
Gameplay => Wish list => Topic started by: Clover on January 22, 2003, 01:26:06 pm

Title: Clothing Options
Post by: Clover on January 22, 2003, 01:26:06 pm
They need a clothes stand and you can collect dyes and create your own cloths of various different colors, to give people a feeling of individuality  :]
Post by: Vladamir on January 22, 2003, 02:20:15 pm
I\'d assume something like that would be implemented into PS although I don\'t really know.  If nothing else I\'d like to see that with the correct dyes PC armorsmiths would be able to dye plate mail if not leather and chain also.
Post by: Fanomatic2000 on January 22, 2003, 03:52:53 pm
Well, I like the idea about dyes...But wouldn\'t it look a little...strange...if a warrior walks around with a PINK chain-armor? :D
I\'m not sure what I think...
Post by: kinshadow on January 22, 2003, 04:03:39 pm
Originally posted by Vladamir
I\'d assume something like that would be implemented into PS although I don\'t really know.  If nothing else I\'d like to see that with the correct dyes PC armorsmiths would be able to dye plate mail if not leather and chain also.

Armor dyes?  Blackening metal is not hard, but changing the \"color\" of a metal is not easy, nor should it be allowed in game by mundane means.  Color of armor should be based on the metal type and exotic/expensive metals should have special colors (easier for players to show off wealth).  Any \"magic\" metal dyes should be very expensive, should be only usable by \'smiths during an item\'s creation, and should not overlap metal colors.
Post by: Thygreth on January 22, 2003, 04:12:45 pm
Hello!  :))

I think that dyes are really a good idea.  It gives style to players, an individual style. ;)

Cool!  :P
Post by: Vladamir on January 22, 2003, 05:52:56 pm
Baah!  Of course I wasn\'t talking about non-magical dyes.  Perhapes they wouldn\'t need to be enchanted or anything but merely have magical components.  
Post by: Princess Aelya on January 22, 2003, 06:11:08 pm
I dont think any kind of dye should be expensive. Sure magical dyes (for metal) should be a little more, but not expensive. After all its only dye...It\'s not like it boosts your stats or anything.

As for me...I think a dark blue plate mail with hot pink shoulder pads, all made of shiny steel. That would be cool.  :D

Oh oh! And how about exotic leather armor made from animal skins?
Post by: Clover on January 22, 2003, 08:49:56 pm
I\'d like some blackened steel armor with red highligts and painted on tear marks (like from a lion thing) on the back :]

Leather armor would be cool, but risque  :D
Post by: Creathor on January 23, 2003, 09:28:07 am
I\'m against dying of armor because we should be able to see what kind of armor someone has, and in some cases the color might be the only difference.

But to tie it into another post I think we could have armor with a guild logo on it, now that would make it look cool.
Post by: Vladamir on January 23, 2003, 10:04:13 am
It could be done so that only certain types could be dyed, and that certain quest armors couldn\'t be so you could always identify what it was.  The guild logo on armor is also another good idea.
Post by: Voldengrath on January 23, 2003, 12:23:38 pm
Can I use other players flesh as my Evil Mage robe?
Post by: Vladamir on January 23, 2003, 01:21:24 pm
I don\'t think they\'d let you do that.  But it would be interesting if you could.  Or if you were a cook make meals with racial meats.
Post by: Princess Aelya on January 23, 2003, 03:28:17 pm
Originally posted by Voldengrath
Can I use other players flesh as my Evil Mage robe?

Awsomely sweet idea! Cannabolic crafting skill!  :D
Post by: Vladamir on January 23, 2003, 04:16:01 pm
Well in some other RPGs I\'ve played there have been things such as these, ie gnomeskin armor.  Too bad only the more evil people would be able to do so and still be in correct roleplaying form.  Well unless you were a good Xacha wearing diaboli-hide armor.
Title: Clothing Options
Post by: electrickoolaid on June 29, 2006, 10:23:56 am
I wish I could write this anonymously, but here goes.  I am not trying to make this game into "Barbie Goes Medieval", but it would be nice if we had a separate inventory for clothing.  That way we could change our looks once in awhile.  I am sure you have more important things you are working on but I thought I would make a fool of myself today and this seemed like the place to do it!  :whistling:
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: steuben on June 29, 2006, 10:27:59 am
we'll have that option soon(tm)
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: zanzibar on July 04, 2006, 03:02:19 pm
we'll have that option soon(tm)

Really?  I thought that it was more of a "sometime down the road" deal, but is it really a "soon"?

Anyway, variable clothing meshes have been talked about and requested in the past... I probably have one floating around from over a year ago.  I think they would be awesome, especially cloaks with hoods!  It's difficult though, because the devs need to make the models for each article of clothing and they're a bit shorthanded in that department.  At least, that's my understanding...
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: DaveG on July 04, 2006, 04:07:02 pm
If you call armor clothing we have it "now".  :P  We'd like to add some purely aesthetic items sometime, after we have the full set of armors.  That's an "eventually"...
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: zorbels on July 04, 2006, 04:33:18 pm
I think they would be awesome, especially cloaks with hoods!

*Zorbels drools* That would be really awesome. Actually it would be great to have a pick of different clothing, such as different styled shirts, pants,  skirts (Long ones especially). To know that you could have your pick and look different from others would be neat. I know, I know, that would be a huge work load and lots of time, but one can dream.

@ any dev who can answer: One question, will the armor always be the same color? Or are there plans in the future to have the different races in different colors?
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: DaveG on July 04, 2006, 05:34:42 pm
Well, we'd like to get some sort of overlays system so we could mix textures together to make more armor variations easier.  Ex:  shiny chainmail, rusty chainmail, and various colors and versions
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: zorbels on July 04, 2006, 05:40:32 pm
Thanks DaveG. It sounds promising. I bet it isn't easy though. Well I look forward to these new armor's when they become focused on. :woot: Maybe we can even have a fashion show!

