
Fan Area => Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) => Poetry, Comedy, and other. => Topic started by: Wormtail_ on September 29, 2002, 05:35:38 pm

Title: Quest for the Crystal - Recruitment/Rules/Out of Character Discussion
Post by: Wormtail_ on September 29, 2002, 05:35:38 pm
I am recruiting for a RPT(Role playing thread) called \'Quest for the Crystal. What happnes is that the Crystal in Yliakum has been damaged(somehow), and a group of adventurers(the posters) has been called to retrieve a special item that will repair it. More info will be in a seperate thread from here, if I get at least 3 recruits, with a maximum of 8, including me. New players can join in later, too, with a maximum of 10. Right now, I\'ll be giving you the rules and info:


No flaming or insulting in any form will be allowed. Treat one another with respect.


You may not move or make another poster\'s character do anything unless you have the owner of the character\'s permission. Not even I, the Game Master(GM) can move players around unless I have permission.


Keep Out of Character(OC), or things you have to say that your character is not going to, to a minimum in the seperate thread. Keep them here, if possible. OOC posts are allowed there, as long as it has to do with the quest.
On occasion the GM may include a GM note to more fully describe an item, area, event or story point. These will be marked as GM, not OOC.


Keep In Character(IC) and OOC posts seperate. Do this by posting \'OOC:\' and the message like that.


No super characters will be allowed. No super items will be allowed, either. This is for the enjoyment of all, and fairness.
EDIT: You don\'t have to have flaws, but it simply means you can have more abilities. I will judge your character and see if he/she/it(Kran) is too powerful.


Do not have your character wander off, or make several posts about him and him only. This is an interacting story, and not about one character and one character only.


This is not exactly a rule, but it would be nice if this happened. Characters can learn of things through different ways. As the crystal is damaged, it should be easy to do this.

RULE 8: This is for creative storywriting, not hack and slash. I will try to put in riddles \'and stuff\' to enhance the atmosphere of this thread.

RULE 9: The GM can do anything with players who enter the roleplay thread withougt his/her permission. Players are granted permission when their character is approved.

Have fun!

These rules(and info) have been borrowed and revised from:,242,0,60

Look at the above link for better information.

Remember, IC is In Character, and OOC is Out of Character. All races must be from Planeshift, too, as this is based in Planeshift.

I will tell you how to create a character in another post. Thank you for reading this, and special thanks to those wishing to participate!
EDIT: Oh yeah, and the items, spells, and skills/flaws are to be made up by your imagination, as Planeshift isn\'t exactly \'out\' yet. So basically, all you have to do is have a good imagination, and you\'ll be fine. One more thing: Does GM really stand for Game Master?  ?(
Post by: Wormtail_ on September 29, 2002, 05:52:48 pm
Okay then, this will be how you create a character. It\'s also going to be my character, anyways. Also note that your character\'s name doesn\'t have to be your forum name, either. The class of your character is for deciding what your items are, your character\'s personality, and much, much more. Also, if your character has magic skills, be sure to post the spells. No super spells, either. Also, list items of importance, too. You are allowed to post other items, though.

Name of character: Rantal
Race: Lemur
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: Around 25(when converted to human age, anyways)
Class: Mage Archer

Light Staff: A lightweight staff that helps casting spells.
Book of Spells
Quiver of arrows
3 Healing potions
2 sets of light brown traveling robes
120 tria
Small leather helmet
Rusty dagger
5 stones


Cure poison
Light heal
Water Attack
Shooting Stars


Slightly insane; weak; Night Vision; more will be revealed as group travels.

Background/Personality: Rantal is slightly insane due to a rival in the Academy of Magic cursing him. Also, he learned archery at an early age because his father was an archer in an army. Sometimes, he rushes into things without thinking, but since magic requires use of the head, he is rather smart. His weakness in muscle and insanity are some of his flaws. His ability to do magic and ranged weapons are some of his higher points. Also, he has some skill with the staff. By his \'insanity,\' I mean he might come up with a completely stupid idea, do stupid things, and start talking nonsense at times.
Post by: Wormtail_ on September 30, 2002, 01:31:46 pm
Bah, this thread recieved a rating of 1, and nobody wants to take place in this. I would like a reason as to why this thread recieved a rating of one, and if I consider the reason to be good, then I\'ll let this thread go to the bottom. It also seems as if nobody wants to interact with another person in writing stories... Hmmm...
Post by: Silverblade on October 05, 2002, 03:09:00 am
I think its a great idea. I\'ll be in. Ill post my character info soon.

Just a question,

If the crystal is broken, does that mean everything is pitch black? or is it just partially broken.
Post by: Silverblade on October 05, 2002, 09:23:07 am
Name of character: Tegdaen Silverblade
Race: Stonebreaker dwarf
Gender: Male
Age: 92
Class: Fighter

Double bladed axe.
Steel Buckler
Light armour
Potion of Kran strength
small hp potion
Mysterious musical instument
Leather gloves (too big for Tegdaen to wear)
5 Throwing stones

Money: 20 trias


Light heal


Infravision, bonus to strength, can play his mysterious musical instrument, weak in magic, weak swimmer.


Both of Silverblade\'s parents were killed by a group of Xacha\'s when he still of a young age. Because of this, he has a natural hatred of all Xacha\'s. His parents did not leave Tegdaen empty handed however. Before her death, Tegdaens mother bestowed him with the ability to cure light wounds. His father, Telmaren Silverblade, left behind a double bladed battle axe that his great, great grandfather used in the battle of Eastern Yliakum, hundreds of years ago.
Post by: Wormtail_ on October 05, 2002, 11:15:58 am
Excellent, we have a new recruit! Oh, the crystal is only partially broken since the crystal was attacked by a few really powerful mages, but it\'s practically impossible to actually break it. Your character is approved, too.

I need at least 2 more recruits to start the post. If you\'d like, you can start planning ahead of time of what you\'re doing when the crystal is suddenly broken, and you can post ideas that iI might throw in to the storyline. As this is based in the underground city(can\'t spell name... :( ), we will be using the buildings there and perhaps make up our own.
Post by: Xolon on October 05, 2002, 01:41:40 pm
Name of character: Xolon
Race: Dwarf, Hammerwielder
Gender: Male
Age: 263
Class: Merchant/ Fighter

-Great Battleaxe (piercing bonus).
-Homemade heavy armour (lighter then usual).
-Leather boots.
-Decorated viking helmet.

-Little travellers smithing/repair set.
-Small survial kit (containing stuff like; a thunderbox, map, food, some coins..).

-Has learned how he can enchant his smithed items.

-Good smithing skills.
-Smart (for a dwarf).
-Loves a good dwarven stout and a hot meal.

-Not that fast.
-Extremely bad swimmer.
-Can be a bit grumpy (especially in the morning..).
-Dislikes bad smithers.

As a young dwarf, Xolon has always been fascinated by the art of creating metals into weapons and armoury. When he was old enough he helped an old blacksmith in his shop and learned the skill. Now known as one of the greatest smithers, Xolon has his own shop.

His Parents are still alive and living in Yliakum aswell. Xolon\'s father is an old hunter, who use to take Xolon into the woods to hunt for food. He tought Xolon the basics of fighting, the rest Xolon had to learn himself (well..some1 had to test his smithed merchandary).

Because of his love for smithing he got a huge strenght and big mussles. Unfortunatly is also bring slowness with it, but together with his outfit he can take most monsters..


Post by: Wormtail_ on October 05, 2002, 01:59:28 pm
*dances* One more recruit until I start the thread!

Okay then, now for the analysis for Xolon. How powerful is his enchanting of smithed items? I might tweak your character down a bit on the magic part, though. His magic skill should be able to enchant only items that were smtihed within a month, but it can only be minor enchantments, although as he uses more of his magic, the more skilled he gets. Oh yeah, and about his smithing skill... How about he can only smith one extra pair of iron armor or iron weapons(your choice) due to the lateness of the arrival of resources to his smith, and he only has some iron left to smith? Who will wear the armour? Will the armor be minorly enchanted? Nice character, but I don\'t want free armor for all of the characters. It makes things more interesting and challenging.

Spell for enchanting weapons should be two of the following: Extra damage, more accurate, item is able to be thrown for s short distance. You can make up your own if you\'d like, it just needs to be approved by me.

Spell for enchanting armor should be one of the following; Extra defense; minor protection against ailments/bad conditions; ability to glow and heat creatures around a small area. Make up your own if you\'d like.
Post by: Xolon on October 05, 2002, 03:56:41 pm
i like the idea of a iron shortage..make me more grumpy ;)

About the enchanting, its not easy it takes some time doing the ritual with ingredients..(gems etc..). And yes it only gives bonusses like you mentioned (not a teach-and-die..bonus). His enchanting is still \'basic\', its a pretty new skill Xolon is learning..

Dunno whose gonna wear the new armour, mostly i only bring the extra iron in case of repairs...

Hope it clears up some things...

Post by: Wormtail_ on October 05, 2002, 05:55:18 pm
Well, you don\'t have to forge new items if you\'d like. You can just bring the iron to repair your items. Your character is now approved with the changes in enchanting(kind of) and that hsi skill is still new.

Now, lets start discussion on where we are when the crystal is damaged and how we meet! It will probably save some time rather than running around, trying to meet someone your character doesn\'t know about yet.

Just one more recruit...(I just had to say that...)
Post by: Silverblade on October 06, 2002, 05:56:55 am
Maybe we should bring a Pack Mule with us, to carry all Xolons extra Iron, and other things. (could create some interesting scenarios also.)
Post by: Xolon on October 06, 2002, 03:37:49 pm
yeah, i like that idea..

and for our meeting, the city council asked for brave people to go on a quest. Tegdaen and me applied for it and met each other that way..

Post by: Wormtail_ on October 16, 2002, 08:39:00 pm
Finally! Planeshift forums are up again!

Anyhow, for the pack animal... How about this: While traveling through the Stone Labranyths(sp?), we manage to capture a creature and tame him/her. This creature can be either loyal to all of us, or loyal to just one person. So which idea is better: Owning one orignally, or capturing one?

As for meeting each other, I agree with that. The Council would undoubtly ask for people wishing to avenge the damage of the crystal(kind of) and find the parts necessary for repairing the crystal.
Post by: Silverblade on October 17, 2002, 06:25:53 am
Yeah, lets find an animal and try to tame it.

And we will probably need a Megara or Pterosaur to fly us up to the crystal at some stage, so we better start saving our Trias.

