spells and menu\'s are found easily at the cook and magic section of the library, but rare spells and menu\'s might be found in old hero stories which are wrote down in old books and are somewhere standing in the library.
That way the library will become a important place to learn new things...

Post by: Golbez on September 16, 2002, 12:50:38 pm
In my opinion, only the simplest spells should be found at libraries. Those that will get you started on the way of magic you choose (or ways)

Other spells perhaps could be learned by training and hard work, or in books located in distant and dangerous places. The more powerful the spell, the further and more dangerous its location is. This way, you prevent people from becoming a master wizard with only one night of studying.
Post by: Xolon on September 16, 2002, 02:18:37 pm
i agree..

maybe it said explain that getting good spells from books wont be that easy. Or there in the book written down as one big mystery and u need to found out what it means, by searching for the answers.
An other way is reading in a book about a hidden ancient temple wich has a book lying in it. You need to find to temple then.

Anyway...the library can become a good place to start an adventure...

Post by: Falcon Eyes on September 16, 2002, 02:38:32 pm
When casting a spell (via /sp ) there should be a skill check with the chance of the spell backfiring (damaging karma, fizling, or doing HP damage).  This way, just because the user knows a spell (from memory or someone tells them), they can\'t just cast it without risk.
Post by: Wormtail_ on September 18, 2002, 08:40:07 pm
The idea of books in Planeshift is very appealing to someone who really likes to read. Besides, if there\'s a library, then why not have books? I also think there should be signs on the bookshelfs to organize the books, so players won\'t be confused.(\"Stole\" that out of real life :P) Books can also tell yoo how to cure so-and-so and how to defeat some particular creature. Books should also have maps inside them, although depending on where it is found depends on where the map shows \'things.\'

Oh yeah, and if the devs agree to have books in the game, I wonder if they\'d allow players who are not on the team to write some books. :D Probably not, though. :(
Post by: Malkai on September 18, 2002, 10:38:26 pm
hmmm if they would allow people to write books using this system which actually made books important in a game then this would add a whole new level of gameplay. books would actually be important in a video game for every character. maybe people could actually make a living as an author if they were to write books of usefullness (<--did i make that word up?).
Post by: Xolon on September 19, 2002, 12:28:48 am
u guys got a real good point here.

it is nice t,to see players being able to write stories legends etc. Actually it is possible. you can write your little \'book\' and send it to the dev\'s when they agree to use this idea.

I agree, that books can fill an importent part of the gameplay in planeshift. As something books where made for in the first place; knowledge....

Post by: Rhisart on September 19, 2002, 07:17:43 am
I remember a game where it made a char write a journel of the char adventures i belive the game was Earthdawn.  when i GM other games i implement the same idea.. as later on the events in  a prevous game can lead to other adventures becauseof the actions they did. also it makes it easier for the chars to remmeber something that happened four months ago in RL
Post by: Princess Aelya on September 19, 2002, 11:23:53 am
brilliant idea. new quests resulting from the events that take place in planeshift. that will keep the game fresh and new. and there will always be something for everyone to do. :D

btw welcome to planeshift rhisart.
Post by: Kiva on September 19, 2002, 02:49:18 pm
This book thing could turn out to be something nice.. I mean, it opens up a class which I have NEVER seen, in any other game. A \"Book Scribe thingy...\" :D Could be fun to be an adventurer, traveling everywhere, and writing down your progress, rumors you hear, things you find and other fun stuff.
Post by: Vengeance on September 21, 2002, 02:55:01 pm
The book idea came up six months ago too and the version I liked the best was allowing players to write fanfic books in the game, and having a shop where you could \"buy\" the books and the player would get the most of the money from the sale.

This would promote fanfic, would reward the people who write good stories (and not reward the people who write dumb ones), and might even make people into little celebrities.

This will not be in the Molecular Blue release, but may be in the next version after that.

- Venge
Title: I like that idea, but...
Post by: Aruneko on September 21, 2002, 07:17:42 pm
...what about the ideas involving spellbooks, cookbooks and other stuff like that in a library?

Hey, that gives me an idea.  Maybe like, \"skillbooks\" which teach you some kind of swordsman techniques, or show you how to craft a certain item.
Title: spell books
Post by: Rhisart on September 22, 2002, 01:46:39 am
well spell books would be in a mage guild library not a general library where the cook books and skills books are. Though myself i think a char should look for his spells an almost never ending quest too look for spell formula which they could write in their spell book to make new spells or improve old spells i found most rpg games wich have spells in them you end up with multiutes of spells and have to sift through them for a better spelleach time you rise in ranks.
  do rememebr a game that had hand signs for  spells and when you added more hand signs to a spell it increased in power. I played a shamn in EQ and in the end i hated it when i got to  lvl 50 because of the amount of spells i had to sift through in my spell book
 I liked how Ares magica did spells basically only a formla it was the char who decided how to make a spell work and i\'m in the middle of treaties of magic for a world i designed for the table top rpg i run which kinda  if the  developers want to have a look at it post me and i will send it to you basically my game works on 5 elements  air, fire, earth, water, plant plus karma magic or chi and  toying with the idea of chaos magic.

 Thanks for the welcome Aelya
Post by: Elentor on September 22, 2002, 08:00:46 am
Actually, as Venge said, all those ideas were previously discussed. While I may have not been able to see their 6 months ago discussion, I sugested some weeks ago about the players being able to write their own book, and thn after the devs reading it, sell those. I think we can discard the idea of the player getting any money for the books (mainly because many people would just PUBLISH the books for free in a geocities webpage and I hate this with all my heart), but we can expect anything else...but again, not for MB.
Post by: Aravi on September 24, 2002, 03:35:40 am
Originally posted by Gronomist
This book thing could turn out to be something nice.. I mean, it opens up a class which I have NEVER seen, in any other game. A \"Book Scribe thingy...\" :D Could be fun to be an adventurer, traveling everywhere, and writing down your progress, rumors you hear, things you find and other fun stuff.

Simply allow players to keep journals. Allow them to incorporate images from a gallery (but only of what they\'ve seen, if they haven\'t met a monster they shouldn\'t be able to write about it.

Similar system for scribing maps (while you\'re in an area you can stop and scribe a map of where you\'ve been but if you leave a sector you forget).

Also, at the beginning don\'t make monster information known. Include a history for the world but also allow characters to act as scholar/adventurers, boldly seeking out new places and monsters to write notes about them (and sell them).

Maybe even have a few places where scholars examine and try to work out what happened or maybe find some old artifact to lead them on a quest (eg. a clay tablet that refers to a lost city, leading the scholar to search for that city).

Geocities sites, well, we can\'t stop them but we can make it harder.
no copy/pasting from the book entries.
no screenshots when reading books.

Should slow them down.

Spell management, allow the players to choose which ones to display and which ones not to, perhaps give them the ability to categorise them or organise them in some other way. That way, too many spells isn\'t a problem.