*DaveG smites Zorbels *  X-/
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Anne Ominous on July 04, 2006, 05:42:00 pm
one day it could even be fun to be political characters t wear the fanciest clothes & jewels & bling...
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Gyerfry Stoemsaber on July 23, 2006, 04:07:08 pm
Plus this would meen more people can be more different, and can express their chars more, and the game will be more realistic if people look differen then other people. PLUS some guilds can have different clothing to symbolize the guild, or people can wear different clothing to symbolise their RP job... That would ROCK! And you could add some funny clothes so people can look like complete fools, even though you can do thet by making mixed up sets of clothes, why not make them more idiotic? Example: Jester hat/ costume, or maybe a DUCK costume.... Seeing someone as a duck would crack me up.

heres my ideas for Everyday clothing sets:
Peasent {Peasont pants, boots, gloves, torso, arms)
Upper class (Like peasent only fancier and looks cleaner)
Royalty (You can guess)

Heres my ideas for different job sets:

Chef (Chef's hat, white apron, everything else can be anythin)
Politition, octarch, ect (Upper class clothing I guess)
Blacksmith (Brown apron, everything else can be anything, You'd probobly need a hammer to make thislook real)
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: zanzibar on July 23, 2006, 06:34:08 pm
Reasons not to have a DUCK costume:

1.  There are no ducks in Planeshift.
2.  This is Planeshift, not Gaiaonline.
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: DaveG on July 23, 2006, 08:26:55 pm
I'm going to have to agree with Zanz on this one... First dev to try to implement a duck costume gets stabbed in the face.
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: DaveG on July 24, 2006, 04:31:45 am
Editted.  There was some junk stuff between this and my last post that was deleted.

Now... anyone actually have anything on-topic?  :P

My thoughts on clothing:
I'd like to have a 3 layer system.  Armor, clothing, equipment.  Example, someone could wear leather armor, with customized clothing on over it, possibly with a backpack or utility belt or something on top.  If we could create a fancy texture layering system, we could have a full tailor mode.  Players could pick from any colors, lists of patterns, and material types to fully customize their clothing and some equipment.  Right now, everyone looks exactly the same.  I'd eventually like to have things like this to individualize characters.  Not only would it be a nice addition of variety, but it'd make simply telling people appart much easier.
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: miadon on July 24, 2006, 02:58:54 pm
Well it would all come down to the tailoring skill in the end. As players who wanted fancy clothes would have to ask tailors to make them something, i would guess that tailors could then sew "pieces"  of cloth together to make something. So a tailor may buy different kinds of fabic, cut different colour arm pieces, use different buttons. use different cloth for the main body of the item and the end result would be a shirt of some form.

Did that make sence :s
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Pestilence on July 24, 2006, 07:20:31 pm
strange question perhaps but why would you wear clothing OVER the armor?

I would think people would be clothed when putting on leather armor. People useally don't like the armor on their skin.

Anyhow would really love clothing. That would really add an element to the roleplay and should definately be a priority. Although I will personally hand DaveG the knife if they make a ducksuit ;)
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Kymizer on July 24, 2006, 07:40:11 pm
strange question perhaps but why would you wear clothing OVER the armor?

i don't think leather likes to get wet, so if its raining...i wouldn't mind having a cloak over me, and if i'm ambushed, i wouldn't like to dig out my leather armor and put it on while i'm fending off attacks :D
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Kalika on July 25, 2006, 08:20:00 pm
i jsut want something to look pretty in

 :love: :flowers:
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: zanzibar on July 28, 2006, 12:13:52 am
i jsut want something to look pretty in

 :love: :flowers:

Agreed.  Character descriptions only go so far...
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Farren Kutter on July 28, 2006, 02:12:09 pm
And that is if people even bother to read them... *Wants dark green clothing with dark green cloak and hood, if not something that looks like his personally leather armor. But even then, needs the green cloak.*
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: zanzibar on July 29, 2006, 02:51:59 pm
And that is if people even bother to read them... *Wants dark green clothing with dark green cloak and hood, if not something that looks like his personally leather armor. But even then, needs the green cloak.*

But there are different styles of cloaks, and then there's the issue of what colour the trim is.:)
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Evanger on August 02, 2006, 09:36:07 am
Hey there,

I just read this topic, and there was an idea proposed:
My thoughts on clothing:
I'd like to have a 3 layer system.  Armor, clothing, equipment.
was in Black Crypt for example workde fine, making inv window smaller, you had to switch between layers to put items on.

Players could pick from any colors, lists of patterns, and material types to fully customize their clothing and some equipment.  Right now, everyone looks exactly the same.  I'd eventually like to have things like this to individualize characters.  Not only would it be a nice addition of variety, but it'd make simply telling people appart much easier.

you dont have to create new models for every clothing ;)
you remember Baldur's Gate?
in that game players could choose two colours of their armors.

you could go exactly the same way in PS, at current development stage of game :)
this could be done by having NPC with options to change colours of armor, and later by implementing dyes
(alchemists whould have a new job), and some resources to create these dyes (animal parts, plants etc)

seems to be easier to put two variables into textures, than creating new models for every clothing.
of course this will need a window where you can put armor and select avalaible colors palette, but!

and with making clothes, they could be produced with default colour based on material used, than dyed into black, green etc :)

guilds could than make rules so that every member should have major armor color set to red for example.
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Kerol on August 02, 2006, 12:02:35 pm
A medieval person wears.. skin - underwear - armor/cloths - equipment - cloak
Skin/hair is given.
Underwear.. certainly is what DaveG meant with cloths..
Usually you don't wear a pullover above a heavy armor, so either armor or nice pants. One usually also doesn't wear thick cloths under armor as it simply can get _very_ hot inside an armor. So only thin underwear or clothing under armor if anything.
Equipment and cloak is nothing complicated.
Problem with clothing: you can wear multiple shirts or pants or cloaks, if they aren't too thick.
Other problem is that you can't get out of your T-shirt while wearing an armor.

