
Gameplay => Guilds Forum => Topic started by: Am-Heh on February 19, 2007, 04:29:39 am

Title: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 19, 2007, 04:29:39 am
And so,   what the prophets of many ages had foretold one day did realise again..... Ze Good Guys appeared to spread good fortune , love, happiness and such pleasent acts of peace and kindness that they are unspeakable too the common man.

Ze Good Guyz were always a small band of gentlemen, with one goal.. to roam the lands and spread good fotune to the many wayward citazins and country folk that they would encounter.
  Generally their numbers were small but sometimes their ranks would swell. Growing in times of true hardship as others lost for a purpose ... longing for a calling... would join Ze Good Guyz, in an attempt to fill the hole in their life.

Some stayed.. but many left once they found that special someone or somehow filled that deep dark hole that had been missing from their life. For the ones that remained like Am-heh they would continue to roam Ze lands and appease his gods to which he prayed each day..

First rule of Ze Good Guyz, Am-heh though vague is always right.

Second rule of Ze Good Guyz, if in doubt of Am-heh's judgement  refere to Ze FIRST rule

Third rule of Ze Good Guyz, if you are incapable of following the first two are no longer too be know as one of Ze Good Guys but rather ..
Za Bad Boyz, you and others like you will be dealt with as only Ze Good Guyz know how..through much love and affection untill once more you renounce your evil ways and once more walk
as one with us.

Am-heh never liked to refere to these rules as actual rules but rather a way of life, a manner of being. Not liking the thought of his fellow brethren being constrained by rules, but these laws had been written in the stars and whispered on the winds , Am-heh knowing that his god could only mean well thought it best to trust in him and enforce his gods wishes. Many years passed for this nomad like tribe of followers untill one day once more they arrived on the outskirts of a realm and great city of which they had not layed eyes on for quiet some time...

What lays in wait for them no one knows .......but where Am-heh and Ze Good Guyz go, one thing is for sure. many will rejoice and flourish like dessert flowers in morning dew as Ze Good Guys serve and tend too these kind townfolk..

Ze Ranks-

Ze Boss            - Am-heh
Ze Good Guys  - Everyone else
Za Bad Boyz      - Confused brethren that were unable to follow rules one and two
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Quitarias on February 19, 2007, 04:53:30 am
kind of a veird mix between Servant's and gentelmen but in any case good luck geting of the ground (you'll need it with a name like that  ;) )
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 19, 2007, 05:00:24 am
Thankyou my good man, your kind words give me hope that not all is lost in these parts.
Many have shunned us and spoken ill of our name but this just strengthens our resolve and fuels our determination to spread good.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Proglin on February 19, 2007, 05:20:47 am
Heck you got a sense of humor... and that's about all I can say for this guild. I'm not a big fan. It sounds a little pointless to me.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 19, 2007, 05:37:41 am
It sounds a little pointless to me.

These words of yours make it plain to me that we have not come to this region in vain!   :o
We do not seek affirmation from others.
 We know that many find little "point" in helping the less fortunate, it is for this very reason that "Ze Good Guyz" have so much work on our hands. 
Ze Cleansing will commence soon....
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Jekkar on February 19, 2007, 08:35:55 am
I vish you luck.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Peacer on February 19, 2007, 08:50:00 am
I have found ze bad guys secret location, are you going to do ze invation or just sitting around doign ze nothing :p?

good luck though, and remember to have fun ;)
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Sangwa on February 19, 2007, 09:27:34 am
Another joke guild. Obviously only ridiculous characters, or ridiculous players, will join this idiotic guild. No value, no originality, nothing of interest... I wish for it to die and go away.

*Sangwa remembers Nurahk's words echoing in his mind "They can't see you smiling... They caaaan't sseeee yoouuuu ssmmiiiillliinnnggg..."*


Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Parallo on February 19, 2007, 09:30:06 am
Well at least the Crooks have someone to entertain themselves with.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Sangwa on February 19, 2007, 09:32:13 am
Haha! I hadn't think about that. These guys are perfect for each other. They should make their own server, call it "Praanx" and live secluded in its world of senseless fun.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Parallo on February 19, 2007, 09:45:43 am
Ahaha! Perfect!
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Gharan on February 19, 2007, 09:52:28 am
Sooo am I totally missing the point, what's ze guild about, what's ze allignment. Alll I got from your post is i'm the boss follow the rules or be gone. That and you have two ranks, ze boss and ze rest. I doubt your guild wants to be refered to like that tbh.  :whistling:
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Sangwa on February 19, 2007, 09:55:35 am
It's a joke. And there is no alignment in PS. So it's normal that you don't know theirs.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Parallo on February 19, 2007, 09:55:57 am
Alll I got from your post is i'm the boss follow the rules or be gone. That and you have two ranks, ze boss and ze rest.

