
Fan Area => The Hydlaa Plaza => Topic started by: ThomPhoenix on January 13, 2007, 12:54:36 pm

Title: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on January 13, 2007, 12:54:36 pm
Well, I was reading some news today untill I stumbled onto this. (

A school teacher was browsing the internet when suddenly all kinds of pornographic pop-ups appeared.
They appeared because of spyware.
Of course some parents immediately sued her for permanently mutilating their childrens minds.
Though she didn't mean to access pornographic websites and though the spyware getting there was not her fault, she has been found guilty on all the accusations. In March she will hear the verdict and she can get upto 40 years imprisonment.

Funny notes are that:

-the few cookies of pornographic website on her pc were probably caused by male collegues visiting the websites.
-the school had software against spyware and pop-ups, but they hadn't paid the license for a while so the software didn't work.
-she did complain about the pop-ups to several teachers and the director, but they didn't care.
-those kids had probably seen nude pictures already anyway, knowing our generation.

But still she's facing up to 40 years.

How is this possible?
Is the school retarded?
Are the sueing parents retarded?
Is the jury retarded?

Whatever it is, it's quite sad.

Surf safe, use Firefox
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Robinmagus on January 13, 2007, 01:11:54 pm
Hehehe, that's just the justice system mate. People looking for reasons to screw your ass over for a pretty penny. Manipulating a childs mind? Come on! If they were within the eight grade or above, some of them had probably already lost their virginity.

Anyway, there's a similar case, with a guy (young) being charged for child pornography when all the evidence was for him. TONS of it. He was facing 90 years, then just got labeled as a sex offender, but I do think they recently let him off...Seemed like a good kid anyway.

40 years sounds harsh, but 10 should be enough for using IE...
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: zanzibar on January 13, 2007, 01:25:29 pm
It's partly the justice system, partly idiot parrents, and partly a school system that doesn't care about taking care of people.

In effect, it's the human race.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: emeraldfool on January 13, 2007, 05:02:23 pm
Haha, the same exact thing happened to our teacher, except it was far worse:

The pronographic images just happened to pop-up during a visit from some German guys in suits, and the computer they popped up on just happened to be connected to the projector.

'Course, in Dublin we all just have a jolly laugh at things like that.

Primarily 'cause it'd be impossible to get a jury together that's both sober and cares.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Bartholin on January 13, 2007, 05:18:15 pm
40 years sounds harsh, but 10 should be enough for using IE...

 >:( go eat an xbox!  ;D

anyway.. yea.. parants careless about what their kids see.. wiether it be a tit,ass,.. well. ya.. or some guy getting his brains splaterd against a wall.. they just want money.. and thanks to the justic system.. (american's) they have the method of being rich for doing nothing.. its bs that somethinglike that happens and she would get sued.. and 40yrs in prison, fines, her teaching licens removed.. its flat out b.s. and isnt the american school sytem poor enough with out some soccer moms sucking the money tit of it? 600m is my guess will be paid out WHEN the soccer moms win the case.. stupid amercan system.. sue happy ppl they are..

(and no im not being racist.. im american  :P)
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Narure on January 13, 2007, 05:26:59 pm

Primarily 'cause it'd be impossible to get a jury together that's both sober and cares.

Yet when people who arent irish make far more subtle remarks they get the shizza kicked out of them. What a screwed up world we live in.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Parallo on January 13, 2007, 05:34:21 pm
Its just not as funny when non Irish people say it. Donegal is the worst though. Its just tweed, tractors and whiskey. Bet your wondering how someone in a place so backwards can have a computer, eh?
Well anyway this is just further proof that lawyers have too much free time. I think we should all go out and commit some real crimes. Give 'em something to do.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Narure on January 13, 2007, 05:49:53 pm
Right! I'll pack a unionjack and book a flight to Ireland. First ill Parade it about, that should get me close to death, then ill burn it.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Parallo on January 13, 2007, 06:02:46 pm
Ahaha! Have fun with that.  ::)
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: emeraldfool on January 13, 2007, 07:04:13 pm

Primarily 'cause it'd be impossible to get a jury together that's both sober and cares.

Yet when people who arent irish make far more subtle remarks they get the shizza kicked out of them. What a screwed up world we live in.

