
Support => Mac OSX Specific Issues => Topic started by: iriss on April 02, 2007, 11:26:55 am

Title: scrambled screens and crashes
Post by: iriss on April 02, 2007, 11:26:55 am
I get scrambled inventory screens - in fact all my screens I open seem to be scrambled besides the play screen. Also as soon as I do something in my inventory or pick up loot from dead enemies my game crashes.
I have a new Intel Core 2 Duo IMac 19" with a Radeon X1600 Graphic card. I am working on OSX 10.4.9. Any solution to this? I can't trade nor do anything else. ??? :'(
Title: Re: scrambled screens and crashes
Post by: Cha0s on April 02, 2007, 03:15:20 pm
Hi, there are known problems with the Intel build. Have you tried searching or reading the Guide sticky? The Guide proposes a possible solution to this problem. I suggest you try it and report back the result! :)
Title: Re: scrambled screens and crashes
Post by: iriss on April 03, 2007, 05:04:37 am
Thank you, the video compression did the trick. Now I need to find my friend and return her goody. :thumbup:
I can loot now - I'll let you know if I can exchange things.
I should have read the guide a bit closer.  :-[

Edit: Trading and exchanging all work now. No more crashes.  \\o//