And we are going to have to work out something to do about this... (Taken from the PS site.)

\"To the great regret of the scientists, radiation from the Crystal keeps them from exploring too near. Using logic and common sense, scientists concluded that the nearer than twelve steps from the Crystal, the radiation separates every molecular binding, sometimes even generating random chain reactions that could be very dangerous. However, since the Crystal is such a powerful source of every kind of magic in the city, some fool will dare to get too close and risk the dangers.\"

And please people, sign up for this so we can get started. Uncle Laanx wants YOU !!!
Post by: Wormtail_ on October 17, 2002, 08:21:31 pm
I kind of thought that problem out... about the Crystal getting repaired, anyway.

Right now, I have around five choices you can choose from:

A: You make it up.
B: I make it up.
C: We all make it up.
D: We make it up as we go along.
D: Other

I\'ve got an idea for repairing the Crystal. How about the Crystal somehow attracts other pieces of really high magic to it or something like that? Or we could simply use some magic or ask NPCs to use their magic to repair the crystal. By now, I will be assuming we will be super characters, as only really powerful creatures can do something to the Crystal from beyond 12 paces, let alone damage it. The piece of crystal we are looking for is probably going to be around 10-15 shards of crystal from all over the crystal. And let\'s just say that the Crystal doesnt seperate pieces that are from the Crystal itself, too, so we won\'t have any problems there.

If the devs think this story interferes with what they think, let\'s call this another world that is very similar to this world.
Post by: Silverblade on October 18, 2002, 09:13:20 am
I say D: make it up as we go along.

So how are we gonna start this thing? I say we start it outside the town hall after the meeting with the council where we have been given our quest.
Title: Ah-hah!
Post by: Aruneko on October 18, 2002, 03:51:14 pm
I was wondering when one of these kind of threads would come up.  They\'re alot of fun.  I\'d like to join in.

Name:  Aruneko Erebrandir
Race:  Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 74


    Long Dagger
    Composite Long Bow
    Green Hooded Cloak
    Basic Clothing
    Quiver (many, many arrows)

Spellcasting Abilities:


Skills / Special Abilities

    Skilled with bows
    Decent swordsmanship skills


    Aruneko is fairly tall, and is usually a very intelligent person.  At times he will panic, and perhaps do something stupid, but usually he thinks things through.  He is fairly strong and dextrous, and can survive without nourishment for a while.  He could easily be described as a ranger.

I don\'t really appreciate Rule 7, since some fun things can happen when people get seperated for a while.  I think we can use our best judgement as to when to rejoin the party.

Also,  about Rule 2, I think we should use eachother\'s characters, but only once we have a full understanding of what the other character would do.  Also, we can\'t severely wound anybody else.  I will certainly give permission of use of my character later on, when everyone has become accustomed to my character\'s personality.

On one last note, I hope that everyone will allow their characters to be defeated every now and then.  If everyone always makes it through battles without so much as a scratch, then it won\'t be any fun.  This happened on another forum I\'ve been to.

I hope this\'ll be good!
Post by: Wormtail_ on October 18, 2002, 07:44:55 pm
YES!!! Another recruit! *Dances wildly*

Anyways, Aruneko, nice character. The only problem I see is the age, as elves tend to be immmortal. However, I can live with the age, you don\'t have to change it. I\'ll be making a new thread now, starting with the damaging of the Crystal. Remember to check this thread often too, as it is the OOC discussion thread, is it not?

Also, as the story already started, new players wishing to participate will have to post their character here as usual, except we\'ll have to find a way to get them in to the party.

When everybody is near the Bronze Doors, we\'ll need a list of monsters there. We can snag items and creatures from the Wish List, although I think we\'ll need permission from Elrin Kast for the creatures, as we\'re not devs. We can also make up new things, too. The purpose of this story is to improve writing skills, have fun, and hope the devs take note of items and creatures we make up. See you all in the quest thread!

EDIT: Yes, characters should be defeated, but not killed unless the character creater says the character should. Defeated will probably mean anything that make you unable to fight or defend yourself. Also, the character creaters need to grant permission to character movers, as I\'ve said before(I think). It\'s just there to keep players from abusing the privelage of moving characters around.
Post by: Xolon on October 19, 2002, 09:26:24 am

maybe u like to give your character some skills in wich he is really bad.. Like afraid of butterflies ;)

It can result in some nice and/or funny scenes.

Post by: Aruneko on October 19, 2002, 10:12:39 am
What\'s wrong with the age?  He is an elf, which is immortal (agewise), but he is still a fairly young one.  He looks like a human adult by age 74.

Btw, Xolon, that\'s one really old dwarf :)  I don\'t recall dwarves living for too long a time.

I don\'t think I can imagine someone being afraid of butterflies. :D
But he can do stupid things at times...

This thread doesn\'t have to match up exactly with Yliakum\'s history and/or monsters and things, does it?
Post by: Wormtail_ on October 19, 2002, 10:43:08 am
Nope, the thread doesn\'t have to match up with everything exactly.
Right now, everybody\'s character is fine. Aruneko can list his faults and flaws later, we don\'t need them right now. I agree with Xolon being really old, but I can live with a grumpy old dwarf. I think I can, anyway.

Butterflies come from catterpillars, and people are afraid of those...
Title: mIRC channel
Post by: Xolon on October 19, 2002, 01:03:39 pm
ok guys,

I just registered an mIRC channel. We can use it for the rpg when were all there (setting up a time onces a week?).

Channel: #RPG
port : 6667

u know, our own beloved PS server ;)

Post by: Wormtail_ on October 19, 2002, 04:27:42 pm
Well, it looks like you three will have to keep me updated on what you talk about on mIRC. You see, one of my older siblings won\'t allow me to use mIRC, and he\'s usually on the Internet, so I ond\'t think I\'ll be able to join in. Keep me updated through e-mail, PM, or through this post. :(  Oh well... Just keep me updated and I\'ll be fine.
Post by: Aruneko on October 19, 2002, 05:58:50 pm
I don\'t exactly know how to use that chat thing.  If its Windows only, then I\'m afraid I can\'t join in.
Post by: Silverblade on October 19, 2002, 10:37:19 pm
Its not windows based, its IRC (Internet relay chat)

You just need a client (eg. mIRC), it doesnt have to be mIRC though, there are many other clients available. check out (

Its worth doing, because once you are on the server, there are also other Planshift related channels.

Anyway, we can keep eachother updated through PM\'s.
Post by: Keldorn on October 22, 2002, 04:51:58 am
I was wondering if i could still join in. Can i? Or am i too late?
Post by: Silverblade on October 22, 2002, 06:55:46 am
Thats cool with me.

Maybe we meet you for some reason when we land at the bronze doors.
Post by: Aruneko on October 22, 2002, 05:08:11 pm
Sure, join in.  Anyone can come whenever they want to.
Post by: Wormtail_ on October 22, 2002, 06:21:59 pm
Yep, anyone can join in at anytime. The maximum of party members allowed is 30, I think. Or was it 20? Oh well, you are still allowed to join in. Post in your character description soon!
Post by: Xolon on October 22, 2002, 10:07:09 pm
Nice to have a new party member soon Keldorn ;)

Post by: Keldorn on October 23, 2002, 01:38:09 am
yeah i\'ll post the char info soon! (as soon as i get out of this school that is  :( )
Post by: Keldorn on October 23, 2002, 11:34:42 am
Name of character:  Keldorn
Race:  Ylian
Gender:  Male
Age:  38
Class:  Knight
Two handed sword (no special powers)
light crossbow of speed (fires faster then normal crossbow but does slightly less damage)
49 acid bolts (for the crossbow)
Armor of Honor (heavy armor, heavy in every sense of the word. The wearer gains the ability to enchant the weapon being carried for ten seconds. The weapon will do considerable more damage when enchanted, but this can only be used once per day. Plus that the armor cannot be removed, only a skilled mage could remove it.)
Iron boots
Steel helmet
small bag with 20 tria and 5 stones

no spells

Low inventory capacity (because of the heavy armor)

Background/Personality:  Keldorn strives to protect the good. That is his main purpose in life. He is not of noble blood, but he could just as easily have been as he used to spend most of his time with a noble family when he was young. He was intrigued by the lifesyle of these people which was so different then most other people he knew.
His parents didn\'t really look after him, and when they died of a plague the noble family took him under their wing, they raised him as if he was their own. When of sufficient age he joined a knightly guild, they transformed him into a skilled swordsman worthy to be called a Knight.
Post by: Wormtail_ on October 23, 2002, 05:56:18 pm
Hmmm... Good character! The only thing I can say is that you should post how much acid bolts you spent during a battle. Also, the two handed sword will have to be iron, as iron is weaker than steel. Also, you\'ll have to be traveling rather slowly due to the \'heavyness\' of the armor. Other than that, good character!

So, where should you meet us? At the Bronze Doors or in some random place in the Stone Labryniths? You\'ll have to explain why you\'re there, too. Maybe you just decided to go help the Crystal when everything darkened and cooled and jumped to the job. Well, we\'ll be meeting your character soon!
Post by: Silverblade on October 23, 2002, 07:16:46 pm
Yeah wormatail, you were saying something about our first battle coming up... Maybe we have to rescue him, or he has to rescue us from some monsters.
Post by: Dakotah on October 23, 2002, 11:21:09 pm
Name of character: Dakotah
Race: Dermorian
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Class: Ranger

Runic Sword
Long Bow
Quiver of arrows
Medium Armor


Tree Speak
Call Beast(TBD actual details)


Weak against Fire Magic.
Dislikes chatoic aligned people.
Only medium armor.

Background/Personality: Dakotah is a Ranger who is fiercely protective of balance in nature.  He will dislike abusers of natural things.  He carrys no items because he is knowledgeable of herbs.  Fire magic hurts him badly.  Able to hear the trees and identify with animals.  
Post by: Keldorn on October 24, 2002, 07:27:53 am
Originally posted by Wormtail_
you should post how much acid bolts you spent during a battle. Also, the two handed sword will have to be iron, as iron is weaker than steel. Also, you\'ll have to be traveling rather slowly due to the \'heavyness\' of the armor.

about the acid bolts; i was planning to do just that, so. Now about me walking slower, that\'s something i also considered, but i figured he was strong enough to wear this armor and still be able to move normal. Not being able to carry much plus walking slower would be too much i think.
And finally the sword. Why should it be made of iron? You think it\'s too powerfull?

btw, i see that someone else has decided to join! This gives me an idea how we can meet eachother.
Say that me and Dakotah are in pursued of a band of thugs who murdered the rest of our party. These thugs have fled into the labyrinths, hoping to be able to shake us, we followed them in. A fierce battle begins between us two and the four thugs. When it becomes clear that we are sure to perish you three arrive and assist us. And if you\'re thinking; \"how will we know which side to assist\", remember this golden rule: always help the one who is in the most dire need of it. (which will be us of course  ;) )
Oh yeah, be sure to notice the six(!) pterosaurs which we and the thugs used to arrive at the Bronze Doors.

