
Fan Area => Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) => Topic started by: Aradia on February 02, 2006, 07:09:58 pm

Title: Aradia's Story (Pre-Thieves of Yliakum)
Post by: Aradia on February 02, 2006, 07:09:58 pm
(So, I take a stab at this writing business. *takes a stab* Here we go...)

A Fighter

Who am I? That is a hard question to answer. I could tell you my name, but since when do names have much significance? I could tell you my title, but there is a good chance that you would turn away and listen no more. So who am I? I can only tell you to read further, only then will you truly know and understand.

My father was an Elf, and my mother was a Diaboli. Naturally, the result of this cross of races was a Ynnwn. I was the youngest of the family. My four older brothers were the ones who always got to learn the things that my father could offer to teach them. He as an architect, a very intellectual individual. He relied more on his brains than his brawn, and my brothers grew to be the same way. I never talked to my father much, as I was too energetic and competitive. I had a bit of a violent streak in me, and he hated me for it.

My mother, however was different. Despite her being a Diaboli, she was a very devoted follower of Laanx. She was skilled in many Ways of magic, but mainly the Ways that were for healing. She worked in a small village as a healer in their small temple devoted to Laanx. Even though the holy objects affected her in such strange ways, her religious devotion never faltered.

Even though she was indeed a healer and had a very peaceful demeanor, she could be fierce. Once, a band of thieves attacked the temple. She moved with such swiftness and struck with precision, that I barely had time to recognize that she had moved from her position. The thieves were only three in number and very inexperienced. I stood transfixed as she offered a hand to the thief that she had just sliced with her Dark Daggers. \"There\'s no need to steal from a place of worship\" she whispered to him. The thief wiped the blood from his arms and spat on the ground at her feet. \"That is what I think of you and this place!\" he said before he turned and fled with his group. My mother turned to me with her fierce red eyes. I stared back at her, utterly bewildered at what had just happened.

\"Aradia\", she said absentmindedly while she went back to her healing circle. \"Pass me that bowl please.\" I walked over to the table to get the bowl that she had indicated. I picked up the bowl and a searing pain surged through my hands and arms. Instantly, blisters appeared on my skin and I cried out as I nearly dropped the bowl. \"It burns!\" I gasped as I hurried over to my mother to give her the bowl. She spun around and quickly grabbed the bowl. Her eyes widened. \"Aradia!\" she said to me. \"I\'m so sorry! I forgot that the bowl has gold in it!\" She pulled me into her healing circle and gently touched my blistered arms and hands. She muttered a few well chosen words and a ring of the Crystal energy formed around my wounds. After she had finished she looked me in the eyes and said with utmost sincerity, \"Forgive me Aradia. I never meant for that to happen. I\'m so sorry.\" I smiled and embraced her. \"Don\'t worry\", I said. \"I\'ll learn to handle it just like you learned to handle the holy objects.\" She gave a small smile. \"You\'re a fighter Aradia. Always be a fighter.\"

That night, when we returned to our small, isolated house about ten miles from the village. I knew something was not right. The house was dark and no signs of movement were seen. When we entered the house, my father\'s and brothers\' possessions were gone. A note was on the table. I picked it up and began to read, \"I cannot live here with you or the girl any longer. You fill her mind with violence and hatred, while my sons and I strive for peace and a comfortable life. I have taken my true children with me. You may keep the girl and the house. I want no more communication with such evil beings. I love my sons, even though they have part of your monstrous features. The girl, however, I deem an abomination. Truely the biggest mistake we\'ve ever made.\" - You know who wrote this

I stood there trembling with rage and my eyes stung with tears of bitter hatred. My mother came from the other room and took the note from my hands. She quickly read the note and tossed it into the fireplace. She led me over to her bed and sat me on the edge. She sat down next to me. \"Aradia\", she began in a soft voice. I didn\'t look at her. \"An abomination...\" I said venomously. I looked into her glowing red eyes and held up my raw hands. \"I\'m not supposed to exist am I? Diaboli and Elves aren\'t supposed to have children.\" I lowered my hands and stared at the floor. She placed her black hands over my red ones. \"Aradia\", she said. \"You have every right to exist. What he said is not of any importance.\" I stared at her with my eyes still brimming with unshed tears. \"We\'ll talk about this in the morning\", she whispered. I nodded and kicked my boots off as I crawled under the blankets. \"Always be a fighter, Aradia.\" She kissed my cheek and closed the bedroom door behind her. I fell asleep to the sound of her quietly weeping in the next room.

