
Gameplay => Guilds Forum => Topic started by: Ulfer on May 27, 2008, 04:48:53 pm

Title: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Ulfer on May 27, 2008, 04:48:53 pm

"Alone we are rocks, united we stand with the strength of a mountain." ~ Ulfer Knalgan.

[This is the initial backstory, it is written so the lore of the clan can endure, and added upon as the clan progresses with age... much room for imagination, and roleplaying opportunities (within the PS settings/world.) We plan to have several tomes based on The Brethrens History.]

Tired. Weary. Hungry. Dragging of foot. Bent of back. Thus were the dwarfs who emerged from the doom of the darkness after the flight from the Stone Labyrinths.

I would know, fer I was one of them.

Baruden Etewack, Glaven Wellington, Bakin Fundison, Kuchare Lenang un’ myself Ulfer Knalgan hobbled into Hydlaa, a sorry lot of refugees we were. Bakin bled from the wound on his leg, his slashed limb no equal fer the leagues of miles we had traveled. Barudens back was stooped, his beard skirting along the floor. Glaven remained clutched in my hand, its hunken weight making numb the muscles in my arm. Kuchare... nay a hint of what thoughts collected in his mind. He had spoken n'ear at all since the Brethren had fallen against the terrors of the tunnels.

Entered the city we did, where many a guard directed us to the great plaza where other travellers were housed on cots un' blankets. Wi'h weary strides we stumbled down the steps to the fountain, looking fer a place to collapse upon our bedrolls un’ finally, blissfully, find the peace of sleep. But a fussy un' fraught Ylian stepped in our path un' demanded we gave our names, which he scribed into a leather-bound tome.

"Take what space there is, as you can see... accommodations are full, so you'll have to make do."

It was a hard task to find empty space in the plaza, fer many bodies were huddled together from all corners of Yliakum - many unfamiliar ones too! Nai fer the first time, I wondered if we had blundered by not following the others out that day, perhaps it would have been a far better ending than the sad un' somber image of a group of dwarfs yielding to injuries.

We lay down our gear next to a Klyros who went to Bakins side to lighten the suffering. Un’ while we longed to tumble to the stone floor un’ get our first rest in weeks, a duty remained still. I opened the iron-bound chest thet contained the Bloodstone relics, un’ from wi’hin I pulled out the Codex of Stone, insignia emblazoned upon it. I handed it to Baruden, whose back straightened un 'whose brow furrowed as he scanned the pages.

“Many will come. Nay worry, Sovereign.”

His final word froze my breath, un’ I managed a weak nod before turning away. “Sovereign,” Baruden said. A rock on my shoulders it was, a weight I was nai ready to carry un’ nai wanted to have. Spoken aloud, it staked certain truths ignored since the long journey. Such thoughts kept me awake long after the torches dimmed in the city. Yet as I gazed upon my companions un', one by one, watched them fall into slumber, comfort was found in the certainty of duty. Duty to my kin, my clan, myself. Duty to Bloodstone. I joined them in sleep.

How long we rested I know nai, but I was first to arise many hours later. I found a small grin, the first in weeks, as I looked at Kuchare, snoring, only matched by the noise of a thunderclacker, drowning out the murmuring from the other gathered people. I pulled on my boots un’ meandered throughout the plaza in search of provisions, fer I suspected my kin would soon awake wi’h a rumbling in their bellies to match my own.

It was then thet the main gates swung open, at thet very day it began. A slow trickle became a steady stream, became a river, until wave after wave of travelers came through Hydlaa. As each person came into sight, we would look wi’h hope of spotting some of our kin. In those moments I vowed to protect clan leadership, I had placed destruction un’ survival on the scales; survival proved the heavier.

“There be more who survived, or many who wish to join our cause. Many more. Bloodstone clan remains open to them!”

Un’ the words ring true. Fer those who survived the battle un’ escaped wi’h their beards, they have heard the call un’ rallied to our banner once more. Distant blood un’ kin have also found us in Hydlaa. Many are those who answered the call of our ancestors un’ arrived at the gates bearing the mark of a warrior, ready to take up arms in the name of our clan, our kin, our race.

