
Fan Area => Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) => Topic started by: LigH on October 10, 2005, 04:12:03 am

Title: Gag Halfrunt - introducing myself
Post by: LigH on October 10, 2005, 04:12:03 am
May I introduce myself:

Gag Halfrunt. 30 years of age (yes, both).

I am a male Ylian, mainly interrested in the nature and science. My father is an artist, a musician (my RL father is one, part-time, too), my mother an apothecary (in RL, she once was a shop assistant). I have a younger brother who is messenger in the armed defenses (likewise).

We used to live in a small house in a small city, perfectly suitable for my parents\' needs: with a shop, a large basement for storage and musical training, and a garden (partly roofed - like a conservatory) for our herbs required for selfmade potions.

We are not religious in either way. At least, we don\'t practice religion regarding regular praying to a god, or believing in unavoidable fate and destiny. Still, we use the magic powers; and I must admit - once I have seen Talad himself, appearing on the Hydlaa plaza for a few seconds. So I can\'t deny their existence, I just don\'t believe that a god can handle planning all my life for me. My life is my own task.

I was told that when I was born, a swarm of ravens sat on the roof of our house. We know that ravens are smart birds; most neighbors took it as a good sign for me.

When I was a young child, I loved roaming around the city, collecting beautiful pebbles. This way, I once discovered a secret cage containing shiny crystals with a friend. Unfortunately, we got attacked by a huge creature, and I lost him; I only slipped away with my last efforts. How could I know that even strong fighters became victims down there? One of those poor guys was not even able to take his last healing potion - which finally saved me.

I always enjoyed people showing tricks for entertainment, therefore I became an apprentice of a great prestidigitator. This trained my agility somewhat; for the price of a broken leg I got from an evening when he was drunk and threw around some furniture. But the leg healed well, and so did my angers, after listening to his sad story. One night, he was mugged by a few bandits, and I was helpless - just could save my own life by reaching the other shore of a river.

Later, I worked as courier for magicians, hoping to learn a few basics and spells here and there. Unfortunately, it appeared that the magicians were a bit selfish in their purposes, even the higher members of the clans must have been corrupt - when I told them about conspiracies I ran over, I was fired, and the plot was unavoided. Oh, I can\'t stand injustice...

Luckily, I was able to take a few worn-out scrolls before I was fired, so I was able to learn several not powerful, but unusual spells. Not to harm anyone by accident, I trained them on a well hidden glade in a rather dense forest. To my surprise, I could spot a beautifully colored cloud above my head a few times. Finally, I decided to explore it, and used a flying spell, which I managed surprisingly well. Reaching the cloud, I discovered a nice young sorceress. We liked each other immediately, and spent much time exchanging experiences.

To build up my body, I joined a youth fight club where I learned a fair amount of sword skill and armory, and for my social skills, I volunteered campaigns of polititians. This way, our family was lucky to be told early about a plague creeping through the country, so we were able to prepare much medicine in advance, saving a lot of our citizen. Only my girlfriend was a hard loss to me... This may be a reason why I use more power in science than in society now, and still keep some distance even to good friends.

I found that I could not stay much longer in my birth town, and decided to go on the tramp. This way, I discovered Hydlaa, where I wanted to settle down, at least for a while. The surroundings here are promising, and I would love to build up my own shop for selfmade potions.

Today, I am a well trained fighter (mostly because of some unemployment in Hydlaa), and a fairly experienced magician. I joined Janner\'s Way after considering different guilds and finally deciding that my most important goal - besides helping other people and the justice - still is a fair amount of individual freedom. And it was not hard at all to find several good friends here in Hydlaa, as well as in the next town Ojaveda.