
Fan Area => Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) => Single Author Stories => Topic started by: Allive on January 18, 2007, 08:06:46 am

Title: Story of Alliva
Post by: Allive on January 18, 2007, 08:06:46 am
The Birth Of Alliva

A bright sunny day shone over head as fenki by the name of Nimera Alyeve went about her business tending to the guards making sure they are feed and have enough drink in the hot air.  Nimera soon to give birth insisted to her husband Groth that she would be fine doing this. Groth smiles as the fenki comes down the road and stops by him just outside ojeveda “hello my love” he said the fenki looking up smiles and kisses him handing him food she asks if he is going to the tavern again tonight. Groth nods “you know I like a few drinks with the men after a hard days work“ again she kisses him and returns home. Groth giving a sigh returns ever watchful for any attack that may come Groth watches long into the night till his relief comes and he heads to the tavern

Groth enters the tavern to the hustle and bustle of the city guard drinking, singing and laughing as he walks over to the bar to order himself a drink the guards quieten down a little stopping there fouls language to a whisper. Groth looks over to the door of the tavern his wife Nimera standing there smiling over to him Groth turns back to brado 1 beer and one red liquor for the wife please. Groth placing some tria on the counter takes a seat in the corner passing Nimera her drink “are you ok” he asks her Nimera smiles and nods. As they drink the night turns bad black clouds fill the sky thunder starting to crash and lightning flashing the rain comes down in sheets

A dark figure moves along ojeveda Trying to move in and out of cover so it doesn’t get as wet from the rain as it moves tentatively but swiftly it mutters to itself “ojeveda why dose it have to be so far out the way were is that blasted opening”. It scanning the hills it see a bit of light from the corner of his eye a wooden hut with an enki sitting inside it. The figure swiftly moving toward it as he gets closer he asks in a low gruff voice “is this the way to ojeveda” the enki nods his head. The figure looking up the path swiftly move toward the sound of the tavern the sound becoming louder as he gets closer the rain still coming down in sheets and thunder and lightening still crashing his steps into town seeing the tavern he moves inside. As he steps inside all eyes fall on him his cloak dark green and black boots they see as he shakes of the water that he carries two swords some throwing daggers and a few bags tied to his belt his armour looks torn and ripped but he didn’t seam to mind. His face even in the light no one could see it was just darkness his shape under the cloak they couldn’t make out.

The cloaked man looks around the tavern to see everyone staring as he dose he notices Nimera and Groth sitting in the corner he his eyes gaze over them for a few seconds moving toward the bar he hears the enki around him going back to there business. Beer the man says to brado as he receives the order he looks through his seemingly nearly empty tria bag handing brado some tria he enquires about a place to stay for a few days Brado points him in the right direction to an inn thanking the menki the stranger goes a table in the corner directly opposite of Nimera and Groth. As he sits he produces a pipe with some tobacco in a pouch placing them on the table he raises his head slightly to a tune from a pan flute by one of the guards as the enki's start to sing the man sits back packing his pipe full of green tobacco that looks like grass As he finishes and the cheers fly for the song the man lights his pipe even with the flame close t his face its still hard to see but people not paying a lot of attention at that point they didn’t notice. Nimera and Groth at that time stand up and walk out quickly running to there tent as not to get as wet the stranger noticing this finishes his drink ready to follow is grabbed from behind by a paw “have another” says the enki behind him as he turns he reluctantly nods to the enki as not to raise suspicions. Drinking the ale an the enki talk with him and discover 2 things one he is a ranger that didn’t come from this world at that they were sceptical but the second thing they learnt was his name sapere in the common tongue. Finishing yet another mug he stands up stating that he’s going to find the inn the enki's greeting him farewell he leaves the tavern seeking the room for the night as he has obviously lost the two enki.

The cloaked figure stumbles into the inn from the rain soaked right through as he’s looks up shadow ever concealing his face he talks again in a gruff voice “I was told I could get a room for the night here” the fenki nodding quickly hands him a key. Taking it he walks up the stairs looking at the tag attached to the key 13 it says he looks tentively down the hall noticing a door with a 13 on it. Inside the room he finds a bath with hot water in it and another fenki filling it as if looking down at the fenki he says in a gruffer voice “leave me let me be” the fenki quickly departing thinking what a horrible man. As sapere takes his clothes of he suddenly winches in pain an old wound is shown on the side of his body but he takes no more notice and steps into the metal bath. As he starts to relax he hears a knock at the door as it slowly open its creaks on its hinges quickly Sapere in a gruff voice ”I thought I told you to leave me” the door slams shut nearly catching a paw as he hears heavy footsteps fade away he finishes his bath and retires for the night.

A slightly dark furred green eyed menki can be seen doing his katar in the guards training yard him concentrating yet relaxing his hand going one way then another he has a slight smile on his face he seams entire centred and focused on a far away place perhaps were he was born.Groth smiles as Nimera a  slender white fenki comes close to him staring into his green eyes he stares back into her deep blue eyes as she grins at him “I cooked some soup for you honey” she says as he accepts the food and sits down with her he smiles looking again of concern to her stomach !it will be soon” he asks Nimera nods “you should rest my love” again the fenki nods and she departs for her house. Groth finishes his soup and straps 2 swords to his belt both short sword but both have an unusual hilts on the main handle is rounded with bands shaven into it and it the top a rounded piece with an unusual symbol on it reminiscing to a four leaf clover the top of the hilt not straight like most it is a half circle with unusual markings on it a small rounded piece of metal comes from under the half circle to the bottom of the hilt.

As Groth walks out the sword master of the ojeveda guard walks up to him placing his paw o his shoulder “my student are you okay when will your son be born” he asks in a low wise voice. Groth turns to the sword master “soon my friend very soon” he reply’s smiling and bowing Groth walks out of the training yard smiling as the sun once again begins to shine. As Groth reaches the main gate to ojeveda an alarm bell rings and he hears the guards shouting “wild monster attack wild monster attack” quickly Groth take to a sprint running past the guards at the gate his two friends Agaroth and Sergul following shouting about a pack of wild strong tefusang attack a traders wagon. As he looks back to see if they are both keeping up he smiles as he seas Agaroth a black menki in chain mail close to him and Sergul Slightly further back sword drawn with shield of his family crest on it his grey fur scruffy and unbrushed as if he had just got up yet he always looked the same.

As Groth closes in he stops about 50 meters away from the attack site looking closely he seas three tefusang and a forth a little further back most likely there version of the alpha male. Agaroth and Sergul join him as he smiles to then Groth runs in past the three tefusang going directly for the one in the back Groth draws both swords. The tefusang and Groth making eye contact the tefusang slashes at Groth but with his quick reflexes manages to jump up on top of the claw slashing at the tefusangs head and jumping of behind the tefusang. The Tefusang turning Groth just manages to deflect the attack but losses a sword in the process Groth quickly gets back to his feet to see the second tefusang claw coming at him this time avoiding it cutting the claw clean of the tefusang. The tefusang growling in pain and taking a few steps back charges into Groth knocking him back down to the ground Groth losing his second sword frantically looks for his other not managing to find or get to any the tefusang now bearing down on him the grab the claw that he cut from the beast driving it down into the tefusang skull as it bends down and snorts into Groth's face. Groth seeing the tefusang tip over quickly rolls over to see his two friends finishing of the other three tefusang Groth muttering to himself retrieves his swords checking them carefully for dent and chips from the fight with the tefusang. Walking over to the other two Groth surveys the terrain and can see no signs of any other beast in the area helping the merchant gather his things he tells his two friends to help the merchant back and to bring rope and more men back so that they may drag the tefusang to there homes for food and for there hides not to mention anything else they maybe able to use from the carcass.

After about half an hour five enki return to the attack site from ojeveda as Groth turns back he catches a dark shape from the corner of his eye whipping around the shape has gone was he imagining it was his eyes playing tricks on him what magic is this he wonders. The five enki start to help Groth tie up the tefusang and drag them back to ojeveda as they enter the town dragging the beasts behind them the citizens let a roar out for the guards as they accept the applauds kids run up taking the tefusang from them helping other men of the village drag them back to the respective homes one of them heading toward the guards head quarters. The rest of the day was quite for Groth the captain hearing of Groth win over the beast he allows Groth to go home early to tend to his kill and his wife. Returning home Groth finds his wife slaving over his kill Groth runs up the stares telling his wife to take it easy and to rest his wife being so stubborn demands he gets some meat of it soon so she may at least cook dinner for them.Groth sighing gently skins the rest of the tefusang hanging the hide up to dry as he washes it down cutting meat from the kill he hands it inside to Nimera witch starts to cook for dinner. Removing the teeth from the tefusang and last of the meat he places the teeth into a plate and dumps the meat into a clean bucket he lifts them into the house. Nimera smelling the meat from the tefusang sighs as Groth lightly seasons it and loads it with salt then placing it in a cold place in the tent he smiles to Nimera and washes the tefusang teeth. Groth smiles as Nimera looks over “I was thinking about making our baby a necklace” Nimera smiles and site Groth down as she serves the food.

As Groth finishes up he pours some red liquor they keep in the house and suggests an early night so they may get up early the next morning for Groth's day of and go have a picnic. Nimera Nodding to Groth she smiles and finishes her red liquor looking over at Groth that is now pouring a bath for her Nimera picks herself to her feet and baths as Groth finishes his drink and slips in beside her. Drying of Nimera climbs into bed leavening groth to clean and inspect his swords shaking his head Groth places one sword away into a wooden box propping the second by the bed as he climes in cuddling into Nimera they fall asleep ready for the next day.

The sun shines in through the door of the tent the morning air cool as Nimera awakes she can see the shadow of her husband on the tent again practicing his katar. She smiles then smells food cooking on the fire seemingly coming from were Groth was suddenly Groth stops as if to sense something Nimera seas his shadow and can see him tentatively looking around after a few minuets he seams to look back and bends down to the ground. Appearing at the door of the tent he hands Nimera some soup made with tefusang and herbs from around ojeveda. Nimera accepts the soup watching Groth walking back outside sitting to eat his Nimera now feels something growing as if something was watching her shaking her head she mumbles “don’t be stupid” and eats the soup. Getting dressed and sitting beside Groth Nimera asks if he was ok he nod “It… it just feels like there’s something wrong ever since that man came to town I have been uneasy I feel as though imp being watched” he continues to tell about the shape he caught out the side of his after the tefusang attack on the merchant. Nimera sighs and goes and start making food for the day out Groth sits in deep thought until about an hour latter Nimera taps him on the shoulder ready to go Groth could have sworn only 5 minuets had passed. Standing up Groth smiles to Nimera fixing a dagger to his belt they walk away outside ojeveda to a place close by but a place were most don’t know of.

As Nimera sets the now dry and cleaned tefusang skin on the ground Groth is again bothered by a felling of someone watching them following them determined to not ruin the day he places it to the back of his mind. The day drags on and Groth and Nimera eat, drink and have a good time Groth pulls out an old pan flute playing a few tunes to his wife and unborn child. Even though the felling he put at the back of his mind continuously come to the front he has a happy day with his wife and as the sun begins to set over ojeveda they slowly pickup and return to there fair city.

They approach the gate of ojeveda and as always the tavern is full of life of shouting of music of song the two decide to go in and show face. As they enter hails are called out for the guard once again protecting there city Nimera smiles looking about for a place to sit as she notices Groths 2 friends moving other so they may gat a seat. Nimera tugging Groth clothes she runs of hugging both menki and Groth goes to the bar to order three beer and one red liquor for his wife. Laying some tria on the bar to pay for the order when it is ready his head is drawn to the stranger only known as sapere sitting in the corner again smoking a pipe a plate of half eaten food in front of him as he seams to be staring at Groth. Groth not knowing to make of the darkened stranger quickly turns his head back to brado paying for and taking the drinks back to his table. Some hours pass as Groth, Nimera, Agaroth and Sergul sit and chat with cheer in there hearts Groth suddenly noticing Nimera in apparent pain as quickly as he seas her he stands up with his friends and takes Nimera home. The stranger in the corner sees this and quickly departs soon after them as not to raise suspicious one of the ojeveda guards could have sworn to have heard the man say “It is time he will be born my task complete” but he passed it of as hearing things.

Groth arrives back at his house with his friends and Nimera quickly looking at his friends Groth nods as they both speedily depart to find a doctor both of them knowing that there friends child will be born soon. Groth comforts Nimera as he hears panting getting closer his friends stopping at the door allowing the doctor to enter they stand at both sides of the door like they are on watch keeping the city people back from wondering whets going on.  Groth emerges from the tent a few minuets latter whispering to Agaroth who then darts of again  “my child will be born tonight” Groth states the city people that new Groth and Nimera well start chatting among themselves exited about the baby. Agaroth returning with a sack full of items hands then to Groth wishing him luck again taking his post beside the door he smiles toward Groth “you had best get in there” Groth nods and enters the tent pulling a fabric like sheet down as a door.