After concidering a few ideas, my favourite one is to have a thickness indicator for each clothing.
Your inventory window shows a field that indicates the thickness of the stuff you are wearing on specific parts of your body.
Now you can wear a thin shirt (1), chainmail (3), plate armor (5) and a cloak (1) like that:
| cloak
| plate armor
| plate armor
| plate armor
| plate armor
| plate armor
| chainmail
| chainmail
| chainmail
| shirt
To see a specific item you are wearing, point with the mouse on it.
To increase the field, train strength and agility.
Why that system? Because it allows complex clothing without being too complicated, it also allows to wear multiple clothings of the same kind (two or more shirts or cloaks).
For simplicity of the system (and because I love realism) one could only change the clothing that is on top of the stack (that would be the cloak in this case).
Add a field to the items that say which layer they are and only allow items of a specific layer over another. Items of the same layer can be worn in arbitrary order.

Simple and effective :)
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Xillix Queen of Fools on August 02, 2006, 01:08:18 pm
strange question perhaps but why would you wear clothing OVER the armor?

I would think people would be clothed when putting on leather armor. People useally don't like the armor on their skin.

Anyhow would really love clothing. That would really add an element to the roleplay and should definately be a priority. Although I will personally hand DaveG the knife if they make a ducksuit ;)

i can think of some priests that might wear robes over their armor. or a sash or cloak or headband etc
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: dying_inside on August 09, 2006, 05:20:39 am
Kinda related question.
Will Krans ever get armor / clothing?
I always pondered this since they are made of rock, sexless and well, not like any of the other races.
I'm kinda confused about Krans and if  they would "dress up"....
I have to admit The idea of a huge Kran in  a big black hooded cloak and heavy plate armor is rather appealing....  Especially in a thunderstorm. Kinda scary.

Apart from that, what would the Yliakum styles look like? There is room for a ton and a half of  variation here based on each race.  Clothes of the Klyros would be extremely interesting I think.  And will the Menki's ever stop wearing girdles?  :surrender:
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Anor on August 09, 2006, 08:38:25 am
Remember, Xillix needs some clothes with bells on it.  ;)
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Colinb on August 10, 2006, 02:43:48 pm
So far i only noticed enkis getting the attention. And now i think why i know enkis get a different starting location instead of in hydlya. So now im guessing enkis are the most popular race. And they are getting new clothing first. Unless of course its realeased to all on the same date. Yes i know i nearly when off topic.
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Karyuu on August 10, 2006, 02:46:27 pm
Enkis don't have any more clothing options than the other races. The only reason Enkis have a different starting location is because they have their own city :}
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: zog on August 11, 2006, 07:19:53 am
we enkis under no circumstances should be allowed any type of clothing with tassles or dangley things about easily distracted

ooo *batbatbat*
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Nerule on August 15, 2006, 05:43:43 pm
this is a good idea plus people could stop looking like eachother. You could stop even needing to look at their names or guild tags if they had spesific clothing. also clothing should be cheaper then armor, yes price would vary by quality but should be heapet then armor, like 20 trias for regular boots while leather boots are 200.
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: The Shadow Nose on August 15, 2006, 10:28:01 pm
Kinda related question.
Will Krans ever get armor / clothing?
I always pondered this since they are made of rock, sexless and well, not like any of the other races.
I'm kinda confused about Krans and if  they would "dress up"....
I have to admit The idea of a huge Kran in  a big black hooded cloak and heavy plate armor is rather appealing....  Especially in a thunderstorm. Kinda scary.

Apart from that, what would the Yliakum styles look like? There is room for a ton and a half of  variation here based on each race.  Clothes of the Klyros would be extremely interesting I think.  And will the Menki's ever stop wearing girdles?  :surrender:

Well, I figurre that since Krans are made of rock (and according to the guide they are resistand to slash damage but weak against crushing damage)  a Krans armor might be mainly built to resist blows from falling rock or things banging against them. Perhaps even to resist water or ice damage if they also dislike that (erosion?)

So kran armor... I'm thinking for light armor it would be like a big thick cloak with pads that act like a cushion, and the heavier ones would have metal but also pads to absorb shock. Metal would protect the pads, and the pads protect the Kran.

As for the male Enkidukais wearing girdles... yeah I would stick with something simpler. Like a loin cloth made of animal hide that is slightly different in color than their natural fur color. Enkids would probably want lots of animal hides and such in their clothing from their hunter heritage.

For Diaboli they might prefer clothing made of fire-resistant material (since they come from a place with constant fire and black smoke) like thick leather, wool, or asbestos. They might even have a fashion of wearing a face-covering that covers their nose and mouth like a bandanna to keep the smoke and ash out of their lungs.

For Klyros... perhaps a waterproof leather to keep things in while swimming. Something that doesn't get in the way while swimming. While outside, they might want hats or something if drying out is a problem or if its possible to get sunburn from the Azure Sun.

Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Anomaly on August 15, 2006, 11:31:14 pm
Maybe you could have plants or some natural resource scattered across the lands that could be harvested and made into dyes, and let players be able to dye different parts of the cloth different colors.