Fallen to me it has to write this epoch of our clan’s lore, yet I leave empty space at the bottom of the parchment. This part of our history is nai complete, fer there are many deeds un’ tales yet to come. From this moment ferward, we rebuild, repair, resupply, un’ reload. When the Lore Master who follows me takes up the quill, this chapter shall nai be of defeat, or of woe, or of despair. It shall be ripe wi’h tales of victory, of valour, of decimation of the accursed that drove us from the tunnels.

We, my fellow Dwarfs of Bloodstone, shall write this chapter together.



The Bloodstone Brethren is a Dwarf clan with the primary objective to provide the members with a solid community of like-minded friends aimed at becoming a great Dwarf Clan for all types of players. Brethren's founded on role playing but needless to say, it offers something for everyone - equal emphasis on both roleplaying and the PvP aspects.

As a clan, it is about its kinsmen, given our previous experiences of community games, a Clan where the members are altruistic and thinks not what others can do for them but what they can do for others benefits everyone in the long-run. We will therefore expect all players to undertake their responsibilities towards each other and to the clan. Our main ambition is that the Bloodstone Clan will be a rewarding clan with a large number of friendly and active players who have a great time together. Our secondary ambition is that we the Bloodstone Clan will be a great Dwarf force, respected and known throughout Yliakum.

Becoming an Oath Taker will require the average player to dedicate about 2-4 days  to the entire tasking process (minus the week activity requirement). Some Dwarfs might roll their eyes at that prospect, and that’s okay, because if that seems like too much effort to put forth in the coming days, there’s a good chance that The Bloodstone Brethren isn't for you. Remember, the Oath Taker initiation phase exists in order for you to get to know us, and for us to get to know you.

For those who feel that the clan’s philosophies don’t quite match up with your own, there are no hard feelings if you wish to move on to another guild. We wish you all the best.

For those who are willing to put the effort into becoming a member of The Brethren, then your future with us will be fraught with danger, excitement, large kegs of beer, and more tefu-smashin' and clacker-crushin' fun than ought to be legal!

For more information, contact myself or one of our Elders in game.


Oath Taker: All Bloodstones have a rigid sense of honour that is centered upon a bond or promise. Oath-takers must swear a solemn and sacred oath to abide by and respect the Codex of Stone. Oaths are of special importance for The Brethren and will therefore place great significance on the actual fulfillment of this Oath.

Blacksmith: Bloodstones have a great reverence for old things, valuing them for their memories and associations. A skilled Dwarf craftsman reveres great pride in their work and so lives on through it and forms a tangible connection to the past. The preservation and continuing use of such an item is a form of respect and veneration for its creator.

Lore Master: Hoarding wealth is the greatest passion among Bloodstones They are a steadfast race and work hard for their riches and possessions. Rare and valuable items are passed down through generation to generation and so a Clans treasury is held most dear, as it is both a source of wealth and a bond formed between kin. No Bloodstone feels secure unless their treasure hoard is heaped high enough for them to sit on!

Metallurgist: Dwarfs are the greatest miners and tunnelers in Yliakum, they delve deep beneath the surface for metals, precious gems, and whatever other mineral wealth buried in the depths. These raw materials are tended in furnaces to form perfect stocks, ready for use by craftsmen.

Warrior: The Dwarfs have always been famed for their sturdiness of build, and the Warriors are a testament to their kin. A Warrior is a master of combat and their duty is to hold a battle line, and to take a heavy toll on those who try to break it. As the line marches forward, they act to secure its hard-won advance, for Warriors can hold a patch of earth with the single-minded tenacity of an oak.

Guardian: Guardians are the elite of The Brethrens Warriors and are selected from the bravest and most aggressive Dwarfs to serve as the Bloodstone's most elite guards. The Guardian is an embodiment of endurance and is characterized by sheer stubbornness and refusal to go down even under the heaviest of blows. It is said that there are few warriors in Yliakum who can boast they are as tough as a Guardian, and none that can prove it.

Cleric: The Brethren are a very religious clan, giving praise to both their patron God, Laanx, as well as respect for their own departed dead. Though the time of Laanx walking among them is long over, the effect it had upon the Brethren is profound. The teachings of Laanx had given rise and influenced Bloodstone lifestyle. While every Bloodstone worships Laanx, like religions elsewhere in Yliakum there are priests who tend to the cares of the people and ensure the teachings of their religion are never forgotten.