What can I say? Any excuse to kick the shizza out've somebody...
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Goldir on January 13, 2007, 08:36:38 pm
Ahh northeast coast of the United States.  That whole region of the country is screwed up.  Probably because it is insanely overpopulated.  The people there will send you to jail for cursing in public but they have no qualms with driving a big fatdaddy SUV that gets 2mpg.  After all, how would they get to their kids soccer games?
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: zanzibar on January 13, 2007, 08:53:59 pm
Ahh northeast coast of the United States.  That whole region of the country is screwed up.  Probably because it is insanely overpopulated.  The people there will send you to jail for cursing in public but they have no qualms with driving a big fatdaddy SUV that gets 2mpg.  After all, how would they get to their kids soccer games?

Cursing in public was notoriously a crime in the South, but not the north east.  Of course, it was only a crime if it was within earshot of a woman.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: emeraldfool on January 14, 2007, 09:32:23 am
I love these conversations. Here you go:

In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.

In Texas, it is illegal to curse in front of, or indecently expose oneself to, a corpse.

In Michigan, a man legally owns his wife's hair.

Kansas law prohibits shooting rabbits from a motorboat.

In Idaho, the law states all boxes of candy given as romantic gifts must weigh more than 50 pounds.

It's against the law to catch fish with your bare hands in Kansas.

In California, animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school or place of worship.

In Washington state, it's against the law to sleep in an outhouse without the owner's permission.

Putting salt on a railroad track can be punishable by death in the state of Alabama.

In Texas, it's illegal to put graffiti on someone else's cow.

In Alabama, dominoes may not be played on Sunday.

In New York City, it's illegal to shake a dust mop out a window.

In Connorsville, Wisconsin a man is legally prohibited from shooting a gun while his female partner is having an orgasm.

In New York, it's against the law to throw a ball at someone's head for fun.

In Pueblo, Colorado, it is illegal to let a dandelion grow within city limits.

In the state of Washington, it's illegal to catch a fish by throwing a rock at it.

It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on in North Dakota.

In Berkeley, California, you can't whistle for an escaped bird before 7:00 a.m.

An old law in Bellingham, Washington, made it illegal for a woman to take anything other than backwards steps while dancing.

In California, it is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.

In Florida, having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.

San Francisco bans any "mechanical device that reproduces obscene language."

In Nogales, Arizona, it is illegal to wear suspenders.

In Atlanta, Georgia, it is illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.

In Logan County, Colorado, it's illegal for a man to kiss a woman while she's asleep.

There's a San Francisco law that states it's illegal to play poker in public or gamble in a barricaded room.

In the state of Texas, it is illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing.

A person is not eligible to become governor in Pennsylvania if they have participated in a duel.

It's against the law for a woman to drive in a house coat in California.

In Texas, it's illegal to milk another person's cow.

The Wisconsin one is the funniest. Sounds like they've had some problems in the past...
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Parallo on January 14, 2007, 11:03:33 am
Up untill the 50's it was illegal to have relations with a member of the same sex in the UK.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: emeraldfool on January 14, 2007, 11:22:43 am
Up untill the 50's it was illegal to have relations with a member of the same sex in the UK.

You're not getting this :P

In Birmingham, England it is illegal for a man and woman to have 'relations' on the steps of any church after the sun goes down.

See, it's funny 'cause it's ironic. Not bigotted.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Parallo on January 14, 2007, 11:23:59 am
The law I mentioned was equaly as nonsencical and pointless as the laws you did.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: zanzibar on January 14, 2007, 11:46:07 am
Up untill the 50's it was illegal to have relations with a member of the same sex in the UK.

That's not so uncommon, actually.
Title: If you think this is ridiculous, then know the "Justice" of Brazil!
Post by: lordraleigh on January 14, 2007, 01:35:15 pm
Youtube temporarily censored because of a $#(@ called Daniela Cicarelli: (

4 years old girl arrested because she threw a pebble high up and it hit one of her friends(paste the link in a decent translator): (

Woman that stole a single butter condemned to 4 years of prison(Sorry but couldn't find an English version of it too) (

And finally... no one of those crooks below were arrested at all("Mensalao" Scandal): (

Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: biruno on January 15, 2007, 09:46:13 am
Well, I was reading some news today untill I stumbled onto this. (

Funny notes are that:

But still she's facing up to 40 years.

How is this possible
-hell if i know

Is the school retarded?

Are the sueing parents retarded?
-parents dont understand wtf happened they are jsut greedy

Is the jury retarded?
-jury shouldnt be a jury in any case they always  :@#\  :@#\ up
Whatever it is, it's quite sad.