So whaddya think, it\'s crap right?  :P
Post by: Wormtail_ on October 24, 2002, 09:58:24 am
Well, maybe walking a \'bit\' slower than without your armor can do it. Anyhow, you probably won\'t be able to sleep or rest properly.  :P

Your idea is a pretty good one, although perhaps you can leave out the pterosaurs and instead put in a bunch of debris and \'stuff\' to make our characters suspicious. We(the original members who attended the meeting) will rescue them(the new characters.).

Okay then, character evalutation for Dakotah. Hmmm... Godd character, but describe what the runic sword is. I play a bit too much Runescape, so my mind jumps to one of the most powerful swords in Runescape. The Call Beast spell will be allowed, although minor animals/beasts first.

Now lets see here... Our party is made out of one mage, 2 fighters, 2 rangers, and one knight. Interesting...
Post by: Dakotah on October 24, 2002, 02:38:41 pm
As for the runic sword:
+2 when something natural is in danger?
Anyone have other ideas?
Post by: Aruneko on October 24, 2002, 07:51:29 pm
+2 really has no meaning in something like this since nobody knows what the standard is for PS.  Perhaps it could have some hidden power you could utilise when you gain more power.
Post by: Wormtail_ on October 29, 2002, 07:17:22 pm
RIght then, I\'ve got an idea to clear everything up...

The original party members see the thugs and new members fighting each other in the forest. The original members debate helping or not, and which side to take. Meanwhile, the other two are beginning to clearly lose. Us four jump in and help, and introductions are made. All in favor of this say \'Aye!\' All who oppose, say \'Nay!\' and propose a new way of doing things.

If you have read this reply, say \'OOC: Lalala\' in your next reply in the quest thread. And it has to be your next, too.
Post by: Kiern on October 29, 2002, 10:12:55 pm
Hey, just wanted to say that the Quest for Crystal thread is a lot more organized/interesting than most others like them..keep up the good work ;)
Post by: Silverblade on October 30, 2002, 02:11:33 am
Yay! we have a fan!
Congratulations Wormtail
Post by: Wormtail_ on October 30, 2002, 08:18:06 pm
Thanks for the complements, Kiern and Silverblade! Oh yeah, and has anyone seen Dakotah? We\'re going to need him for the battle...

Anyways, the battle...

One thug has fell. Condition is critical.
One thug is stunned.
Four thugs are intact, and have rage on their side.
Rantal and Aruneko are a safe distance away, firing arrows and casting spells.
Dakotah is surrounded. Condition is unknown.
Xolon is rushing into the melee.
Tegdaen is in the melee, swinging his axe.
Keldorn has an injured knee. The thug about to kill him has been felled.

Those are the stats I\'ve got. We\'ve also got battle loot, too.... As long as it isn\'t damaged.
Post by: Silverblade on November 01, 2002, 04:30:01 am
Sorry about starting that battle, I realise now that we were meant to have it inside the gates. I think we all need to pay more attention to the details in everyone elses posts.

Anyway, everything doesnt have to be planned does it?
Post by: Aruneko on November 01, 2002, 04:30:43 pm
Nah, it doesn\'t.  (At least I hope not.)
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 01, 2002, 07:02:06 pm
Well, it\'s best to have plans layed out and follow them, although you have to constantly be on your feet just in case some plans are changed.

Battle results:

5 dead thugs
1 alive thug who ran away
Minorly injured Keldorn
Missing Dakotah
Everyone else fine


Should I post them here, or leave it up to all of us?

Rantal still doesn\'t know Keldorn\'s name, so he will know him as \'the knight\' for now. Also, that last thug who got away.... Should we have him cause trouble for us?
Post by: Aruneko on November 01, 2002, 10:19:55 pm
Sure, lets decide the loot here.
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 02, 2002, 09:59:10 am
Okay then, lets discuss the loot.

There were five thugs. From what I\'ve heard, most or all of them had swords and daggers, so there should be swords and daggers in the loot. Should the loot include other items, like money or other items?

You\'re all free to throw in your ideas. Just throw in stuff that thugs would likely carry around with them.
Post by: Aruneko on November 02, 2002, 12:18:22 pm
I\'ll make up the basics:

5 swords
5 daggers
2 leather caps
5 leather armors
5 pairs of boots
1 pair of gloves

Add on with other stuff.

Or should we appoint an official \"loot-decider\"?
Post by: Xolon on November 02, 2002, 02:13:59 pm
that is starting to becoma a lot of off topic chat, lets continue this in the OOC topc..

Post by: Keldorn on November 02, 2002, 03:05:52 pm
ehm Xolon ... i think you\'re confused. This is the non-story thread (or whatever ya wanna call it) So this is the right place to discuss it.

anyways, i think we should atleast find some gold, not too many though.
Also we shouldn\'t find items that are too powerfull since we are still somewhat at the beginning.
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 02, 2002, 06:02:34 pm
Okay then, we will start off with what Aruneko has named. However, some items will have been damaged, especially the leather armors, as we\'ve been stabbing and ripping through those. Some swords and daggers will have been damaged, too. Lets see here, maybe this...

2 swords
4 daggers
2 leather caps
2 leather armors
4 pairs of boots
1 pair of gloves
2 bags of 50 tria
1 bag of 25 stones

How about that?
And should we appoint a loot decider, or should we just leave the loot deciding to whoever wants to? And who will recieve each of the loot? We should give the loot to each character, depending on what they have and who they are. For example, a mage wouldn\'t have much need for a sword, but a dagger for really close combat would be fine.

Right now, we have 5 characters.
Post by: Aruneko on November 02, 2002, 07:06:44 pm
That\'s good.

I think we should appoint a loot-person.  Perhaps Wormtail since he started this thing.

People should just say that they take this or that in the RPing thread, and if you want something someone else has, \"you\" (your character) says so.

We have five people including or not including Dakotah?

Lessee... Silverblade, Me, Xolon, Keldorn, Wormtail...

Never mind.
Post by: Fiere on November 02, 2002, 08:37:38 pm
Hey there, looks like you have room for more so here is my character sheet. Let me know if I can play and where I will enter the story, I think from the tunnels would be good.

Name of character:  Fiere Eien\'No\'Ryu
Race:  Diaboli
Gender:  Female
Age:  Indeterminate (appears around 25)
Class:  Rogue


-Two Sai of good quality, no magic properties
-Reinforced Leather Armor
-Knife belt with various knives and shurikens(small size 30 total)
-20 meters of silk rope with grapnel hook


None yet


Night Vision,Tumbling,Martial Arts,Thievery(lockpicking,trapsetting and breaking etc),climbing


Fear and weakness against of sacred objects,aversion to any organized religion,klepto

Background/Personality:  Fiere is generally a pleasant person but she is always out for number one. She won\'t usually go out of her way to help others, or the hurt them unless she will gain from it. She is proud of her Diaboli heratage and won\'t stand for false accusations, and usually disputes true ones as well  ;) Her key interest in the Quest for the Crystal is,of course,the reward although she is always ready for agood time of any sort.
Post by: Silverblade on November 04, 2002, 08:42:07 pm
You\'ll notice in the story thread that I picked up a pair of gloves.

Should we add everything we get to our character sheets?
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 04, 2002, 08:44:26 pm
Hmm... Good character, Fiere! Right now, you\'re the only rogue we have.... Now, we just have the problem of meeting up with you. Should it be during a battle, or should we just meet up with you for no apparent reaspon? Are we going to crash into you when you\'re running from a creature or chasing a retreating creature? Anyhow, your character is approved.
Post by: Fiere on November 04, 2002, 09:06:12 pm
Thanks Wormtail, I\'ll join up once you have your first battle out in the tunnels.

I like Silverblade\'s idea, lets add loot under our items in our original character sheets so we can all keep track.
Post by: Xolon on November 04, 2002, 11:06:03 pm
I didnt do a lot of fighting, so you guys split the loot this time.

Post by: Wormtail_ on November 05, 2002, 10:46:48 am
I agree with putting on items you find on your starting character sheet. Perhaps you could also take off items that you sell or items that have broken....

Xolon, you can have some of the loot if you\'d like. If you really don\'t want to share the loot, we\'ll give you the leftovers.  :P
Post by: Keldorn on November 05, 2002, 12:20:59 pm
Good of you to join Fiere! We could use some females in our party  ;) .

Think I\'ll pass too on the loot, since i can\'t carry all that much as it is I don\'t wanna weigh myself down with useless junk. (the money i\'ll take though  :] )
Post by: Aruneko on November 05, 2002, 05:19:45 pm
Oops, I just took the money. :D

Nice character.  ...What\'s Tumbling skill?

I think in the RP thread we should say that your character picks up this and that and whatnot, and then another character can say that they want this and that, and whatnot...

Basically, we should make our characters decide what to get as loot.

( I mentioned this before, just wanted to say it again. )
Post by: Fiere on November 05, 2002, 05:43:46 pm
I will try not to get ridiculous with it but it can be useful in a RP setting. Useful for crossing tightropes as they may occur on say a rope bridge. Also handy when dodging giants with your back to a wall ;)

Its a concept I took from D&D really but its a common skill for many RPG type rogues/thieves.
Post by: Keldorn on November 07, 2002, 01:00:01 pm
*Kicks Aruneko in the nuts and pinches 10 tria. 8o jk :P

Post by: Fiere on November 07, 2002, 04:43:34 pm
LOL well I prefer to think my skills are more subtle ;)
Post by: Xolon on November 07, 2002, 05:02:05 pm
leftovers..nice i\'ll take them!
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 10, 2002, 04:58:56 pm
Well, who wants the tria(money) and stones? The tria is the basic form of money, and stones are for throwing. Anyhow, does anyone want to carry some of those?

Oh yeah, and we need to come up with monsters to fight in the Stone Labryniths. We will not be fighting them all the way through, just having an occasional battle. And we\'ll probably also need a map of the surface, too... Or we can simply make a map using words.
Post by: Xolon on November 10, 2002, 05:04:48 pm
i can cary some tria\'s ;)

and about the monsters...i\'ll think of some.