Elder: Dwarfs live to a very grand age. The relative length and fullness of a Dwarf's beard indicate how old and wise he is - hence, Dwarfs are immensely proud of their beards and never cut or trim them. Whatever they are doing, if Brethren's are in any doubt as to how to proceed, they look to the Dwarf with the longest beard to tell them what to do. He provides what is invariably the wisest solution.
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Eliseth on May 28, 2008, 12:54:18 am
Excellent, I really like what you've done here. I've met a couple from this clan in game already, they're very nice to RP with.

Congratulations on a job well done.  \\o//

Title: Re: [GUILD] The Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Ulfer on May 28, 2008, 08:59:04 am
Thank you Eliseth, and I'd like to take the opportunity to say what a unique and great guild/club yours is! I don't use the forums as much as perhaps I should but I've read both here, in this forum section and interacted with members of The Waddling Yulbers in game and I'd like to say that the concept and whole idea is both fantastic and very adorable :)
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Zan on May 28, 2008, 10:22:34 am
I'll be looking forward to encounter this clan in-game. Very nice job!
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Mathy Stockington on May 28, 2008, 11:34:07 am
This is a great idea Ulfer. I applaud you.

I have seen many good guilds come and go. May yours have a long life and prosper through the years.
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Shaman on June 04, 2008, 03:19:48 pm
Someone from this guild in the tavern said "anyone want a fight but not to kill each other?", followed by me being challenged to a duel, and him equipping his swords.
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Leandros on June 05, 2008, 10:26:19 am
Someone from this guild in the tavern said "anyone want a fight but not to kill each other?", followed by me being challenged to a duel, and him equipping his swords.

Clearly this bothered you enough to mention it, so I deeply apologize for the actions of my guildmate.  I hope to see you in game all the same.
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Shaman on June 05, 2008, 03:25:13 pm
It didn't really bother me, but I imagine I wasn't the only one who got challenged. I'm just saying that roleplaying could be a little more strongly enforced.
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Bamko on June 09, 2008, 03:54:46 pm
FIrst... Not a member of this guild, Or any... But... If you want a guild to "enforce" roleplay, you need to do 2 things..... IMHO

First... contact a guildmate and tell them what and WHO did it.  "someone from your guild" is not very helpful.... and this is not the proper thread for that... again.. IMHO

and second... A Hammerwielder(stonecrusher?) in a tavern (and probably drinking too... the horror.. ::)  ) challenges everyone to a fight.. but does not actually attack anyone who does not accept the challenge?  sounds like good roleplaying to me... In fact, an honorable warrior :thumbup: at that.  I would imagine many who can not hold their beverages as well might of sucker-punched you.  and that too would of been good RPing!  (if allowed).  I can see the tavern in Hydlaa being a safer spot though... though I bet the one in Oja gets a shaking on nights when the drinks run heavy... Just do not challenge Trasok when he has had a few... Never seen him start a fight... seen him finish a few though... heh he he.. (how is that for RP?)

It didn't really bother me, but I imagine I wasn't the only one who got challenged. I'm just saying that roleplaying could be a little more strongly enforced.

Someone from this guild in the tavern said "anyone want a fight but not to kill each other?", followed by me being challenged to a duel, and him equipping his swords.
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Shaman on June 09, 2008, 03:58:21 pm
People aren't allowed to equip their swords in a tavern as far as I know, and an honorable warrior wouldn't want to duel in a public place to begin with. In fights like that, a lot of people may get in the crossfire. I already informed someone from the guild about who it was.
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Ulfer on June 09, 2008, 05:55:27 pm
This has been dealt with accordingly and the person in question has been warned for such actions, and not lightly either. I do not condone any such action in Hydlaa, or anywhere, however, in his defense he is new to the Guild, and is a Warrior among us and when the beer is flowing anything could happen ;) though yes, the issue is a delicate one and more RP is needed to distinguish between sheer drunken behavior or malice. I have already set up duelling sessions to curb some of the aggression of  our fighters :) It is not the way of The Brethren to engage in combat and/or looking for trouble but having said that, do not be surprised if you find weapons drawn on you if one feels insulted or feel it necessary...
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Ulfer on June 13, 2008, 11:33:28 pm

Q: Tell us a little about Bloodstone Brethren. What prompted you to found the clan, and how has it grown since?