Surf safe, use Firefox


[ Quote tags fixed. Please do not reply inside quotes. --Karyuu ]
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Goldir on January 15, 2007, 10:42:30 am
Since the people have decided that she was in some way guilty, then she now has recourse of her own.  Maybe this lady should sue the school district for not maintaining their network.  Somehow, I think there was more going on behind the scenes of this whole thing.  Either someone really wanted to use this woman as a Judas Goat, or she did a few other things not mentioned in the article.

As for interesting laws...

Here in Nebraska it is required by law to have a pot of soup or other food if an establishment serves alcohol.

It is also illegal for the bartender to mix hard alcohol and beer.  Boiler makers have to be mixed by the customer.  One bar in town got a pretty hefty fine a few years back for violating that one.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: emeraldfool on January 15, 2007, 01:18:48 pm
Since the people have decided that she was in some way guilty, then she now has recourse of her own.  Maybe this lady should sue the school district for not maintaining their network.  Somehow, I think there was more going on behind the scenes of this whole thing.  Either someone really wanted to use this woman as a Judas Goat, or she did a few other things not mentioned in the article.

Maybe the school staff has been implanted with alien mind-control devices, but that teacher was somehow immune to them and only she knows the truth, so they're trying to smear her reputation so nobody will believe her... :P
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Kalika on January 15, 2007, 01:56:51 pm

erm...yeah i like firefox

and stupid closeminded parents...suck

i sorrys about the teacher, thats really not fair. i mena those kids are gonnas ee nudity at one point in their lives anyway...aughgghghg and it was an accident.

stupid people

Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Mindari on January 16, 2007, 12:58:42 pm
why would a female be looking at porn?
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on January 16, 2007, 01:10:22 pm
She most likely didn't, but it's not even about that.
It's about the spyware-caused pop-ups that appeared while she was showing the kids something on the computer.
The law says that making spyware is illegal, though when your pc is infected with it it's suddenly your fault when something nasty shows up and a kid sees it. Odd.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Zellgadess on January 16, 2007, 02:04:42 pm
Eep, It's terrible, I work as a IT tech at a primary school, so I should watch my back when...
NOT THAT I DO, I MEAN JEEZE, it's the pop-ups i swear <_< >_>
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: zanzibar on January 16, 2007, 03:04:06 pm
why would a female be looking at porn?

Many women do infact look at pornography, despite society's stereotypes.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: emeraldfool on January 16, 2007, 06:03:19 pm
why would a female be looking at porn?
Many women do infact look at pornography, despite society's stereotypes.

Zanzi's right, believe me. One of my female friends is obsessed with porn. It's actually a lot more irritating than you might think :P
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Bartholin on January 18, 2007, 03:26:17 pm
why would a female be looking at porn?
Many women do infact look at pornography, despite society's stereotypes.

Zanzi's right, believe me. One of my female friends is obsessed with porn. It's actually a lot more irritating than you might think :P

according to some artical i read or some show or rather... the percent of porn users is quite intresting.. with 51% being men and 49%being female.. cant rememer where i got those.. but thats what i got.

and lets not go into the whole buying "items".. anyway :)
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Parallo on January 22, 2007, 10:54:52 am
I had some spyware recently. Luckily I don't work in a school though.

@Emerald: I find your statistics very difficult to believe.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: emeraldfool on January 22, 2007, 11:07:49 am
I had some spyware recently. Luckily I don't work in a school though.

@Emerald: I find your statistics very difficult to believe.

Wait... I had statistics? :P
Anyway, I'm willing to believe it. A friend of mine is completely obsessed with something called 'Yaoi', which is basically anime-style gay porn. The worst thing is when she sends me picture-messages of it on my phone just to piss me off  X-/

But I agree 49:51 seems a little off...
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Parallo on January 22, 2007, 11:14:34 am
Alot of my male friends are totally anti porn. Doesn't prove any statistics though. I'd guess that at a huge stretch it 70-80:30-20.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Coneitic on January 22, 2007, 11:49:07 am
how many counts does she face? they prolly took every count and got the maximum sentence for each one then added it up, thats why most people never get the max because most counts are just assumed after one, so most get dropped, chances of her getting close to 40 years is about the chance the rabbit will finally get the trix.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on January 22, 2007, 12:06:04 pm
She was found guilty on all charges, and the max sentences for all those counted up is 40 years.
If you take the minimum sentence for all it's still more than 3 years.
As she was found guilty so swiftly and so decidedly I doubt they're going to give the minimum sentence on every charge.