Post by: ParaSite on November 10, 2002, 05:26:59 pm
Looking for monsters?
Post by: Silverblade on November 10, 2002, 09:40:34 pm
cool, thanks for bringing that up Para... There are some really good ones there.
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 11, 2002, 10:18:29 am
Yeah, thanks for the list of monsters, Para! We\'ll use some of them. Lets see here... the Labryniths spiders and rock moles we might encounter, and there are more monsters to sort into the \'Stone Labryniths\' category.... We\'ll need to come up with more, but that post of monsters is a great start and help!
Post by: Aruneko on November 11, 2002, 04:01:18 pm
Shall we make all the monsters on this thread, or shall we just make up what our attackers are in the RP thread?
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 11, 2002, 08:38:57 pm
I say we make the creatures in the thread. That way, we don\'t come up with \'stupid\' monsters and we can discuss the strengths and weaknessess of the monsters before our characters encounter them. We can also tune up and down creatures, too. And we won\'t get confused while posting, either. Anyways, good question.

Also, not all the creatures should be savage. As we discussed \'earlier,\' we were going to be finding a pack animal. Also, some friendly creatures should be around, but probably rare in the Labryniths. It\'s all up to our imagingation. Will add more later.(If I come up with more to add)
Post by: Pheonix on November 11, 2002, 09:08:22 pm
Name of character: Caelali Maiyr (loosely translates to shadow archer, bringer of death) this name is only known by a few high elves to everyone else he only calls himself Pheonix
Race: Elf, Dermorian
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Class: Archer (small magial ability)
Aligment:Nuetral Good

-Enchanted Composite bow - enchanted to allow increased range

 -Silver broad sword - An regular sword save that it is made of mythril making it much lighter and easier to wield than a sword made of steel. Worn on Pheonix\'s back

-Pack for holding various gear worn on  his back...5 pieces of travel bread inside

-Quiver- Filled with arrows, worn on Pheonix\'s right hip

-Light elven cloak - Normal elven cloak allows the wearer to blend in the woods with ease

-Belt knife- Never hurts to have an extra weapon

-Archers bracers - Worn on fore arms to protect skin from the bow string

-Medallion of protection - Protects pheonix from some physical damage given to him by an High Elf to protect him as he refuses to wear anything greater than light armor as he says it slows him down

Small purse - 30 tria inside

-enchant arrow - allows pheonix to put minor spells on his arrows currently only knows fire ...causes fatigue
-Purge poison
-Light healing
- Light

-Exellent archer
- Can make and feather arrows
-Good tracking skills
-Some herb recognition abillity
- Good with a sword , but dislikes using one even at close range
-Mysterious likes to keep to himself even when in a party....not particularly talkative
-Not fond of Dwarves
-Does not wear heavy armor
-Has issues with trusting
-Some arrogance .....thinks he can beat almost anything
-Has a soft spot for a pretty face

Pheonix is the mantra that Kyel took up since the age of 16, his family struck out  on their own, instead of living within a great elven city they lived alone in the woods, an orc raid which resulted in the death of his Mother, Father, and two brothers leaving only himself and his younger sister who is 2 years younger than him.
After the Orc massacre he took his sister to one of the Elven cities and left her in the care of an old friend of his fathers, a priestess and a Highelf , upon learning the Pheonix intended to hunt orc she provided him with the mytrhril sword. After years of succesfully hunting small groups of Orc which taught him tracking skills, he began feeling like he needed something greater. He returned to the elven city only to find out his sister had left a few months after him, the High elf convinced him to stay in the city long enough to improve his then mediocre skills with a sword.
Rumors came of a great orc horde rising up in east of the city supposedly pouring out from abandoned Dwarf tunnels. The city took up arms preparing a pre-emtive strike. Of course he stayed to help.
The battle took place and he saw an orc coming up behind the High Elf, he shouted to her as he ran but the steel armor he was wearing impeded his movemant making him get to her in time to catch her headless body. After the battle The dead High Elfs brother presented pheonix with a his medallion as he learned that pheonix vowed to never again wear  heavy armors.
He spent the next few years looking for his sister,wondering and helping out adventurers wherever he met them.

Pheonix - Is young and quite brave which often leads him into danger..... He loves the thrill of a good fight often he smiles while in battle when he doesnt smile at any other times.
Although he is not a social person he does enjoy flirting with pretty females and that also has gotten him into many a fight.

If im aproved maybe we should meet in the middle of a battle, possibly ive been tracking you after hearing rumors about adventurers going for the crystal...
perhaps I watched the fight and caught the escaped thief?
Post by: Xolon on November 11, 2002, 11:12:55 pm
nice to see you joining us pheonix (if accepterd ;)maybe it would be nive that you have some hatred between dwarves? Later in the game this changes... It would bring something extra is your guys.

And baout the plave of joinning, i think its a good idea.

Post by: Link on November 12, 2002, 12:12:53 am
Name: Link
Race: Hobo
Gender: Male
Age: 30


Clothes Stolen from Salvation Army
Pack of Ciggerettes
Sign that says \"Wife pregnent need smokes and beer\"


Deadly Underarm Stench
Post by: Silverblade on November 12, 2002, 12:15:49 am
Now that would be called spam Link. You go around accusing people of spamming, then you do this.  ???
Post by: Fiere on November 12, 2002, 07:11:46 am
That is exactly how I pictured you Link! Hey be glad Silverblade we have our first player minor monster!
Link the Hypocritical Troll! Beware his rancid stench of innsecurity!
Post by: Aruneko on November 12, 2002, 04:02:00 pm
Nice character, Pheonix, not-so-nice character Link.

But Pheonix you ought to tone down your equipment a little bit.  About 1 out of every 10000000000 people has actually seen mythril (according to games, Tolkien, etc.)
Post by: Fiere on November 12, 2002, 04:51:05 pm
Perhaps he could say the broadsword is a family heirloom? Or a reward for a previous quest maybe.
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 12, 2002, 06:55:54 pm
Oi, I just take off for about 15 hours and two new characters are up. Anyhow, the character review...

Pheonix, nice character, but you can tone down your character a bit. As your character is supposed to be an archer/mage, the mithril sword whould be downgraded a bit, or turned into a staff. Depending on how powerful the staff is, you should take on and off your spells. The composite bow may be enchanted, but perhaps in could be as powerful as it is now, but seriously flawed in one way, or you could tone down the enchantment a bit. The spell \'Conjure Arrow\' will have to be taken out, too, I\'m afraid. Even though it would be nice to conjure arrows whenever you want, it would be kind of cheap in the beginning. Enchant arrow should be minor at first, too. Otherwise, good character, Pheonix!

Right then, Link.... Either your character has to be upgraded majorly, be an important NPC in some way, or be some annoying person who is supposed to be \'humor relief\' but fails badly in doing that job. Your character, however, can be upgraded into a thief. How you want it is up to you.

Pheonix can watch our battle and catch the running thug and meet up with us. Link, depending on what he does, will meet us in one way or the other.
Post by: Silverblade on November 12, 2002, 09:39:28 pm
uummm, I dont think Link was serious about joining.
Post by: Fiere on November 12, 2002, 09:41:39 pm
No worries, already taken care of by our fearless leader ;)
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 12, 2002, 09:53:06 pm
Hehe, I just posted that in case Link does want to join, which is highly unlikely. Anyhow, I don\'t really think we\'ll actually meet him, other than the spam posts he makes, which are easily taken care of.

Pheonix should probably meet us when we enter the Stone Labryniths.

We\'ll need monster ideas... And we\'ll need that one pack animal to carry all of our stuff that we don\'t need to carry ourselves. I\'m thinking of making a character sheet for it, too. Oh yeah, and who gets to name it?  :D I\'ll leave it to you all to name the soon-to-be pack animal which we end up having, probably through a battle.
Post by: Fiere on November 12, 2002, 09:55:29 pm
Sounds good, now get out to those tunnels so I can drop in! Hehe
Post by: Pheonix on November 12, 2002, 11:04:29 pm
Ok the mythril sword is now silver (most likely silver alloy of some sort as silver isnt all that strong)

The enchantment on the bow has changed to just allow more range no accuracy help

also about pheonix he is primarily an archer with very minor spell capabilities so his using magic of any sort would fatigue him quite a bit with the exception of light which is a novice level sort of spell.

also now enchanting his arrows will fatigue him and he only can enchant them with fire.

Need me to tone down more ?
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 13, 2002, 10:38:06 am
Okay, now your character is approved and can meet us whenever you wish to, Pheonix.
Post by: FyreBlade on November 13, 2002, 09:37:12 pm
um, is it too late to join? i read this thread, and the RP thread and they both look cool. if i can join, here\'s my char info. i will need a little tweaking cuz i always tend to make my char overpowered but i\'ll try not to.