The city people hearing Nimera in pain giving birth trying to help are promptly pushed back and blocked of by Agaroth and Sergul being both loyal to Groth they would never allow anyone to hurt them if he could. The birth lasts well into the early morning witch seams like an age to Groth, Nimera, Aragoth and Sergul. At around 3 a.m 7 hours after the doctor arrived a small faint cry can be heard coming from the tent. The people talking in a louder but still exited voice seas a flick of the fabric as the doctor emerges and walking away looking very tired. About half an hour later Groth emerges with a kitten in his arms raising it up slightly the people gathered let out a cheer placing the baby back into Groth smiles to her. Nimera still weak she gets Groth to help her and her baby up Groth and Nimera papering at the door of there tent the people settle down Nimera smiling he shall be called Alliva. The people let out another cheer as Groth helps Nimera back in the people get moved along by Groth’s two friends who after all are gone peak the heads inside the tent “there gone we will leave you but congratulations before we go. Don’t worry about work we will explain for you.” Groth nods to them as they walk of to there own homes.

The next three days are quite as the people of the city one by one visit and hand gifts in for the child. The first of the people to visit Groth and Nimera is Sergul and Agaroth. Closely followed by a brown and white striped menki with black tipped ears and black stripes going down his nose Groth sword master. As Garithor Enters Groth nods to him paying his respect Garithor leaves saying that he would see Groth in a few days. The fourth person to see alliva out of the town is a Menki with fur as black as night Groth commander Elor. As the last person enter and leaves Groth smiles to Nimera and is not seen further for another two days.
Title: Re: Story of Alliva
Post by: Allive on February 02, 2007, 09:56:35 pm
The early years of Alliva

Alliva starts crying again his mother opening her eyes to see the light of the new day shine through an opening in the fabric of the door a few seconds later as she lifts hear head the song of the birds breaks through the crying. Stepping out of the bed Nimera stretches a little going over to Alliva she lifts him and gently starts to feed him. Looking over to Groth seemingly in a heavy sleep from the passed few nights Nimera smiles as he rolls over to place his arm over her. As if lightning had struck Groth moved like a child scared of it lightening fast he draws his sword and jumps out of bed hearing Nimera laugh Groth is slightly embarrassed but sword still in hand goes to make something to drink. Nimera hears a clatter as Groths sword slips of a table narrowly missing Groths foot she hears him mumble the words “vaatjho” Groth returning with drinks seas Nimera grinning at him. Groth hand Nimera a mug “how are you” he asks Nimera not answering he smiles Retrieving his swords Groth marches outside into the cool morning air and starts his katar. After sometime Nimera places alliva back to bed asleep she walks outside to see Groth finishing his katar and taking a rest finishing of his drink “must you go to work today” Nimera ask Groth nods. Nimera sighs “I guess you must” hugging Groth and leaving him to finish outside Nimera fills a bath ready for Groth to come back inside. After a short time Groth steps back inside having a bath he dresses for work kissing Nimera on his way out Groth stops and kisses his child goodbye as well knowing he could not return at anytime.

Groth enters the guards’ headquarters to receive his assignments for the day as he passes his comrades they all greeted him and gave there best wishes for him and his family. Elor looks up from his desk “ah Groth welcome back” handing over a sheet of paper he tells Groth to go and see the sword master Groth nods as he walks toward the training yard. As Groth approaches he can hear the chime of swords as they hit of one another a slight smiles draws across Groths face as he hears this a certain contentment enters him. Sergul noticing his friend quickly calls the men to fall into there rank just as quickly the men let out three cheers for Groth smiling as he hears this Groth bows to the men as they do to him Groth then turns to the sword master and bows toward him bowing back Garithor smiles and walks up to Groth shouting to the men to get back to there practice. Smiling Groth shakes Garithor's extended hand “how is the family” asks Garithor “as well as can be expected” Garithor nods and smiles Garithor stands drawing his sword “come you must practice more you have a family to keep safe now we cant have you dieing” Groth nods walking out to the centre of the yard the men gather round awaiting the duel.

Garithor looks closely as he seas almost in slow motion of how Groth unsheathed his swords that he seamed more confident but lighter softer in how he drew them. Garithor looked up into Groth's eyes a deep determination he saw as Groth dropped to a fairly aggressive stance so did Garithor. The men that had gathered cheered as Groth with a thrust and a sweeping slash from his left then his right clanged of Garithors swords making him stumble backwards. Groth smiled “your not having trouble already are you” Garithor on hearing this jumps in with a double sword crash onto Groths making Groth kneel under the power. Garothor grins “not at all” Groth with a quick strike of his feet on Garithors shins slashes at his waist Garothor retreating giving Groth time to stand. Again the men cheer as Groth and Garithor circle the ring eye each other up suddenly Garithor drops into an aggressive stance and attacking giving Groth little time to react. Groth manages to parry the attack and goes on the defensive as Garithor starts a relentless assault on him. Groth seeing only glimpses of openings starts to focus more on the attack to find any type of pattern within the flurry of blows. As he dose he dose indeed see a pattern to the attack and starts to form a plan to take advantage methodically Groth while not leaving himself open for a killing blow sees witch type of block delivers the best attack opportunity and it hits him. He smiles he actually managed to find a weakness in his master’s style without a second though Groth blocks an attack and quickly uses the opening disarming Garithor of one of his swords. Garithor jumping back smiles “you have improved but you have just defeated yourself “Groths smiles turns more serious “you only have one sword how are you going to stop me”. Garithor smiles again running into Groth he makes a glancing blow of the swords Garithor rolling he makes it to his second sword. Groth more determined than every runs in and lays down a flurry of hits garithor parrying them all as suddenly Garithor flicks his wrists disarming Groth of both swords. Groth confused of what he just saw bows to Garithor who returns the bow the men cheering return to there own practice.

Garithor hands Groth back his swords “you done well but there is one main flaw in your style” Groth snapping his head to see his master. Garithor knowing he has to explain takes Groth through to his quarters “you are too aggressive you cannot wait for the victory come to you. You seek it far too fast and hard”. Groth again looking a bit confused Garithor smiles “you will know what I mean when the time comes” placing a mug of ale in front of Groth Garithor sits. Garithor sighing “you are my best student I have to date. Although young you have even more to learn. I have suggested you to be moved up in rank and have your own squad”. Groth smileing and bowing to his master in thanks “come there is a technique I must show you it may save your life someday”. Groth following Garithor outside drawing a sword as Garithor dose smiles as he learns the technique Garithor used to win the fight against him. Groth bowing in respect hears words he wont soon forget “only use this when you must it’s an old technique and very powerful only 2 people know how to do this me and you”. Groth nodding and giving his word walks in and finishes his ale with his master.

Groth stands in the training yard of the ojeveda guard again feeling a presence as if someone’s watching looking around sees nothing not even a shape this time. Groth again not scared but more bothered than anything shakes of the feeling putting it to the back of his mind looking down at the piece of parchment the Elor gave him. Looking at it he realizes it’s his new squad smiling and looking up her calls in his friends Sergul and Agathor showing them the parchment the all smiles and walk into the centre of the yard. In a loud bombing voice Groth summons his men to line up introducing himself and his second and third in command he inspects the man. Smiling toward them he invites them all to a drink in brado's tonight so that he may get to know them better. Groths team of 20 menki depart to there assigned posts. Groth’s, Sergul’s and Agathor’s new job kept them away from danger more but to keep a precanse and there men on there toes they regularly patrolled ojeveda. The day came and past just like any other in the bustling city of ojeveda and the men descended into brados for a drink.

Groth entering Brado’s tavern his wife beside him smiles looking around as he dose he seas many menki of different tribes and couloirs even a few spotted ones. Groth smiles kissing his wife that goes to sit with Groth two friends Groth order a round of beer for him and his men a cheer goes up as he helps brado to pass the ale out. Groth smileing he sits by his wife and two friends occasionally a comrade would come having a chat. Groth looks outside nearly pitch black he decided that himself and Nimera should depart and return home. The days and moths pass by as Alliva grows up and Groth consumed with work with his men training them for times of need. Every once and a while Groth would get that feeling that he would have to push to the back of his mind but it would just arise again especially when Alliva was close to him.

Alliva now 1 year old he grew fast and is taller then all the other enki children he is also somewhat more intelligent than them. Groth sits Alliva down “now son you can do anything you wish but im going to teach you how to survive” Alliva not understanding what that means nods to his father seeing him as the authority figure and having respect for him. Groth smiles to Alliva ok you shall start tomorrow I expect you up early so you may begin to learn how to defend yourself in the wild or in towns. That night Groth sits down writing on parchment about ways to teach his son and how to do them effectively Groth works long into the night even after Nimera went to sleep. The next morning Alliva awakes to his father voice “wake up Alliva its time to begin” his father says as he places clothes on the bed beside Alliva. Taking Alliva outside into the cool morning Groth stands in front of him “no son watch closely and repeat” Alliva watches closely but can’t get it correct. Groth laughs “try again” seeing Alliva not quite getting all the movements correct he kneels down beside Alliva “keep trying son you will get it soon don’t force it just let it come to you” Alliva smiles and nods. Groth returns home that nigh seeing Alliva still trying to get the exercise right he sighs. Kneeling down Groth speaks in a low soft voice “come son you must be tired” taking alliva's hand he leads him inside to eat.

The next few days pass and Groth sees Alliva getting better smileing he departs from the tent early in the morning before anyone awoke. Heading out of ojeveda Groth smiles to himself slightly adjusting his belt so his swords are close to hand if needed. But this time something was strange he felt the feeling that someone was there again but this time it felt further away not so menicing Groth smiling because of that but wondered what it was in the first place. As he walked he whistled to himself taking a long trek to a house he knew of between ojeveda and hydlaa. As he got to the house he smiled his sword master garithor sitting on his porch Groth smiled “hello master” Garithor sat there and nodded to Groth. Groth approached “im wondering I know it’s a week of for you but could you make me a sword” Garithor smiling “for your son ?” Groth nods as Garithor stands up. Garithor walks into his house and a few minutes later he returns to Groth a small almost dagger like weapon in his hand “I consider you as a friend and I hope your son will follow you. So I grant him my old sword from when I was a child” Groth bows to Garithor taking the sword. Garithor smiles to Groth “you had best hurry it will be dawn soon” Groth nods as he bows again and takes of a remarkable pace down the path. Groth arrives home late that night Alliva asleep Nimera with an angry expression on her face to greet him “were have you been she whisper” Groth sighs and places the sword beside Alliva’s bed. Nimera sees the sword and smiles “you went to get that ?” Groth nods and they both clamber into bed.

Alliva wakes up to his father as usual passing him his cloths his father walks outside and sits down Alliva wonders why nothing to drink or eat today. Alliva gets dressed then as he is about to leave hears a clank on the stone floor looking around he seas a small weapon. As Alliva picks up the weapon he examines it the hilt round with markings of beasts on it at the top a circle the bottom had a basic rectangle  the scabbard is emerald green with silver at the bottom of it in a pattern like a three leafed leave. As he Alliva draws the sword he sees the blade still shining after the long years the blade being that of a child’s and mainly a practise sword was straight and of the same width all the way up. The blade although old holds its sharpness as if crafted by a master of the trade. Alliva gazes in wonder as Groth walks back in “now son come practice the sword is yours for now” Alliva nodding quickly walks outside and uses his new sword in practise. Groth smiles and straps his weapons around his waste this time however an addition of a fairly large dagger “son go play do not push it I must work and will see you later” Alliva nods hugging his father as he departs Nimera also hugs and kisses Groth goodbye.

Alliva practises into the afternoon as his best three friends come over Shelden, Frik and Shely as Alliva looks up he smiles as he sees the two menki and fenki running toward him. As they stop short of Alliva they gasp for breath “come come were playing tag” says Shelden a dark furred menki. Alliva smiles as Frik a menki of white fur his ears tipped with bright red dye raises his head noticing Alliva’s sword. Shely a fenki of slender beauty with slightly roughed spotted fur moves in closer to look at the weapon as well. As they gaze over the weapon Alliva quickly snaps it into its scabbard fixing the sword to a belt then around his waist he taps Frik on the shoulder he shouts tig already some meters in front of the rest. The other taking after Alliva as quick as they can laughing at Frik as he trys as hard as he can to catch them. Alliva suddenly stops feeling a presence much like his father did Alliva looking up feels a paw on him and Frik voice “tig” Alliva snapping round thought he saw a shape but tags Frik back and takes of. The day passes on and Alliva, Frik, Shelden and Shely play there games such as tig, hide and seek and other games under the watchful eye of the city guard and the other thing they sense every now and then.

Alliva and his friends look up as the sky darkens and decide enough is enough and it was getting too late for them to roam the streets and depart to there homes. Groth coming home to Alliva practicing but senses that his son is unseated about something sits him down. Groth going into the tent and returning with something for them both to drink sits down beside Alliva “what is wrong son” he asks. Alliva looking up “nothing. But” silence falls for a second as Groth’s face falls slightly “you have felt it to haven’t you son. Like someone is watching.”. Alliva looks up to his father “yes it’s not good I don’t like it.”. Groth sighs “I don’t know what it is son. But I to felt this first a few days before you were born”. Alliva looks up slightly concerned “its okay son I fell this is something to do with you but I do not think its anything bad”. Alliva smiles and nods to his father finishing his drink he returns to his practice. Groth observing notices Alliva getting better and decides he will remain to watch personally teach instruct Alliva every time he practises. As the day’s week and months pass Groth steadily increases Alliva's training to include the lifting of objects as to improve his muscles as a result wielding the sword better. Through the days Alliva goes to school and plays through the night he trains hard with his father beside him always with a smile and contentment almost with pride of his father.