And by the way, 3 years for a stupid accident with spyware is still outrageous.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: emeraldfool on January 22, 2007, 01:07:22 pm
Alot of my male friends are totally anti porn. Doesn't prove any statistics though. I'd guess that at a huge stretch it 70-80:30-20.

Well, you wannabe Northerners are so uptight :P
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Atomica on January 22, 2007, 01:16:01 pm
I uh... refuse to comment, lest I incriminate myself... :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Parallo on January 22, 2007, 01:39:54 pm
Well, you wannabe Northerners are so uptight :P

I don't think so. Not many people around here would be against it. The majority are still living in the sonte age pretty much and I'd say exploiting women is top of their agenda.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Karyuu on January 22, 2007, 01:44:19 pm
Porn doesn't really mean "exploiting women," however. I'd be wary of linking the two.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Atomica on January 22, 2007, 01:59:30 pm
Porn doesn't really mean "exploiting women," however. I'd be wary of linking the two.

Sexy authoritarian chick is right. Porn is about when a guy and a guy and another guy and a girl fall in love, and want to express their passion physically  :D

Or something. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Karyuu on January 22, 2007, 02:00:09 pm
I like you (
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Atomica on January 22, 2007, 02:02:21 pm
I like you (

Aww, that's sweet.

Wanna make out?
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on January 22, 2007, 02:04:45 pm
I like both of you!  :love:
/me sits down and watches.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: zanzibar on January 22, 2007, 04:56:30 pm
/me is bored.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Parallo on January 22, 2007, 05:00:00 pm
Porn doesn't really mean "exploiting women," however. I'd be wary of linking the two.

I don't think it does either. In some cases it can be though. For example a "director" propositioning someone they knew was financialy in serious bother and what not. I wouldn't link them but thats the stance that my friends that are against the whole idea of porn take. Exploiting women should have been in inverted commas.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Atomica on January 22, 2007, 05:03:03 pm
/me is bored.

Ooh, I love it when they play hard-to-get :P

I don't think it does either. In some cases it can be though. For example a "director" propositioning someone they knew was financialy in serious bother and what not. I wouldn't link them but thats the stance that my friends that are against the whole idea of porn take. Exploiting women should have been in inverted commas.

Hmm, you do know how much those pornstars get paid, right? I'd kill to be a pornstar. If that's exploitation... baby I don't wanna be... unexploited :P
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Parallo on January 22, 2007, 05:04:47 pm
I don't mean big productions. I thought that the quotation marks around director got that across.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Atomica on January 22, 2007, 05:09:55 pm
I don't mean big productions. I thought that the quotation marks around director got that across.

Still bet it'd pay better than most jobs... The only way I can see that would be real exploitation would be if the woman was forced to do it for next to nothing.

But that's more televised rape than porn :P
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: zanzibar on January 22, 2007, 05:14:21 pm
I don't think it does either. In some cases it can be though. For example a "director" propositioning someone they knew was financialy in serious bother and what not. I wouldn't link them but thats the stance that my friends that are against the whole idea of porn take. Exploiting women should have been in inverted commas.

That's part of it.  It can come out in different ways too.  There was a big fuss among the "" crowd when they realized that a co-owner of the company was male.  Models left the company in herds after discovering it.  Of course, it leads you to wonder what the difference is between a woman owning the company and a man owning the company... it makes you question just how much the models actually cared about "equality".

(There was a mass exodus some years before that one as well, but that was mostly a reaction to the overall culture of immaturity and hipsters/scenepoints/image-obsession/treating music as fashion.)

Some people argue though that the sex industry is actually a case of women exploiting men, women using "what they have" to exploit the "needs" of men for money.  I'm not sure I agree with it, given that they're usually handing over a big part of their paycheck to someone else.

Even if it doesn't exploit women,  it encourages society to treat women poorly.  It presents an unrealistic image of the human body.  It presents an unrealistic portrayal of what sex is like.  It almost always presents women as submissive.  It almost always presents women as achieving climax without realistic "encouragement".  It also tends to present sex as unemotional, and it treats women as objects.

So to my mind, it's less appropriate to say that porn is "exploitive" of women and it's more appropriate to say that porn tends to corrupt social values by spreading misinformation.

Hmm, you do know how much those pornstars get paid, right? I'd kill to be a pornstar. If that's exploitation... baby I don't wanna be... unexploited :P

Strippers can make $200,000 a year if they're successfull.  It's entirely possible to retire early and be set for life  if you save your money.