Name of character: no real name, chosen name is FyreBlade, prefers to be called Fyre
Race:  Klyros
Gender:  Male
Age:  30 (i really don\'t know how age works with klyros. anyway, i\'m hoping to be the human equivalent of 20 to 30, so if anyone can tell me i will change it appropriately.)
Class:  Monk-type character who can cast a few spells and has a few thief skills
alignment: neutral good

Gauntlets - good condition, slightly enchanted so that they are unbreakable, made of steel
Shin guards - same as gauntlets
Spiked Fist irons - can be worn outside for fighting and inside for climbing
Studded leather armor - extremely flexible and enchanted for durability and to improve wearer\'s speed and cannot be removed without Fyre\'s abilities
Lots and lots of throwing knives and shurikens, located at various points around the body
About 8 fighting daggers, and another 4 extremely thin ones for special cases (lockpicking, etc.)
Bag of caltrops - spiky things that hurt the feet of those who step on them
Bag of holding - can hold twice as much as a standard knapsack without increasing in weight
2 katanas worn at sides - very good condition, slightly enchanted, one for fire damage, one for acid damage
Dark cloak - strange color, in the dark it seems black, but in the forest it seems green and brown; blends in with all dark and semidark colors
Ring of the Guardian - family heirloom, protects from all damage to a small extent, though will not save the wearer\'s life against heavy attacks; for example, a sword that just barely clips the wearer will merely roll off with a small scratch, however a heavy axe or accurate sword blow will be deflected by less than an inch and hit the wearer
Helmet - metal, close fitting, hides the entire face except for the eyes; is imposing to look upon


-light healing
-magic missile
-cure disease
-purge poison
-detect presence (detects anything nearby)
discovers or creates new ones occasionally - basically means that if Fyre sees a spell cast by another enough times (about 10 - 20 times) then he will learn it. also, if he reads a spell book or a spell scroll enough times, he will also learn that spell

monk training (extreme control of body and functions, throwing knives and shurikens, martial arts, concentration, meditating, etc.)
stealth, scouting, survival, climbing, pain resistance, covert ops, silent kills, and others; has extremely fast reflexes and is very quick, excellent senses
can maintain own weapons and others to a smaller degree
extremely good at survival skills
works excellently as a loner and also quite well as a team player
Nightvision. Fly for short time. Breath underwater.


has eyes that are completely bright green, no pupils; scars across face, strange tatoo surrounding eye; this and a strange aura that hovers around Fyre unnerves most other beings who do not know him well, which makes barganing, negotiating, and just plain walking through a town very difficult
though careful and planning, is sometimes rash
does not trust easily
though very fast, armor will not stop heavy blows from extremely heavy weapons (axes, etc.) , if they hit
has difficulty trusting others
does not like working with unbearably stupid people (not that there are any here, but i needed something)
strange appearance as well as unknown (even by self) past affiliations, as well as the unforgiving will to do good attracts enemies like flies
has only above average strength for a klyros, which is sufficient for most tasks, but it also means Fyre is one of the weaker members of the party
very poor (monetary wise) - not able to get many quests due to his flaw of unnerving people as well as not being able to receive rewards sometimes for the same reason; last reason, most of equipment was made, found, or won, but the ones that were bought were not cheap

normally quiet, can be social when willing; has a sense of humor but is deadly when angry, threatened, or otherwise unhappy; does not appreciate being dominated by authority, but will follow wherever he is led if he respects the leader and is given a degree of freedom; fiercely loyal to those marked as friends and superiors; but trust and friendship must be earned, not given; is cynical, sarcastic, and bitter most of the time due to a difficult past
parents were killed by marauders when Fyre was only an infant. He was found and taken in by the Order of Erit-Agge, an order of monks that taught the arts of combat in all forms in order to be used in the defense of others. After 20 years, Fyre finished his training and set out to seek his fortune through the world. After 10 bitter years of betrayal, combat, hardship, adventuring, mistrust, and thankless efforts in the cause of good Fyre was a very different being than he had been after leaving the Order. He became quiet, bitter, and distrustful of all others. His rash bravery has been tempered into a cold, calm, analytical lack of fear. Though he sometimes still does things in a rash way, it is not nearly as bad as it had been before. Still does good, though Fyre is no goody-two-shoes nor a chivalrous knight. He occasionally breaks laws in order to do good and is rarely seen by those he helps.

ok, i think i\'m done (i hope i\'m done) i figure i\'m inevitable gonna have to do some tweaking to this thing so i guess i\'ll fill in whatever i missed later. hopefully, the RP is still open to join otherwise i wasted a bunch of time typing this up, but o well what can i say?

edit: tweaked
Post by: Keldorn on November 14, 2002, 04:18:17 am
Woah, it\'s getting crowded!

Yea, you can join i guess, but we\'re gonna have to set a limit somewhere i think. I Don\'t think the party should become too big.
Post by: Silverblade on November 14, 2002, 05:16:09 am
Maybe not everyone has to be in our party?

We could have PC\'s who are our enemies. And PC\'s who just help us out with something, like a small quest, or a fight, then go about their own business again.

I say we set a limit of 8 people in our main party.
Post by: Keldorn on November 14, 2002, 05:22:35 am
8 people? Well, then we\'ve reached the limit allready!
But if different story lines are going to evolve in one thread it\'s going to get too confusing.
Or we don\'t allow any more members or we create another thread for new ppl. (but that doesn\'t seem a great solution as well.)
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 14, 2002, 10:30:19 am
Only two more characters can  join us, but that\'s much later from now, around after we leave the Stone Labryniths.

Character evaluation for FyreBlade:

Lets see here... The gauntlets and shinguards will have to be made of a weaker component than dragon scales. Either that or you can take off the enchantment. The studded leather armor will have to not be able to deflect shots, as we would send you into an ambush and just wait around, letting you do all the work. You\'ll have to take off one of the ranged weapons; either the longbow and arrows or shuriken and throwing knives. The bag of holding will have to be downgraded into holding a lesser amount of items. By \'enchantment\' on the katanas, it would have to mean that, when struck, the target would recieve minor damage of whatever, depending on which katana struck them. The spell \'Immolate\' will have to burn allies as well, and only do weak-low moderate damage.

discovers or creates new ones occasionally

Hmmm.... You\'ll have to explain what that is supposed to mean... Other than that, good character!
Post by: Aruneko on November 14, 2002, 05:16:34 pm
Hmm, other than what Wormtail said, just make sure you aren\'t too skilled in combat.

For example, Aruneko did pretty bad in the first battle, missed with two arrows, got knocked on the ground, got a minor scratch.

Welcome then!

As to the limit, let\'s only allow 2 more people who we think are \"worthy\" of participating.  Link for example, would not be accepted if he all of a sudden want to join for real.  (not King Link III.)

If people are desperate, I suppose they can be PC\'s we meet and pass by (or kill.)
Post by: FyreBlade on November 14, 2002, 08:03:36 pm
ok, thnx for letting me join. i tweaked the char a little. kept the enchantment of the gauntlets and shin guards, made them steel, took off the deflect shots part of the studded leather, ditched the longbow, downgraded the bag of holding to only being able to hold twice the amount of a normal knapsack without the additional weight, katanas, i don\'t understand what you wanted me to do to them but what u mentioned it fine by me, and i removed immolate completely. o yah, and i also defined what i meant by learning spells. and about aruneko\'s comment. i set up my char to be very good at combat, but i guess i\'ll tone it down a bit in the thread. but he should still be able to do well. and my char will absolutely suck at diplomacy. for example, if we meet a merchant in the labyrinth (no matter how unlikely that may be) i had better be hiding or he will not sell to you. or he will sell to you at a much higher price. that\'s the kind of idea i\'m going for.

edit: ok, i\'m ready to jump in whenever i can. i\'m just waiting for final approval of my char. i will start on the labyrinth side of the bronze door (like Fiere) and work my way into the story
Post by: Fiere on November 14, 2002, 09:40:32 pm
Hehe have to say that bag of holdong dropped my jaw. Have no worries my array of diplomacy should make up for your lack thereof ;)

See you in the tunnels.
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 14, 2002, 10:57:24 pm
I see that we have just encountered a new unknown creature... Battle stats:

Orginal party: Standing in front of Bronze Doors, unknown creature leaping at them.
Fiere: In Labryniths, watching creature lunge at original party.
Pheonix: Sitting in tree, firing arrows.
Unknown creature: Lunging at original party and has arrow in lower part of body.

So, what\'s the \'unknown creature\' going to be? I suppose we\'ll find out soon enough...
Post by: FyreBlade on November 14, 2002, 11:34:14 pm
um, is my tweaked char approved yet? i really want to start in on the story.  :]
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 15, 2002, 10:39:34 am
Argh, nearly logged in as \'Wortmail_.\'

Anyways, your tweaked character is approved, FyreBlade! So, where should we meet you?
Post by: Fiere on November 15, 2002, 05:19:03 pm

Description: A mimic in its true form is a amorpious blob, with most of one side being taken up with a large mouth with ragged sharp
sharkgrin style teeth, it can assume other forms to blend into its environment
Ok kiddies careful with this one! ;) I will be away this weekend so I wont be replying before Sunday in all likelihood.

Pulled this from the monster list. Aside from whats listed this creature was mutated by the attack of the mages who broke the crystal. If Im overstepping my bounds here let my know Wormtail thanks!

Size: about halk the size of a PC in height, but slightly wider  

Difficulty: Due to its ability to morph it is a vicious preditor, it is slow to move but when in range it can envelope its target and slowly digest
it alive.

Colors: Many colours and forms, most likely, red, yellow, green, black or Brown

Main weapons: Envelope attack, dissolve, and bite

Of course I give the PS team the right to use this monster in the game. I have many others but im currently typing them up.
PS W.T.B. Member
posted 02-12-2001 15:11 GMT
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 15, 2002, 08:48:32 pm
Ah, ok then. We\'ll be facing a mimic, except it\'s probably going to be weaker than most.... I forgot to get Rantal to yell a warning to Fiere in my last post, but lets just say Rantal was too busy casting spells and cursing to allow space for yelling.

Battle Statistics:

Mimic: Moderately damaged, slowly reaching around Fiere\'s leg.
Rantal: No mana. Shooting arrows at mimic, but  has chance to hit Fiere or instead. :P
Fiere: Leg is being entangled by mimic.
Pheonix: Standing in shadows, ready to shoot arrows; might hit others, too.
FyreBlade: In Labryniths, ready to attack, but pondering whether to help the party or not. Arrow is coming his way.
Rest of Party: Ready to attack mimic, and about to do so, I think.
Post by: Pheonix on November 15, 2002, 11:31:57 pm
Well this is a rather uncomfortable situtation....
Im sure Fyre\'s not all that comfortable either =p
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 16, 2002, 12:35:50 pm
Who wants to create a map of the Labryniths? We\'ll need one, so we won\'t argue over where we are, when we don\'t know where we are. I\'m creating one right now, but if someone else really wants to do it, you can. Just say so if you wish. There are several advantages to creating a map: One, you can create places wherever you want. Two, you get to use your imagination to some large extent. Three, you can create hidden passages for us to find and secret places. On and on the list goes. I\'ll continue creating a map until someone really wants to.
Post by: Fiere on November 16, 2002, 06:00:09 pm
OK managed to get a post in tonight.
Post by: Keldorn on November 17, 2002, 07:10:52 am
I would like to create the map if i had the time for it, but i haven\'t so i can\'t.

EDIT: hmmm, this post was pretty useless.
Post by: Fiere on November 18, 2002, 11:25:48 am
Hehe I\'ll give it a shot after I finish something up for Princess Aelya.
Post by: Pheonix on November 19, 2002, 06:43:54 pm
Well the mimic is dead or at least it\'s enveloped in flame
Post by: FyreBlade on November 19, 2002, 07:28:05 pm
well, NOW it\'s dead.  :D  i hope. anyway, Fiere, i think you had better watch out for a certain elf, and i\'m not talking about Aruneko.  ;)  *cough Flaming Bird that rises from the ashes cough*
Post by: Princess Aelya on November 19, 2002, 07:36:42 pm
I love the way you mention my name so often Fiere :D

by the way everyone, good story so far!
Post by: Fiere on November 19, 2002, 07:52:25 pm
Hehe not so subliminal advertising?
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 20, 2002, 10:36:10 am
Finally managed to post after being kicked off the computer again and again, with the popular excuse of \'homework.\' Espeically when it\'s true.