Groth turns the corner ready for another night of training with his son and but hears a clashing of steel Groth ears perking up and his sword quickly dawn he rushes over to the sound. As he gets closer he can hear it is coming from or close to his house his pace increasing he seas 2 menki fighting closer still he notices one is Alliva the other concealed behind a house. Groth pace increasing still he runs between the houses emerging to see that the second menki is in fact Garithor shocked at this he calls out in a harsh voice “what are you doing”. Garithor snarls slightly “im just sparing with the boy no need to be angry” “apologies my friend it was just a shock” Groth bowing to Garithor he smiles and returns the bow accepting the apology. Garithor smiles to Alliva who prominently leaves to make his father and Garithor a drink “your son has potential” Garithor says smiling Groth smirking back “yes he seamed to have you in a bit of frenzy”. Garithor bursts out laughing along with Groth they hear Alliva walking back out sitting down they chat for a while. As Garithor stands to leave he looks down at Alliva again “keep practicing young one you could become as good as your father one day. Perhaps even better” Alliva nods as Groth smiles broadly at the words. Giving Garithor his paw Groth smiles as he walks with Garithor for a few minuets Alliva can see them talking quickly and Groth nodding as Garithor leaves Groth takes Alliva inside and they eat and sleep.

Alliva being wakened up the next morning very early the sun just beginning to raise over ojeveda he yawns “why this early father”. Groth smiles “today we learn how to hunt and to do this we need to be awake and well feed” Alliva nodding gets dressed and goes to practice as Groth makes breakfast. Alliva and Groth sit down eating and drinking under the early morning sky they sit finishing there food and smiling as Groth goes to pack food and drink for there day hunting. Reappearing Groth holding two sacs of food and water he hands one to Alliva as they start to strap on there swords Groth smiling at Alliva turns and heads back inside the house. Again Groth returns this time with something wrapped in rags Groth presents Alliva with the item watching intently as Alliva slowly and carefully unwraps it. As Alliva unwraps it more he seas it is a sword longer and heavier than the one he is use to. Alliva notices the sword hilt first round with groves cut into the handle at the tip a small ball of metal the top of the hilt like his fathers it is a rectangle block with a small rounded bit of metal from the side nearly as long as the hilt itself. The scabbard in a slight curve red in colour with a pattern on it at the tip it’s weighted with gold looking closer it depicts a lion Alliva smiles as he looks at his father. Groth looking intently at Alliva “the picture if for strength and honour I know you will grow up to be a great warrior without equal and with honour”. Alliva unsheathes the sword even with the extra weight it doesn’t seam to bother Alliva much or even the extra length. Upon looking at the sword it shines as thought its been well polished and coated in some kind of metal perhaps silver Alliva smiles thanking his father he hugs him and straps the new sword to the opposite end of his belt. Alliva and Groth securing the sacks to there back they head out of ojeveda main gate waving to the guards as they go.

Title: Re: Story of Alliva
Post by: Allive on February 02, 2007, 09:57:38 pm
As they near the edge of the patrolled area of the ojeveda guard Groth smiles at Alliva “keep your focus my son. From here on we are in unprotected lands” Alliva nods and they continue on. Groth and Alliva spend the night searching for signs of monsters Groth stopping every now and then sniffing the air. Alliva sighing Groth looks down on him “ok son we find a place to eat”.  The two menki come to a clearing amongst some trees were they light a fire and sat eating there food and drinking there water they joked and sang a little. Groth sighing looked down at Alliva “we don’t return home till we have found a prize son” Alliva nodding they set of as the light now beginning to fade. As Alliva and Groth walk witch they have now been doing for some hours Groth suddenly stops examining the ground he calls Alliva over. Alliva bending over smiling as he cheers Groth quickly pulling Alliva to the ground signals him to be quite. Alliva without hesitation starts to follow the tracks Groth following close behind allowing Alliva to go on his own initiative. Groth quickly grabbing Alliva “smell son what dose it tell you” Alliva looking at Groth smelling the air proceeds to do so as well. Groth quickly motions to a hill and quietly leads Alliva to a ledge looking over they see a tefusang nursing some young. Alliva drawing his swords is stopped by Groth “we will not kill this it is mearly going on with its life Alliva nodding sheathing his sword. Groth smiles “now the most important thing about hunting son. Is to always stay upwind so they enemy can’t smell you”. Just as Groth finishes his sentence they hear something behind them in the bushes Groth signalling for Alliva to be quite them both proceed cautiously to the sound.

As they approach they see a tefusang bigger than the mother with a dead animal in it mouth moving back toward the nest. Alliva being tickled by a leave sneezes the tefusang whipping round roars spotting the two enki it starts charging at them both Groth and Alliva drawing swords are hit by the charging beast being sent many meters back. Groth quickly getting to his feet he slashes at the tefusang watching it real in pain “are you ok son” Groth shouts. As though the shout broke through a dream Alliva was having Alliva quickly wakes up and stands. Groth seeing his son isn’t harmed draws his attention fully on the tefusang with a determined look in his eyes he charges at the tefusang. Groth flailing with his swords Alliva senses his chance drawing both swords quickly he lunges at the tefusang stabbing his sword into its knee the tefusang again reeling in pain. Groth smiles going in for a killing strike the tefusang whips its claws sending Groth backwards into a few rocks. Groth lets out a scream of pain as the tefusang turns to look at Alliva. Alliva looking into the tefusangs eyes feels a tremendous dread and fear as he takes a few steps back the tefusang lunges at him. Alliva although young is quickly and barely avoids the tefusangs attack Alliva noticing he obviously has the speed advantage slashes the tefusangs back ducking under the claw swipes as it whips round. Groth getting to his feet witnessing Alliva’s attack and him subsequently getting knocked over by the tefusang charges in. Groth running over trying not to make a sound gets to the tefusang as it bears over Alliva thrusting his sword into the other knee of the tefusang the tefusang again reels in pain. Alliva seeing this decides to take advantage of the situation quickly thrusting his other sword up he strikes a death blow to the tefusang. The sword passing into the beast’s gullet it lets out one low moan as it begins to topple beside Alliva. The ordeal over Alliva smiles to Groth as he steadies himself and reclaims his swords “you have done well son” Groth says while smiling. Alliva nodding takes a seat with Groth having some water and something to eat. Groth smiling right now we tie this up and take it home im sure your mother will be proud. Groth ties up the tefusang with Alliva’s help and slowly they drag the carcass to ojeveda. The road seaming even longer than it was when they first travelled it they turn the rock formation to see the gates of ojeveda just as morning light begins to shine.

Alliva and Groth returning home to Nimera and some hot food all three smile to each other Nimera with the biggest smile as she seas the tefusang. Eating the food Groth smiles to Alliva and nods after finishing there food and drink Groth takes Alliva to show him how to prepare each and every piece of the monster to be used. Groth smiles son get some rest I will be back shortly I have a few things to do. Groth stepping into the headquarters of the ojeveda guard tell what happened as the men gather and others great him. Garithor over hearing wanders up to Groth “I told you he would be a fine warrior” Groth smiles and shakes Garithors hand. Finishing up what he has to do he returns home to get some rest that night taking Alliva to the tavern to hear the cheers of those that heard the story. Alliva, Groth and Nimera smilsing return home as the sun sets over ojeveda. 
Title: Re: Story of Alliva
Post by: Allive on March 05, 2007, 07:34:58 pm
            The Alyeve family gift

The years pass and Alliva grows stronger still and is now the age of 5 and a half his fur longer and throw the years of training as a swordsman and learning how to hunt and track his fur not entirely un groomed yet holds a certain roughness to it. Alliva starts to stir in the morning air his eyes still not open he smells the morning dew he starts to hear the crackling of the fire and men going about there business. Alliva then suddenly fells a paw on him and a gruff voice saying “Get up now much to do” Alliva still half asleep quickly grabs his dagger from under his pillow and places it to the person’s throat. Alliva fully opening his eyes as they gain focus notice his father not moving with Alliva’s dagger at his throat. Alliva shaking his head “sorry father I did not know it was you” Groth smiles and laughs “it is good to be on your guard at all times you are getting faster and stronger all the time”.  Alliva re sheathing his dagger lets out a yawn as Sergull thrusts a cup of hot milk toward Alliva.  Alliva quickly finishing the mug eats a little and picks up his sword heading for the river located not far from camp. Alliva turning back up at the camp washed and more awake he quickly changes into lose fitting clothing as he dose so Elor the lets out a roar causing the chatter of the men to fall silent. Elor smiles as starts talking “The gobbles that are heading this way are wild hungry and stronger than most you will encounter. Do not underestimate them. We know they are heading to ojeveda and should arrive here within the next few hours be prepare”. Elor smiling and walking back into his tent the men go back to there business now with a little more haste preparing for the battle. Groth sighs “Alliva be ready this is more dangerous than you think stick by the others as much as possible” Alliva nodding takes his two swords and begins his katar as Groth walks to the tent that Elor entered.

Half an hour or so later Groth returns to find Alliva sitting polishing and cleaning his weapons dropping leather armour to the floor as Alliva turns to face him Groth smiles. Alliva gives a slight grin “I will be ready father” Groth nods make sure you are “put this armour on it will help” Alliva nods as Groth returns to the tent. Alliva picking up the legs grins as he seas the armour red in colour with strange patterns and the shiny metal straps the armour looked new and unused Alliva grins again as he straps them on perfect fit he though to himself. Alliva continues to place the armour on as sergull walks up behind him are you ok Alliva nods Sergul checking the armour tightens it as Alliva fights to try getting it comfortable Sergull laughs “it will take time to get use to” Alliva nods as Sergull leaves. The alarm bells ring as a scout rushes into the tent housing Elor Groth and other commanders of the ojeveda guard. As quickly as the scout entered the tent he reappeared followed by those inside a roar from the 4 almost like a quire rises up cutting of the sound of the bell as its dose the men assembling Alliva goes into one of the packs and listens closely as the roars fall the bell hitting its last time. Elor stands to the front of the four “they will be here soon be prepared. Squad one and 2 upon the ridges Squads three and four assemble at the end of the valley. We mean to heard these vile things there were the archers will do there best to kill as many as possible at long range. II do not have to tell you how important is that we win here there are women and children at ojeveda that must be protected go with honour fight with strength. Do not fail”. The split and travel to there assigned locations Groth taking of at greater speed grabs Allivas should “wait son we have to talk. Now listen stay close to me these things are vicious. They like to attack in packs don’t try anything new stick to what you know”. Alliva grins and nods a slight annoyance grows on Groths face “son I mean it” Alliva nods again as the grin disappears Groths smiles slightly and turns Alliva back round as he checks Allivas armour. Groth turns Alliva back around and stands up “let’s see how you look”. As Groth looks down he smiles as he seas Alliva clad in red armour and his swords at his side behind them sheathed a dagger at each side as well. Groth has an even bigger smile now as he seas smaller daggers strapped to Allivas legs three to each leg “one things missing son” Alliva looks confused. Groth laughs and slowly presents Alliva with a black helmet with a design on it of fighting menki and a bit to protect Allivas nose Alliva smiles as he strikes the helmet with his fist “to battle” Groth says as they turn and start walking to the assembly point.

Groth standing in front of his men smiles to them and clears his throat as a bell begins to ring again. “The gobbles are coming wild and savage they are be prepared”. As the sound of wild animals hastily approaches the men begin to get uneasy and a loud blast of a horn sounds as the multitudes of gobles come over the lip of the hill. The gobbles stop as they reach the top and suddenly as if given haste by a higher power a wave of blackness charges down the slope into the valley the guards are waiting for them in. The men seeing nothing but blackness filling the hill as the archers let fly one arrow as the other the few enki mages that are in the ojeveda guard ranks start to cast spells cutting down the gobbles as they draw closer. Even with the arrows and the spells the gobbles kept coming as the fighters let rip a roar as Groth ,Sergull and Agaroth lead the men into battle charging the enemy the rest with raised spirits follow close behind. Alliva dread also now being replaced by courage charges in both swords drawn. Alliva arrives as the battle ensues a gobble jumping up going for Allivas neck quickly acting he thrusts his sword out in front of him cutting the gobble down before it even hits the floor. Alliva leaving the gobble on the floor his sword still stuck in the gobbles carcass quickly takes out two of the small daggers from his legs and throwing them just in enough time to save two men from a back attack by two gobbles. Quickly picking his sword back up Alliva goes to work flailing with his swords cutting down gobbles as he comes to them. Alliva in the midst of battle feels a stranger energy sort of like something was giving him unnatural strength and resilience. The gobbles numbers starting to dwindle they start to retreat only to be cut down by arrows as they flee. A greater cheer arises from the men as they know victory is there’s as they look around the bodies of the gobbles they find some dead enkidukia as the warrior morn there deaths as warriors should. They begin to assemble the bodies on a wagon to be taken back for burial there hearts sink low as they all see there comrades, brothers or friends amongst the dead. The men hear three horn blasts as they assemble into the ranks and others take hold of the wagons to transport back to town they move out at a rather slow but steady pace.