I think that is the point.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Gharan on February 19, 2007, 09:59:31 am
It's a joke. And there is no alignment in PS. So it's normal that you don't know theirs.

I hope it is a joke it seems like something written on a short bus ride (please don't take offence) personally i'd put alot more thought into it before going in the firing line but hey my first guild post wasn't all that either.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Sangwa on February 19, 2007, 10:03:53 am
This is not his first guild post. Not at all. He has made one joke before this one.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: emeraldfool on February 19, 2007, 10:48:11 am
When you say 'we', is that figurative, or is there actually someone else in this guild? :P
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Gharan on February 19, 2007, 10:59:15 am
When you say 'we', is that figurative, or is there actually someone else in this guild?

So you're not in it?  Darn there's my incling of "ze rest" gone  :P
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: lordraleigh on February 19, 2007, 01:42:59 pm
Will ze good guyz azzept my good zecret(not zo zecret duh) agent Auzztin Pwnerz to help zem defeating the bad guyz of ze Crooks and ze Evil Munkii?
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Under the moon on February 19, 2007, 05:10:13 pm
You folks obviously don't remember Am-heh. *chuckles and walks away*
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: neko kyouran on February 19, 2007, 05:33:11 pm
I would like to sign up to be in this guild, it shall be perfect to help my goals of ridding the game of ze Bad Boyz.  I am glad there is finally a guild for my cause.  :woot:  Have you had thoughts on partnering with the sheeple foundation?

(nice to see you still show your face every once and awhile, Am)
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: lordraleigh on February 19, 2007, 06:34:23 pm
What about reviving Deus Ex Trucido?
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 19, 2007, 06:46:26 pm
We are simple folk, we travel not in search of glory, fame or riches, just too help people.. Some find donating time and money to our cause an opportunity to give back to ze world that they have taken so much from. We do encourge such actions but by no means enforce or demand it.

You folks obviously don't remember Am-heh. *chuckles and walks away*
*Hold back from wincing as he see a familiar face melt back into the crowd. Under his breath releasing a slight groan..
"maybe not all have forgotton..what if...."
Continuing his address to the small gathering, whilst continuing to scan the crowd for anyone else that may stand in the path of Ze Good Guyz and Zeir good deeds..

We shall be residing with some of the townfolk, we have been offered lodgings in an old stable on the outskirts of the town. Those wishing for us to render them service or feel that they can somehow inturn render us a service do not hesitate to call on us.

*Still many confused faces are left behind as Am-heh dissapears from  view, in the company of a few of the locals advocates of one cause or another..
Trailing behind this entourage a couple strangers not yet introduced or known to this parts, bearly noticed by anyone except the one they serve.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: emeraldfool on February 19, 2007, 07:03:30 pm
When you say 'we', is that figurative, or is there actually someone else in this guild?

So you're not in it?  Darn there's my incling of "ze rest" gone  :P

Hey screw you. I'll have you know I am an exceptional RPer :P
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Grimgor on February 19, 2007, 08:38:24 pm
I vill help you fill Ze deep dark hole in your life, Am-Heh...

- Grimgor, Da Main Boss
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: zanzibar on February 19, 2007, 08:52:40 pm
What about reviving Deus Ex Trucido?

It never died.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Shalmaneser on February 19, 2007, 08:54:21 pm
Am-Heh is back!  \\o//
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Robinmagus on February 19, 2007, 10:08:50 pm
Hahaha, you know you can count me in again mate. And contrary to what Sangwa thinks, this is a very original well thought out guild. More so than the empire, in my opinion. Good luck mate, good luck..

Oh and, welcome back!

EDIT: Oh and...double post..but wait, I doubt they can count that in...Hmmm...sneaky little Zanzy.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: zanzibar on February 19, 2007, 10:14:08 pm
Oh and...double post..but wait, I doubt they can count that in...Hmmm...sneaky little Zanzy.

