
Gameplay => In-Game Roleplay Events => Topic started by: Mordaan on May 08, 2007, 03:56:36 pm

Title: Explorers Guild 4th anniversary celebration
Post by: Mordaan on May 08, 2007, 03:56:36 pm
On May 11, Explorers Guild will be turning 4.  On Saturday the 12th we had planned an ingame celebration for all.  But with the new client imminent and stability/bugs/availability of clients for all platforms all big questions, let alone whether the client will even be available by then, we have tentatively moved the festivities to after the new client is released.

But for now our target is TBA and festivities will include a GM sponsored RP event, a great race from the gates of Ojaveda to the Eagle's Head, and perhaps some other things we can put together, like for instance, a treasure hunt or a game of HAGS (hide-and-go-seek, an old Explorers tradition).  Specific times have not been decided yet but it will be an all-day event to celebrate Explorers four years in Yliakum, giving everyone a chance to join in the fun.

Stay tuned to this thread for further details and updates.  As the day approaches we will announce specific times and locations for you to gather.
Title: Re: Explorers Guild 4th anniversary celebration
Post by: miadon on May 08, 2007, 03:59:57 pm
If you want I can host some gambeling events in oja.
Title: Re: Explorers Guild 4th anniversary celebration
Post by: Induane on May 09, 2007, 01:07:17 pm
All I can say is congratulations on surviving this long.  Most guilds die rather quickly, and only ones with true resolve survive.  There is no arguing with this type of success.  Keep it up and good luck in the future!

Also, are non guild members allowed to help in the celebration?  I'd at least like to have a CoV representative there, if only as a gesture of respect.

Title: Re: Explorers Guild 4th anniversary celebration
Post by: Mordaan on May 09, 2007, 03:49:04 pm
Also, are non guild members allowed to help in the celebration?  I'd at least like to have a CoV representative there, if only as a gesture of respect.

Sure, its a realm-wide celebration so all are welcome to attend or contribute.   :D
Title: Re: Explorers Guild 4th anniversary celebration
Post by: Raleigh on May 09, 2007, 04:11:06 pm
All I can say is congratulations on surviving this long.  Most guilds die rather quickly, and only ones with true resolve survive.  There is no arguing with this type of success.  Keep it up and good luck in the future!

Longevity is rare, failure is common.

So where are the snacks?  :sorcerer:

And the cake, we can't have an anniversary without a cake?

My suggestion: one of those hollow huge cakes with a hot woman inside!  :devil:

And don't forget to hire some exotic dancers as well...

See you(or not) in 2010! I'm holding 'till there, hoping tribes system and a territory ownership one will be available then...
Title: Re: Explorers Guild 4th anniversary celebration
Post by: Farren Kutter on May 09, 2007, 08:41:52 pm
I may or may not be there... My senior prom happens to be taking place on that day
Title: Re: Explorers Guild 4th anniversary celebration
Post by: Nyramael on May 11, 2007, 03:06:20 am
congradulatios to all of you :).

Quite a few old explorers i haven't seen in awhile (sorta disappeared a bit myself). Can't wait to have some fun with my own little wanderer :)
Title: Re: Explorers Guild 4th anniversary celebration
Post by: lorac on May 11, 2007, 03:15:13 am
On Behalf of all of us form The Dragon Council
Happy Birthday Explorers congrats on your fourth year
May there be Many more
Hopefully the client will be unviled in time for the celebrations
If so I hope to be present for this wonderful event like others to show honor where honor is due
as i sit back and look at the time it truly amaises me how fast it truly passes
We @ The Dragon Council Wish you the best
and the Best to come /me Salutes The Explorers
Title: Re: Explorers Guild 4th anniversary celebration
Post by: Mordaan on May 18, 2007, 10:13:18 am
Hmm, some instability (crashing in BDRoad2), a new client on the horizon, and some members that will not be around this weekend...

We want to do this right so we have decided to wait until the new client is released before going ahead with our celebration.  Whenever a new client is released, more people come around to check it out anyway.  It will also give us a chance to get the word out a bit more.  And what's the point of a race from one end of the known world to the next if half the people crash on the way?   ;)  Sooooo, stay tuned for further notice as to when this event will be held.