
Development => Development Deliberation => Topic started by: Helm on May 26, 2006, 08:25:21 am

Title: 2D department stuck in work?
Post by: Helm on May 26, 2006, 08:25:21 am
Hi guys!

Has anyone seen Talad? Is he ok? Burried in work? I ask this because my last project should have finished on the 22nd, and I did finish it on the 20th... But I haven't received any information since I changed the status in Nexus.

And even my status is still of a Prospect in the page, even though I have sent the contract...  :( you don't want me anymore?  :'( :'( You did not like my leopard?  :P

I just want to know if something is wrong and I should worry, or it's just the team that is full of work! Besides, I'd like to work on a new task! :)

Sorry if I posted this on the wrong board, but I did not know where to put it! :)
Title: Re: 2D department stuck in work?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on May 26, 2006, 08:37:57 am
Nothing is wrong. Talad is busy with his work and the team is busy as always. You're not forgotten, some things just take time :lol:

IronHead, also a 2D prospect, asked the very same question only yesterday. Acraigs answer:

Heh, we are famous for being slow so don't worry too much about that.  I know that Talad has been very busy with his job at the moment and we are dealing with some project organization stuff ( ie Crystal Space changing the way we get code ).  So please hang in there and don't think we've forgotten about you.
Title: Re: 2D department stuck in work?
Post by: Helm on May 26, 2006, 08:41:52 am
Ok, thank you for the note, Thom! Makes me a bit more relaxed! :) I'll wait then! I just wanted to be sure no one was thinking about kicking me out of the team after the kinky leopard skin I did for last task!  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: 2D department stuck in work?
Post by: Xordan on May 26, 2006, 08:45:19 am
Talad has been unusually busy with RL work the last few weeks, so that's why things have been a bit slow with prospects. :) Hopefully he'll be able to clear the backlog this weekend.
Title: Re: 2D department stuck in work?
Post by: Karyuu on May 26, 2006, 10:43:38 am
Helm, do pop into IRC sometime! :} If you can, of course. If acraig/Venge/Talad are around, they'll get your forum status all sorted out, etc. Sunday is especially a good time to catch Talad though, as he's guaranteed to be there.