
Support => Complaint Department => Topic started by: emeraldfool on February 21, 2007, 10:03:19 am

Title: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: emeraldfool on February 21, 2007, 10:03:19 am
... about the complaint department. :P

This idea doesn't make any sense. Having a forum dedicated to every other topic, so long as you have something negative to say about it, is a bad idea. Obviously. I mean, how could that possibly be construed as a good thing? No moderator/admin/whatever is going to want to trudge through that stuff, and if they're forced to, they wont last very long without losing the will to live :P

If 'complaining' is done properly, it's called 'constructive criticism' and should be in the respective forum for its topic. If it's just general pointless moaning about something it should be deleted, not given its own webspace. Simple as that. I mean, people can have moanfests through PMs or in-game all they want, but actually making a forum for it seems like you're actually encouraging it, which will actually lead to more of that stuff.

Think about it... before most people whine and complain to guildmates or friends in private because they didn't want to be hassled by Mods. Before it was just the most outraged, or the most opinionated that would start complaint threads. But now there's a place where people are actually encouraged to complain. Everyone will be complaining about everything. The floodgates are open :P

[ Edited for language. --Karyuu ]
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: Fozzharn on February 21, 2007, 10:12:54 am
I agree by 120 %
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: Idoru on February 21, 2007, 10:16:19 am
I'd have to agree with you about it aswell.
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: Nurahk on February 21, 2007, 11:14:38 am
The idea is that the Devs don't want to scan through all the forums to find constructive critisism.  With this forum they can just look here where 1) People will post directly to and 2) Moderators will move complaints threads.

Also good for keeping the other forums a bit cleaner, if you post a complaint here it's less likely to be flamed, I imagine.
I say good idea.
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: emeraldfool on February 21, 2007, 11:41:15 am
The idea is that the Devs don't want to scan through all the forums to find constructive critisism.  With this forum they can just look here where 1) People will post directly to and 2) Moderators will move complaints threads.

Also good for keeping the other forums a bit cleaner, if you post a complaint here it's less likely to be flamed, I imagine.
I say good idea.

It means all the constructive criticism is going to be drowned out by whining threads. Look at it - it's barely been 10 hours and people are still starting to complain about pointless stuff...

Also, like I said, if a dev does come along to the forums, he's not gonna want to spend his time in the 'Complaints thread'. Unless his some kind of masochist... (metaphorically :P)

If you want to keep the other forums cleaner, just delete the threads. There's not much difference between that and moving them here anyway. The only people who'll end up using this is the flamers and whiners, flaming and whining at each other all day...
And it's almost guaranteed to create more flamers and whiners, as they get a taste for it from this forum. Or as they timidly complain about something and then get flamed for it, thus permanently putting them on the defensive...

I dunno, I just don't see how anything other than bad can come of this...
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: bilbous on February 21, 2007, 11:49:37 am
One thing you might not have thought of is that many times when complaint threads get locked or removed the complainer just starts another thread. With this forum those threads can be allowed to die a more natural death and reduce the number of similar locked threads.
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: miadon on February 21, 2007, 11:50:57 am
so people are now complaining about the ability to complain in a complaints forum.

Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: drah on February 21, 2007, 12:38:27 pm
Having been an experienced admin and moderator of some big sites... I have to say the pros outweigh the cons.

Sure, you may see it as "incitement to complain"... but people are going to moan about stuff anyway.

This way, you can keep it focused in one place, easier to monitor and when people start ranting elsewhere on the forums, you can move their post.. or direct them to the complaints area... and stop the bad vibes spilling into other forum areas.

Segregating the negativity from the other threads helps to make those other threads better and a more enjoyable, positive-minded read.

Additionally, it also gives a stronger impression that you guys accept and understand there will be complains about things.

Google went for the 80%... because you'll never keep 100% of the people happy!!! -- and it's true... there will ALWAYS be complaints... at least this way they can shifted into the relevant area and removed from threads where they have a venomous effect on the dialog there.

