
Gameplay => Newbie Help (Start Here) => Topic started by: MustangMR on May 03, 2008, 06:58:00 pm

Title: A bit of character theory, please
Post by: MustangMR on May 03, 2008, 06:58:00 pm
Okay, not trying to start a debate/flame ware here.  You can lock the thread quickly if you want, but I've been trying to find out how hit points work.  Every thread I found so far has been locked down and pretty much out of date, so I assume I'm walking on a touchy subject.

At present, I can only find one way to raise them, with Body Development, but that, according to the Skills thread, is not working, and that has been locked as well.  Has there been an update to that?  A number of topics I read said that you wanted to remove HP's for something more abstract, but everything I see in game now is still numbers based...

So, just a bit of theorycraft, please.  Is the game intended to hold HP's constant and learn to protect them with other skills, such as armor types?  Or do you see a time when HP's will be needing to be increased and it's just not implemented yet.. or maybe it has been implemented?  Or am I missing another obvious way to raise them?

I don't need specifics.  Some quick generalized answers about where you want to go with this will do, unless I've just missed something completely.  Thanks.
Title: Re: A bit of character theory, please
Post by: Rizin on May 03, 2008, 07:13:09 pm
Answers to your strength question can be (
Title: Re: A bit of character theory, please
Post by: MustangMR on May 03, 2008, 07:20:14 pm
Bah, I read that 20 times, Rizin.  Thanks.  Too much info sometimes.  I did just put points into strength and it didn't go up though, so that's what started me looking.  It must have just been below the line of an increase.