\"Always be a fighter.\" I will never forget these words for they are the last words that I heard escape from her lips.

I awoke the next morning to complete silence. This was not a good sign. My mother should have been awake. I leaped out of bed and pulled on my boots. I flung open the door and nearly fainted at the sight in front of me. My mother\'s lifeless form lay on the floor. A large dark stain was on the floor near her neck. I dropped to my knees and inspected the slice in her throat. My own salty tears mixed with the dried blood around the gash. I gently lowered her head to the ground. My mind was screaming for me to crumple to the floor and weep until I too was as lifeless as my mother. But, no, I had to be strong. \"Always be a fighter, Aradia\". I nodded as if she was standing right next to me, whispering in my ear.

I walked outside in the cold morning air to the small tool shed. I grabbed a shovel and began to dig the shallow hole for my mother\'s burial. After the hole was finished, I emptied one of the large, wooden boxes we normally used for storage and lined it with my mother\'s favorite quilt. I went back inside the house, still fighting back the tears as I lifted my mother\'s body and placed it gently into the box. I placed my fingers on the wound on her neck and whispered a few words. The wound closed, but a scar remained. I whispered a prayer and invocation to Laanx and placed the lid on top. I dragged the box, now my mother\'s casket, into the shallow grave and covered it with dirt. I then sat down, cross-legged next to the grave. I knew that burying the dead was not the custom in Yliakum, but I didn\'t care. I scattered grass seeds over the mound of dirt and stood up. \"I\'m a fighter\", I said aloud to the silent trees around me. With a last look at my mother\'s grave I turned to the house and walked inside.
Post by: Aradia on February 02, 2006, 07:12:30 pm
The Last Tears

I closed the door and leaned against it. I briefly closed my eyes and sighed. I opened them again and looked around the house. There was no sign of a struggle, yet I knew that my mother could not have taken her own life. It must have been a skilled assassin to kill her without making any noise at all.

I knew that I could not stay here. When the tax collectors came, and no matter what the weather they always came, I would be forced to give away the house and live in one of the horrid orphanages in one of the neighboring villages. I could not let that happen. With my decision made, I got to work.

First and foremost, I wanted there to be no signs of a murder. I filled a bucket with warm, soapy water and scrubbed the dried blood off the floor. Once that was finished, I straightened up the rest of the house to make it seem as we all simply were away on a vacation, and had not left the house completely.

Seeing that everything was finished I opened the door to my mother?s small workroom. I wasn?t in here much, as this was her private space that nobody invaded. She didn?t reprimand me when I was in there, but I could tell that she didn?t like company while she was there. The shelves were lined with herbs, vials of different colored liquids, and many books and scrolls written in runic languages that were unknown to me. On the table, lay a small golden box where my mother kept her most prized possessions; her Dark Daggers.

I lifted the golden lid, biting down hard on my tongue as the blisters formed on my hands once more. I set the lid on the table and stifled a small scream as my hands still felt as if they were on fire. I picked up the black leather wrist sheathes for the daggers and strapped them on under my long-sleeved shirt. I slipped the Dark Daggers into the sheathes and moved my arms to make sure they were secure.

I exited the workroom and entered my bedroom. I tied my small purse of 100 Trias to my belt and grabbed my mother?s long black cloak from the hook by the front door. I pulled the hood over my head, the sides shielding my face.. I closed the door to my house quietly and knelt before my mother\'s grave. I made a silent vow to avenge my mother\'s death and find the ones who had murdered her. As I knelt there, hot tears ran down my cheeks. I watched as the droplets hit the ground. Those were the last tears I ever cried.
Post by: Aradia on February 02, 2006, 07:15:11 pm
Aradia, Assassin

The first few weeks on my own were hard. I already had anticipated the hardships when I had first left my house. I didn?t expect life to be easy for an orphaned 12 year old girl. I had many small jobs in various places, and created a temporary home in a small corner of the sewers. I killed rats for food and asked for mugs of water in taverns. Most owners were generous, they didn?t charge for water. Despite living in the sewers and not having proper clothing for the elements, I rarely fell ill. I prayed to Laanx and thanked the gods for helping me stay alive. Things were bearable for a bit, until the winter came.

The night was frigid, and my face and hands were numb because of the cold. I was returning from a local tavern where I had just finished clearing the cellar of rats. I checked the small purse hanging from my belt to be sure that it was still there. The tavern owner had paid me generously with a sum of 30 Trias.