Now... it's down to the users/players/testers... to use their maturity and common sense to try to make the best of this area by remembering to be constructive, offer alternate ideas and to be understanding...

The devs/gms/moderators have extended an Olive Branch... and we'd be idiots to snap it off.

Complaining, debating, etc. is fine.... but getting personal and insulting people or implying things about people who volunteer their time to selflessly contribute to the community are not good at all.  I sincerely hope we all make use of this forum area in the best possible way.

Thank you. :)

[ Edited for language. --Karyuu ]
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: emeraldfool on February 21, 2007, 03:52:50 pm
This isn't so much an olive branch of peace as it is walking into a dog pound wearing nothing but a string of sausages :P

This community... we're great and all, but when it comes to complaining... giving us the opportunity to do so is like giving 300 kegs of alcohol to an alcoholic and telling him to drink it only with meals or perhaps a few glasses during a party... :P

(Sorry, I've been in a metaphorical mood lately :P)

so people are now complaining about the ability to complain in a complaints forum.


Yes, I realise that irony :P
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: miadon on February 21, 2007, 03:59:32 pm
I'd like to complain about this parrot which I bought half an hour ago from this very boutique
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: Zan on February 21, 2007, 04:01:08 pm
I disagree! This department serves a good purpose ...

... quite unlike this specific thread ::) :P
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: ThomPhoenix on February 21, 2007, 04:40:17 pm
Miadon, it's just tired!
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: emeraldfool on February 21, 2007, 04:43:10 pm
Miadon, it's just tired!

Tired from all the movin' about he was doin' a few hours ago...

But that's not the point! :P
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: Nikodemus on February 21, 2007, 05:23:15 pm
Yay! I have just spotted this board ;D This is going to be fun.
Finally a complainer will be reed only by complainer.
This idea is making me so laught ;DD

If I was a dev, this would be the first place i would avoid ;P

But seriously, after a while we will have less jokes and more "serious" stuff <<----I actually dont believe in this--- there. Something what hopefully will be helpfull.

This so great idea ;D
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: Karyuu on February 21, 2007, 11:43:20 pm
What would be cool is for people to be too afraid of this section :)

"Here you go, knock yourself out."
"...........wait, I've changed my mind..."
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: eldoth_terevan on February 22, 2007, 01:16:40 am
You know he complained about the complaint department to be contrary. @miadon: The parrot! LOL
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: emeraldfool on February 22, 2007, 09:45:15 am
What would be cool is for people to be too afraid of this section :)

"Here you go, knock yourself out."
"...........wait, I've changed my mind..."

Why would they change their minds? If I was a complainer and someone showed me this place I'd have a complainorgy... :P

You know he complained about the complaint department to be contrary. @miadon: The parrot! LOL

Not really. I just wanted a record of it so when this place turns into a steaming volcano of crap I can add more weight to my 'Told you so's :P Including quotes from people who said how great an idea it would be  :D
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: lordraleigh on February 22, 2007, 04:21:32 pm
My complaint is that Emeraldfool's complaint about making a forum for complaints is useless as people will make complaints regardless of having or not a proper forum for making complaints.
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: emeraldfool on February 22, 2007, 04:31:09 pm
My complaint is that Emeraldfool's complaint about making a forum for complaints is useless as people will make complaints regardless of having or not a proper forum for making complaints.

My complaint is that your complaint about complaining about things regardless of a complaint forum is wrong, as a complaint forum will no doubt actively encourage complainers to complain, just like any other forum on here... (For example, the Wish List. I doubt there would be so many suggestions about Planeshift if there weren't a forum for it.)
Title: Re: I would like to file a complaint...
Post by: Kerol on February 24, 2007, 09:07:20 pm
Ohh.. I know a perfect way to get rid of disliked threads!
Whatever it is about, only state "I sooo complain about this goddamn stupid thread!" - and off it goes into the garbage \\o//
I love this forum area already :]