You and your crazy ideas.  "Double post", how absurd.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Peacer on February 20, 2007, 02:20:45 am
lol XD, I seriously hope this guild will come :p *creates an alt*
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Zan on February 20, 2007, 02:44:22 am
*remembers Am-heh and wanders off chuckling*
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Sangwa on February 20, 2007, 07:52:21 am
I'm not sure if this is a good joke. Some new players might not take it as one, and feel they've been unfairly judged when they tried to post their promotional thread here and actually received critics instead of "Lol I want to create an alt to join your guild."

This way of protesting is quite poor, as it lacks objectiveness, and therefore is more self-indulgent than explicative. I'd rather if we'd concentrate on actually pointing out things to players in a consistent way, using constructive arguments and examples instead of making sarcastic plays.

Now, now, stop welling up those tears at your eyes. It just stings for a while, it'll all be well soon.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Narure on February 20, 2007, 10:50:44 am
Why are people remebering Am-heh??? I want to know the secret!!!
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 20, 2007, 03:27:39 pm
I'm not sure if this is a good joke. Some new players might not take it as one, and feel they've been unfairly judged when they tried to post their promotional thread here and actually received critics instead of "Lol I want to create an alt to join your guild."

I am shocked to think you find this thread to be some sort of muse.. Since when has good will and the spreading of it been considered mockery in the lands of planeshift, this makes my heart heavy..
 How could so much have changed in so little time. I can see much work lays ahead of me and my followers of Ze Good Guyz

lol XD, I seriously hope this guild will come :p *creates an alt*

All are welcome amongst us Mr Peacer, if u find it nessecary to create an alt and do good deeds through him instead of your main chartor zat be fine by Ze Good Guyz.
 Many people in life have different facets to their souls, some find it nessecary to take brews mixed by alcolytes or drink ale to the early hours of the morning to find that part of themselves that wishes to help his fellow man and woman....others create alts.

Why are people remebering Am-heh??? I want to know the secret!!!

There is no secret lil one, only truths in various forms.

Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Narure on February 20, 2007, 03:41:38 pm
In that case its my least favourite type of truth, the truth i dont know  X-/
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Shalmaneser on February 20, 2007, 03:44:59 pm
Yes, yes, the secrets of the gods are indeed seductive.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: lordraleigh on February 20, 2007, 03:48:06 pm
I'm not sure if this is a good joke. Some new players might not take it as one, and feel they've been unfairly judged when they tried to post their promotional thread here and actually received critics instead of "Lol I want to create an alt to join your guild."

This way of protesting is quite poor, as it lacks objectiveness, and therefore is more self-indulgent than explicative. I'd rather if we'd concentrate on actually pointing out things to players in a consistent way, using constructive arguments and examples instead of making sarcastic plays.

Now, now, stop welling up those tears at your eyes. It just stings for a while, it'll all be well soon.

Now that I've remembered the bombardment of praises ( when I had a much worse idea than this one, I suppose it's well deserving of my award for its greatness (

And so,   what the prophets of many ages had foretold one day did realise again..... Ze Good Guys appeared to spread good fortune , love, happiness and such pleasent acts of peace and kindness that they are unspeakable too the common man.

This sounds so unique ( that its originality is outstanding (!

Ze Good Guyz were always a small band of gentlemen, with one goal.. to roam the lands and spread good fotune to the many wayward citazins and country folk that they would encounter.

Their goal is pretty elaborate and impressive, really a masterpiece of a guild!

  Generally their numbers were small but sometimes their ranks would swell. Growing in times of true hardship as others lost for a purpose ... longing for a calling... would join Ze Good Guyz, in an attempt to fill the hole in their life.

There are really too many lost for a purpose, great citizens ( that recognize the importance and great structure ( of this guild, and this history is unquestionable ( and fully appliable to the Planeshift Settings as this guild surely is popular, well-known and respected group of great heroes (

Some stayed.. but many left once they found that special someone or somehow filled that deep dark hole that had been missing from their life. For the ones that remained like Am-heh they would continue to roam Ze lands and appease his gods to which he prayed each day..

In other words, this is a guild of great individuals (

First rule of Ze Good Guyz, Am-heh though vague is always right.

Second rule of Ze Good Guyz, if in doubt of Am-heh's judgement  refere to Ze FIRST rule

Third rule of Ze Good Guyz, if you are incapable of following the first two are no longer too be know as one of Ze Good Guys but rather ..
Za Bad Boyz, you and others like you will be dealt with as only Ze Good Guyz know how..through much love and affection untill once more you renounce your evil ways and once more walk
as one with us.