Thanks for the compliment, Princess Aelya!

Anyways, the mimic is dead, and introductions are in order. We still need Keldorn to post, too... Still, we\'ll add the three new members to the party, and we\'ll go off into the Labryniths, hoping we won\'t get lost.

Anyone can make the map if they have time, just tell me if you\'ll be making the map. Be sure to put in lots of passages and dead ends, to confuse our characters.  :P
Post by: Fiere on November 20, 2002, 04:46:14 pm
Ok this is mostly for my sake as I am having trouble keeping track of who is who. Hope it proves useful to others as well.



1. Rantal
Male lemur mage played by Wormtail
Alignment:  none listed/slightly insane

2. Tegdaen Silverblade  
Male stonebreaker dwarven fighter played by Silverblade
Alignment: none listed

3. Xolon  
Male Hammerwielder dwarven merchant-fighter played by Xolon
Alignment: Good

4. Keldorn  
Male  Ylian Knight played by Keldorn
Alignment: none listed

5. Aruneko Erebrandir  
Male Demorian elven archer (class?) played by Aruneko
Alignment: none listed

6. Fiere Eien\'No\'Ryu
Female Diaboli rogue played by Fiere
Alignment: none listed

7.  Known only as Pheonix  
Male Demorian elven arecher-mage played by Pheonix
Alignment: Neutral Good

8.  no real name, chosen name is FyreBlade, prefers to be called Fyre
Male  Klyros Monk-type character who can cast a few spells and has a few thief skills played by Fyreblade
Alignment: Neutral Good

Please add corrections

Post by: Aruneko on November 20, 2002, 06:40:50 pm
I haven\'t chosen an exact race as none of them really fit exactly what I want, but oh well.  Let\'s say he seems like a Dermorian.

IMPORTANT-  I\'m going to Puerto Rico!  I won\'t be able to post for 9 days or so, so I made Aruneko fall in a pit.  Nobody follow him;  I may pop up later when I return.
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 20, 2002, 07:45:35 pm
Okay then, we\'ll have all our characters pretend you\'re dead then, Aruneko. And then we\'ll have them very surprised when you return.

Good character sheet, Fiere! I don\'t think we\'ll be so confused anymore about who\'s who and who\'s playing.
Post by: Fiere on November 20, 2002, 10:12:07 pm
Ok edited Aruneko\'s race and added alignments (the ones that were listed I have left mine for you all to figure out)

Is Dakotah still playing? He made a character but I havent seen him play.

As far as alignments go I consider them by D&D third edition rules. Wormtail do you have different stipulations?

Any other suggestions?
Post by: Pheonix on November 20, 2002, 10:25:59 pm
Hmmm are you guys planning on not eating ?
Or are you planning on finding food within the tunnels.
As it stands I have 5 pieces of travel bread.
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 20, 2002, 11:03:40 pm
Hmm... Well, we started off with no food, so we\'ll have to find some in the tunnels somewhere... Or we can assume we bought some food and decided we didn\'t post anything on it. In any case, we\'ll manage to get food in one way or the other... We\'ll vote. Who\'s for which of the above choices? If we bought food, we\'ll have to take off some money from our character sheets.

As for Dakotah, he\'s practically gone from here, and he hasn\'t posted for a long time, so we had to move his character. By the way, did I mention you could move people\'s characters if they vanish without a trace for quite a while? Well, I just mentioned it now, anyways.

As for my character\'s alignment, I\'ll try to figure that out... I\'ll take that test thingy I found a while back...

Edit: Took test, here are results:

Neutral Good

The alignment test thingy I took is at .
Post by: Pheonix on November 21, 2002, 12:03:58 am
Well I stumbled onto an elven language that has years of work into it (

so My characters name now reflects that, also I will probably have him make exclamations in evlish from time to time ill include the translation with it. Just a heads up
Post by: Fiere on November 21, 2002, 06:09:58 pm
Here is another link for Tolkein elvish and dwarvish as well I think(tengwar and angerthas)
The Tengwar (

A Drow ( dictionary.

A link to various  Mythology ( for more monster ideas.

Post by: FyreBlade on November 21, 2002, 06:40:33 pm
thnx fiere. i was looking for a drow dictionary. if no one minds, i will be using phrases of the drow language with my char in the rp thread.
Post by: Fiere on November 21, 2002, 07:18:09 pm
Iblith! Lol why is that the only one I can remember?
Post by: Pheonix on November 21, 2002, 07:56:19 pm
The Grey Company definitely did their homework checking their dictionary against the one given at Fieres elven language link, I randomly selected 10 words which all matched up.
Also I checked a few drow words against the elven and nothing I checked was even close.
Post by: Fiere on November 21, 2002, 08:08:45 pm
LOL I should hope the drow didn\'t match!! They aren\'t even related. ;)
Post by: FyreBlade on November 21, 2002, 08:12:35 pm
Originally posted by Pheonix
Also I checked a few drow words against the elven and nothing I checked was even close.

pheonix, i\'m not sure what you are saying here but if you are saying that the drow dictionary is incorrect, i\'d like to dispute that. the drow language is nothing like the elven language. also, in this case, it is drawn from the forgotten realms universe, especially from R.A. Salvatore\'s stories. i know enough about that particular fantasy universe to know that many of the phrases they have there are correct, so i\'m pretty sure it\'s accurate.

edit: oops, Fiere and me posted at the same time, so that\'s why we\'re both saying the same thing.
Post by: Princess Aelya on November 21, 2002, 11:33:32 pm
ahh the drow. my favorite race of all time :D I would argue that no race can compare to the drow\'s beautiful lust for battle and power.
Post by: Pheonix on November 21, 2002, 11:33:43 pm
OK im pretty sure Elves and Drow are connected in the distant past......hence me looking for some similarities in their languages.
No I am not saying because they dont match up that the Drow is incorrect I was just hoping to find a similarity or two.
Looking for something to substantuate my belief now.

Ok long history via (

Shadow Elves. A rare elven kind, the Shadow Elves are the opposite of the Light Elves, capturing the very essence of Co?r. They are found mostly in the Water Marshes of Northern Sarvonia; the area that once was the mythical elven kingdom of F?\'?v\'c?l\'?r. These elves, while close to the Father of Shadows, as they call him, are not inherently evil. Most of the time, they lean towards neutrality. Shadow Elves are found outside of the Marshes only in the most atypical of circumstances. Also, like Light Elves, it is unusual to find them in corporeal form. When appearing within a physical body, Shadow Elves have ebony colored skin and snow white hair.

Dark Elves. Possibly the most dangerous of elven kind, these elves follow the path led by the shadow of Co?r. It must be emphasized that dark elves cannot be counted as elves who offend against elven principles as a whole. While they are an offshoot of the Shadow Elves, it must be understood that their principles are intrinsically different. While in fact they are as nature-loving as all other kinds of elves, Dark Elves favour the dark side of nature, which is also an legimate way to honor the deeds of Av? the Beautiful - by destroying it. Dark Elves acquire a pale skin tone from a lifetime of living in the darkness of their shadowy forest homes, whitening with age. Conversely, their hair and eyes become darker and darker until they reach a jet black color in the oldest of Dark Elves. These elves are also called \"Drow\".

Post by: Fiere on November 22, 2002, 04:47:20 pm
I looked briefly at this site ( which I will definately be checking out again in the future) but I am still confused.

The Santharian Dream seems to be a roleplaying realm based on the works of Tolkien. To my knowledge the fallen elves in Tolkien lore became the orcs.The Drow were a creation of TSR for the D&D RPG or so I thought.

It was my understanding, although D&D is heavily based on Tolkien, that these are two seperate \"mythologies\" and therefore not actually related.  

Help me out here?
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 22, 2002, 10:37:33 pm
*Clears throat and changes topic*

Back to what this thread was about: The RPT, not long discussions about whether the Drow and Elves are related or not. Then again, I\'m not taking any sides, as I\'m to lazy to even check what the Drow are, so I would have had to either not post or just stand somewhere, staring.

Anyways, a map of part of the Stone Labryniths has been completed, and I am just looking for a good place to \'host\' it on. I might just register for some free website thingy, and upload it there...

The monster list for Stone Labryniths so far, and things I think we all know what they are(Things with question marks  mean I am not sure whether I really want them in there or not. By \'there,\' I mean the Labryniths):

Labrynith Spiders(Check link Parasite gave)
Minotaur(?, I am really not sure if I want them in there, might twist idea of Minotaurs a bit)

Monsters I came up with so far:

Gold Clacciatore

A small creature that looks like a pile of gold. This creature, though small, is very dangerous. Many a miner has lost his life or limb due to greed. These little piles of gold have small, razer sharp teeth that can cut off any creature\'s arms(Except ones with hard skin, like Kran and armored people) within about ten minutes. These can also jump about 5 feet high,, too, but are very smooth, so they have to grip really tightly to their victim. The only difference from these to regular old piles of gold is that they shine rather brightly, and the fact that they look like a pile of coins glued together with miniscule yet abundant arms and hands. However, most don\'t notice until it\'s too late. By then, they\'d have noticed the other differences too. These are common underground.
Post by: Pheonix on November 23, 2002, 03:33:16 am
I have always been under the impression that Drow and Elves were realted Fiere.
But just like the other convo I think we can best settle this in Pm and stop clogging up the forum.
Post by: Golbez on November 23, 2002, 05:48:16 pm
I do not mean to change the topic, I have followed the RolePlaying thread for quite some time now. It is always good to see other people who also like RPing ;)

But as far as I know, the Drows do not exist in the world of Tolkien (Haven\'t read the Lord of the Rings....yet...but I will next year), and are a creation from D&D pen and paper games. Now, I had always considered the Drows to be very distant relatives of the Elves, as I had never read anything that said this is not true.

For Wormtail: Drows, which I believe are also called Dark Elves by some (The Elder Scrolls series...Arena, Daggerfall and Morrowind) are creatures of darkness, with black skin, white hair and red eyes. They have Elven features, according to some, like the classic pointy ears. While some state they are shorter than the average High Elf (which would be very similar to PS Dermorians), I have also seen description of Drows as taller and more muscular than other High Elves.