Ulfer [IC]: A little bit? Are ya in a rush to be gettin somewhere 'o what eh lad? A Dwarf ne'ar rush through any tale, especially one 'o Bloodstone Brethren. Now 'ave a seat 'n listen up, ye might learn somethin'...

Ulfer [OOC]:
Bloodstone Brethren was formed in March 2008 in game, we are a Dwarf-only clan which focuses on the PvP and RP aspects of the game. The clan was originally founded for Dwarf players, but over the months has narrowed its focus to cater to Dwarf enthusiasts who enjoy PvP and/or RP. Some may wonder what the difference is between Dwarf players and Dwarf enthusiast. Well, a Dwarf player is by definition someone who plays a Dwarf "Got a beard and a pulse? Great, you're in!" That's not what we're about. Dwarf enthusiasts on the other hand are people who always pick Dwarfs as their main characters, rarely, if ever, play other races. Generally Dwarfs are stubborn, loyal, and mature. That's what we're about.

Q: What sort of role system do you have within your clan?

Ulfer [IC]: *Stares blankly at the tankard-less table in front of him and grudgingly answers*

Ulfer [OOC]: We have one Sovereign (Guild Leader - Me!) who sets the direction for the clan and ensures that the goals stated are met. Elders, depends on the size of the clan, are named to work closely with Oath Takers and provide counsel to the Sovereign. Other experienced members are promoted to the role of Guardian (Group Leader) which train with duelers in fighting, and move the Bloodstone fighting force around during large scale events. Those are leadership positions, special titles given to those deemed suitable by the Sovereign.

We also have other function-specific positions to help run the clan, these include, Blacksmiths, Clerics, Lore Masters, Warriors, and Metallurgists. Lastly, we have a points system based on the recognition of accomplishments such as becoming a full member, hitting maximum level, or achieving set tasks.

Q: Can you discuss your application process?

Ulfer [IC]: I suppose, but it be customary to buy a drink after every question. By my count yer about two drinks behind, three if ya be countn' this quesiton. Since ye obviously unaware of this long-standin Dwarf tavern tradition, I'll answer, but ye better have a frothy tankard ready 'fore ya ask yer next one!

Ulfer [OOC]: Our application is not too lengthy though prospective members are seriously considered.

Anyways, if the Dwarf is seen, in game, to be a good mature person, with some RP knowledge, then the person in question is invited into the clan to begin their trial period. Oath Taker is then given access to some of our membership forums.

The trial period concludes for all Oath Takers at the end of their week at which time our Guild holds a vote on prospective members. The Sovereign and the Elders can vote "AYE," "NAY" or "WHO?" vote is the same thing as saying "I never got to know this applicant." This vote is based on in-game activity and general attitude and behavior. Get more WHO votes then AYE votes and you're out with no chance to re-apply (basically less than 50% AYE votes means expulsion) So, it pays to be active during your trial period. Now, if you get one NAY vote, then you're out with no chance to re-apply... you'd probably also have your beard shaved... just kidding.

Q: No doubt the qualities you value in applicants also reflect the qualities of the clan as a whole. What are they?

Ulfer [IC]: *Takes a long series of gulps from the tankard presented before him and wipes the foam from his mustache"

Good, ye be rememberin the long-standing Dwarf tavern tradition. See? Yer learnin somethin' after all!

Ulfer [OOC]:
We value Dwarf roleplaying, maturity, teamwork and  PvP. An applicant's values should be in line with our own as we're not likely to change them anytime soon. If you show characteristics that lend themselves to the above values then we probably want you as a member.

Q: What's your stance on training? Do you require members to conform to certain uniforms or skills?

Ulfer [IC]: Why, the same thing you'd expect from any proper Dwarf unit 'o course! Expect us to be tough, stubborn, fearless and grudge-filled.

