
Gameplay => Wish list => Topic started by: Aduin on December 06, 2002, 04:13:12 pm

Title: Spawning
Post by: Aduin on December 06, 2002, 04:13:12 pm
This idea came from a game that was never released called Dawn. Their idea, was to have no spawning. Everything in the game would have to be procreated by two others of the same species/race. This meant that certain races or species could go extinct if they were over hunted or killed. I liked this idea, though I\'m sure it would be tough to implement. Any other thoughts/suggestions?
Post by: BaretteDeBeurre on December 06, 2002, 04:25:08 pm
and when you create a character, you must wait that a couple make a baby and raise it before playin it?
Post by: Aruneko on December 06, 2002, 04:33:26 pm
I think he must have just been referring to NPCs.

That would be pretty neat.  It would be much more satisfying than killing 20 million orcs, and find another 20 million have spawned in the next five seconds, only because you made space for them.
Post by: BaretteDeBeurre on December 06, 2002, 04:37:14 pm
And when there won\'t be any monsters left, all decimated by players???
Post by: Aruneko on December 06, 2002, 04:40:01 pm
That won\'t happen, because monsters will... er... create more monsters all the time, and they will spread.
Post by: Keldorn on December 06, 2002, 04:42:02 pm
and when you create a character, you must wait that a couple make a baby and raise it before playin it?

Ever heard of Ryzom? In that one you\'ll be able to have children, raise them, teach them and when they\'ve fully grown you can play with them as a new char. Which is needed cause your char also gets older and eventually dies.
Or if you\'re fed up with that spoiled little brat of yours you can just sell him.

This is somewhat the same, but also completely different.  ?(
Post by: Fiere on December 06, 2002, 04:42:42 pm
I was told there would be no \"spawns\" or \"camps\" in PS thank goodness!
Post by: BaretteDeBeurre on December 06, 2002, 04:47:12 pm
Ever heard of Ryzom? In that one you\'ll be able to have children, raise them, teach them and when they\'ve fully grown you can play with them as a new char. Which is needed cause your char also gets older and eventually dies

 8o didn\'t heard about it before but that\'s an incredibly great idea
Post by: Kendaro on December 06, 2002, 05:25:31 pm
things must spawn or they would go extinct. the way to fix the camping issue is to have the creatures spawn in an off world area and then after they gather enough force they enter the world and then scatter out. This would make it seem like they just came out of some cave or crevice or something like that. People couldn\'t sit at this crevice and wait for them to come out cause they would come out in such a number it would take a level of players higher than would get experience from the creatures to take out their spawning. it would bbe completely overwelming. Even if you had a large group, there would be so many to deal with you couldnt keep your team fighting and eventually you would have to run or die.

Think of it like the sceen in Fellowship of the Ring where the goblins came out of the wood works in Mordia(sp) Hall. Even though there was a good team of fighters they couldnt deal with the shear numbers.

That is the hope but it still needs worked out. Too many issues still exist but we will try our best to work them out so camping will not exist.

*edit* oh as for allowing things to get over hunted till point of extinction, well thats a lot of modeling work all for nothing. That just simply not an efficient way to deal with over hunted areas.  The way DAoC dealt with this issue was the more an area got hunted, the less xp those MOBs gave. This would cause people to no longer hunt those areas and move on to explore better hunting areas.
Post by: Vengeance on December 06, 2002, 06:57:59 pm
When we said no spawning/camping, we meant:

a) Creatures will almost never spawn in the same place twice.
b) You will not be able to \"farm\" a set of mobs because your XP awarded will decrease over time, as Kendaro mentioned about DAoC.

People such as Talad want to have a birthing, procreating type of evolving world, but I am skeptical whether it will ever be built.  It is certainly a very lot of code for not much gameplay benefit over just having random spawns.

