
Support => Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) => Topic started by: Millian on February 02, 2008, 08:17:56 pm

Title: The game's take too much time to load
Post by: Millian on February 02, 2008, 08:17:56 pm
Well....i have a problem with loading ,i don't how to config the game compurter:3ghz 512mb ram and it have no graphic card it take me 3 minute to done loading in hylaa can some one help me with this problem :-\
Title: Re: The game's take too much time to load
Post by: Caarrie on February 02, 2008, 08:53:21 pm
what do you mean you have no graphics card? if you have no graphics card nothing would show up on your monitor at all so you must have one.
Title: Re: The game's take too much time to load
Post by: Zhaxor on February 02, 2008, 09:19:42 pm
He probably has onboard graphics, very bad for gaming, I suspect there is no soution except to install a seperate graphics card. To the OP, you could try increasing the amount of system ram used by the onboard graphics card but I suspect it is all pointless. It would help if we knew the graphics chipset of the onboard graphics card and whether your computer had the facility to take a seperate grpahics card.
Title: Re: The game's take too much time to load
Post by: Lanarel on February 03, 2008, 05:24:49 am
An onboard graphics card does not necessarily prevent you from playing (I have one too). However, 512 Mb with is not very much, and if your onboard graphics card takes memory away from that as well, it means a lot of swapping will take place when loading the largest maps (such as hydlaa). My bet is loading times will be much better with more memory. About framerate, read around and you will see that there are people with real cards that have at least as much problem as I have, with the new maps.
Title: Re: The game's take too much time to load
Post by: ouch on February 04, 2008, 12:22:20 pm
and if you read around further you will notice the patches to remove the grass which is the sole cause of these low framerates...
Title: Re: The game's take too much time to load
Post by: Lanarel on February 04, 2008, 02:27:52 pm
It is not the sole cause. In my case grass is ok (even with my onboard  graphics chip), but looking in a direction with many buildings drops my fps to 1.