Everywhere I\'ve been consider them to be relatives, albeit very distant ones. Now, we know there are different types of Elves: High Elves, Golden Elves, Sea Elves, etc. Drows would be, as stated above, Dark Elves. They are very fond of Darkness, thus they mostly live underground (this does not mean, however, that they are evil by nature). This way of living means they are also physically different to other Elves, and that is the explanation for their skin color, hair and eyes.

I would say the main difference between Drows and other Elves is the culture, which is very well described in the site provided by Pheonix:

I honestly do not know what language Drows speak, or whether it is similar to the Elven one or not. But judging by the culture of the Drow, I wouldn\'t be surprised if they have a language of their own. This goes to FyreBlade: Why would a Klyros, a race with no contact with Drows, speak their language?

So, to conclude, I agree with Pheonix when he says that Drows and Elves are related.

Now Fiere, if you read anything about the Drows being completely unrelated to Elves, please tell me where, I would love to read it.

Oh, and Aelya loves Drows, perhaps she can tell us more about them ;)

Now please, go on with your RolePlaying Thread discussion, I shall trouble you no more.
Post by: Princess Aelya on November 23, 2002, 06:24:23 pm
i know a bit of the history of the drow. They once lived with the other elves in peace. but there were those who were born with dark hearts and different beliefs. the normal elves found this to be an affront to what they stand for. so they cast out the elves that would become drow. they were no longer accepted as elves. when they realied this they fled into a cave which led underground. now known as the \"underdark\". they started there own civilization in the underdark and built great cities through the caverns of the underdark. after a time of living in darkness their skin turned a greyish-black color, and their hair turned a pale white. their eyes turned red as means for seeing through darkness. they called themselves \"drow\" elves.

so, phoenix is correct. the drow and elves are related.
Post by: Fiere on November 23, 2002, 06:29:45 pm
/sigh I never said Drow and elves were not related.
I said the languages in the links I posted were not related.

Ill copy out some IM\'s so we don\'t drag this out any farther here.
Post by: Golbez on November 23, 2002, 07:50:15 pm
My bad. I apologise for misundertanding what you meant, Fiere. And sorry all for rambling on, trying to explain something when there was no need for an explanation. I guess I get a little carried away sometimes.

Well, enjoy your RolePlaying. I will be watching ;).

Golbez turns around, covering his head with the hood of his dark cloak. The Enkidukai walks away from the group, without looking back, disappearing in the darkness. Perhaps, someday, he would meet them again...

(Mmmmm...that reminds me of the RolePlaying thread we had at Kada\' is a shame it was lost)
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 27, 2002, 03:46:53 pm
All right, I\'m getting the map...

I warn you, however, that it is rather... primitive. It was made by Paint and posted on Geocities. It was the best I could come up with... Other than taking screenshots off Age of Kings, but that would take too long. I\'ll add the link to the map later, in this post.

EDIT: Ahh... the primitive map that I don\'t think anyone would actually understand... anyways, it\'s over there. *Points at link under this sentence*

The little portal thing is just a big hole in the ground. I just figured that portal was just a fancier way of saying it.  :P The gold can be either fake or real.
Post by: Pheonix on November 27, 2002, 04:23:29 pm
This page is not available.  
We\'re sorry, but this page is currently unavailable for viewing.
If this site belongs to you, please read this help page for more information and assistance.

For general questions see our main help area, or search for other member pages

Yeap this is what i got when i tried to goto the link
Post by: Fiere on November 27, 2002, 04:28:50 pm
Me too but if you cut and paste the addy it works.
Post by: Pheonix on November 27, 2002, 05:01:05 pm
Cutting and pasting works thanks Fiere,

Erm who or what do the ally blobs represent?
Places where other people can enter the game ?
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 27, 2002, 05:06:10 pm
Eheh, the allied blobs represent either where other players can enter or NPC allies that we encounter. I was originally thinking of NPC allies that we find fighting, and they either lose or we rush in and save them. They could be where other players can come in, though... Also, one of the blobs might be the pack animal that we were talking about... I don\'t know, 100 posts earlier?  :P
Post by: Silverblade on November 28, 2002, 12:10:51 am
Arg, I still get \"This page is not available.\" even when I copy and paste the link
Post by: Keldorn on November 28, 2002, 03:05:43 am
Strange, i don\'t have any problems.

EDIT: i take that back, now it doesn\'t work anymore.  :(
Post by: Wormtail_ on November 28, 2002, 08:23:39 am
I need to create an index page, and that\'ll take a while... I just checked the help section. Ah well, I might as well make my own website.
Post by: Fiere on November 28, 2002, 10:46:33 am
8o I don\'t know cut\'n\'paste still works for me.
Post by: FyreBlade on November 28, 2002, 12:35:01 pm
i\'ll be glad to email it to anyone, cuz i\'ve saved it. it\'s about 1 mb as a bmp, so i can probalby make it a bit smaller if it has to be though. pm me  if u want it.
Post by: Aruneko on November 30, 2002, 10:48:45 pm
I\'m back!

So...  I\'ll come in later somewhere.  But, can I basically invent things that happen to Aruneko?

Like, make him fight some monsters and maybe find some items?
Post by: Keldorn on December 01, 2002, 11:54:19 am
Sure, as long as you don\'t start introducing a light saber \'n stuff.

You\'ll be allowed to show some creativity i think.
Oh yeah, welcome back!
Post by: Wormtail_ on December 01, 2002, 12:49:03 pm
Welcome back, Aruneko!

Yes, you\'ll be able to invent things that happen to your character. The only restrictions is that you don\'t turn your character into a super character, as Keldorn said.

We\'ll need Silverblade and Xolon in the quest thread... It is getting rather quiet in the forums overall, too...
Post by: Aruneko on December 01, 2002, 04:38:33 pm
Ok then.  I\'ll be waiting for an appropriate spot to jump in, and then I\'ll invent what happened.  I just wanted to have Aruneko accomplish something to make up for his past... stupidities. :D
Post by: Silverblade on December 01, 2002, 11:45:32 pm
\"Well, we might as well take a look at the map that was given to us...\" Rantal said, turning to look to see who had the map.

By the way, who does have the map? I dont think it was really specified in the beginning.
I\'ll just pretend I have it.

And also, Fyreblade, the picture didnt work when you e-mailed it to me, I think the file was corrupted or something.
So, I still havent seen the map, so I\'ll let someone else move first, then I\'ll follow.
Post by: Silverblade on December 02, 2002, 12:21:44 am
OK, it seems to me that in-game, the labrynths are going to be huge, and it will be near impossible to make it to the other side.

Now, we have been going quite a while, and we are only just inside the entrance.

I am thinking that maybe, a little further on, we might stumble accross a portal that the bad guys used to travel through the labrynths. We could use this portal, and get magically transported to the other side of the Labrynth\'s, thus skipping a long and boring part of our journey.

Just an idea, what do you think?
Post by: Wormtail_ on December 02, 2002, 10:48:09 am
Ah, good idea, Silverblade! I\'ll just switch the portal in the map to what it origanally meant, and \'we can skip a few hundred posts and get to the point!\'

Also, we can say that the wizards forgot to close the portal in their haste to get out. Like Silverblade said, we\'ll just stumble onto iit. However, noone, excluding the wizards, knows where it leads to...
Post by: Fiere on December 06, 2002, 05:08:42 pm
Are we still playing? I was waiting for Fyreblade to reply before I posted but its been quite a while now.
Post by: Aruneko on December 06, 2002, 07:05:41 pm
Ah, I see.  I didn\'t read the posts properly...
Post by: FyreBlade on December 06, 2002, 07:12:48 pm
lol fiere, i was waiting for someone else to finish cuz i had utterly no idea what i would have done. (actually, i probably would have dropped down and broken ur neck, or do the whole knife to the throat thing i did to pheonix. but a. it would make me overpowered and b. it is not the most diplomatic way to do things.) and aruneko, what is abover her is me.
Post by: Wormtail_ on December 06, 2002, 08:20:58 pm
Right now, I\'m waiting for Xolon to reply. If he doesn\'t reply until tomorrow, we\'ll have to move his character. I\"ll PM him, too.

EDIT: Right then, we\'ll have to move his character for him until he gets back.... Who wants to move his character? Anyone? Make sure to be as in-characer as possible, too.
Post by: Wormtail_ on December 12, 2002, 06:57:00 pm
... Looks like I\'ll be moving Xolon\'s character...

Anyways, according to what I\'ve read, Fiere has not yet seen the raiders. She just came back after meeting FyreBlade. Apparantly, this means we\'ll just run into the raiders, but that\'s fine with me.

By the way, what\'s the piece of paper for? You can at least post here if you are going to get new twists into the storyline.

One more thing: Who\'s in favor for getting the pack animal after fighting the raiders? It makes sense, them being raiders \'and all.\' We\'ll have to give the animal a species name and characterestics, too...

EDIT: Xolon\'s alive and well, but he\'s a bit busy. He\'ll come back to post once his workload decreases. I think I\'ll move his character in the meantime...
Post by: Fiere on December 12, 2002, 07:37:18 pm
Sorry bout that Wormtail, its supoosed to be something the attackers dropped but I can edit it out if you want. I just wanted to bump the thread back up over all the spam :(
Post by: Silverblade on December 12, 2002, 08:10:20 pm
nah, dont edit it out, but do you have any ideas on what it should be thats written on the paper?
Post by: Wormtail_ on December 12, 2002, 09:19:05 pm
Something the attackers dropped... Which attackers? The raiders who attacked someone else, or the mimic?  :P

Anyways, it could be a new spell, instructions on how to do something, a secret message, or just some rubbish that\'s about a raider trying to practice his handwriting...
Post by: Fiere on December 12, 2002, 09:47:59 pm
I don\'t know who the attackers are lol I mean the ones who broke the crystal. Its written in their language so it could be any of those things you listed
Post by: Silverblade on December 12, 2002, 10:15:47 pm
Maybe Rantal can decipher it, he seems to be into books and stuff.

I think it might be directions to a Portal that can warp us out to the other side of the caves!
Post by: Wormtail_ on December 12, 2002, 10:24:57 pm
Yeah, I\'ll follow Silverblade\'s suggestion and have Rantal decipher the language, with some diffuculty. We\'ll have the attackers on the Crystal drop it, like Fiere said.
Post by: Keldorn on December 13, 2002, 03:07:48 am
Just a thought here, why do we have to kill everybody we meet?
I think 15 raiders are a bit much to overcome don\'t you think? It would be a bit unrealistic.
Maybe we can talk with them? Exchange some tria for items they have.