- Vengeance
Post by: Aruneko on December 06, 2002, 07:18:43 pm
Couldn\'t there just be some deep corner in the darker pits of the world where two orcs stand in a corner and they just stand still for some 20 minutes, and then another orc instantly appears next to them, as if it had spawned there.  Does that take alot of scripting?
Post by: Link on December 06, 2002, 11:45:22 pm
How unrealistic would that be?! You don\'t just stand there to make babies!
Post by: Fiere on December 07, 2002, 12:47:10 am
Thanks Venge I knew there was more detail but all I heard was \"no camping\" and I was in heaven ;)
Post by: Aruneko on December 07, 2002, 12:18:18 pm
Originally posted by Link
How unrealistic would that be?! You don\'t just stand there to make babies!

Well, you can go try and see if the devs will make the animations required for it.  I have the feeling they won\'t.
Post by: Homunculus on December 10, 2002, 01:19:34 pm
Originally posted by Vengeance
 You will not be able to \"farm\" a set of mobs because your XP awarded will decrease over time, as Kendaro mentioned about DAoC.

I assume this goes something like first one 100%
2-10 99%

11-50 98%

etc etc... (well maybe not those exact numbers :) )

what might be done (well dunno if thats progamable)

a creature that gets hunted much gets stronger (others learn from the mistakes made by the now dead etc etc)

and creatures that dont get hunted- they weaken (no exercise ;) )
Post by: [shem] on December 11, 2002, 12:11:18 pm
i think that we need spawning but not farming, and we dont need the whole two orcs stand and make babies (its unrealistic)
Post by: Aruneko on December 11, 2002, 04:54:38 pm
which is more unrealisitc, monsters appearing from nowhere, or monsters appearing from existing monsters?

The only reason for simulating \"birth\" is so that the number of creatures created depends on the present population.
Post by: Aduin on December 11, 2002, 07:11:49 pm
Heh, wow I\'m thinking way to into this, but here\'s an extension on the idea. If at the begining, there were random strength mobs, from really weak to really strong. Then introduce the whole reproduction thing, and you get survival of the fittest, and Darwinian evolution! Especially if the AI evolved as people hunted them more. =P Getting a little overzealous with the realism, but hey, it could be cool.
Post by: Pheonix on December 11, 2002, 11:52:55 pm
*patiently waits Venge\'s responce to this*

Post by: Vengeance on December 12, 2002, 01:37:47 am
So then how do new Newbs have fun when all monsters have evolved to be stronger than them?
Post by: Pheonix on December 12, 2002, 01:52:55 am
A solutiion could be that the world of evolving monsters is kept in check, there should always be the \"newbie monsters\" perhaps the farther away from whatever the designated newbie zone is the more likely it is that youll encounter bigger numbers of meaner monsters (of course there should be the possibillity that a new species would terrorize the newbie town until dealt with by stronger players)
So instead of just allowing these evolution models to run rampant and creating monsters which are ridiclously hard to slay, we put some control into it to provide for newbies.
Also we provide for the player whos been around years and is bored with the current monsters we have, he goes to his usual hunting area to kill a species he is familiar with, lo and behold a horde of something new, maybe faster,maybe stronger,maybe just new resistances come out and suprise him.

Then again we have to take into effect what this is going to do to the server resources. =/
Use them,
this is where I think the feasabillty for such an idea looses its steam, is a evolution model like this worth what its going to cost the server ?
Maybe so, then again maybe not.

Another possibillity is that we introduce monsters without having the evolution model in place,and reduce the numbers of the monster we want to phase out, its not exactly the same thing but it could very well have a similar effect

Personally I would like to see the evolution model in game but as always people thats just my opinion. =)
Post by: Nikech on December 12, 2002, 12:11:37 pm
Originally posted by Vengeance
So then how do new Newbs have fun when all monsters have evolved to be stronger than them?

Maybe whne some type of monsters becomes stronger than others it start hating them, because they know that they are better than others, like noob pkers. Those strong monsters could kill weaker ones when they meet them and hunt them until there are only few monsters of the weaker type left. Then the weaker monsters would become even more weaker and new players would be able to kill them.

Just an idea.