Ulfer [OOC]: All Members wear the Mercenary Helm, only the leadership titles have earned the right to wear the horns of the Battle Helm or members who have accomplished every task asked of them. The horns signify strength within the clan, resembling true Dwarfs of Bloodstone, so must only be worn by those who can demonstrate its importance through skill and title. As for armor, it is not so much an issue - clad in whatever you wish, however, some titles require training in certain armors to ensure the most efficient and best course is reached in terms of combat.

As for training in general, the tasks deemed for certain titles is for guidance only, it's voluntary, as mentioned, to ensure you are getting the most out of your chosen role within the clan. Fortunately we don't have to force our members to pick certain skills or titles. Our members want to be successful in whatever we do and I've found that every single member of our clan always ends up picking the best combinations for what  our clan goals are without any pressure from the Sovereign.

Q: What's your stance on "Alternate Characters?"

Ulfer [IC]: Alternate Characters? What in the name of Laanx are you blabbering about!? If you hear voices in that head 'o yours that's your business! I'll stick to the company of others, thanks...

Ulfer [OOC]: Hmm... Alt Characters are a No. Playing Alt Characters along side your Dwarf character is a no, and definite, no, to multiple account mining - if you join Bloodstone Brethren it is as a committed Dwarf and training other characters, as far as I am concerned, it's not only cheating, but a waste of tria, time, and resources (and of course against PS rules.) However, alt characters are allowed for questing to obtain rewards you've previously lost, or perhaps a quest was bugged? Also, alt characters can be used as "mules" to carry certain equipment. I'd prefer if this was limited as much as possible.
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Sktn on June 29, 2008, 08:03:31 pm
For those who feel that the clan’s philosophies don’t quite match up with your own, there are no hard feelings...

Are you sure of that, Ulfer? I don't think so. :thumbdown:
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Ulfer on July 01, 2008, 12:32:04 am
For those who feel that the clan’s philosophies don’t quite match up with your own, there are no hard feelings...

Are you sure of that, Ulfer? I don't think so. :thumbdown:

Sakatun, the goals and aims are clear to see and you were told prior to joining Bloodstone Brethren... you left the Guild on your own accord, which I now feel was the right thing to do. If you wish to discuss it further then by all means... I'm actually intrigued as to why you've made that 'comment.' I've done nothing to go against what I had typed and I expect every member to do the same... there are no hard feelings at all.

A Clan where the members are altruistic and thinks not what others can do for them but what they can do for others benefits everyone in the long-run. We will therefore expect all players to undertake their responsibilities towards each other and to the clan.

At the time, it was the method of which you responded that bothered me, and the events that lead up to the point of you leaving... the issue in question took place when I took some much needed time away from PS. I was actually quite disappointed more than anything, to discover what had happened from members upon logging on... it's a shame to lose you, but we're not for you, as you've implied and demonstrated.

I'm wondering as to why it took you nearly two months to discover this? You expressed no concerns or problems to myself or any other member to my knowledge... and accepted a true membership title with no complaint, having gone through your time as Oath Taker. You know as well as I do the real reason as to why you left...

In future, please, all issues are to be stated clearly and sent via a PM... this is supposed to be a promotional thread topic - I've put alot of effort into this thread and I'd prefer not to look at it and see nothing but negative comments of which I feel the Guild and/or I personally don't deserve. Thank you.
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Zan on July 03, 2008, 11:19:18 am
New guilds are usually greeted like this, with a lots of hints, tips and advice. As a guild leader you have to be able to withstand some criticism on this forum but just because everyone tells you how they'd do it in your place doesn't mean you have to listen to them all. :P Take that which you think would improve your guild and apply it, kindly ignore the rest.

I've seen plenty of positive comments here, not all negative. Of course we never like to hear what we can do different or better. Still, taking it to PMs kills the discussion and refrains you from getting multiple opinions on something. In my opinion, this is exactly what the guild threads are for ... advice on improvement and announcing changes within the guild structure on the first post.
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: yopeeps on July 03, 2008, 11:30:23 am
lol more bloods! clash of teh bloods! i verily decree that war is upon thee! look out for us. well get u lol
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Ulfer on July 03, 2008, 11:12:07 pm
New guilds are usually greeted like this, with a lots of hints, tips and advice. As a guild leader you have to be able to withstand some criticism on this forum but just because everyone tells you how they'd do it in your place doesn't mean you have to listen to them all. :P Take that which you think would improve your guild and apply it, kindly ignore the rest.