Upon returning to town there is cheers let up from some and cries for the fallen warriors the morning beginning when the bodies are laid out for there relatives to take them away to be buried. Alliva amongst the confusion suddenly feels weak the strength he felt in battle leaving him he gasps for breath as he collapses to the ground. Garithor and Groth instantly turning there attention onto Alliva as he lets out a whale of pain as he falls. Quickly they get to Alliva Groth taking him in his arms lifts him to there home Nimeras heart filling with dread as Groth comes into sight with Alliva in his arms. Nimera running toward Groth tears filling her eyes they take Alliva inside within a few moments Elor enters the tent shaking his head Groth turning to him we need a doctor Elor nods and takes of with haste to fetch the best doctor he can. Elor returning quickly with the best doctor he could find Groth smiling as he stands back to let the doctor in to examine Alliva The doctor shaking his head “I am sorry this is beyond me” Groths head lowering as he feels a paw on his shoulder “We will find out what is wrong with him he has helped ojeveda and he is your son” Elor says. Groth nodding as Elor pops his head out shouting for messengers to be called to the house a great deal of haste in his voice. As the doctor departs giving his regret four messengers appear outside the door to the tent Elor going to them sending them with instructions to bring the best mages, scholars, doctors, herbalists and alchemists they can find anyone that could possibly help. The days pass Alliva never stirring Groth and Nimera getting increasingly worried for Alliva safety suddenly the tent door fly’s open as Elor and six others enter the tent. Groth and Nimera leaving them as they set about there work to try determining what is wrong with such a young enki. Many days pass and the six work day and night to determine what is wrong when they leave the tent Groth instantly standing up. An elf speaks in a low calm voice “Is there a history of magic in any of your family” he asks Nimera Springing to her feet “yes but it hasn’t been seen for many many generations”. The elf lowers his head as he re-enters the tent Groth and Nimera hearing low whispers the six leaving the tent a few minutes later bowing to both the elf appearing last “Your son has the gift my lady. We are fairly sure he is gaining knowledge from past generations”. Nimera and Groth perking up “What I mean is that the knowledge of what you ancestors have learnt is now being taught to Alliva. His brain finding it hard to process all this it is putting him into a coma like state”. Nimera and Groth look down with a concerned expression on there faces “Will he be okay” Nimera asks. The elf talking once more “The blood that runs in his veins is ancient it will sustain him and protect him through this” Nimera and Groth smileing as the six depart and return to Allivas bed side waiting for him to waken.

Groth and Nimera awake around three days later to find Alliva not asleep in his bed and instant panic is set into motion as quickly as the realized. Nimera checking the house as Groth goes outside to check nearly as quickly as the panic set in a shout from Groth rings through the air into the tent that he had found Alliva. Nimera letting out a sigh of relief put on the food and drink for everyone knowing that Alliva was probably hungry after his experience. Groth finding Alliva outside doing his katar but now for some reason Alliva seams older and wiser yet he hadn’t physically grown any older. Groth letting out of sigh as Alliva turns to him “How are you son” Groth asks “I am fine I feel stronger. Stronger than I ever has been father” Alliva replies. Groth nodding and sits down watching Alliva train as he has for years now what Groth observed was nearly over whelming it seamed Alliva's skill with a blade had increase dramatically since he had fallen into the deep sleep. Nimera now appearing from the tent laden with food and drink gives it to Groth smiling as she seas Alliva awake and feeling better practicing. Alliva joins his mother and father for something to eat Alliva eating most of the food and drinking most of the drink. Nimera smileing “I see you have your appetite in tacked. Do you want more” Alliva not talking his mouth full of food nodding to his mother. Nimera going back inside and a few moments later she returns again laden with food that Alliva makes short work in devouring Groth smiles “Take your time son and today rest do not strain yourself to much” Alliva smiles and finishes the food. Getting up Alliva, Groth and Nimera head inside the tent for a lazy day around mid day Elor enters the tent followed closely by the elf that helped diagnose Alliva. Groth standing up and smiling to Elor “What is wrong” Elor chuckles a little “coming to see how Alliva are and I brought Florenin along with me” Groth makes a slight bow to the elf. The elf bends down slightly looking and prodding Alliva little Alliva getting obviously annoyed at the elf Groth lays his hand on him “Florenin please stop that Alliva is not an average child” Florenin chuckles slightly “you have no idea how well I know the true extent of those words”. Elor shakes his head slightly to Groth and extends his hand toward the door motioning for Groth to follow for a chat. Groth walks out of the tent Elor hasting after him as they walk a little while from the tent Elor stops and sighs as Groth turns around. Groth with a hint of annoyance at in his voice “what is it Elor”. Elor sighs again “this elf believes Alliva is a strong mage I would like for you to chat with him” Groth with a sigh frowns slightly “Ok I am sorry I don’t like the way he prods at my son. But I will chat with him”. Florenin hands Alliva a bag with a strange red glowing gem inside it Alliva looking deep into it asks what is this “ It is what is called a glyph young one. Use it to focus your magical energy and harness it. Shall we try it now”? Alliva nodding listens as the elf speaks following his instruction allowing the glyph to grow brighter then the light diminishing again. Florenin smiles “Let’s try it again this time I want you to focus more on the glyph”. Alliva focuses more brining the glow of the glyph up again but something this time was strange it is though the power consumed Alliva Florenin urging Alliva to stop with haste in his voice. Alliva crying out I cant I can’t stop it help me Alliva body burst into flames the elf and Nimera instantly takes many steps back. Alliva try’s controlling the glyph but suddenly the fire that covered his body hurls forth in a great ball of flame toward Florenin. The elf seeing this enchants in an ancient language that Alliva didn’t understand but seamed familiar with the flames hitting Florenin sending him out of the tent and many meters from the door before the elf could get up Groth and Elor were there making sure he was ok. Florenin looks up to find Groth and Elor standing above him standing up he seas Alliva at the tent don’t muttering under his Florenin muttering under his breath as he walks over to Alliva “His power is more than I thought possible”.

Title: Re: Story of Alliva
Post by: Allive on March 05, 2007, 07:36:33 pm
As the elf falls to the ground in Ojeveda a shiver is sent through the one known as Sapere as he makes his way through the stone labyrinth. Sapere stops for a moment and heads back out from the labyrinth heading for ojeveda. With great speed almost unnatural he runs sparing no thought of the journey ahead “He is strong I must watch him to see if he is one of them”. Sapere suddenly stops taking an interest in a lone trepor concentrating with his mind the trepor turns to him letting out a roar in his direction. Sapere concentrating harder still he slowly bends the beasts will to him nearly losing the connection through primal instincts the beast takes up a an aggressive stance. The trepor charges Sapere it is knocked back with a burst of energy Sapere raising his hand regains control of the creature calming it enough so that he may be allowed to ride it. Jumping on the trepor Sapere takes of again toward ojeveda a long journey ahead of him he spurs the animal onward. Sapere after a days ride reaches hydlaa and stops of for rest and to get some supplies there he stays for a few days.

The elf walking up to Alliva sighs “you need a lot of training young one” Alliva looks up to him with concern “you will have to do better than that to hurt me” Florenin laughs. The elf turns to Groth “I wish to teach and watch Alliva’s progress I believe I am one of the few that shares a common past with him”. Groth looks to the elf with a slightly annoyed look. Groth Sighs “and what is that common past?” The elf grins slightly “it is a long story but if you wish to hear it” Groth nods as Nimera brings drinks for all. Florenin starts to talk both Groth and Alliva listen with interest “It was from a distant land far beyond the great stone labyrinth were my story starts. There was an academy that taught magic of all kinds to anyone willing this academy produced some of the strongest and wisest of all mages”. Florenin stops for a second to take a drink from his mug “As I was saying it produced strong mages for hundreds of years mages came and went. But they started to notice something strange some mages were much more powerful than other. Upon investigation they found that the mages that were stronger than average were sons or daughters of other mages that attended the academy. So they issued an enquiry into this for the purpose of increasing there knowledge of magic and how it is passed on. The years passed and the investigations went well they found that some mages had magic physical running I there veins”. Groth and Nimera looks confused Florenin stops “what is wrong” Nimera shakes her head “the glyphs contain the power of magic not the user”. The elf nods “usually this is true but the investigations were through and these mages had magic in there veins. The academy was also confused at what they found so they investigated it further witch soon went onto them finding a proper test to find these people. So they tested everyone they could and found only a very small amount of families with this” The elf stops “condition”. Florenin taking another mouthful of his drink “Do you know who these family’s are” Nimera asks. Florenin shakes his head “No there is not a lot of writing about them they were not native to yalikum this is just what I have found so far”.  Florenin takes a deep breath ready to start telling the story again “When these mages found out from an official report on this ancient blood they set about finding were it came from. Years there searched but no writing seamed to exist slowly they began to talk with one another conferring about the lineage of there blood. And increasingly began to get detached from the other mages some through there pride some through there boost fullness. They decided through there arrogance that they were above that of the academy’s teachings and formed a sect claiming that they would work toward the good of the people”. Florenin stops and again takes a drink from his mug “I do not know what they called this sect but it went underground. During the day they went about there business and during the night they would do experiments try and push there abilities as far as possible. Anyway over time there experiments got increasingly intense and side affects started to happen to the town and surrounding area. The residents started go to disgruntled and started to talk about ways to rid themselves blaming the academy for the effects. But nothing came to pass cause of the people knowing they cannot stand against the mages if a fight broke out”. Nimera frowning “couldn’t they have just talked with them?” The elf smiles “they could have but they only tolerated them there in the first place because they helped many people didn’t like all these magic users being there”. Nimera looks surprised at this but urges Florenin to continue Florenin takes another drink from his mug placing it on the ground he smiles. Florenin takes another deep breath and starts to talk again the sun setting “The mages that ran the academy didn’t want a fight either decided to hold a town meeting. People from all walks of life attended and demanded answers for what was happening around them. The mages couldn’t give answer but promised that they would find out within two weeks the people weren’t convinced but allowed them two weeks. As they did they found this sect right under there noses they had built a cave system under the academy. Confronting the people with this they ran into the cave system pulling out a total of twenty mages. The rabble wanting answers from what happened the mages stayed quite standing tall in there pride. The mages of the academy seen the people getting angrier by the minute so decided to banish the mages of the sect from the town. The mages not happy went from the town not turning back to get there equipment or research witch would lead some of them eventually to yalikum. Anyway the mages setup home in a cave not far from town but still the affects stayed and the people once again became annoyed and decided this time they would take action”. Florenin taking a breath looks up to the sky but looking around at Groth, Nimera and Alliva engrossed in the story continues. Smiling Florenin takes a deep breath beginning the story again “The people rallied and set on the cave interrupting the mages work the people rushed in surprising the mages that were doing some very sensitive work. Some towns people were killed but all the mages escaped through the cave out another entrance again leaving there research”. Florenin takes another deep breath “unfortunately that is all I know what happened after that is a mystery. But I do know that those twenty that escaped were appalled at what happened and there remorse for the town people was great. They split up into groups eight of witch made there way to yalikum and the other I do not know”. Florenin now looking up to the sky again “we should rest and reflect on this story” Nimera nodding they all depart inside to rest for the night.

The new day breaks and Nimera wakes to find Groth and Alliva doing there katar with the mage Florenin watching them. Nimera throwing open the door of the tent the three look around as Nimera places food on a table Nimera smiling to Groth  she turns her attention to Florenin now some answers. Florenin nods “What do wish to ask” Nimera begins “What is this to do with Alliva and if these mages were so powerful why run?”. Florenin smiles “They ran because they never intended to hurt anyone they did not want conflict and decided to leave not to injure anyone”. Florenin looks toward Alliva “What it has to do with Alliva I believe he maybe a descendant from one of these mages. His power unchecked and untrained can be deadly I know this because I am also a descendent from one of these mages and my past has demonstrated what this untrained power can do”. Florenin pauses for a second “That was your next question was it not?” Nimera nodding and goes to speak again. Florenin starts to speak before Nimera utters a word “How do I know Alliva is one of these?” Nimera with a slight expression of surprise frowns at Florenin. Florenin laughs a little “Alliva has exhibited many signs he has learned the ways of sword quickly and his strength is more of that than people of his age around him. And recently the comma he woke up from with a surprising knowledge of many things. I am no warrior but look how he moves now he seams older wiser and more skilled dose he not?” Nimera nods as Florenin continues “The ancient blood inside him Seams to pass down knowledge that his descendants have learned not just in combat but in many things. It will come to him slowly but he must attain proper training and restraint for when this knowledge come to him or he could become a danger to himself and others”. Nimera taking it in “so why dose Alliva need these glyphs if he has magic in his blood”. Florenin nods “I knew this question was coming Alliva has power in his blood and certain things come with this. But he still needs glyph not only to learn new things but also to help him focus his power he will one day wield”. Nimera sighs “so what are these abilities that come with this blood you speak of? “ Florenin shakes his head “I do not know as he learns this knowledge passed on from his descendants and uses it’s the only way to know”. Nimera frowning slightly “so were did this power come from “ Florenin smiles “From you I spoke with Groth and he has never had a mage in his family but I believe you have”. Nimera looks a bit shocked “Yes but that was many many generations ago” Florenin nods “It is common for this gift to skip generations but for it to skip as many is I must say very uncommon. Nimera sits taking some food “What dose this mean?” Florenin sighs “I don’t know if it even means anything could just be an exception that is all”. Alliva and Groth finish there katar and walk over to were Florenin and Nimera are sitting taking food and a mug they sit down and eat and drink. Florenin standing up and bowing down at Alliva speaks in a low voice “I offer my wisdom in training you in your gift”. Alliva looking toward Groth looking for his blessing Groth nods Alliva bows slightly “Thank you I will”. The elf Smiling walks into the tent leaving Groth, Alliva and Nimera to talk. Returning after about ten minutes Florenin hands over a sack to Alliva with 4 more glyphs in it “You will learn to use them to focus with them to use your magic affectively”. Alliva looks up and nods Florenin smiling “But for today I have other things to do. Keep these glyphs on you at all times I will return in a few days to start your training”. Florenin departs quickly and is out of sight as Groth turns to Alliva “Rest today I think you have a lot to work out I believe you are wise enough to do so”.