Then find a way for guilds to make thier own symbols that, after being looked at by the GMs to see if its appropriate, could be put on the clothing in any spot, and be any size that fits.

Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Venae Rell on August 16, 2006, 04:33:36 pm
From what I understand, wearing clothing over armor is something that was fairly common in our world's past. Tunics and tabards- fabric garments with livery colors and patterns- helped distinguish companies on the field of battle.

Adding more clothing also provided the wealthy a means to dress up even more than simply showing off that they could afford the armor itself- velvet, embroidery, silks....

Plus, as was said, it helps protect the wearer and the armor from the weather; keeping dry and warm is always a good thing!

( (

Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Under the moon on August 16, 2006, 10:16:31 pm

 One usually also doesn't wear thick cloths under armor as it simply can get _very_ hot inside an armor.

Hold the phone here. (sorry for picking your one statement out, Kerol). It seems as if there is a misconception on armor in general. It is not a base for everyday fashion. Not was, not is, not ever will be. It was only worn when it was needed, or for pompous events.


1: We will start off with part of the quoted statement. Armor is hot. Very true. Even thin leather armor is hot. Ask any Biker. They will tell you.

2: "One usually also doesn't wear thick cloths under armor" Very false. The base of all armor (especially plate and maile) is a good thick coat of padding. Without this padding, maile is next to useless, and plate not much better. It is the armor that catches the edge, but the padding that softens the blow. Wrap a mellon in some maile, or a tight fitting piece of steel, then hit it with a hammer and you will know what I speak of. Even a helm has a good inch of padding that goes on first. All this padding is hot. Refer to reason #1.

3: Weight: Armor, even 'light' armor, is heavy. Plate can weigh close to 70-100 POUNDS (sorry to the metric folks). That takes a lot of power and work to heft around all day. Work makes you tired and hot.

4: #1 + #2 + #3 = hot + hot + hot. Ok, now add in the factor of sweating in a non breathing enclosure... 3 X hot X sweat= you guessed it, BAD smell. And after wearing it ALL day? Very bad smell, and a breeding ground for festering diseases. Why do you think the ladies all carried scented handkerchiefs back then? Ya... not to mention all the heat can kill very easily...which creates another smell all together that we will not go into here.  It is not unknown for soldiers to die just from the heat, rather than an enemy blade.

5: Simply put, cost. Only the rich would wear plate armor, and not even very often. Maile iwas very costly also. Much of the armor we see from that time was for jousting and tournaments. Useless in actual battles. With a proper (and cheaply made) neckhook, knights (nobles mostly) were peasant fodder. Once hooked, a person in heavy, hot, smelly armor becomes completely defenseless. The true power in medieval times? Archers with minimal armor.

So, that is the argument against wearing armor all day long as the fashion. It is simply not practical, or sanitary.  Many of you will say. "Hey, this is just a game!" Hmmm. True, but it is a game aimed at creating a virtual world, not a get-the-best-armor-and-baddest-sword-you-can-and-hack-things game. It is to be different from the hundred or so games that do that already. However, there is a good argument for it as well. No one wants to have to try to put armor on right before a fight. Lots of folks complain about just having to draw their weapons, as if is hard work.

Now, I do have a suggestion. Do something different. Don't wear armor all the time. *gasps are heard* Oh yes, you heard that right. But it is unrealistic to put on and take off armor before and after a fight, as doing so is not an easy task in the first place, taking a half hour -at least- to get all the gear in place, and the help of a comrad or two.

My solution: Wear normal clothing. Have an assortment of clothing options that would dazzle even the best of fashion gurus. The, when danger is near, do the He-Man thing. Hold your Glyph of Righteous Armor in the air and shout "I have the..." get the point. Cool flash of special efects, and there you are in all your shining glory. Hail to thee... now go kill somthing befor your spell wears off.
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Xillix Queen of Fools on August 16, 2006, 10:29:36 pm
not to meantion it could be done in two macros ;)
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Anne Ominous on August 17, 2006, 09:33:59 am
visually it could be awesome to have a spell toggle de/equip armor; as opposed to creating armor that fades after time...especially as that idea is really just adding a nice visual to the rock armor spell... but i'm sure all the elves & krans will be happy if that means we finally see their armor in any way shape or form... 
--it would also be neat to have spells to repair armor/weapons, maybe needing high ranks &/or a few rare glyphs...but thats offtopic
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Croza Grimwell on August 17, 2006, 02:16:49 pm
you get to choose your clothing at the start of the game, well you will probably be able to in future releases but like above whats the point in changing clothing when you will be wearing armor and stuff anyway
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Under the moon on August 17, 2006, 04:52:35 pm

It seems you skipped my post entirely, Croza.

The point is, clothing is what your character should wear most off the time. Armor should only be worn into battle. Now, wearing armor ALL the time is pointless, and puts unessesary wear on your equipment. If it is worn all the time, the metal will rust, the leather will harden and crack, and the padding will become compressed and useless.
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: neko kyouran on August 17, 2006, 05:52:32 pm
People are going to wear the armor at all times if there is no reason that they must take it off.  I don't want to say laziness, but for back of a better word, that's what it is.

So, going off of UTM's thinkng, why not simply have the armor decrease in quality the longer it is worn and/or, drain a small amount of health (maybe 1-2 points every 5 minutes or so as a health thing as UTM suggested) to push poeple in the direction of that they should only be wearing armor when they really need to (see UTM's examples)?  Then the push will be for people to get the funky clothing to express themselves and the armor will have more of a purpose to what it is supposed to be used for.