First rule: the most impressive ( definition of what is right that I ever saw!

Second rule: Fully useful ( and necessary

Third rule: I'm pretty sure only fools ( will disrepect it!

Am-heh never liked to refere to these rules as actual rules but rather a way of life, a manner of being. Not liking the thought of his fellow brethren being constrained by rules, but these laws had been written in the stars and whispered on the winds , Am-heh knowing that his god could only mean well thought it best to trust in him and enforce his gods wishes. Many years passed for this nomad like tribe of followers untill one day once more they arrived on the outskirts of a realm and great city of which they had not layed eyes on for quiet some time...
Laws written on stars ( Of course!

What lays in wait for them no one knows .......but where Am-heh and Ze Good Guyz go, one thing is for sure. many will rejoice and flourish like dessert flowers in morning dew as Ze Good Guys serve and tend too these kind townfolk..
Surely, there are many wise and purposeful ones ( to rejoice with them and many players with such types of character

Ze Ranks-

Ze Boss            - Am-heh
Ze Good Guys  - Everyone else
Za Bad Boyz      - Confused brethren that were unable to follow rules one and two

Very impressive, I'm sure its will be a very organized ( guild and its ranks will attend to it useful ( existence on Planeshift Community.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 20, 2007, 04:05:21 pm
Yes, yes, the secrets of the gods are indeed seductive.

aye seductive and forbiden..

*recruitment too our cause will commence 7 days and 7 nights from now. We urge all  intreasted to send word and attend a gathering in the city square on the day thus stated as the day of recruitment.
 Others not wishing to commit themselves or their time to Ze Good Guyz can donate other usefull items, food or monies too us as we will make good use of all.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Parallo on February 20, 2007, 04:07:50 pm

 Others not wishing to commit themselves or their time to Ze Good Guyz can donate other usefull items, food or monies too us as we will make good use of all.

Ahah! I love this. It's getting quite entertaining.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Grimgor on February 20, 2007, 04:09:38 pm
I still want to fill your Ze deep dark hole... uh, in your life... with my sword. *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

- Grimgor, Da Main Boss
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: lordraleigh on February 20, 2007, 04:20:55 pm
Yes, yes, the secrets of the gods are indeed seductive.

aye seductive and forbiden..

*recruitment too our cause will commence 7 days and 7 nights from now. We urge all  intreasted to send word and attend a gathering in the city square on the day thus stated as the day of recruitment.

Don't forget to shout 3 times per minute:  "Ze Good Guyz are Looking for Dudez to join da Guild!". Also don't discriminate people with names like "LeetDude", "MadJack", "Haxxor" or "Troo",  instead accept them with open arms cause you're Ze Good Guyz!

Others not wishing to commit themselves or their time to Ze Good Guyz can donate other usefull items, food or monies too us as we will make good use of all.

Only the smart dudez will donate items and tria to a guild that is everything less pointless like this one.

I still want to fill your Ze deep dark hole... uh, in your life... with my sword. *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

- Grimgor, Da Main Boss

IC-wise, you can be sure all those with serious characters will make them either laugh bow respectfully at your characters faces or ignore look at them! Bad good 'cause  Hydlaa really doesn't needs some clowns seriousness!

Also don't forget to make an Allegiance with the Vampire Hunterlords!
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 20, 2007, 04:37:21 pm
I still want to fill your Ze deep dark hole... uh, in your life... with my sword. *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

- Grimgor, Da Main Boss

I do not wish to be a sheath for your sword my good man, nor do i wish to participate in acts of violence specially againt someone who has already been so badly beaten by the ugly stick. Your exterior may not show these traits but your interior seems to be rotton to ze core.

We will attempt to unveil your beauty once more...

Don't forget to shout 3 times per minute:  "Ze Good Guyz are Looking for Dudez to join da Guild!". Also don't discriminate people with names like "LeetDude", "MadJack", "Haxxor" or "Troo",  instead accept them with open arms cause you're Ze Good Guyz!

Only the smart dudez will donate items and tria to a guild that is everything less pointless like this one.

Your mockery will be thee downfall, i can only hope your find great solace and fulfillment in the quoting of powers much greater than your own.
 Ze Good Guyz hope they can help you one day find ze right path, from which you seem to have astranged yourself.
People of all name, race and creed will be accepted with open arms. For to judge a book by its cover is the act of an ignorant and foolish men.

Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: lordraleigh on February 20, 2007, 04:52:15 pm
How can Ze Good Guyz prove they know the right path?

What if Ze Good Guyz are horribly mistaken?

What if Ze Good Guyz becomes "Ze 1337 Guyz"?

Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: zanzibar on February 20, 2007, 04:57:47 pm
How can Ze Good Guyz prove they know the right path?

What if Ze Good Guyz are horribly mistaken?

What if Ze Good Guyz becomes "Ze 1337 Guyz"?

More importantly, who cares about proving anything to you?
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Suno_Regin on February 20, 2007, 04:58:40 pm
At first I thought this was going to be a German guild, since with their accent, it sounds like "Ze."
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: lordraleigh on February 20, 2007, 05:03:08 pm
How can Ze Good Guyz prove they know the right path?

What if Ze Good Guyz are horribly mistaken?

What if Ze Good Guyz becomes "Ze 1337 Guyz"?

More importantly, who cares about proving anything to you?

I don't care about your ad hominens for sure

And if no one cares about proving this guild has some value besides being a joke, that's somewhat tolerated due to the uncalled for fact it was made by a veteran member of the community, while most of  "noob guilds" are smashed with a bombardment of criticisms, I won't care about it either during the game. Also this is another one alongside "Vampire Hunterlords" on the guide of how a guild should not be made.

At first I thought this was going to be a German guild, since with their accent, it sounds like "Ze."

I hope ze joke is just ze way to show ze people(zpecially ze noobs and ze leets) how certain guilds are zo bad.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: zanzibar on February 20, 2007, 05:15:18 pm
I don't care about your ad hominens for sure

It's not an ad hominem attack.  You've simply yet to show why putting effort into changing your personal opinion should be a priority.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Suno_Regin on February 20, 2007, 05:17:25 pm
Word of the day: ad hominem.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: lordraleigh on February 20, 2007, 05:23:18 pm

I didn't find much people agreeing to the following ones, very similar to this idea on their bad ways of creating a guild idea(Although not purporsedly intended to be jokes like what this one seems to be): ( (

Among many others ideas that received critics.

The fact Am-heh is a veteran member of the community may be a possible explanation to the fact this guild is not receiving a constant bombardment of criticisms from many.

Quote from: Sangwa
I'm not sure if this is a good joke. Some new players might not take it as one, and feel they've been unfairly judged when they tried to post their promotional thread here and actually received critics instead of "Lol I want to create an alt to join your guild."

And I doubt any serious roleplayer will give any regard to this guild as well. My hope is that this is another joke on the lines of the COV "Vampire Hunterlords".
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: zanzibar on February 20, 2007, 05:25:34 pm
In other words, you have your head up your rear end and you can't stand to leave a thread untouched by spam.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: lordraleigh on February 20, 2007, 05:38:23 pm
In other words, you have your head up your rear end and you can't stand to leave a thread untouched by spam.

I appreciate the ironical sounding of your claim. History is a source of great ironies. (

Quote from: Kerol
Zanzibar, do I have to remind you on the occassion when I had to mute you?

Now, I politely leave this thread, making commitment to peace before this thing becomes a full-fledged flame war as ad hominens begin to jump around. You offensive words were registered.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Karyuu on February 20, 2007, 05:42:45 pm
Lordraleigh, as much as I agree that several participants of the discussion should chill out, I fail to see the purpose of linking to other threads in almost every single one of your posts. It's cool 'n all that you can use the search feature so well, but let your own words represent you instead of things other people have said. I personally am getting annoyed :)

Now everyone play nice.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: zanzibar on February 20, 2007, 05:58:23 pm
In other words, you have your head up your rear end and you can't stand to leave a thread untouched by spam.

I appreciate the ironical sounding of your claim. History is a source of great ironies. (

Quote from: Kerol
Zanzibar, do I have to remind you on the occassion when I had to mute you?

Now, I politely leave this thread, making commitment to peace before this thing becomes a full-fledged flame war as ad hominens begin to jump around. You offensive words were registered.