Nimera smile to Groth and Alliva before going inside leaving the two to sit in the sun in about half an hour Nimera returns with bringing with her four dusty torn books. Laying them down beside Alliva she smiles “These once belonged to your great great grandfather the last mage of our family. Alliva looks down at the books “Thank you” Alliva picks up the books returning inside he places the books onto a table with a seat next to it. Picking up the top book of the pile he carefully examines the red cover with its torn spine he wonders how old it actually is it looks ready to fall apart. Carefully he turns the cover and on the first page is written ‘About magic and its origins by Silisary Alyeve ‘ Alliva turning the page he starts to read. Many hours pass as Groth and Nimera go about the business the night falls and Alliva stays constantly engrossed in the book that he reads way into the small hours of the night.
Title: Re: Story of Alliva
Post by: Allive on March 07, 2007, 02:48:45 pm

Allivas Curse {the Alyeve family gift part 2}

Groth and Nimera wake up to find the candle no total burnt out and Alliva slouched over the table and Alliva asleep slouched over the book that he was reading. Groth laughed as he turns to make food leaving Nimera to wake Alliva up “Alliva wake up Alliva wake up son” Nimera spoke as she gently laid a paw on Alliva. Alliva quickly shooting up from his sleep “are you ok” a voice broke through the haze Alliva nods and lets out a yawn as he stretches. Suddenly Alliva whips his head around toward the entrance of Ojeveda “what is wrong” Nimera asks again rather startled shhh Alliva says in a haste. Alliva squinting his eyes slightly concentrates on the being he sensed the presence of. Suddenly Alliva as if someone struck him with searing heat lets out a cry of pain. Nimera and Groth rush over to Alliva “are you ok” they asked with concern “I am fine” turning from them Alliva wonders what happened. Groth and Nimera seeing Alliva raise to his feet go about getting food and something to drink ready for breakfast. Eating and drinking they hear footsteps coming up to the tent Florenin entering smiles “how are you all” Groth and Alliva bow slightly “we are fine”. Nimera stands up you must be hungry allow me to get you something to eat Florenin smiles “that would be nice”. Nimera return after a few moments with a plate of food and a mug for the elf as they sit and eat an uneasy silence fills the air. Groth the first to break the silence “I hope your travels went well” Florenin thanking Groth for his concern smiles to Alliva “how are you young one?” Alliva perks up “I am fine” Florenin nods as he turns to Groth who is now strapping on his armour and weapons ready for work. Groth kisses Nimera as he turns to leaves earlier than normal “were are you going father” Alliva asks. Groth quickly turning around “there is a few things I must do I will be home in a while be good son practice well. Alliva nods as Groth leaves turning to Fleronin “shall we begin” Florenin nods “We shall but first you must learn theory before more practical”. Alliva nods “But we must work fast my time here is limited” Florenin states now lets begin he talks in a voice that commands attention. Alliva get comfortable and begins to listen “Glyphs help us focus spells we have learned yes we can cast some without the usage of glyphs. But until you become stronger in a way and your power trained the spells you cast without the aid of glyphs are uncontrolled and can be dangerous to yourself not only other around you. The ways are Blue, Red, Brown, Crystal, Azure and Dark ways you will have to find out yourself witch you are attuned to. There is other type of magic such as herboligy, alchemy, rituals and others but we will concentrate on the six ways that have glyphs”. Alliva frowns tell me of my ancient blood I have material on the common magic Alliva points to the books on the desk. Florenin frowning slightly has a flick through the books looking up to Alliva he frowns slightly “fair enough” Florenin sighs “what do you wish to know”. Alliva smiles thinking hard on the questions he wishes to ask notices the presence of another mind close by. Florenin frowning cuts through Allivas thought “do not do this” Alliva snaps out of his thoughts “do what?” Florenin sighs “its seams you have ESP. This is a good thing to learn but there are rules to this but great rewards for when you are strong enough for it. Touching the minds of other or even creatures you can control them converse with them but with doing it with other mages they can strike at you same as you with them. But enough of this I feel you will not learn much from theory so let us practice the theory”. Alliva nods and walks out with Florenin to start his practical training Nimera calling after them "be careful". Alliva and Florenin stay out till the sun sets both come back Alliva skipping along his way Florenin stumbling behind them. Nimera hasting toward him as he falls through the door “Are you ok” Nimera asks Florenin smiles “yes I am fine he learns fast”. The days past and Florenin gradually seas a real improvement in Allivas control Smiling he looks to Alliva “soon you will go into combat to test these skills”. Alliva nods to Florenin as they go out into the wild to start training Allivas ESP Florenin suddenly stops. Alliva looking around seas a clacker “now Alliva you see that clacker I want you to concentrate not to hard you don’t want it to run”. Alliva concentrates “I can feel it. But it seams not to have intelligence” Florenin laughs “all creatures have intellegance some more than other concentrate a little harder and you shall find it”. Alliva concentrates a little more “I have found something but I wouldn’t say its intelligence” Florenin now with a slightly annoyed expression “if not intellegance then what”. Alliva pauses trying to think of an answer but cant “now listen Alliva I want you to bend what you feel to your own control slowly not to quickly now”. Alliva concentrating hard the clacker suddenly stops and seams to sway as it recognizes Alliva “good Alliva you learn quickly now I want you to crush its mind”. Alliva now senses a third mind close by “do not do it he will destroy you before helping you”. Alliva shocked by this snaps out of the link with the clacker Florenin grinning “why do you want me to crush this innocent creature”. Florenin “would you rather have me get you to kill a person it was a test to find out if you would do it or not. To se if you would fall like so many of us have you see this gift is also a curse our pride defeats us in the end. All of us with this blood must in time defeat that within us to lead us astray from using this power wisely will you be victorious or will you fall”. Alliva thinking for a moment “And when shall this test be when shall I meat this beast?” Florenin smiles slightly “when you are ready it will find you”. Alliva glares at the elf “it was you that attacked me when I tried to touch your mind” Florenin confused at the statement “no it was someone else not me”. Alliva now with anger in his voice “I want you gone from me I do not trust you. My father always said to trust your instincts and my instincts say that something is wrong here”. Florenin shakes his head “yes something dose seam amiss but it is not me. But I will go for now perhaps in time you will come to know the full power and see that I am a friend not an enemy”. Florenin and Alliva return to the tent Florenin explaining to Groth and Nimera why he is leaving prematurely Groth shakes his head and shows the elf out wishing his travel to be safe. Groth turns to Alliva “we need to talk son. I do not know why you sent him away but I will respect your destination I hope it is for the best”. Alliva nods I know it is something strange happened. Groth looks concerned “what is this?” Alliva takes a breath and explains about the third mind Groth not fully understand respects Allivas destination. Groth nodding ok but tomorrow I will find you a trainer one that will help you focus at least. As the sun sets they return inside and rest for the night.

Alliva wakes up the next morning before everyone else the strange presence that he had not felt in years was back Alliva reaching out with his mind contacts this presence. The more Alliva concentrates the weaker he becomes “you were the one warning me and the one I have felt years ago?” The voice Reply’s “yes I feel you are important to me I do not mean you harm and perhaps one day we will meat. But for now practice you will need it in order to survive I can see that even now”. Alliva taken aback slightly “you can see the future?” The voice in a low cackle “Can you? No one can see the future I can however see possibilities”. Alliva smiles and “what of me? Why are you so interested in me anyway?” The voice again this time seemingly distance as Allivas strength dwindles “You I see many path some you have a bright future some you die a horrible death”. The voice falling silent for a second then comes through again “I cannot reveal why I am interested in you But remember the future is not set in stone even the smallest change can affect the outcome. Now young one I shall continue to observe you for a while longer but you must now conserve your strength you are not ready for this kind of magic not yet anyway. So farewell till we meat in person”. The link served from the mind of the one Alliva was talking what dose he mean a bright future? Who is it? What dose he want from me? Were only a few questions on Allivas mind at this time.

Groth and Nimera wake up to hear the clattering of steel on steel Nimera jumping out of bed “what’s going on” Nimera asked “relax it probably just Garithor and Alliva” Groth answered. Stumbling out of bed Groth got changed and headed outside to see what was going on. Alliva and Garithor Exangeing blows with there swords Alliva seemingly moving with great speed and accuracy in his sword strikes yet Garithor seemingly having no problem in blocking them. Groth although seeing this is impressed with Allivas fighting only 5 and a half and already more skilled than a lot of swordsman. What surprised Groth more was Allivas next strike taking of at high speed with Garithor following close behind Alliva uses a small pile of wood to jump many feet in the air striking Garithors sword enough to reduce him to his knees. Groth seeing Alliva lunging forward for a killing blow although in the back of his mind knowing Alliva wouldn’t do it the strange events of late had him on edge. Groth without a second thought open his mouth “Well done Alliva” instantly Alliva stop the attack and looks around. Alliva smiles “father” as soon as the words left his mouth he felt the coldness of the hard stone on his fur. Garithor simulating the killing blow to Allivas throat. Alliva smiles as Garithor helps him up “Never ever get distracted in a fight always make the kill when you can. This has been the death of many a warrior”. Alliva looking down to the ground murmurs out the words okay I will Garithor smiles good as he looks at Groth motioning for him to walk with him. Groth walks Garithor beside him “have you found someone?” Groth asked Garithor shaking his head “no but I believe I can help” Groth looking surprised “you are a mage?” Garithor looking down slightly “yes I have been deceiving you slightly. I have some magic ability of ESP that I have adapted to help predict the attacks of others. I believe my training and discipline through the sword will help Alliva control his abilities”. Groth nods then I give him over to you as a student Garithor stops “there is one catch to this though. As you know I can only train those of the ojeveda guard and Alliva isn’t of age yet. But I believe I can get Elor to admit him with yours and Alliva consent”. Groth nods if it is okay with Alliva I give my consent Garithor nods “he will not work just train to be in the guard”. Groth agrees and heads back to the tent allowing Garithor to go discuses Allivas admission with Elor as Groth returns to the tent he seams Alliva in deep thought ho9lding a glyph that glows bright red. Groth smiles as he seas the glyph bursting into a bright red light and down again. Groth approaches Alliva now he knows it is safe to do so and he wouldn’t distract him in his thought “Alliva I need to talk with you again” Alliva nods “have gave my consent already father. It would be an hounor to be trained by Garithor”. Groth smiles and nods “just be careful with that magic of yours it isn’t trained yet” Alliva nods “I will be I am going to a remote place today to try other thing”. Groth nod “still all the same be careful I do not want to lose you” Alliva again nods to his father.

Alliva darts of outside the gates of ojeveda to practise his training the thought of someone watching him no longer bothering him as it once did. About a mile away from ojeveda Alliva stops and sits on a log a little bit away from the main road of ojeveda. Alliva sits quietly focusing on the glyphs trying to work them out and what he can do with them focusing enough on them to emit a bright light but never to physical cast the spell. Alliva hears a crackling of a branch behind him quickly turning round he seas a man totally dressed in black. The man looks at him “hello there” looking Alliva over he sees the glyph sac emit a light he smiles “what do you have there?” Alliva takes a few steps back “stay away from me rogue” Allivas hand glows bright red. The rogue grinning “Ah we have a young mage it seams” Alliva slightly confused “we” Alliva hears another snapping twig behind him but as he turns his glyph sac is stolen by him by two more rogues. Alliva taken a few more steps back from the two new rogues that have appeared all three rogues now directly in front of Alliva. One rogue playing with the sac “what are you going to do now eh? We have the glyphs without them you cannot use magic and with no weapons you cannot fight us”. Just then Alliva remembers he left home without his swords but remembers what Florenin told him about having magical ability’s without needing glyphs. Alliva grins darkly “I do not need weapons or glyphs” he boosts. The rogues looking confused face Alliva and smile “then take back the sac if you can” said the leader. Alliva with great speed rushes up to the leader punching him knocking him back several feet. The rogue regaining his footing “you little idiot you shall pay for that” as he commands the others to surround Alliva. Alliva smiles his hand regaining the red glow it once hand the rogues spot this and look shocked one rushes in to be knocked back in to a tree knocking him unconscious as Alliva releases a ball of flame from his hand. The two rogues that are left take a step back and regroup seeing Allivas hand still retaining a faint red glow. The two rogues look at each other “how is this possible?” they ask one another “I do not know but I say we get out of hear” Alliva smiling “you will go nowhere”. The rogues laugh as they turn to leave Alliva seeing this enchants a spell from the ancient language he has heard a few time as though it was natural for him. Suddenly an emensly powerful blast of fire rupture forth from Allivas hands knocking the rogues out on contact. Alliva not ready for this falls to the ground unable to move slipping into a dream like state as he smells the slightly burnt flesh of the rogues.