Edit: oh, and the drain would have to be low enough that the armor would still be useful to use, else it defeats the point of armor.  But that could be tweaked.
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Venae Rell on August 17, 2006, 06:00:15 pm
Aye, and that funky old armor should give a negative modifier to your CHA score as well! Yucky!   :P
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Anomaly on August 18, 2006, 08:23:47 am
Well its should be the physical stamina that is drained and it should drain dramatically over time. If your wearing armor thats adding an extra 50 pounds like a full plate set its going to slow you down and require you to use more physical stamina to keep moving.

And since you cant move once your physical stamina is drained, this will obviously make people take off thier armor more often. =)
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Kiraki on August 18, 2006, 12:11:32 pm
I like a lot of ideas mentioned in this thread but since but since I am way too lazy to read it all again just to check who said what I will simply add on my own thoughts below and hope I will be forgiven for not mentioning from where each idea originated from. :sweatdrop:

I am sure everyone agrees that having different layers of clothing is a good idea but most people seem to be undecided about whether it should be a) Armor, Clothes and Equipment or B) Clothes, Armor and Equipment.  I think that a combination of this would work well.  The layers would as follows:

First Layer: This will obviously be for things such as shirts or dresses. :P

Second Layer: This would need to have a dual function as it can either be for things such as aprons, rings and other accessories or it can be used to wear armor and weapons. (Or even a combination of these). ;)

Third Layer:  If the second layer is used for armor then this becomes an accessory layer for hats, cloaks, robes and such.  It should also function as a “secondary first layer” for those that would like to wear their shirts or other clothing over their armor.   
This needs to be of a completely different design than the first layer though.  The second clothing layer should be specifically made to wear over another layer such as tunics for instance. Surely a nice skirt that fit snugly before would just tear if you tried to pull it over some bulky plate armor?  ::|

I also like the idea of using a spell to equip armor.  It would work very nicely if you could preset your armor to a spell to toggle it quickly if you needed it.  There could be a option to remove all items from a specific clothing layer say pressing number 1, 2 or 3 for layer one, two, three or how ever any there might be. (This is for when you are wearing fancy accessories that need to be removed fast so you can put on your armor). Then simply cast your spell and… wow, look at that, instantly ready for battle! :devil:

Having the armor decrease in quality as well as draining stamina is a great way to encourage people to only wear armor when they need it but I don’t think this should be a constant effect.  Often at events such as weddings people would like to look their best and for people such as warriors for example their best clothing items will often be their armor.  These functions can sometimes be extremely long and one does not want to find that your armor has completely deteriorated half way through the event!  If, however, the decrease only comes into effect when you are moving, fighting and basically being physically active it should work very well.

Making specific clothing for certain jobs will also be very interesting.  There can be different styles to these as well and perhaps even make a certain level requirement to wear them.  The more you practice your profession the more items become available.  This way one will easily be able to distinguish between say an apprentice and a master. :D

Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Anne Ominous on August 18, 2006, 04:01:20 pm
first, armor decreasing heath seems pretty sill, especially when endurance & will are functional...

second, i mentionned before tht the idea of a heman style spell t equip armor seemd like it'd be cool but sort of already would exist if there were a visual added to "Rock Armor"... And i should mention, to not make that part double-post like.. it would be cool if when under the effects od rock armor you can practice in light/medium/heavy armor until it fades... whichever of em, but that it should maybe train armor
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Under the moon on August 18, 2006, 04:42:23 pm
Wonderful post there, Kiraki. I agree wholeheartedly. That would be a good place to start things off.

Anne: *chuckles* In real life, put on some heavy armor. No...since you don't likely have that, put on a heavy coat, and weigh yourself down with fifty or so pounds of whatever you can find (that would be light chainmaile, if you are wondering). Now, walk around all day. After doing all that, come back and say that losing heath is silly. ;)

Will has no effect on something such as this. Endurance, somewhat. Wearing armor should drastically reduce several stats. Agility, for one, as is is heavy. Endurance for the same reason. Health? Yes to that at a certain point, perhaps at half endurance. When you push your body past a certain point, you ARE damaging it. There is no arguing that.
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Anne Ominous on August 18, 2006, 06:02:54 pm
hm, that would make sens. If i kept pushing myself to move around in it beyond what i could endure; as in endurance. we are stopped from acting beyond our endurance in the game, otherwise rather than being to tired to fight we would just hurt ourselves trying to.

I say losing heath is silly because if you wanted to do it like losing 1 hp every ten minutes it would b so negligable it would heal becor it could accumulate or be noticable... if you made it a more noticeable amount it would start to defeat the purpose of wearing armor. perhaps if not already implemented endurance % should affect regeneration of hp....

I also wanted to respond to the weight of lugging it around to say: if its weight is the real factor then shouldn't you have to sell it rather than dequip? you are still carrying it after all..
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: The Shadow Nose on August 18, 2006, 06:21:45 pm
Thats a good Idea Kiraki.

For a sort of easily-implementable version of this:

Imagine if you take a container object (like a sack) called a 'wardrobe' its basically a sack but contains only clothing items that can serve as an entire wardrobe for a character.

So, you buy and empty wardrobe and then place 1 torso armor, some pants, boots etc inside it.

Then when you activate it, it automatically switches your presently equiped items with the items in the wardrobe.

So you can have one wardrobe filled with battle gear, one for working gear, and another for formal occasions. Or any number you want. You are only limited by your carrying capacity.

Then when you want to change, its simply a matter of selecting one and switching your clothes with the clothes inside.

This should work well with the current equipables setup, adding multiple layers of clothes would be nice, but it would require quite a change in the layout.  

And as for an incentive to not wear heavy armor, perhaps it reduces the max running speed [I am wary of encouraging anything that would involve hp drain, a change in the combat mechanisms, or equipment disintegrating].

Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Cherppow on August 19, 2006, 07:17:55 am

just few of my opinions.

- I like the layered clothing idea in general, but I think mix & match overlapping separate meshes would be animators nightmare. Some visible common clothing would be nice. Dresses. \o/

- Natural resources --> dyes idea sounds fun

- I think wearing heavy armor should deplete ones stamina much faster than wearing light/none armor, I wouldn't go into reducing health though (except for some cursed armors). Maybe if one could continue fighting after stamina has run out, then it could begin to reduce health. Currently PS also has attribute requirements, that prevent you from wearing "too heavy" armour. Also note that irl doing exhausting stuff slowly makes you stronger.

- Temperature inside an armour would likely depend on the outside environment. Metals are good temp conductors.

- I agree there should be different advantages gained by wearing different clothing. Some are made to protect you, some to make you look charismatic, and so on. Also note that wearing a shiny armor can increase ones attractiveness. (just don't take that helmet off!) Job specific clothing sounds good.

- To me would seem pretty unrealistic seeing characters equip armour/clothing in mid-fight.


- I like the reduced running speed idea. Maybe extremely heavy plate could disable running alltogether due to both weight and cumbersomeness.
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Rolf Blacksmith on August 19, 2006, 09:27:22 am
Hmm, changing armors and generally clothing on the fly sounds rather unrealistic and, besides that, promotes power-gaming on the expense of roleplay (character's appearance changes completely within a moment).

Ambushed without wearing armor? Bad luck. Be better prepared next time, or, even better, don't let yourself be ambushed. I'd even support the already mentioned opinion that you have to put on and off your clothing in layers, so you cannot change your underwear when still being fully armored.

The idea of armor draining health if excessively used is somewhat silly when we're not able to push ourselves over the edge in other ways, e.g. running, mining or fighting.
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Capprion on August 20, 2006, 03:19:23 am
if anyone has ever played AO they got a great system you could possibly take a few things from when it comes to cloths and armor....also  why in the world does armor stats not show up? it basicly just says this is armor. and the typ and where it defensive status or nething...
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Rolf Blacksmith on August 20, 2006, 05:48:35 am
also  why in the world does armor stats not show up? it basicly just says this is armor. and the typ and where it defensive status or nething...

Because the devs are trying to keep the amount of stats and numbers low
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: Cherppow on August 24, 2006, 04:35:57 am
Hi again,

I agree with Rolf_Blacksmiths posts. However, I also agree with Capprion that there should be some indication of how protective the armor is, and if it affects other things. Leather, chain and plate are easy to guess with common sense, but when we add things like grizzly  bracers of the mud, no one knows by default what they do. Besides, we do have a number that shows weapon damage. I think there could be less exact info when examining (at least if you're not an expert in that item type). Eg.

 - - - -

- Broken leather cap -

Skill: Leather armor
Encumberance: Low
Protection: Low

Weight: 0.5 kg
Durability: Falling apart

Reduced durability
Charisma penalty

The leather caps were an export from the third level of Yliakum. Made of multiple layers of hardened leather, they could not block the whole damage of a direct hit, but often softened it enough to protect the wearer from concussion.

 - - - -

Hmm, I haven't played this "AO", care to explain a bit more how clothing is handled there?
Title: Re: Clothing Options
Post by: dying_inside on August 26, 2006, 09:09:34 am
Heavy plate armor would reduce dexterity. Your not going to have an Enki jumping around like a kitten and reacting to a blow with usually feline reflexes, if they are wearing such armor. Strength or body etc could go to reduceing the effect that armor has on you, but only to a certain point. No one can fight in plate armor like its a wedding dress, no matter how hench they are.

Title: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Heleckie on July 10, 2010, 11:15:22 pm
Heleckie desperately wants a beautiful red dress.  Or a beautiful dress of any colour for that matter.  She has a ynwynn body.

Her armour makes her look very masculine which she doesn't mind that much as she is a warrior.  But when she takes her armour off she is left decidedly drab and mousey looking.  She looks like a milkmaid.  Dull coloured trousers, miserable looking jerkin and a long sleeve blouse.

She wants a dress and she wants to look pretty.  Preferably a red dress.

So my request is that a dress could be made that could be donned like armour with maybe a few colour choices.   :love:
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Sluuph on July 10, 2010, 11:26:54 pm
So my request is that a dress could be made that could be donned like armour with maybe a few colour choices.   :love:

Hear her! Hear her! \\o//
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: weltall on July 10, 2010, 11:49:00 pm
pink? :D
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Falcon Avian on July 10, 2010, 11:55:33 pm
I want a dress too!  :woot:
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Sluuph on July 11, 2010, 12:11:51 am
Actually, speaking for the Nolthrir, we don't want dresses. We want cute little sarongs and cover-ups. We'll let the Diabolettes have the long gowns.
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Heleckie on July 11, 2010, 12:26:35 am
pink? :D

Noooooooo  -- not pink!!!  Definitely not pink!  I'll take blue if i can't have red.
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Heleckie on July 11, 2010, 12:29:25 am
Actually, speaking for the Nolthrir, we don't want dresses. We want cute little sarongs and cover-ups. We'll let the Diabolettes have the long gowns.

The Nolthrir are sexy enough as it is.  So they should be given cake instead.
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Bonifarzia on July 11, 2010, 05:16:47 am

That's about what I thought of the fynnwn base skin ...

... looks like a milkmaid.  Dull coloured trousers, miserable looking jerkin and a long sleeve blouse.