Kerol later admitted to me he was wrong to mute me and that he made his decision based on bad information.:)  YOU LOSE, SUCKA!
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Suno_Regin on February 20, 2007, 06:04:54 pm
Yep, that sounds more like him.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 20, 2007, 06:08:17 pm
Still many passionate peoples roam these parts, maybe not all is lost.   Love thee neighbour and even more your enemies. No other will love you more than Ze Good Guyz  :love:
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: zanzibar on February 20, 2007, 06:17:18 pm
Can I recomend just downloading it directly from one of the servers?  It's kind to use Bit Torent, but it's painfully slow.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Grimgor on February 20, 2007, 06:23:20 pm
I do not wish to be a sheath for your sword my good man, nor do i wish to participate in acts of violence specially againt someone who has already been so badly beaten by the ugly stick. Your exterior may not show these traits but your interior seems to be rotton to ze core.

We will attempt to unveil your beauty once more...

Da smelly fish finally took da bait. Now den, wutz betta dan a smelly fish? Da dead smelly fish wif a stew!

*Guts da fish, makes fish stew*

Grimgor can take a beating and beat back! Dats why Grimgor is da main boss of all da oder inferior bosses!

-Grimgor, Da Main Boss on how to make smelly fish stew
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Suno_Regin on February 20, 2007, 06:26:36 pm
But, why the change of heart? You go from some...person-eater-person, to some good guy in teh hood.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 20, 2007, 06:40:35 pm
I renouced my evil ways a longtime ago. I hated all, i craved bloodshed and destruction and it left me a broken shatter lil diablo, with no friends to confide in..
 It is then i walked in the vast wastelands far from the region, i which i had caused so much strife... and there after many days and nights  i was enlightend to my true purpose.. And so Ze Good Guyz were formed and since not once has my soul strayed or attempted too live as it once did, barren, hateful and laying in waste..
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 20, 2007, 06:50:27 pm
The name? I am but an instrument, a tool from which my master creates his works. I do not know or question his reasons. But im sure he will make them known to me and all when the time is right.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Suno_Regin on February 20, 2007, 07:00:04 pm
Shouldn't you get rid of that signature then? =P
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: lordraleigh on February 20, 2007, 07:04:18 pm
Shouldn't you get rid of that signature then? =P

This is a sufficient evidence for a new homebrewed conspiracy theory:

Ze Good Guyz is part of a cabal made by Deus ex Trucido!!!!   ::|

Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 20, 2007, 07:17:10 pm
Shouldn't you get rid of that signature then? =P

I retain my sig for the simple reason, one can not escape his past as it is a part of who one is. One must learn through the errors of his or her ways. My sig is a constant reminder to me of those errors.

Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: lordraleigh on February 20, 2007, 07:28:49 pm
Shouldn't you get rid of that signature then? =P

I retain my sig for the simple reason, one can not escape his past as it is a part of who one is. One must learn through the errors of his or her ways. My sig is a constant reminder to me of those errors.

But won't you feel tempted to commit the same "errors" again? And who says you were wrong?
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 20, 2007, 07:49:33 pm

But won't you feel tempted to commit the same "errors" again? And who says you were wrong?

You have many questions.. If you are so intreasted in our guilds exploits you can seek council with us when I enter ze realm. We will try to shed light on your queries.
For now i will continue to reside with my company on the outskirts of town and have little time to dedicate to the likes of you. For much work lays ahead of us.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: lordraleigh on February 20, 2007, 07:59:05 pm
You have many questions.. If you are so intreasted in our guilds exploits you can seek council with us when I enter ze realm. We will try to shed light on your queries.
For now i will continue to reside with my company on the outskirts of town and have little time to dedicate to the likes of you. For much work lays ahead of us.

Yeah I'm da noob, you're da 1337 good guyz!  I'm interezted in  :lol:
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Am-Heh on February 21, 2007, 05:44:59 am

Yeah I'm da noob

well no one is going to argue with you there pal...
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: Sangwa on February 21, 2007, 09:34:58 am
This exactly what I meant. This kind of initiative doesn't bring anything good, besides the old, pointless discussions. Am-Heh is a good player, I'm just not that happy with his approach on this topic. It's just bringing people to its worst, out of a general lack of understanding.

It's obvious that most people should know when they see a joke. And simply treat a joke like it's meant to be treated. But heck. Not everyone's perfect, and we've all got to bear with the other around here.

Anyway, there should be someone else posting here a serious attempt at making a guild soon. Let's keep our time for that. Or to discuss the current existing promotional threads.
Title: Re: (GUILD) -Ze Good Guyz-
Post by: zanzibar on May 23, 2007, 12:19:11 am
I made the guild in-game and I was ordered by a GM to change the name.