Title: Re: Story of Alliva
Post by: Allive on March 07, 2007, 02:49:53 pm
Alliva opens his eyes seeing nothing but darkness he realizes he isn’t in the clearing he was in Alliva shakes his head as he raises to one knee and puts a foot on the ground in front of himself. Alliva takes another look around as he seas twisted trees coming into focus al around him Suddenly Allivas head stops. He seas a menki standing a little away from him around 25 years of age hello he croaks to the menki. The menki stares at him “hello Alliva I have been waiting for you” comes a low intimidating voice huh… thinks Alliva. Alliva pulls himself to his feet “who are you and were am I” The voice comes again “You are in my domain. Who I am is simple I am you or rather a part of you”. Alliva frowning “what do you mean a part of me?” Asks Alliva the menki smiling “that is more difficult to answer but I will try. I believe you know the story of your ancient blood and ancestors?” Alliva nods “what has this to do with you”. The menki laughing in a low cackle “Everything. It was no coincidence the mages that share the same bloodline as yours resided were they did. You see your ancestors of old were once tyrants”. The menki pauses speak Alliva demanded the voice broke through Allivas words “I will speak when I wish you cannot command me here. Your ancestors thought to rid themselves of there past by taking the urge to kill to dominate other’s away from themselves. So that they were no longer governed by there dark influences so they had a choice how to lead there lives. But it had side affects of creating two separate beings this caused an all out war that your descendants won against us. They then found a place were they settled that allowed them to trap us in this world never to bother them again even those that were born from them. But since the subsequently moved on we are able to challenge those with the ancient blood for our freedom”. Alliva looks confused “so you are the thing I will eventually have to beat” The menki nods his head “yes my prison this is but after I kill you here my influence shall overcome you and I shall be released into the world again”. Alliva frowns “it wont happen I will not allow it” The menki laughing again “you must then beat me but at a predetermined time there is rules”. Alliva again looking confused “and what are those” the menki taking a step forward but stops dead in it tracks Alliva notices a hand on the menkis shoulder. From the darkness came a giant beast Standing 12 foot tall clad in black plate armour as it emerges Alliva seas it full form. A leg first with full plate several inches thick and a spike sticking from its knee the other leg the same. Then comes the body clad again in the same type of armour with a massive broadsword at its side its head next around it neck many small spikes stick out. As its head becomes clear he seas is has again the same armour but with no eye holes Alliva proceeds to examine its hand and arms. The hands at the tips have claw like features its arms again in the very thick armour as it stands to its full height it specks in a voice that shakes the very earth. Alliva gains a footing to be sturdy “I will not hurt you I am the keeper of this one” It belches. Alliva drawing his attention to the menki again “your keeper” Alliva laughs but again is cut of by the menkis words “enough of this. I cannot rightfully challenge you till this being sees fit” The menki points behind him. The menki laughs “but we have plenty of time the rules do not say I have to help you in this land though. Just by you dieing in this realm I can be free”. The menki looks up to the sky and takes a step back disappearing into the darkness Alliva confused what dose he mean by that. A screech comes not from far away but very close the beast that held the menki back looking up to the sky and also hastily retreating. Alliva confused look up at the sky now bellowed with black clouds lightning flashing across the skies he wonders what is up there. Within a few minuets he seas first a leg with massive talons then a spear like tail that seams to go on forever. The creature lands Alliva looking up to it its wing span stretching as best as Alliva can guess about 30 meters it neck perhaps about the same its face not out of the clouds yet. The creature lowers its head Alliva first notices a Hugh beak 1.5 meters or so itself the clouds break and the thunder and lightning stops all of a sudden complete silence now Alliva can see the full threat in front of him. What he thought was a creature of flesh is a ginormus creature of bone with web like transparent skin for wings. Looking closer Alliva sees the wing with a main bone striaght across each end with a talon five subsequent one running from the bone to the bottom of the wing also tipped with a talon. The beast trusting it head toward Alliva who quickly dodges even in his weakened state pulls out his claws and attacks the head not doing any damage yet angering the beast. Alliva frowns as the bird again thrusts his head toward him again dodging Alliva this time decides on the magic approach. Even though it could hurt him he thrusts a ball of fire at the beast this time seemingly having an effect on the beast as it gives a whale of pain. The beast beating its wings knock Alliva over as it climbs high in the sky Alliva not knowing what is going to happen braces himself for an attack. Alliva sees the beast charging what looks like dark magic up in its mouth and looks around for a place of cover. Alliva in his hesitation looks back up to see a stream of dark energy coming charging toward him. Alliva know its going to hurt closes his eyes but hears a voice in his head “I can help this time but only this time” Alliva wondering what he just heard sees a globe like shield forming around him to protect him from the blast. Alliva looks up again ducking as the dark energy closes in the shield of light closing shut just in time. Alliva knows the dark energy attack struck the shield as the ground around his shakes violently. Alliva looking up at the beast through the shield grin as he hears a voice “Harness the power around you I have provided”. Alliva with much concentration gathers the light energy around him his muscles straining his feet crushing the ground under him. With a few words Alliva releases the energy he gathered straight at the bone beast. As is collides with the beast the light shines for miles illuminating everything Alliva passes out again as the beast falls to the ground.

Alliva wakes up this time in the clearing he was in just a little while away from ojeveda looking over to the rogues that were still laying were he left them he had a look around. Alliva slowly got up to his feet and saw that nothing had changed as if not even a minute had passed by in the time he was unconscious. Picking up his glyphs he checks on the rogues tieing them up he awaits them waking up. The rogues wake up finding themselves binded “let us go” Alliva shakes his head “but you can tell me something” The leader spit “what is that?” Alliva smiles “why shouldn’t I leave you here for the monsters to feed on you?” The rogues with dread in there eyes plea for there release. Alliva laughs “no I will not let you go I will hand you into the ojeveda guard”. The rogues actually thanking Alliva happily walk to town to be jailed Groth smiling as he learns what Alliva had done. That night Groth holds a party congratulating Alliva on his deeds the party last until the early hours of the morning Alliva, Groth and Nimera falling asleep nearly as soon as the last guest leaves.
Title: Re: Story of Alliva
Post by: Allive on April 01, 2007, 06:22:49 pm
         The legend of Silisary Alyeve

Alliva the first to wake from the party looking around he seas his mother and father still asleep in there bed Alliva grins and goes to do his katar. A few hours later the sun starting to come over the walls of ojeveda Alliva return inside still seeing both Groth and Nimera asleep. Alliva looks around and notices the mess left by the party last night and decides to start cleaning as he dose he mumbles about the mess constantly getting closer to his mothers and fathers bed. The closer he gets the more he fells something drawing him to it Alliva starting to fell this more and more stops. Alliva rising up to his full height starts to search for this force with his mind. The path Alliva sees in his mind as it travels from him to the floor under Groth and nimeras bed right to the back of the tent. Alliva concentrates a bit harder in a small dark corner it stops what he can’t make out but it looks big and heavy Alliva slowly silently walks into his mother and fathers room. Silently Alliva pulls himself under there bed knowing exactly were to go to find the object. As Alliva claws around his paws stop as he hits something big slowly pulling it out he seas it’s a book. Alliva quickly looking it over retreats from the room entering his own room he places a candle on his table were he also drops the book. A thud sounds as the book hits and some dust is sent flying from it Alliva sneezes as he concentrates lighting the candle with his magic. Examining the book now in the new light he seas the book although old in nearly new condition this was surprising that a book would hardly ever ware through the years. Alliva inspects the book further seeing the green cover and big buckle that keeps it shut Alliva frowns as he try’s to open it. Standing up Alliva picks up a knife from the kitchen and try’s to tackle the rusty buckle with it in an effort to force it open. The knife breaks in two sending the blade onto the floor and knocking some rust of uncovering what looks to be some kind of key hole. Alliva frowns and slams his fist down on the book waking up Nimera from her sleep. Walking through to see what the noise is takes a step back when she sees the book “were did you find this?” Nimera asked quickly “under your bed it drew me to it” Nimera sighs and walks out of the room. A few minutes later Nimera returns with a key “you must be old enough to read it” Nimera spoke Alliva nods as he takes the key and unlocks the buckle. Nimera leaves Alliva to read as he opens the heavy covering of the book Allivas eyes widen as he starts to read about the greatest of all of yalikum. Alliva reads slowly into the night before he stops for a while on a story entitled “The legend of Silisary Alyeve”. Alliva frowning at it stands up and makes himself some hot milk his mind always drawn back to the book like it was luring him to it. The more he tried to shrug it of the more it niggled at him that he should read it. Alliva give into the urge the night at the back of his mind to read the story sitting down he takes a deep breath and reads slowly.

As Alliva reads the passages he learns of how Silisary defeated hundreds with a single spell how he protected his home from invaders many a time often resorting to archaic rituals that left Silisary with greet darkness inside. It was even claimed by some that they saw him move mountains and even causing the entire ton to be invisible to attacking foes. Alliva laughing thinking to himself those people were really dumb that’s impossible. Alliva thinking the book was not all it was ment to be was ready to close it but slowly Alliva lapsed into what can only be described as unconsciousness. But this was different this wasn’t unconsciousness as Alliva stood up feeling a lightness to his body. Alliva shaking his head gains focus only to see his body slumped over the desk he was reading at and the book he was reading sending out spirals of dark and crystal way energies. Alliva draws closer to the book but a massive burst of energy erupted forth causing Alliva to be thrown back and across the room. Alliva shaking his head and pulling himself to his feet decides he shouldn’t do this again looking around he notices his mother and father seemingly frozen in time. Alliva leaving the tent find the entire city of ojeveda frozen not understanding this Alliva takes a seat to try and work it out “the book it must be the book” boosts Alliva. Alliva shaking his head “But how to get close to it” Allivas head drops to his hands as a shining light pierces through the cracks in his fingers he looks up . A Figure of a menki an old and seemingly wise menki stood in front of him covered in pure crystal way energies. The menki slowly comes into focus as the light fades “who are you? “ Alliva snapped the menki grinning “I am Silisary Alyeve” Alliva shaking his head “you cannot be him he died many years ago now”. The figure laugh “Child you know nothing but that is not why I am here you can believe me or not but you have a job to do”. Alliva looks at the menki with a slight annoyance “I decide what I do my destiny is my own”. The menki laughs “If you say so. But you must aid my past self” Alliva standing up as bright light fills the entire area and Alliva feels a thud as he lands on the ground in a grassy clearance.

Alliva hears a clanging of metal jumping to his feet wondering if a battle was going on he looks around slowly he turns to see a menki hunched over something raising a large hammer and bringing it down. Alliva slowly walking around to the side of the menki to see what he’s doing trying not to make a sound as not to disturb the enki. Alliva first looks to what the menki is working on a sword by the looks right now unformed a small slither of metal sticking out from a handle that the menki seams to be working on. The menki places the hammer down and hold the handle to the sky and nods looking it over with a smile and takes other tools to do other work on the handle. Alliva watches closely fascinated on the sword but the menki stops and turns around all the while asking who is there. The menki feeling a strong presence stops and faces Alliva. Alliva taking a few steps back searches for his swords that aint there. Calming himself when he seas the menki has no hostile intent he looks him overran enki of around average height and build with slightly greyed but well groomed fur. It then hit Alliva that he may have seen this menki before but were Alliva thought. Alliva shake his head “forgive me I am Alliva Alyeve” Alliva extended his hand only for the menki to turn away from him to work on the sword again. Alliva frowns and stands in front of the menki now “don’t you even have the common courtesy of a reply” Alliva spat out the menki without noticing continues to work on the sword. Alliva waves his hand between the enki and the sword in an attempt to get the menki attention feels a strange sensation as the hammer and hand of the enki goes through his. The enki stops and again looks directly at Alliva shaking his head the enki continues to look as if straight through Alliva “who is there.” The enki demanded to know the enki waits for a few minuets and in a louder more stern voice “who is there” he demanded again. The enki going back to his work mumbling of him seeing things Alliva deciding that he should step back and observe before trying to interfere again. H menki dose something Alliva thought was strange he cut his hand with a small dagger and enchanted some words as he allowed some blood to fall into a small ingrain in the slither of metal that was to make up the core of the blade of the sword. The menki slowly and care full takes the sword by the handle and places it in the furnace crackling beside him. Taking it out and hitting it very violently the menki continues to enchant quickly he places what is to be the sword blade into a cast and pours in the hot steel leaving it for a while till it hardens enough for him to begin working on it again. Striking the sword again and again he reheats it many times slowly refolding the blade. Alliva counts a total of 100 folds The menki made to the blade constantly strengthening the blade again for the last time the menki paces the sword blade into the fire gently hitting it he makes the shape of the blade. The menki holding the blade up to the dieing light nods and smiles before retiring for the night Alliva although sleep feels not the cold of the night or is even bothered of the creatures that stalk the land.

