
Fan Area => Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) => Topic started by: Danok on July 30, 2005, 12:28:59 am

Title: The Fall of the Ulbernaut - Please Help!
Post by: Danok on July 30, 2005, 12:28:59 am
Just last night a band of very valiant PS\'ers joined me in an exciting quest to kill one of PS\'s greatest \"baddies,\" The Ulbernaut.  What follows is my (very rough) extraction from my chat log of the tale I thereafter related in Kada-El\'s Tavern.

While I imagine many of the most accomplished players can probably manage an \"Ulber\" on their own, our band was composed of a variety of heroes (at least I consider them that for their valiance) of varying skills. Several (myself included) were not as advanced and fell several times during the battle.

To some people, this tale would not seem \"epic\" in a Tolkenien sense, but I think it is very telling of the power of teamwork and steadfastness--A highly deadly adversary and a band including many young and to some extent untested warriors.  I would like to craft this further that it might be recorded--but as you will note below there are several \"holes\" in my narrative (particularly where I left some of the chat dialogue and time stamps) from when I died--again and again and again!  :(

My system log was off so unfortunately there\'s another level of detail I missed, but I hope we can make the best of it.

If you were involved in this hunt (you know who you are--don\'t get all modest on me--you ALL were very valiant that night), please gander through my ramblings below and post any missing details (especially people I may have missed).  I apologize for it\'s rough state but I wanted to post this ASAP while the battle is still fresh in people\'s minds.

Thanks!  Joy and Peace!
The Fall of the Ulbernaut
As related by Danok Danoi

I will relate my small part of this tale...