From the corner of my eye, I seen movement. I whirled around and seen in the distance four dark-clad figures walking briskly in my direction. I turned back around and slowed my pace while letting the hilts of my daggers slide into my palms. I saw a drainpipe attached alongside a small house to my right and quickly scaled it to the roof. I crouched in a dark corner, my daggers drawn. I heard the drainpipe rattle as my stalkers came onto the roof as well. From my corner I could see that they were all male and wore masks. One stepped forward and inched towards my corner. He turned his back towards me and faced his companions. ?Where did-? He stopped short as I leaped from my corner and pressed my daggers to his throat. ?I?m right here? I hissed through clenched teeth. I heard the singing of metal blades as the rest of the figures drew their swords. ?Sheath your weapons? he told them in a calm voice. They reluctantly obeyed. ?What do you want from me?? I whispered. ?I know you?ve got nobody left. I?ve seen where you go every night. I can help you.? He twitched a bit as I pressed my daggers a little harder to his throat. ?You?ve been following me! Why should I trust you?? I said. ?Because?, he said calmly. ?You have potential. I am impressed with how you attacked me from behind. You move like an assassin. You could have killed me, and I wouldn?t have had time to draw a blade.? I lowered my daggers and stared at him as he turned to face me. ?Show me?, I whispered. He nodded and motioned for me to follow him. I sheathed my daggers and followed him and his group to their large estate.

For a year he trained me as an assassin. Everday I learned new ways to twist my daggers, the weak points of every race and monster in Yliakum, and learned to move my body in the strangest ways to slip into small areas. However, this training did not come without a price. In return for knowledge and training, my master (as he demanded I call him) used me for his ?experiments?. He liked to test out new weapons and forms of torture. I remember the long hours of being bound and beaten and trashed with whips of all kinds. His favorite experiment was to make tiny pinpricks on my skin with sharp objects made from precious metals. I hated him, yet I still endured the torture. My thirst for the knowledge he could give me made me stay. I vowed to learn from him until he had no more knowledge to offer. Then, I would kill him.

The fateful night finally came. After a particularly painful experiment, I asked him what my lesson would be tomorrow. He struck me across the face and growled, ?Don?t ask me! You will see tomorrow!? He slammed the door behind him. I held my hand against my stinging cheek and sighed. He had been avoiding the question everytime I asked. I knew he had nothing more to teach me. I knew that it was the time to kill him and move on with my life.

When I was sure that he had finally settled into his drunken stupor, I eased my way into his bedchamber. With my daggers in my hands, I glided over to his sleeping form. With a quick motion I sliced the daggers across his throat and watched the blood spill onto the white linen sheets. I sheathed my bloody daggers, took the small purse of Trias from his table, grabbed my cloak, and walked out the door unsure of where to go.
Post by: Aradia on February 02, 2006, 07:16:05 pm
The Thief Is Born

I returned to living in the sewers for a few more months, amusing myself at being able to throw daggers at rats from 10 feet away and killing them in one shot. When the workers came to clear the sewers of rats, they always were complaining about the lack of them. Their frustration amused me. When they walked by my ?home? I cut their purses. They never knew it was me. I liked their misery and thrived on it.

While in the midst of skinning rats, I saw a group outside of my corner. ?He?s around here somewhere-? ?The rats are gone-? ?Purses already cut-?. I strode out of the shadows and leaned against a pipe, listening with interest at the conversation. One of them turned to stare at me. ?Did ya see a thief ?round here little girly?? I glared at him. ?Let?s get one thing straight?, I said. ?I?m not a little girl. And secondly, who the hell are you?? He grinned at me. ?I like ya. Ya got attittude.? He extended a hand. ?Name?s Kut ?cause I like to cut things up with mah swords here.? I shook his hand. ?Aradia?, I said. ?So, you?re looking for a thief?? He nodded. ?Yah, he?s been cutting all the purses of the workers here. We?re usually the ones robbin? ?em but we can?t if they ain?t got nuthin? to loot!? He frowned and gestured to the rest of the group. ?Makes our job hard ?cause there ain?t nuthin? we?re good at b?sides stealin?!? I laughed softly. He raised an eyebrow. ?What?s so funny eh?? I grinned and turned to my corner where I hid all the purses. I gathered them into my arms and dumped them at his feet. ?That?s what?s funny? I said. He stared bug-eyed at the pile. ?Y-you been the one stealin? ?em?? I nodded. ?Hold on jus? a second there Aradia?, he walked over to his group leader and whispered something to him. The leader flicked his eyes to me and then to the pile on the ground. He walked over to me and grinned. ?You looking for a job?? he asked me. I stared at him. ?Just tell me what you need and you?ll have it? I answered. He clapped his hands together in delight. ?Welcome to the gang!?