The night passed and the morning came the menki walks out holding the sword he started to make slowly sipping at a mug of liquid the menki sits beside a grind stone and smiles. Taking many hours to carefully sharpen the sword under the sun he looks up wiping the sweat from his brow he walks inside and returns with 2 mugs and a pitcher of ale. Placing it on a table he turns his attention once again to his master piece his sword. He then remembers the tests that he once learned from an old wise master blacksmith to test the quality of blades. Plucking one of his whiskers dropping it onto the blade the whisker is cut ion two a clean cut only the sharpest of blades could muster. A slither of metal used to create the very core of the sword he places between 2 chairs raising his hand up the sword comes crashing down breaking the metal in a perfect half. Alliva witnessed one final test to see if the sword was that of high quality the menki thrusting the sword into a piece of wood many inches thick smiling as it tares through it and out the other side. Quickly he pulls it back out and sheaths it in a scabbard specially made for it. The menki sits down for a while nearly nodding of footsteps approach the menki opens one eye a dwarf was walking up the path toward the menki laden with a heavy sac the dwarf clatters it to the ground making Alliva pivots to face him. A dwarf of average height but seams stronger than the average dwarf stands in front of Alliva his rags look torn and sooty with his beard also looks sooty. The menki smiles “Ah hello my old friend” the dwarf nods “hello there Silisary. I brought you supplies. By the way why do you live so far from town?” the dwarf asks the menki smiles “well you know how it is when people think of you as a hero. They constantly annoy you and ask for the impossible I just want a quite life now. No more fighting no more help they come to me all the time.” The dwarf nods “have you finished what you were working on” the menki nods and invites the dwarf in. The menki disappears for a second as the dwarf sits and notices the ale “ah your own brew” the dwarf shouts to Silisary “yes it is” the dwarf smiles “A hole pitcher for me” Silisary reapers from the doorway laughing “no just the mug my friend”. The dwarf lets out a laugh as he is handed the sword by Silisary “this is indeed fine work but it seams strange” Silisary nods “yes it’s a magic sword of my own creation. Its untrained and unused in combat so I do not know how powerful it is” the dwarf notices Silisary hand now bandaged “you didn’t did you” Silisary nods the dwarf quickly handing the sword back. The dwarf looking to the floor “you know I don’t trust that magic of yours some weird stuff that” Silisary nods and smiles.

A shout is heard of in the distance but getting closer a lemur comes running into focus help help he shouts “please help us one of the town’s people is trapped by a pack of tefusang.” Silisary frowning “and why cant the guards help?” the lemur frowns “there trying but these are no ordinary tefusang”. Silisary sighs and takes of at speed with the lemur just in front going to a hill gazing down on the tefusang Silisary notices something strange a black streak other there backs.  Silisary thinking for a bit but is distracted when a slight glow appears around his sword looking to the sword he pulls it from its scabbard. Thinking again he points it toward the tefusang glowing brighter it fills the veins of Silisary with even more power as he turns it away it glow lessens and the power it provides lessens as well. Hmm it must detect some kind of energies Silisary thought focusing on the sword he learns a bit more of what he created but no time to fully think on it he turns his attention once again to the tefusang. Focusing on the tefusang and the sword the sword glows brighter than it had done before suddenly great bolts of lightening fill the sky strike forth to the tefusang instantly killing them all. Silisary not sure what happens quickly departs to try and find out exactly what he had created. Alliva over the coming days watches Silisary test the power of the sword that never again losses its slight glow. Alliva watches how Silisary with the power of the sword manages to lift massive boulders and strike down many creaters by mere thought. Some people started to witness Silisary obvious power with the sword and talk grew until one day something strange happened. Alliva had just woken up from yet another night outside the hut of silisary’s. Low talking between Silisary and an unknown force that seams to be striking out at Alliva as well as Silisary as a struggle ensues within the cabin. Suddenly a bright light shines and a massive explosion sends Alliva backwards. As Alliva regains consciousness he searches the wreckage as the towns people do. Alliva in his searching hears many theories but no body of Silisary or the other supposed person is found. Alliva about to give up hope comes across an old tattered book brown in colour he picks it up and shuffles through it smiling. Allivas attention now drawn to a strange glow going over to it he seas the sword Silisary made stretching his hand out to it a flash of bright light engulfs everything.

Alliva regains focus after the bright light and finds himself in his room again Nimera just disappearing out of the room as she was doing before all this started. Alliva wondering did this happens notices a new book on his desk the book he picked up Alliva frowns as he picks it up and flicks through it again. As he goes to place the book on the table again a light reaches Allivas eye from his side. Alliva quickly turning round seas Silisary again this time however darkness intertwining with the light “what’s wrong” Asks Alliva. Silisary sighs “my curse by me allowing you to see my past I exposed myself in the other realm and now my test my greatest fear has come to pass. Yes the curse of our family”. Alliva frowning “and what is yours?” Silisary shakes his head “I haven’t time for this the book you now hold is of the strongest and best I have ever discovered. Use it well never let it fall into the wrong hands doing so could cause the hole of yalikum to be destroyed. I entrust this to you and only you young one”. The menki smiles as he disappears and Alliva is left wondering yet again what happened none the less Alliva puts the book in a safe place and goes back to the original big book to read it over again. Alliva shakes his head when he notices now that the book is filled with completely blank pages. Yet another mystery Alliva thought and goes to do his kattar for the day.

Title: Re: Story of Alliva
Post by: Allive on June 28, 2007, 06:23:16 am
         Alliva's continua’s training

Groth walks through the doors to the training yard behind the ojeveda guard building he seas Alliva practicing alongside Garithor. As he watches closely he seas Alliva now around 9 years old intrinsically copying and duplicating garithor’s movements. Garithor stops and turns around bowing toward Groth turning to Alliva and talking in a low voice “sit child you are doing well rest for a few moments”. Groth smiling and bowing toward Garithor “Alliva is getting better” Garithor nods “yes we will have to accelerate his training. He is learning faster than you did”. Groth nods “that is good may I see what he has learned almost 2 years and he hasn’t shown me what he has learnt”. Garithor nods “yes I believe it is finally time for him to show others what is possible although still young he has great skill”. Groth nods and leaves the training yard for a while return Groth walks through the door in full battle armour. Garithor looks at Groth and laughs “scared are we Groth” Groth shakes his head “accidents do happen” Groth laughing as he stands in the middle of the square and beacon’s Alliva to spar with him. Alliva grins as he seas his father seemingly having a little trouble moving. Alliva stepping into the ring not drawing his swords bows to Groth and drops into a fighting stance. Groth looking over to Garithor frowns Garithor smiling “just try him you may find something interesting”. Groth draws both swords and falls into a common stance that was taught to all the guards taking a breath he lunges forward with his left hand sword Alliva spinning slaps Groth's back knocking him forward and out of reach. Frowning Groth gains his footing again only to a fist of Alliva cracking him on the nose Groth’s head snapping backwards causing Groth to take a few steps back. Groth shaking his head seas Alliva grinning Groth now dropping to his own stance quickly moves toward Alliva bringing one sword striking at the waist the second at Alliva neck. Alliva dodging both seas another sword strike coming toward his waist quickly blocking the hit Alliva’s  wrist warping around Groth’s makes Alliva’s and Groth’s arm turn catching Groth’s wrist Alliva launches another strike to Groth’s nose and then jumps up using both feet knocking Groth down to the floor. Alliva quickly standing back up seeing Groth doing the same and taking a few steps back Alliva takes out both swords and falls to a stance Groth isn’t familiar with. Groth frowning attacks in a thrashing motion with his swords Alliva parrying or blocking each and every attack Groth throws at him. Alliva seas both swords coming down Alliva hastingly blocks the attacks. Then something happened as the swords crashed together everything seamed to move slower and Alliva closed his eyes. In his mind he saw what was to become Groth moving one sword that Alliva blocked thrusting it towards Alliva’s middle Alliva would then block it and Groth would swings another at Alliva’s neck. Blocking again Groth would quickly spring back coming back to Alliva spinning allowing for each sword to continually strike Alliva’s as he blocked after about 3 and a half spins Groth would then sweep Alliva of his feet and win the fight. As Alliva opened his eyes everything seamed to snap back the sword strike still ringing from the downward attack from Groth. Knowing what was to become Alliva quickly in a spinning motion allowed both blades to clang of Groth sweeping him and quickly thrusting his sword to Groth neck stopping a few inches from Groth Alliva smiled. Groth shaking his head admits his defeat Allowing Alliva to help him up he smiles to Garithor Alliva bowing to Groth goes and sits down drinking some water and eating some fish. Groth walking over to Garithor “how did he do that” Garithor smiling do what he asked. Groth shaking his head “it seamed he done what I was thinking of doing” Garithor laughing “remember the esp. ability me and Alliva share?” Groth nods “well it seams Alliva’s is a lot more developed than mines and he has been training it a lot”. Groth frowns “this means what?” Garithor sighs “It means Alliva can know what you’re thinking. His ability allows him to effectively enter your mind and find out what you are going to do. Thinking of it as telling the future but there is a problem here. He can only gain bits and pieces and some isn’t even about what your doing or going to do so he has to decide witch is true and piece things together to attempt to find out what you’re going to do. Based on what he find out he can device ways to stop it.” Groth frowns “so he could know everything about me” Garithor sighs “in a sense but when fighting he can only concentrate a little so only the most recent things in small details can he find out. If you allowed him to he could probe your entire mind. But even that has limits some things are protected as instinct in your mind that you must allow him to access he can force into it but for now he has little knowledge of these things”. Groth nods walking over to Alliva he bows “good duel remember though use your knowledge and fighting ability wisely and honourably” Alliva nods as his father leaves. The day dies and Alliva returns home to plunge himself into some books of magic and swordsman ship long into the night Alliva reads until he falls asleep. . 

A knock at the door comes in the middle of the night Groth gently stirring from his stole he set against a wall waiting for the knock answers. In a low voice Groth smiles “hello Garithor” Garithor only nods and presents a second person “this is Seseloricus” Groth nods and shows him to Alliva. Garithor sighs “do not worry Seseloricus will place Alliva into a deep sleep we will move him and he will wake him up gently. Then the test will begin”. Groth nods and allows the mage to continue after a few minutes the three menki's move quickly. As the day came and went they arrived just outside hydlaa leaving Alliva in the hills with his equipment and a letter. The three watching closely as Alliva wakends and continue to watch him through out the entire trial. Seseloricus looks to the menki’s “I will guard our minds he will not detect us” Groth and Garithor nods. Alliva wakes up to find himself in a strange place a place he has never seen before still disorientated he stands and looks around. Alliva frowns as he looks but seas nothing he notices suddenly realizing he is in a strange place he snaps his head down to his waist. Alliva smiles slightly as he seas his armour and weapons laying on the ground just in front of himself equipping his armour and weapons he looks around again the sun now setting he decided that that was the way he should head to get back to ojeveda. Alliva taking of eventually finds a road with a passing trader on it “excuse me” Alliva says the trader stopping for a second “yes?” Alliva smiles “it seams I am a bit lost were dose this road lead to” the trader frowning slightly “to Hydlaa were are you wishing to go?” Alliva smiling “Well back to ojeveda I don’t know how I got here but I need to get back to ojeveda” the trader frowns “very well then tag along with me I will be able to help you to hydlaa then your by yourself”. Alliva frowns “well thank you but I cannot repay you at all” the trader smiling “you are young but you seam experienced with those swords you carry I guide you and you shall protect me if anything happens deal?” Alliva nods and both set of toward hydlaa.

Approaching the gates of hydlaa Alliva stops looking up above the walls he seas a great white windowless tower and takes a moment to reflect on its beauty. Hearing a voice calling to him to hurry he moves inside the gates as Alliva dose he is dumbstruck by the different races on display. Alliva looks on with amazement as blue figure seemingly made of stone pass by or other with scales and wings move of at high speed. Alliva walks around seeing elves and demorians always thinking to himself that they looked a little funny but still amazement was in his eyes. The trader laughing “come now young one I need to see the smithy get his ore to him then perhaps we can eat yes?” Alliva nods as they set of. Coming to the centre of the city a hugh white statue stands Alliva gaze turning to it asks the trader who the statue is of. The trader laughs a little “that is of the god laanx. A spiteful god by most accounts but a god none the less”. Alliva nods looking to the temple and that Alliva asks the trader “ that is the temple devoted to laanx if you wish to know more you should talk with them” Alliva nods as he follows the trader over to a small wooden hut with many people gathered. The trader pushing through with Alliva behind him goes up to the man dumping the ore in front of him. Ah well done the figure man speaks well done indeed the trader nods as the blacksmith hands over some tria and takes the sack of ore. The trader smiling “thank you harnquist you always pay well even when time are hard” Harnquist nodding “I pay well for the best my friend I suppose you don’t want to tell me were you keep getting this ore” The trader laughs “why do that I would never making an earning if anyone could mine this quality”. The two laugh as harnquist attention turns to Alliva hello young one what would you like Alliva shakes his head “nothing I am only protecting this trader” Harnquist laughing ready to speak but stops himself “hmmm you have a fighters stance but still so young” Harnquist eyes the menki as his sight draws to Alliva’s swords. Harnquist with a slight grin “may I see those blades of yours”. Alliva nodding unsheathes his swords inspecting them he smiles “Ah I would recognize this type of blade any were. Dwarven crafted and the mark of the star hammer clan. These were gifted to you” Harnquist asks. Alliva shakes his head “my blade master gave me these” Harnquist nods “The one who was initially gifted these must have been a great warrior in there day. And I can see why it was gifted down to you”. Harnquest pauses for a second “Your blade master must see some great skill in you little one learn from him learn well from him” Alliva nods.