... when I made my fanart ( textures. Maybe I'll come up with such a dress one day, but I am sure there's artists around that can do way better than me.
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: aleena on July 11, 2010, 11:13:58 am
I believe that if we can have different armor types it should be possible to have different dresses for females, and males of any race.  A challenge to the artists.  Armor is lovely in it's place but who wants to go to a party in it?
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Falcon Avian on July 11, 2010, 01:40:14 pm
What about klyros? When most other races don't wear armor they have clothing...All we have is a loincloth.
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Maisent on July 11, 2010, 02:32:00 pm
What about klyros? When most other races don't wear armor they have clothing...All we have is a loincloth.

Actua;;u Enki don't have any clothing, unless their stripes are 'cloth'
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Maisent on July 11, 2010, 02:36:51 pm
You can change diferent styles of armor to make a sorta, more appropriate for party wear. Like my signature. But i guess it wouldn't be as good as having a dress for a party.
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: bloodedIrishman on July 11, 2010, 03:58:56 pm
Xoel once privately remarked he would just die for a pwetty pwink dress with a pony design on it.
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Geoni on July 11, 2010, 06:13:16 pm
Yeah we do need feminine clothing. It is time for our sneezy Ynnwn women to begin wearing something that wont get stained so easily.

 Oh, we also need wigs. No, we definitely need wigs.
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: lilura on July 11, 2010, 06:19:20 pm
yes i concur most whole heartedly!

we neeed.....

(pause for effect)
....PURPLER KRAN WIGS    :love:  \\o//  :thumbup: :thumbup: ..i suppose the females of other races can wear 'em too.
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: novacadian on July 11, 2010, 06:28:11 pm
You can change diferent styles of armor to make a sorta, more appropriate for party wear.

Your definitely correct. Elady's chain (still think it was mithral) at the Stonehead the other day was to die for!  :thumbup:

- Nova
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Lollo on July 13, 2010, 10:10:24 pm
I would rather have the Nolthrir just how they are.....<<    >>
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: LigH on July 14, 2010, 03:42:50 am
Did you already visit Illysia's Render Gallery ( She made several pretty dresses. Not ingame, though... but still, good samples.

Since robes are getting implemented, chances are that additional clothes may become possible too, "soon™"...
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Geoni on July 14, 2010, 01:30:17 pm
I would love the option to go barefoot, on both females and males. Not all of us wear those atrocious boots.



Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: scotty110 on July 14, 2010, 09:44:39 pm
I would love the option to go barefoot, on both females and males. Not all of us wear those atrocious boots.




"You some kind of mental midget?"

"F&*^ you!"

"Well, that one came through loud and clear."


sorry had to do it, for reference it's from (, might want to watch it all for full context but the part where that dialog is starts at 6:53 into the video :)
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Heleckie on July 14, 2010, 11:13:11 pm
Funny stuff...... but Imma still waiting for me red dress!  :@#\
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: Sarras Volcae on July 15, 2010, 12:41:49 am
can't we just have underwear by default? one of my favorite part of RPGs is fighting in my undies.

the first quest in the tutorial can be to kill a citizen and loot his/her clothes. it's more realistic than fighting a giant rat imo.
Title: Re: Feminine Fashions
Post by: LigH on July 15, 2010, 12:51:05 am
@ Heleckie:

Here is your Red Dress (

(There is no official video. And yes, he can't hit a tune.)
Title: Civil clothes
Post by: aljuvialle on August 09, 2010, 09:31:54 am
All characters are in default clothes or armors. What's about dresses, pants, skirts to get more individuality and RP fun? AFAIK it's not hard to create (technically)

May be - also skill "sewing" to get more clothes.
Title: Re: Civil clothes
Post by: novacadian on August 09, 2010, 10:11:03 am

Hi Aljuvialle! Nice to see you on the forum.

You may be interested in a similar thread here on the wish list. You can find it at:

- Nova
Title: Re: Civil clothes
Post by: Sen on August 09, 2010, 11:25:58 am
Civil clothes would definetly be a very good thing. I have no idea where it is on the road map about what to implement though - that info would be nice to have.
Title: Re: Civil clothes
Post by: Maisent on August 10, 2010, 10:10:29 pm
Tons of people have been wanting this feature for a long time.
Title: Re: Civil clothes
Post by: Bonifarzia on August 11, 2010, 03:40:33 am

I think everyone will agree that this would be a nice feature, but I guess the 3d art department is just busy with the more basic skins and meshes that are still missing, such as a female klyros model. And keep in mind that robes are announced to be available soon.
Title: Re: Civil clothes
Post by: Earowo on August 14, 2010, 02:04:10 am
And keep in mind that robes are announced to be available soon.

those havnt been released yet? man 2 1/2 months of not much computer access and they still have them things locked up in the warehouse, pathetic

and yes general clothes would be nice, since the enki-defualt cloths, are kinda...awkward?
for me a the black panther thing, [clamod im thinking] it feels like im wearing a green thong, that mated with overalls
Title: Re: Civil clothes
Post by: Sulaika on August 14, 2010, 03:53:17 am
yes I agree in that, civil clothes would be great.  :)
Title: Re: Civil clothes
Post by: novacadian on August 14, 2010, 07:13:36 am
those havnt been released yet? man 2 1/2 months of not much computer access and they still have them things locked up in the warehouse, pathetic

Maybe getting the new release to market had a little bit to do with the delay?