The first two years I spent in the gang were quite possibly the most happiest moments of my early life. I was very skilled at pickpocketing, ?cutting? they called it. After some time of cutting I was promoted to stealing from small shops and eventually people?s homes. The gang was all male, but they were a happy lot. All of them were in their early to mid twenties and treated me like ?one of the guys?. I recieved no special treatment for being the youngest or the ?girl?, and I liked it that way. We threw loud parties in taverns and got booted from many of them. I can?t remember how many times we were all too drunk to even walk. I was truly happy. I felt alive and things were going well. But, that would soon change.
Post by: Aradia on February 02, 2006, 07:16:59 pm

A strange illness had settled over the village. I wouldn\'t call it a plague, but it was contagious and 8 out of 10 times it was fatal. The gang leader, Krive, had contracted the illness. Because of my knowledge in healing, I was the one that cared for him. My healing powers were limited. The best thing I could do was to try and make him as comfortable as I could during his last days. He knew I was trying to help and he also knew that he would die. Krive was like a brother to me, and his passing affected me very hard.

When he died, the gang was in mourning for quite awhile. We still drank ourselves stupid, but it was more out of grief than for celebratory reasons. After a few weeks we realized that we needed to choose another gang leader, or it would all fall apart.

We took a vote and Kut became leader. He and Krive were very close. He had changed from his usual optimistic self, to a dark and brooding character. This suddenly sobered Kut turned out to be an effective leader, but a tyrant as well. He sent me on the most dangerous runs. I once had to scale a tower to cut the throat of a rich merchant, get the weapons he was storing, and climb all the way down. Truly one of the most difficult things I\'ve ever had to do. I began to wonder why he put me in so many life-threatening situations and confronted him about it. He simply told me \"they ain\'t that dangerous\" when he damn well knew they were. I began to grow frustrated.

Three weeks before the day that marked my eighteenth year of life, I received yet another ridiculously dangerous run from Kut. I was to infiltrate a merchant\'s large estate and break into his private gold vault. I glared at him. \"How in hell do you expect me to touch the damn stuff!?\" I raged at him. \"Figure something out!\" he roared back and tossed a dagger towards the door. I spun on my heel, my long hair flying behind me and stormed out the door, slamming it behind me.

I easily broke into the estate and quietly slipped my way down to the gold vault. As I was picking the lock, I heard a shout and the sound of running footsteps behind me. I whirled around with my daggers unsheathed to meet my attacker. He came at my right side with a claymore. I easily dodged and managed to slice his arm. He grunted in pain and swung the claymore at me again. I dodged again and managed to get behind him to choke the life from him. He dropped to the floor. There was a movement to my left. I spun around and pulled a plain dagger from the sheath in my boot. I threw the dagger and heard it penetrate flesh and the body hit the ground. I froze as I heard more running footsteps. \"How many?\" I mentally screamed as I pulled two more throwing daggers from the sheathes. Three large Ynnwn males came running down the hallway. I tossed the daggers and growled in triumph as two fell to the ground. The last one came towards me with a battle axe. I unsheathed my Dark Daggers as we circled each other, neither looking away. He charged. I dodged to the right, but the axe grazed my shoulder. I screamed as I held one arm to my bleeding shoulder and charged right at him with my dagger. I suppose I was too quick, or maybe he was too stupid to realize that I had stabbed him in the heart. He stared at me with an expression of shock etched on his face. He made a choking noise and fell to the floor.

I bent down and wrenched the dagger from his chest. I sheathed them both and cast a small healing spell on my shoulder to stop the bleeding. I moved towards the vault, but stopped. I turned around to inspect the people I had just slain. Normally, I wouldn\'t do this, but something compelled me to look. I kicked over the bodies and studied their faces. I seen my own features reflected on their own. Realization hit me with full force. These were my brothers. I felt sick and the world seemed to spin. I searched for the exit and sprinted to the gang hideout.