Still bet it'd pay better than most jobs... The only way I can see that would be real exploitation would be if the woman was forced to do it for next to nothing.

But that's more televised rape than porn :P

Actresses are abused in certain ways, but I don't want to get graphic.  I'll send you a PM if that's ok with you.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Parallo on January 22, 2007, 05:18:53 pm
So to my mind, it's less appropriate to say that porn is "exploitive" of women and it's more appropriate to say that porn tends to corrupt social values by spreading misinformation.

Very true. I agree with you on that.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: zanzibar on January 22, 2007, 05:21:45 pm
Oh, I forgot the worse one!  Japanese cartoon porn.  It's absolutely disgusting.  It's incredibly violent, and it spreads the message that women aren't supposed to enjoy sex, but that women do enjoy rape - if you persist.  An ex girlfriend of mine was into that stuff and I just didn't understand the appeal one bit.

Add in the fact that Japanese culture tends to depict the "ideal" woman as someone who is both innocent and sex-ready at the same time.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Parallo on January 22, 2007, 05:25:51 pm
I can't say I'm familiar with it, fortunatly. Sounds... not exactly nice.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: zanzibar on January 22, 2007, 05:27:27 pm
I can't say I'm familiar with it, fortunatly. Sounds... not exactly nice.

Are you sure?  It's usually called Hentai, I think.  I thought it was pretty well known.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Karyuu on January 22, 2007, 05:28:36 pm
It's called hentai, and whatever floats people's goats :P This topic may be traveling into an iffy tangent, so let's go back to shock and outrage at the stupidity of our justice system.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Atomica on January 22, 2007, 05:31:10 pm
Jeez, you sure know a lot about this stuff, Zanzibar. :P
Is this wiki-regurgitation, or is your wife a stripper or something? :D

Anyway, I'd say the vast majorities of guys out there have viewed porn at least once, especially in places like America and Britain where it seems ingrained in their society. In fact, I read in a survey once that all males around the age of 16 masturbate at least 3 times a week (which includes everyone who doesn't look at porn, however), which evens out to about once-a-week at age 45... until it wears out an' goes limp as a wet noodle :P

Point being (yes, I had a point other than to make you never wanna shake hands with another guy again); with just about every guy having seen porn, I don't think women are treated any worse. In fact, women are only getting more and more independant and empowered, as opposed to the early 1900s and below, where porn was virtually non-existant...

Hentai kicks balls...
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: zanzibar on January 22, 2007, 05:31:23 pm
The parole system tends to ignore offenses by people in halfway homes in order to artificially improve their statistics of success.  They suck!

Point being (yes, I had a point other than to make you never wanna shake hands with another guy again); with just about every guy having seen porn, I don't think women are treated any worse. In fact, women are only getting more and more independant and empowered, as opposed to the early 1900s and below, where porn was virtually non-existant...

In my opinion, one way society has oppressed women in both the past and present is by controlling their sexuality.  If women enjoy sex, or if women are educated about their bodies, then they become more empowered.  I think that as our attitudes become less Victorian, porn is more accepted and women are more empowered - as are men - but I don't think that the acceptance of porn is what has empowered women in society.

"Jeez, you sure know a lot about this stuff, Zanzibar. : P"

I know all.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Parallo on January 22, 2007, 05:36:15 pm

Are you sure?  It's usually called Hentai, I think.  I thought it was pretty well known.

I'm not completely in every case anti porn like my friends are but that doesn't mean I'd be familiar with its various branches and specialties :P

Well anyway, the legal system. The idea of going to jail on account of something thats not your fault is ludicrous. Reminds me of a time years ago in school a friend accidentally hit my nose and it bled. We both got a weeks detention.

Point being (yes, I had a point other than to make you never wanna shake hands with another guy again); with just about every guy having seen porn, I don't think women are treated any worse. In fact, women are only getting more and more independant and empowered, as opposed to the early 1900s and below, where porn was virtually non-existant...

There was porn in the early 1900s. There was in ancient China I'm pretty sure. Feminism has oversteped. Through outrage at men only clubs women destroyed them and built their own. Thats not right. Thats sexism going the other way.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Atomica on January 22, 2007, 05:38:58 pm
"Jeez, you sure know a lot about this stuff, Zanzibar. : P"

I know all.

Haha, thought you could get away with that didja, ya ol' perv :P
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: zanzibar on January 22, 2007, 05:42:09 pm
Just to add on to my other post:  I can believe that porn empowers women in some ways, and that as women are empowered, porn becomes more popular in society.  I think it goes both ways.  In some ways.  I think?