- Nova
Title: Re: Civil clothes
Post by: RlyDontKnow on August 14, 2010, 07:23:08 am
those havnt been released yet? man 2 1/2 months of not much computer access and they still have them things locked up in the warehouse, pathetic

the first is already visible ingame (check levrus :P), anyway, not all are done, yet.
remember... it requires one robe per race and model, a texture for it as well, it has to be tested, ...
that's certainly a great amount of work - just try to think about it how long it took till all races had full armor sets :D
Title: Re: Civil clothes
Post by: verden on August 14, 2010, 07:33:10 am
it requires one robe per race and model, a texture for it as well, it has to be tested

And I think Rly means that each race has to be tested with the robe separately and with each movement and action as well. There were instances of armor bugs that affected only one race, and only in the idle loop. I am thinking about the old anomaly with leather armor and Enki tails. If there was a full art department, yeah, it would only take a week or so. But with this project, I would not expect robes for everyone before 0.5.5, and maybe not even then, depending on what else is going on.
Title: Re: Civil clothes
Post by: Lanarel on August 14, 2010, 09:48:54 am
Besides even a single robe taking a lot of time of the already small art department, I think the engine code at the moment prevents just implementing robes for a few races only. If you give a ylian male robe to a klyros female, it turns into a klyros female robe, which does not exist, so it crashes when it is equiped.
Title: Tell em ladies
Post by: Onilise on July 18, 2011, 01:19:17 pm
It's probably within these 150 some pages already but we need more feminine attire!!! A few dresses would be nice. Maybe shoes or hair ties or jewelry? Dare I say makeup?

These armors and boots are too manly for us to wear all the time.  :whistling:
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: jenideandre on July 18, 2011, 03:24:17 pm
What part of the cyborg look is not working for you Onilise??

I agree with your wish.  At the moment though, I am very happy with the magic robe - it takes on a different look depending on what I do with it.  For the ice queen/all business/off with their heads look, I throw it on over my heavy armor.  The little metal hands peeping out are fierce.

For the relaxed,  beautiful damsel on a rivnak look, which is what I have going on now, I throw the robe on over nothing.  And carry a rolling pin.  I think is is very feminine.  I look like I just popped out of a Yliakum spa.  Or that my feet never touch the ground.

I guess if I wore it just with boots, then I would have the dainty yet sturdy look - as if I were out collecting herbs or just walking around the land and thinking.  Ok and now I will hush up.  But there are more looks, just so you know.
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: Geceni on July 18, 2011, 04:30:53 pm
For the relaxed,  beautiful damsel on a rivnak look, which is what I have going on now, I throw the robe on over nothing....

Nothing?  ::|
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: LigH on July 19, 2011, 12:50:32 am
Indeed, casual clothing has been wished before.

Makeup as well, it is similar to body tattoos - the problem would be sharing your modifications among the players via the server.
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: Phantomboy86 on July 19, 2011, 01:54:24 am
For the relaxed,  beautiful damsel on a rivnak look, which is what I have going on now, I throw the robe on over nothing....

Nothing?  ::|

I do believe its my job to say the ceremonial words.

Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: Jekkar on July 19, 2011, 02:38:53 am
It's probably within these 150 some pages already but we need more feminine attire!!! A few dresses would be nice. Maybe shoes or hair ties or jewelry? Dare I say makeup?

These armors and boots are too manly for us to wear all the time.  :whistling:

Yliakum is a man's world, accept your rightful place in the kitchen.
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: Caym on July 19, 2011, 02:46:17 am
It's probably within these 150 some pages already but we need more feminine attire!!! A few dresses would be nice. Maybe shoes or hair ties or jewelry? Dare I say makeup?

These armors and boots are too manly for us to wear all the time.  :whistling:

This is why we can't have nice things.
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: Sarras Volcae on July 19, 2011, 04:41:13 am
can i have a trench coat? pleeeeease?  :-\
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: Onilise on July 19, 2011, 02:10:56 pm
The options could be limited ...

5 dresses
5 makeups
5 shoes
5 hairstyles

Not too much to load but the combinations could be stunning :) and more unique. Also um... yes... omg feminine. If you provide the right things, more women will consider staying in the kitchen more often lol :P
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: Sarva on July 19, 2011, 05:38:55 pm
Recruit more artists. There are lots of things we all would like to have but the big hold up is a lack of artists to make the items. different items like different clothes, jewelry hats etc will need both 2D and 3D artists.
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: Knightspark9 on July 19, 2011, 09:52:11 pm
Recruit more artists. There are lots of things we all would like to have but the big hold up is a lack of artists to make the items. different items like different clothes, jewelry hats etc will need both 2D and 3D artists.

Didn't you guys get a lot of help when the summer coding event came out?
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: bilbous on July 19, 2011, 09:59:56 pm
art is not code
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: verden on July 19, 2011, 10:09:46 pm
But code can be art. Sometimes.
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: LigH on July 20, 2011, 12:59:33 am
Well, even though I am tester, I'd still be available as art prospect for small things. There is no need for either/or separation of staff.
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: bilbous on July 20, 2011, 01:08:43 am
I was just suggesting that google was paying for code not art but I freely admit I have no idea what I am talking about.
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: MishkaL1138 on July 20, 2011, 07:00:49 am
Yliakum is a man's world, accept your rightful place in the kitchen.


/me sends all his female chars to the kitchen. *
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: Minks on July 20, 2011, 07:08:53 am
You just be glad that Minks likes to be in the kitchen. Otherwise she's send the mightly army of the Lair after you.  :whistling:
But yeah, some clothing would be nice. But this has been wished numerous times before and the answer is always the same: We need art devs.  :-\
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: Sarras Volcae on July 21, 2011, 11:51:22 pm
i doubt any men would try to put sarras in a kitchen... i doubt any men would want sarras in a kitchen.  X-/
Title: Re: Tell em ladies
Post by: LigH on July 22, 2011, 12:56:54 am
Why? Is Sarras a kind of cook who would burn even water? ;)