I ran to my get my cloak and packed the few things I owned in a shoulder pack. \"KUT!\" I bellowed as I walked briskly towards his room. He opened the door slowly. \"What?\" he said curtly. \"I\'m leaving\", I said to him as I continued to walk toward the door. He looked alarmed. \"You\'re what?\" I stopped walking and turned to face him. \"Do I need to spell it out for you? I\'m leaving.\" He grabbed my arms and pushed me against the wall. \"You are not going anywhere!\" I glared definatly at him. \"Like hell I\'m not!\" I pushed him away and pulled my cloak around me as I opened the door and a blast of cold air entered the house. He moved towards me, but thought better of it and stopped. \"You killed him Aradia! You killed Krive! You brang the sickness! I know you did!\" he yelled. I turned and gave him an icy stare. \"Krive was like a brother to me. I\'d never do anything to hurt him.\" He laughed manically. \"Oh really? Well how \'bout those guys you just killed tonight eh? I know you killed them... and that\'s why you\'re leaving.\" He gave a twisted grin. \"They were your brothers.\" I froze. \"You knew?\" I whispered. He nodded and began to laugh again.

I snapped. I lunged at Kut, my hands around his throat. He managed to make enough noise to get a few other guys to the scene. I took a dagger from the sheath in my boot and jammed it into his chest. He fell to a bloody heap on the floor. I stared at the two guys that had come to help him. They didn\'t move. I turned and walked out of the house without a word.
Post by: Aradia on February 02, 2006, 07:17:43 pm

I made my way to the sewers, but did not go to where I used to live. That was behind me now. I needed to focus on the present and dwell on the past no longer. I walked in the twisting tunnels of the sewers for three days. On the third day of my wanderings, I came across three ladders leading up to the surface. I heard many snippets of several isolated conversations and was amazed at the number of people coming in and out of the sewers.

I climbed one of the ladders and lowered the hood of my cloak as I reached the surface. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the Azure Sun that I had not seen for some time. I walked from the sewers and into the central area of the city. I stopped as I saw a huge statue of Laanx overshadowing the Iron Temple. My heart soared. Perhaps, my life of dealing death, and thieving could end. Maybe I could start anew in a new city where nobody knew me and my past could not come to touch me. I sat at the base of the statue and dipped my hands into the water surrounding it. I splashed the water on my face and smiled to myself. \"Yes\", I thought to myself. \"I need to start anew.\"

As I sat there pondering the possibilities of my future, a dark-haired Ylian male walked up to me. \"Hi\", he said brightly. \"I\'m Jikkl.\" I smiled. \"Aradia\" I said. \"I\'ve just stumbled across this city. What is it\'s name?\" \"Hydlaa\", he said. \"C\'mon I\'ll show you everything. But first, I want to find this gobble...\" I stood up and made sure that my daggers were well concealed under my sleeves. \"Let\'s go find this gobble\" I said as I followed him. I smiled to myself and thought, \"Hydlaa... this is where it can all change\".

Post by: Nilrem on February 03, 2006, 04:50:42 am
Amazingly well written Aradia, congratulations.

I only could spot some little mistakes, I think the ones that need remark are: you sometimes used \"here\" instead of \"there\" when being at Aradia\'s house with her mother, and also \"seen\" instead of \"saw\" when the men chase Aradia before she climbs to the roof.
That said: the story is immersive, and although there\'s perhaps a lack on describing locations, that is due to the writer\'s desire to focus on the action, vivid and fast, and I guess that everyone\'s capable of building a sorrounding for Aradia\'s adventures, that I\'ve personally seen always in night or very dark places with only some candles throwing a bit of light here and there. The way you make Aradia move, as well as the weapon of choice and cloack, lead me to that.

As a little criticism, I\'d say that, if I had been you, I wouldn\'t had put the story in one shot, you could have played with us, and kept some tension, for some days ;)

All and all a pleasant reading.
So good that you\'re around, Demeter. :)
Post by: Bebel on February 03, 2006, 05:31:09 am
So well written.
Nilrem got right, you should put the stories one by one waiting for reactions and keep the suspens.
Post by: Aradia on February 03, 2006, 12:39:52 pm
Thanks Nilrem for pointing that out, I\'ll fix them a little later.

You were right though, about me wanting to keep the story moving fast. I thought that focusing on the situations Aradia finds herself in would indeed generate a mental image of the surrounding area.

As for posting them separately, to be honest, that was my first intention. However, the computer I\'m using right now isn\'t that stable and I wasn\'t sure if I would be able to get the other parts up at later times. :-)

This isn\'t the last story about Aradia\'s life. I\'ve got a lot more planned! :-)
Title: Egads!!
Post by: Anfa on April 03, 2006, 05:59:56 am
Spelling errors aside Aradia that was a most enjoyable story,
congrats I thoughly enjoyed reading your story and look foreward to  reading more of your adventures in hydlaa.

[heheh side need more females in your]