As Alliva takes his swords back and turns around to follow the dwarf to the south gate of hydlaa a screech comes Alliva looks up to see a massive creature crashing down to earth. The dwarf knocks Alliva of his feet as he runs away from the approaching creature. Alliva standing up dives out of the way just in time as it lands o other citizens suddenly a clanging of metal shields and swords is heard coming from the garrison. As soon as the sounds are heard 20 men surround the pterosaur they looks at each other “careful men” comes a belch from there commander. The creatures anger enflamed it starts to thrash around killing with its wings tail and mouth. 15 guards left standing and another belch comes from the commander “kill it”. At that point the men don’t hesitate but just as fast as they rush the creature they are sent flying back one landing at Alliva’s feet. Alliva looks up to the creature is slight disarray but starts to focus on its mind. The beast suddenly snaps its head around to look at Alliva directly and lets out a loud screech Alliva unfazed by the screech continues to push further into the creatures mind. As Alliva pushes harder he begins to feel himself detaching from his body but none the less he knows it must be done. The creature now stomping its way toward Alliva lifts it head as if to strike him down but Alliva doesn’t move. Just then as the creature is ready to bite down on it suddenly stops turns around and takes of at full flight Alliva feeling weak collapses to the ground.
The commander rushing over to Alliva is stopped short by Groth’s shouts “Alliva Alliva are you ok”. The commander turning around sees the three menki running toward him. Garithor walking up to the commander giving a slight bow as dose the commander to Garithor “we will take care of him”. The commander nods and calls 2 men other make “sure they get back to ojeveda safely” The men saluting the commander help Groth load Alliva onto a cart and take of for ojeveda quickly.
Alliva wakening up notices the familiar sight of home and smiles slightly. Picking himself up from his bed he notices Groth his head in his hands. Groth looking up “I’m sorry Alliva we only meant to test you to see how far you had developed”. Alliva grins slightly “How did I do” Groth taken back a little by Alliva’s words “you have developed a lot my son”. Alliva smiles “good but I feel weak” Groth nods “Garithor said you may feel weak for a few days it wasn’t some mere trick you pulled on that beast rest now son and we shall talk again”. Groth stands up tucking Alliva into bed and smiles.

Title: Re: Story of Alliva
Post by: Allive on November 04, 2007, 03:47:05 pm
                                                                                                                           Showdown at ojeveda

Alliva wakes up after a few days sleep his mind gaining the strength back the communication with the beast took out of him. Walking through to eat he finds the house empty as he pears out of the door he seas the sun already high “hmm midday already” Alliva grumbles to himself. Getting his armour on and his weapons he steps out of his house and walks over to the training yard of the ojeveda guard. On arrival he finds the yard empty except from Groth and Garithor Alliva bounds over and in an excited voice “hello father” Groth smiles at Alliva “hello how are you?” Alliva only nods. Bowing slightly to Garithor “I’m ready for training” Garithor shakes his head “not today have the day of we have to plan security for a duelling contest that will be here in a few weeks”. Alliva looks disapointed and surprised at the same time Garithor chuckles “perhaps you should enter” Alliva.s eyes grow wide “Can I father” Groth nods “if you wish see Elor and he will give you a note so that you can enter”. Alliva smiles widely and runs of to find Elor. Alliva approaches the doorway of Elor and smiles as the two menkis eyes meat Elor smiles “you have decided to enter I see” Alliva looks slightly shocked “you knew I would?” Elor chuckles slightly “Your father said he would allow you if you wanted to. I had a feeling you wouldn’t resist”. Elor hands Alliva a note “you will need this children are usually not permitted to enter such tournaments but both Garithor and Groth have assured me your skill is a match for anyone that competes”. Alliva nods “Thank you” Elor gives a small smile before saluting Alliva repeats and dashes of to find the registration of the tournament. Going back out into the streets Alliva runs as fast as he can to the main part of the city as he draws nearer he starts to hear loud shouting and a lot of commotion going on at Brado’s. Getting closer he seas many gathering around one diaboli that is standing on a create and another line going inside Brado’s “that’s awfully busy for brados to be” Alliva thought. Going over and joining the crowd Alliva seas Sergull and Agaroth hello Alliva murmurs a little the two menkis smile as they look down. Alliva smiles back “what’s going on here” the two smiles “about that duelling tournament” Alliva smiles “were is the registration?” Sergull points over to Brados “But you have to be 16 years of age at least” Alliva grins a little and presents the letter he got from Elor “I shall accompany you then make sure you get in” Alliva nods and smiles. The two stand in the line for what seamed like hours Sergull stands back to see what happens. Alliva goes up to the desk and presents the man with the letter he got from Elor. The man shakes his head and starts to talk to Alliva as if he was a child. Sergull stomps over “is there a problem” the name nods “we cannot permit this child to be in the tournament” Sergull shakes his head “you have the note from my commander and the consent of his father”. The man shakes his head how can I be sure this is real “I will vouch for it and the seal it was me that broke it”. The man sighs and shakes his head “very well but we will not take responsibility if something bad were to happen to him in the tournament”. Sergul nods “that is fine you will find this one as capable as anyone else”.  The man smiles to Alliva “the tournament starts in 3 days be ready” Alliva nods and leaves for home the sun beginning to set. 

The next day Alliva begins with his katar before heading out to the ojeveda guards training yard to meat with Garithor. Alliva approaches the door to the training yard Garithor smiles as he sees Alliva from over the shoulder of his newest student. Alliva approaches Garithor and bows slightly as dose Garithor to Alliva “Why have you came today young one” Asks Garithor “to receive my daily training” Replayed Alliva. Garithor laughs “you should rest to be ready for the tournament” Alliva shakes his head “I wish to receive instruction or spar so I will be at peak condition for the tournament”. The menki receiving instruction from Garithor stops “you’re to young to be in the tournament” Garithor chuckles “Alliva is no normal 9 year old his skill rivals many of the ojeveda guard as they are now”. The menki chuckles a little “this child?” he asked in a slightly mocking tone Garithor snapping his head round “know your place” Garithor lost in thought for a minute “Alliva you wish to spar” Alliva nods “then may I suggest an opponent” as he looks to the student. The student laughs “this will be far too easy” Garithor frowns slightly “we will see”. The two menkis prepare for battle as Garithor sets up some crystal around the square Alliva frowns “What are those for” he asks Garithor. Garithor laughs “it is not just you that can use magic young one. This will be no holes bared anything goes these crystal will reduce your magic enough not to permanently harm each other”. Alliva frowns “but” Alliva is stopped short “I have been told it will be affective even against you magic Alliva”. Alliva nods ok but I don’t accept responsibility if anything goes wrong Garithor nods “not a problem”.  Alliva sits for a few moments getting ready for the duel “are you ready” comes a voice that snaps him out of thought. Alliva looks up to the other menki and merely nods.

Standing at the other side of the square Alliva bows to the other menki as he dose back to Alliva. The menki draws his swords but Alliva remains still “aren’t you going to draw your swords?” Asks the menki Alliva shakes his head “attack if you are going to do so” Allivas body starts to emit a red glow. The menki scoffs and starts to run toward alliva his sword out in front. Alliva spinning knocking the sword hand out of the way and thrusting out a fist shaped ball of flame at the menki. The menki turning around to late is hit on the chest by the flame and is thrown back out of the ring. Alliva chuckles a little the menki pulling himself to his feet charges Alliva again. Allivas eyes darken you are defeated Alliva quickly grabs hold of his training swords and starts to defend himself from the attacks of the menki. With a quick twist the Alliva allows the swords to crash the menkis momentum making him unable to stop as he turn he seas Alliva charging a sphere of light energies. The menki once again rushing toward Alliva is blasted back out of the circle as Alliva released the energies the shockwave of such an attack shattering the crystal that protected them from the magic. The menki laying there unmoving Alliva fears the worst and rushes over to see the menki lying lifeless. Alliva looking up to Garithor that has already sent for a doctor is he going to be ok? Garithor shrugs I don’t know. As the doctor rushes in he takes a look at the menki and starts to cast some spells the menki slowly regaining consciousness splutters as he try’s to speak. Are you ok asks Alliva the menki nods I will be ok im sorry for doubting you ability it seams I have a lot to learn still. Alliva stands up and looks over to the stands that use to house the crystals “what happened “ Garithor shrugs “perhaps he didn’t make them potent enough” Alliva nods “then you will have to get stronger ones” Garithor nods and helps his student to bed in the barrack. On his return Alliva looks up to Garithor from his meditation “he will be fine in a few days” Says Garithor Alliva nods and decides he should perhaps rest in preparation for the sword contest.

Alliva wakening up the day of the tournament has arrived and Alliva is over joyed he leaps out of his bed barely able to control his excitement and his energy. He quickly eats and straps on his armour and is about to place his swords on correctly Groth and Garithor they smiles as they present Alliva with new swords and new armour. Alliva looking the presents over correctly he looks up to his father. Groth smiles “Its about time you had your own new equipment it is a big step entering a tournament you should at least look the part”. Alliva nodding quickly grabs the armour and swords quickly thanking them both and goes to his room to change. Alliva picking up the torso armour instantly feels it is heavier than what he is use to but it dose seam to be much sturdier. Red in colour with green and gold pattern on it that weaves throughout the entire garment placing it on it fits perfectly. The pants also having the same colour and pattern Alliva puts them on and they also fit perfectly. Quickly tightening them he places the rest of the armour on Alliva smiles as he stretches in the armour giving no restriction with it being so tight. Picking up the swords he stops for a minute admiring the brown scabbard with a gold emblem of his family on it a gold rim at the top and also tipped in gold. He removes the swords and they are heavier than his last ones and slightly longer but the weight doesn’t seam to bother Alliva at all. The handles made of bronze a smooth handle with leather grip and a ball at the end the hand top of the hilt has a solid bronze rectangle. The blade double edged with silver intertwined in it with Alliva Alyeve edged into it in enkien and the mark of trasok underneath it. Alliva smiles and replaces them in there sheaths and straps them to his belt along with a glyph sac cause of the restrictions of only taking 6 glyphs into the contest Alliva starts to think carefully of witch ones to take. Placing all the glyphs on his desk he sits drinking slowly from a mug. After about an hour Alliva stands up and grabs 6 glyphs the fire glyph, the lightning glyph, air glyph, arrow glyph, energy glyph and armour glyph. Alliva smiles and stretches hearing the boom of a drum Alliva runs out of the house thinking is that the time already.

Alliva arrives on time to get into the tournament sailing through to the semi finals only 8 combatants are left. As Alliva is summoned to his match he sighs walking into the arena a hail goes up to Alliva the newest champion on ojeveda the rest being knocked out by other in the earlier rounds. Eyeing his opponent Alliva dose not unsheathe his swords the opponent quicklyt taking advantage of this rushes in with a sweeping attack only to be blown back by a wall of wind. Alliva grins slightly his eyes never leaving his opponent “It will take more than flashy swordsman ship to beat me”. The diaboli grins slightly I would have thought it would have the diaboli instantly releases a blast of dark magic toward Alliva. Alliva getting taken slightly of guard draws his swords barely defending with one sword. The force of the blast nearly knocking Alliva out of the ring. Alliva with pain showing on his face rushes the diaboli landing quick strikes against his opponents swords. Suddenly Allivas opponent makes a quick move sending all weapons from the hands of the wielders. Both opponents release a blast of magic at each other as they collide both Alliva and his opponent are knocked back. Alliva ready to faint with pain holds himself up and starts to form a bright light in his paws. Allivas opponent seas this and instantly rushes in to stop allivas attack fearing the energies that are building by the second. Alliva trying to concentrate hard weakens himself so much that he loses consciousness resulting in the little energies that Alliva had collected exploding in waves knocking both himself and his opponent unconscious for the next 3 days. As the energies dissipate the medics rush into the ring and the ground begins to shake. Everyone getting scared there attentions are drawn toward the magic suppression glyphs that were placed around the ring. Glowing brightly the glyphs create a small explosion and disappear. Groth looking over the fight looks confused and then to Garithor “don’t ask me” Garithor murmurs “first time I’ve every seen a glyph do that”.