But I ask my companions to please chime in--for My trips back from the Death world were numerous and many Grand deeds were done even in my absence...
We were discussing in the plaza only earlier this evening...
That a Great catyclism is rumored to strike Yliakum soon...
And I wondered aloud to my compatriots there...\"Do we do Valient and Honorable deeds in these dark days? or Cower in the shadows?
For surely in my short time in this world I have seen many acts of noble graciousness.
Many in the Plaza with me were of same mind--even looking toward the coming final day with eager anticipation...
So as the evening wore on many people went back to their homes and their tasks, and there was a small group of warriors left...
Noting the many strong, well-kept blades in that group, I remembered the tone from our earlier conversation in the Plaza and asked my compatriots, \"What is most Dangerous Beast in Yliakum?\"
(00:23:03) Danok says: I cannot remember--was it you Uthor--who pointed out it was the Ulbernaut?
Danok Says: The warriors, heartened by Ale an song (for there was indeed much merriment that evening), One-by-one came into the group..
Kiren was there, and immediately took role, so we could organize our numbers...
In a flash, we leapt from the plaza and raced to the Wilderness, seeking the mighty beast, the Ulbernaut...
A beast of such mighty power that it is said he can kill a grown Man or Dwarf in a single stroke...
Sikarda was there, and lagged behind briefly because his boots had become greatly damaged from past battles...
I myself have little stamina for a Dwarf, and stopped at the junction to pick mushrooms--Sikarda joined me and we stopped by the Magic house in the wilderness, to aquire healing potions for the group...
The other 3 had already pressed ahead, and Sikarda and I raced down the path to meet them...
In my past, I remember seeing the mighty beast myself, albeit briefly, Far down the path towards Ojaveda, not far from the Great underground causeway through the mountain...
but Alas, Sikarda stopped short--for the beast was right there before us!
I myself Ran too fast and went past the beast, for he was resting in the shadow at the side of the path...
Sikarda called out to me and I deftly returned, trying carefully not to arouse the attention of the beast, for there was no sign yet of the others in our party.
We called as loud as we dared, but there was no sign of the others..I wondered, had they passed the beast by as I had, or did they meet a worse fate?
(00:37:21) Danok says: Uthor, were you not there at the beginning?
(00:38:06) Etlar says: Indeed he was.
(00:38:23) Danok says: and you were there too, Etlar?
(00:38:53) Etlar says: Yes. Uthor witnesses my first trip to the death realm.
(00:39:16) Uthor says: and I joined you
(00:39:26) Danok says: and Kiren?
(00:40:03) Etlar says: I believe Kiren laid many might blows.
(00:40:07) Danok says: Was he with the first sortee?
(00:40:51) Ralas says: He was absent when I joined you
(00:40:56) Danok says: It is as I feared then..
(00:41:01) Uthor says: I don\'t recall all i remember was Etlar attacking and i joined him
(00:41:40) Etlar says: The battle was great chaos with much loss of life.
(00:41:43) Danok says: The beast was wary and must have enjoined the first party with great might,....
(00:43:12) Etlar says: several feared return after the first mighty blows
(00:43:34) Uthor says: indeed they did Etlar
I myself, and Sikarda, also dealt blows to the beast, but with one mighty stroke of his right claw (they have only one on each arm, you know), the foul monster slew me quickly, for I am yet light in armor and even now only leather at that...
So I returned, and I believe Etlar and Sikarda right behind me--but I took so many trips down the Dark road that night that the path blurs before my eyes.
Each sortee we would lay blade to beast, each sortee the beast would pound us with his mighty arms, and many times did several of us take the dark path...
(00:46:09) Etlar says: i fought only in my boots and these great axes
(00:48:07) Danok says: But with each trip back, I noticed the monster weakening, for mighty as he was, He is lumbering and slow, and I realized then that we may yet stand a chance, for the Monste\'s blood runs slow--so he was not healing very quickly...
Indeed I fought alongside many valient warriors that night, and was humbed for many of them died who dealt many a more deadly a blow then myself--Many of my blows--even with these sharp axes of mine--glanced off the hard hide of the Ulbernaut.
As we travelled back from the dark world--it must have been the third or forth time...
I spied Ralas, Standing at the top of the Plaza, surveying the excitement...
(00:53:27) Ralas says: I was looking for fenkis...but there were none to be found
(00:53:50) Danok says: Seeing he equipped two deadly-looking blades, I called out to him to join us, and he eagerly leapt to our sides as we ran to the beast once more...
(00:54:35) Ralas says: (I had my sliver out because it occured to me that soon I will never have a silver falchion again)
(00:55:16) Danok says: It must have been the forth and last trip back, for I remember arriving with Ralas to group with several others there, and then we made our last stand...
(00:55:56) Ralas says: I hacked the beast a few times, but then was badly injured and had to stand down
(00:57:38) Ralas says: and then...? what happened after that?
(00:57:53) Danok says: the beast was still dealing heavy blows, but half weakened, and our work grew more critical as we realized we had a chance to finish him...
(00:58:45) Danok says: Etlar, do you remember? There was a spellcaster there...
(00:59:14) Danok says: Never mind...
(00:59:16) Etlar says: Yes...his name escapes me
(00:59:41) Etlar says: I saw him fight valiantly and fall
(01:00:03) Etlar says: I then attacked alone and made yet another trip to the death realm
(01:01:54) Etlar burps
(01:02:10) Hart says: hmmmm anyone want something to drink?
(01:03:39) Danok says: and then we made our last stand side by side, Ralas, Etlar, Uthor, and myself.
(01:03:58) Ralas says: yeah! we did
(01:04:13) Ralas says: I dont think any of my strikes found their way through, though
(01:05:04) Danok says: Our blows were many, but our weapons had grown dull and so many blows were deflected.
(01:05:52) Danok says: Hello Odey--Let me fininsh the tale and I\'ll be glad to speak with you over yet another ale!! :)
(01:06:11) Ralas says: tale! ale!
(01:06:43) Etlar falls over and feels comfortable compared to the battle
(01:06:59) Danok says: But the Ulbernaut, weakened from the countless blows, could not strike as hard, and we stood our ground, blow after blow after blow...
(01:07:27) Hart says: back sorry
(01:07:38) Hart says: and yes fenkis cant get over the bar door
(01:09:04) Danok says: Then Etlar dealt a powerful blow that pierced through the foul beast\'s neck....
(01:09:10) Jjairr says: (oh, well okay. thanks anyway)
(01:09:22) Odey says: AHHHHHH I HAVE A CANDLE UP ME BUM
(01:09:24) Danok says: And the beast suddenly stopped...
(01:09:31) Hart says: ......
(01:09:35) Etlar tells you: i see the soreness at lack of rp now....
(01:09:42) Danok says: ....was motionless for what seemed like an eternity...
(01:10:27) Danok says: ...and fell backwards....
(01:10:53) Ralas says: ...and...?
(01:11:21) Etlar says: i i wuzz in disbelief. i was not shur it happpened.
(01:11:47) Danok says: Upon hitting the ground there was a thunderous sound and the earth trembled beneath our feet, and we stood there for a moment, taking in the sight---we had indeed done it--we had dispatched the Mighty Ulbernaut!
(01:12:14) Ralas cheers and drinks of his ale
(01:12:19) Uthor says: hoorah
(01:12:35) Jjairr nods and smiles. \"You tell a fine tale, Master Dwarf.\"
(01:12:37) Etlar says: hoorah! hoorah! hoorah!
(01:13:12) Uthor says: Well told Danok
(01:13:17) Etlar says: thank you my fellow warriors for a great battle indeed. uthor will you get me another?
(01:14:0 8) Danok says: There is my tale, my friends. And If you ask any of these fine warriors you will find it to be true enough--It was a valiant battle fought by many races of all abilities---even a newcomer joined our fight, and I gave him one of my axes, for he had no weapon at the time, and he fought valiantly for a spell as welll....

*Footnote* - In hindsight I realized we may have actually succeeded in hacking the arms off of the beast first--which could have been why we were able to make the last stand, but I don\'t know the inner workings of the game well enough to know if this was actually possible..would appreciate any enlightenment from those with greater experience than I.  :)

Thanks Again!
Post by: Jjairr on July 30, 2005, 02:47:05 am
Hehe, I\'m in that story. O.o;; I was OOCing at the time though, so it really doesn\'t fit. Ah, well...