
Gameplay => Wish list => PvP,PK and Thieving => Topic started by: bobmook on October 03, 2005, 09:13:36 am

Title: Best PVP system i've seen
Post by: bobmook on October 03, 2005, 09:13:36 am
I\'ve played a lot of online rpg\'s and the best pvp system I\'ve seen is the one in sociolotron. Players elect a government which then hires players as guards. Guards have a few special abilities making the job maore attractive. If someone pk\'s another player the guards inevitably track the perpetrator down and they go to prison. by putting enforcement in players stands but still making it official and by having real and unpleasent penalties for the killer once caught, pking is not unknown but certainly isn\'t rampant.
Post by: Andrek on December 19, 2005, 03:26:08 am
What about desiginated PK zones?  I am not too interested in this yet, so  I did not search... sorry.

But that may be an idea where we have an area where you enter you can be killed by other players, looted, etc...

Upside you get to loot others, downside... you die you may lose all you own..

Just an idea.
Post by: derwoodly on December 19, 2005, 05:46:17 am
I hope your not expecting bobmook to answer you.  He/She posted this several months ago and has a grand total of 2 posts.  

As far as answering your question: I believe the developers are considering adding PvP arenas in the future.  However, I don\'t think that you will loose all you own if you die in one of them.

As a comment to the original poster that I am sure will never get read:  Sociolotron looked like it would not be a good example of anything.
Post by: Andrek on December 19, 2005, 04:32:24 pm
TY for the reply.  I only suggest that you have the possibility as the killer would be able to loot you.  One item at a time so they would need to work quick to get it all.

Just a thought.

TY again for the update.
Post by: derwoodly on December 19, 2005, 11:44:56 pm
I believe the arena would be more of a statium style area that would be for gladitorial style combat.  If this is the case looting would be inapropriate.  Realistically you could pick up a combatants weapon, but PS is a game first and vertual reality second.  As it stands now. death does not seperate you from your armor, weapons and money so looting them from another players seems impossible to me.  

I do not particuarly like this style of play.  As much as I hated corpse runs in other games, I think they add to the fun of the game.  I like things to be fair.  If after I kill a monster I can pick apart its corpse, the same thing should be true for the monsters.  I think the monsters should loot your corpse after you die just like you do to them.  Consequently, If you loose a duel or are mugged, your mugger should be able to take all your items.  I also would like to see realistic looting.  You can not stuff 8 two handed swords in a backpack and then run back to town.

Unfortunatly, If I made a game like this, it would degenerate into a big mess, and no one would want to play it.  PS is taking the proven path to making a role playing game.  The key word being game.  As a game it has restrictive rules that are there to improve the fun.

After saying all that, let me tell you that with computer AI as lame as it is now, player vs player combat is much more fun than Player vs computer ( or PvE as it is usually called).
Post by: Andrek on December 20, 2005, 05:43:21 pm
Agreed.  It does take a long time to dawn armor and to take if off of a dead corpse (Lord Andrek Entertainment LLC.  I know).  So I guess that if there was one or two items that were taken when you die at the hands of another player it would be appropriate.

As well looting and mugging in the collesuem would be fun.  Not that I would visit there often, but betting and such could add flavor to the game that is not here now.   This would definately be a far future goal.

As well newbs would likely stay away from the area if they found out they were dieing all the time while there and losing their wares.  It would be a fun perk that when you get good enough you can join in the fun of that area.

Just ideas... My character just has no interest in looting, or pilaging other players.  He is a warrior and loves the hunt.  If ever there was a system set up for PvP areas he may go in to test his skills some day.
Post by: derwoodly on December 21, 2005, 12:38:27 am
Originally posted by Andrek
Agreed.  It does take a long time to dawn armor and to take if off of a dead corpse (Lord Andrek Entertainment LLC.  I know).

Yikes! I myself have not personally looted armor off of a dead corpse other than to click on it \"in game\".
Post by: Andrek on December 21, 2005, 12:42:32 am
Well it took squires a long time to get it off while I was on the ground.  There was a proven effective method that got it off quickly, but you needed three people to do it all (more if they were not strong enough to lift the back board you were rolled onto.  If a breastplate is affixiating the rider you need to be able to take the armor off within one minute.  I had some guy try to take it off by himself in an I am dead situation and it took him over twelve minutes to get it all off.
Post by: derwoodly on December 22, 2005, 03:42:21 am
Nice you sound like you worked at
MmmmmidEeevvvillllllllllll Teyemms!
or somethin.

I agree with the looting times.  In game you should have one of those anoying pop up timer bars that everyone loves so much. I would say one or two real life minutes on the bar would be very painfull in game.  I would also think it impossiable to carry a looted set of armor and still be able to fight at all.

Under very restrictive looting game physics players could be allowed to loot from other players and it would not be a big deal.  Of cource getting killed and having to do a corpse run back to your body to get your very damaged armor back would suck.
Post by: doomer on December 22, 2005, 03:41:48 pm
Originally posted by Andrek
What about desiginated PK zones?

Runescape has those and they suck cuase if someone has to get through them to do something they will have to fight someone... most likely a slayer.
Post by: Andrek on December 22, 2005, 05:50:36 pm
So it is in an isolated corner (or cubby hole).  I think that is most accurate.

I work with Lord Andrek Entertainment LLC.  We hosted Lords of the Lance this past year with another company in Utah.  I do not know if we will return to help them, but I did learn alot from the experience in business and jousting. (very similar to Medieval times, but not scripted... well it wasn\'t supposed to be until the funder wanted to be the winner [hyporcrite]).

So I think that if any one item were able to be taken, and that you still have your items transfer (aside from the one taken) that it would work well.