Haha, thought you could get away with that didja, ya ol' perv :P

I'm not old.

I'm not a perv either.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Atomica on January 22, 2007, 05:51:38 pm
Right. Sorry. I forgot, the proper euphemism is 'Porn Entrepranuer' :D

 (or however you spell that damn word  X-/)
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on January 23, 2007, 10:26:03 am
Hmm, you do know how much those pornstars get paid, right? I'd kill to be a pornstar. If that's exploitation... baby I don't wanna be... unexploited :P

But yeah, this is getting off-topic.
But I don’t mind that much...
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: emeraldfool on January 23, 2007, 01:38:57 pm
It's called hentai, and whatever floats people's goats :P This topic may be traveling into an iffy tangent, so let's go back to shock and outrage at the stupidity of our justice system.

Hmm, PVC costumes, page 3 girls, flirting with the new girl, and now hentai. Kay, you're beginning to warp my impressions of you as a fair-skinned, innocent Americano maiden... :P
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: zanzibar on January 23, 2007, 03:27:22 pm
Hmm, PVC costumes, page 3 girls, flirting with the new girl, and now hentai. Kay, you're beginning to warp my impressions of you as a fair-skinned, innocent Americano maiden... :P

Party like it's 1199!

Fair-skinned: Racist and classist.  Women who had to work for a living tended to have tanned skin from being outdoors in the sun.  Fair skin was a sign of high class.

Karyuu wasn't saying that she liked Hentai.  She simply said that people are individuals.  (Personally, I think anyone who gets excited over that kind of stuff has a sickness.)

Innocent:  Again, this pushes the idea that attractive women should be both innocent and sex ready at the same time.  This is a very destructive idea for a few reasons -- mostly because of the expectations it encourages.

Maiden:  Idea of the ideal woman as helpless, innocent, unworldly, in need of (male) protection and saving.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Karyuu on January 23, 2007, 03:33:41 pm
There's no need to go on the offensive like that :P I'm pretty sure if we analyzed everything we say with such an intensity, we'd lose our minds. Personally I found emeraldfool's comment amusing.

Let's not go too off-topic, though, again.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: emeraldfool on January 23, 2007, 03:45:25 pm
Joking, Zanzi. And since when did you have to prove that I was sexist?

Besides, look at the way she talks!

Could ya be any whiter!? :P

Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: zanzibar on January 23, 2007, 03:50:40 pm
I was amused by it too, and I'm not being completely serious when I point out how this or that could be offensive / prejudiced.  It's just with emerald.... it's so easy... :-D

As far as losing one's mind goes... :whistling:
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: emeraldfool on January 23, 2007, 04:22:10 pm
I was amused by it too, and I'm not being completely serious when I point out how this or that could be offensive / prejudiced.  It's just with emerald.... it's so easy... :-D

As far as losing one's mind goes... :whistling:

Hey! I resent that... because... I... don't... something or other.

Just shaddap.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on February 04, 2007, 03:13:00 pm
Good news! (

"Alex Eckelberry, president of anti-spyware firm Sunbelt Software, hopes to put the case to rest. Armed with an image of the disk from the Windows 98 SE computer, the technology expert put out a call to interested security researchers and assigned his own workers to the case."

Let's hope they manage to sway the jury's opinion!
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: neko kyouran on June 08, 2007, 05:19:54 am
Let's hope they manage to sway the jury's opinion!

Wish granted.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on June 08, 2007, 09:32:24 am
Good news! Let's hope the jury decides against imprisonment in the second court hearing.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Unnamed_Source on June 09, 2007, 12:54:41 am
Good news! Let's hope the jury decides against imprisonment in the second court hearing.
If that happens and if no appeal by the district attorney is filed, I wonder if this teacher will sue the BEJEEVOUS out of the school district and state.. I know I would..
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: dying_inside on June 12, 2007, 03:13:52 am
SO basically

Retarded school + retarded parents = retarded outcome.
Title: Re: Getting 40 years of imprisonment because of spyware?
Post by: Raleigh on June 12, 2007, 03:32:38 am
SO basically

Retarded school + retarded parents = retarded outcome.

And don't forget that there is another variable that can boost even more the outcome of this equation: religious brainwash education. And then sum it up with a spice of militia gun-totting and conservative traditions and the end result is something that challenges even Homer Simpson regarding retardedness.