Though if you want we could also first fight with them.
Post by: Silverblade on December 13, 2002, 04:34:42 am
yeah, im not in the mood for a fight... and keldorns right, we need a bit of variation.

Maybe one of our \"sneakier\" party members could go in there, steal some goods, and we could just find a way around them.
Post by: Wormtail_ on December 13, 2002, 10:49:16 am
I think it makes more sense to go around them than try to trade with them. They are raiders/bandits, after all. However, we will have to come across them when they\'re sleeping or gone off to raid someplace, and that\'s when we can sneak through the camps and steal some stuff. Also, It\'s rather hard not to notice a thief rushing in to your tent when you\'re next to it. One would also fell a rush of air when someone runs by, and turning invisible is not exactly an option.
Post by: Aruneko on December 18, 2002, 08:21:05 pm
Things were going slow, so I posted a bit about my character.  I\'ll finish up what happens as things happen above, so get a move on! :D

Also I suggest you finish with the formalities and get some action or this topic will end up dead, as many other RPing threads have that I have seen.

And get Xolon back on, if you can.  He\'s holding us back.
Post by: FyreBlade on December 18, 2002, 08:40:11 pm
i\'m ready and raring for a fight. i just dont\' want to start it, cuz that would kinda violate my char\'s whole \"watch, and htink about helping, dont\' start anything\"
Post by: Wormtail_ on December 19, 2002, 10:52:38 am
I\'ll be moving Xolon\'s character until he gets back. Anyways, I\'ll just have my character read the paper thingy, and then we\'ll be moving off.

Fiere will have to give the piece of paper to my character, too...
Post by: Wormtail_ on December 21, 2002, 04:27:57 pm
All right, another battle is going on. However, FyreBlade, please do NOT move characters without the GM\'s permission. For one, your character is going off on his own, and two, raiders are likely to hear metal banging, and raiders usually travel in large groups. Since I am the GM, and I think \'the more realistic, the better,\' I can simply  have the whole raiding group come up, hack us all to pieces, and we\'ll all die. However, I am not in the worst of moods, so I won\'t do that. Also, the raiding party is too large to handle, and I have kind of decided to have our characters go around the raiders than through them. Sorry for not making a big speech about it... However, if everyone is ready to fight, we\'ll fight; if not, we\'ll go around the raiders and Fyreblade, you will have to edit your post. Once again, sorry for not making it(Going around the raiders) \'public.\'

One more thing: If this post makes no sense to you, then tell me and I\'ll rephrase it.
Post by: FyreBlade on December 21, 2002, 07:21:51 pm
ok, i\'m sorry about that. i didn\'t know, i\'ll just delete my post and wait til someone does something. i was getting impatient and wanted to move us along a little faster, so i guess i jumped the gun, sry again.
Post by: Wormtail_ on December 22, 2002, 10:35:38 am
Oops, wrong thread.  :P
Title: BACK!
Post by: Xolon on December 22, 2002, 11:13:02 am
ok im back, i\'ve read the posts fast and i hope i know enough to continue again..sry for the sudden leaving of me :/

anyway, any things i need to know about my character?

Post by: Keldorn on December 22, 2002, 11:19:39 am
A lost companion returns! Welcome back!  :)

Well i guess everything you need to know is allready in the other thread.

You\'re in the front of the group waiting for further instructions apparently. So i guess you can just join in again.

EDIT: One thing you might want to know about your char though is that Wormtail_ has given your beard a nice white colour. :P
Post by: Xolon on December 22, 2002, 02:13:07 pm
Originally posted by Keldorn

EDIT: One thing you might want to know about your char though is that Wormtail_ has given your beard a nice white colour. :P

White? bah..i wanted a red beard  :(

Post by: Wormtail_ on December 22, 2002, 09:56:12 pm
*Tries to whistle innocently*

I thought that since your character was so old, Xolon, that a white beard would fit in nicely. Giving him a red beard would make your character look like in old young dwarf, and that would be rather confusing. So, I decided to make things simple.

*Walks off, still trying to whistle innocently, and comes back*

On a more serious note, I can change the color of your beard to red. We can always claim he dyed it red, and his real beard color was white...
Post by: Xolon on December 23, 2002, 12:57:14 am
hehe, no, us Hammerwielder are to proude on our beard. We wont dye it. Its just that after all those not the youngest in the party anymore ;)

Post by: Aruneko on December 31, 2002, 01:24:35 pm
This thread\'s going to die, I just know it.

Someone better start posting or its all over.
Post by: Wormtail_ on December 31, 2002, 02:14:52 pm
Tes, too true... However, we need Keldorn, Fiere, and perhaps some others to post. If they don\'t post by... say, January 5th in Pacific Standard Time, then I\'ll move the characters.

I will now post a notice requeting that if anyone is about to leave for a vacation, please make a post about it here. Also, if you have a lot of work to do, but manage to find some time off, please make a post here stating that you\'re busy. I will then move the characters for the members who cannot post due to different events.

Anyways, the thread just needs posts about the members of the party taking their respectable positions in the group, and then we\'ll confront the raiders while they\'re off attacking someone else, leaving very few behind to guard the camp.
Post by: FyreBlade on January 01, 2003, 02:24:03 pm
i\'m here nad still waiting, my char is still sitting in teh shadows, there isn\'t much i can do until the party does something.
Post by: Keldorn on January 01, 2003, 04:48:41 pm
Originally posted by Wormtail_
Tes, too true... However, we need Keldorn, Fiere, and perhaps some others to post. If they don\'t post by... say, January 5th in Pacific Standard Time, then I\'ll move the characters.

Woah there, let\'s not make any rash decisions now. I\'m still here.
Post by: Fiere on January 02, 2003, 12:56:00 pm
Sorry guys, real life  things have been occupying a lot of my time lately, but the holidays are over so that should help.
Post by: Wormtail_ on January 02, 2003, 02:33:03 pm
Yay, we\'re making progress!

Anyways, we can go through two passes. The one with the raiders, which we have to go through no matter what, or a passage south which have a group of monsters and might be where the parchment was found. Anyways, once we reach a certain area, i\'ll have the raiders attack the soldiers, and we will be able to attack the base.
Post by: Xolon on January 04, 2003, 04:46:05 pm
ok, im a bit confused....

those last two posts..

is our party the \'soldiers\' who are comming their (the raiders) way?

What are you doing? sounds dumb, but i really lost track of your actions ;)

Post by: Fiere on January 04, 2003, 05:00:51 pm
Its my understanding that we are the \'soldiers\" the raiders talk about.

Fyreblade is lurking about watching the whole party but only I know he is there although others have noticed me looking for him.
Post by: FyreBlade on January 04, 2003, 07:50:05 pm
Originally posted by Xolon
What are you doing? sounds dumb, but i really lost track of your actions ;)

lol, i\'m trying to be the party\'s unseen guardian angel, i\'m just doing the whole sword flashing thing cuz fiere knows i\'m there so i might as well let her know i\'m watching.

i will get involved with the party at the first real fight.
edit: o yeah, unless, of course, our GM has objections or better ideas.
Post by: Wormtail_ on January 04, 2003, 09:24:55 pm
Actually, the soldiers are from the colony that I placed in the map. These soldiers are coming in from another direction, so the readiers are not headed towards our party. Therefore, we can sneak into their camp and skip a little fighting, although it\'s likely that we\'ll run into the raiders who somehow just heard their camp was sacked... Either that or we run away.  :P  Sorry to get people confused. Either that or my map isn\'t loading correctly.  X(
Post by: FyreBlade on January 04, 2003, 09:48:15 pm
wormtail, ur map loaded fine for me, i just couldn\'t really understand it, as in where we were, where we had to go, who the blobs were, etc.
Post by: Pheonix on January 05, 2003, 01:01:42 am
Uhh I also know Fyreblade is there , lets not forget the whole knife to the neck knife to the groin standoff.
and my nice new throwing knife.
Post by: Fiere on January 05, 2003, 01:28:42 am
Oops, well I dont know that you know hehe.
Post by: FyreBlade on January 05, 2003, 02:48:46 pm
bah, yeah, i remember, i\'m gonna get that knife back, just u watch...
Post by: Wormtail_ on January 08, 2003, 06:56:32 pm
Oh yeah, I forgot, one new character may now join us. Also, we might get our pack animal soon... Anyways, the new character may either be a new character, or the pack animal. One and onlly one you must choose from. Also, the first one to sign up gets to join... Unless they\'re not too active.
Post by: FyreBlade on January 15, 2003, 09:45:44 pm
just wondering, cuz it\'s getting REALLY slow in the thread, how many of us are still around? plz post after here to report it. unless wormtail has any objections (gotta make sure not to piss off the GM  :D plus the fact that it IS his thread, so he should have control of it)
Post by: Xolon on January 16, 2003, 09:18:48 am

and i agree there most come some speed in it..

Post by: Keldorn on January 16, 2003, 09:33:45 am
i is still here

and waiting for you guys to post.
Post by: Wormtail_ on January 16, 2003, 07:44:56 pm
Here, and waiting for Silverblade, Fiere, and Pheonix to post. Or are they waiting for me to move my character? Hmmm...
Post by: Silverblade on January 17, 2003, 07:21:06 am
I\'m still here and posting, just not as regularly as before.

Just a warning, I am coming up to a busy time in \"real-life\", so Tegdaen may come to an unfortunate end sometime in the next month, probably in the next battle.

If the thread is still going later this year, I may start a new character. Until then, I will continue to read of your adventures.

but for now, I\'m still here.
Post by: Aruneko on January 17, 2003, 07:32:28 pm
I\'m still ready and waiting.  Soon I shall return to the upper caves, but not until its a good time.
Post by: Pheonix on January 22, 2003, 11:11:01 am
I was actually out of town for a week. =p
Post by: Fiere on January 23, 2003, 05:23:38 pm
Sorry I\'ve been outta touch guys but now it looks like I am going to have to drop out. I have been recalled to active duty for the USCG and leave for NYC this weekend.
I may have enough computer time there to continue playing so I\'ll let you know :)
Post by: Cyberchu on December 14, 2004, 03:58:45 pm
Is it still possible for me to join in/continue this story, is it totaly dead?