I've seen plenty of positive comments here, not all negative. Of course we never like to hear what we can do different or better. Still, taking it to PMs kills the discussion and refrains you from getting multiple opinions on something. In my opinion, this is exactly what the guild threads are for ... advice on improvement and announcing changes within the guild structure on the first post.

I see, yes, I agree but the comments made are very vague and to me that's frustrating... what can I do or say? I'm all for advice and improvement but the areas have to be addressed and a generic statement doesn't really help matters. I have had to guess what the comments are about thus far :)
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Zan on July 04, 2008, 01:13:09 am
Good point, vague comments are usually more frustrating than helpful. I'd either ask them to clarify their opinions or do the kind ignoring if they're being pointlessly vague. :D
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Sktn on July 04, 2008, 08:11:24 am
i remember you sending me a tell that demostrates the opposite to no hard feelings. It said something about that i seriously to grow up and thank you for saving me the hassle and blah blah...If this ain't hard feelings man, i don't know what it is. is this more specific or still vague?

...and please mr. moderator, censor, whatever you are please don't  :-X me again please, thank.
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Ulfer on July 04, 2008, 10:15:54 am
i remember you sending me a tell that demostrates the opposite to no hard feelings. It said something about that i seriously to grow up and thank you for saving me the hassle and blah blah...If this ain't hard feelings man, i don't know what it is. is this more specific or still vague?

...and please mr. moderator, censor, whatever you are please don't  :-X me again please, thank.

You ripped off new guild members, lied about your skills, role and involvement, refused to give back what was due and for all I knew you'd been doing it for a long time - hoarding whatever manner of items and ores. Members, trusted members, expressed their concerns about your actions and were not happy what so ever - neither was I to discover what had happened.

I don't appreciate abusing peoples trust, buying platinum ores at a cheap price from Oath Takers who spend hours mining it at a low level of 6 or so then giving the ores to smelters and of which we do for nothing and then pocketing the profits. When told to give back 4,400 Tria (which is a fair bit for new players) and you finally did, you went in a sulk and left the Clan... I am sorry, but this is rather immature and judging by what had happened you proved you cannot be trusted so yes, I was not impressed and this was a rational reaction. On response to my questioning you responded "Who grassed on me?" I mean, you know, it was rather like "Oh well, damn, I was found out but I don't really care - they're in the wrong". 

I don't understand how you can complain, I really don't - I was fair in all honesty. You even failed to see what you had done wrong and attempted to put doubt in my mind about other existing members... what was it, "crows?" I then find out you'd been bragging about your actions to a certain member, a good friend, in another Guild of which a member of Bloodstone saw. You took something that wasn't too big a deal and blew it way out of proportion. I really did not want to push the matter but you gave me no other choice... and you failed to mention how I wished you luck and the chat we had later.

If you didn't leave I'd have likely kicked you anyway, in truth.

Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Dajoji on July 04, 2008, 10:26:59 am
And that is why recruiting standards are important.

Best of luck, Ulfer.
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Sangwa on July 04, 2008, 11:55:50 am
Wow, pretty solid. Nice job Ulfer.

However I think your thread has concentrated more on the aesthetic part than in the content. I'll proceed to tell you why!

You introduction story is pretty big. It's well written and very interesting, but in a guild thread you should settle with just some flavour text. I think the objective here is to get people interested into your guild, not speaking about anything in a detailed way. You should leave some space for doubts, so people will come to you asking for more.

Another thing that I think is missing is some information about how your guild actually works. You know, how you pick your members, what they usually have to do to get promoted, what kind of stuff your guild usually goes around doing, what you have done and what you can show us. If you don't have anything yet, tell us what we should expect soon. Stuff like that.

Also, do not focus on the "we want role play characters, casual, any type of character, etc." stuff. Just mentioning that you're interested in respecting the settings and how you show that respect is enough. The rest should go without saying. If we keep making the distinction between hardcore roleplayers, powerlevelrs and "casual" players we'll keep perpetuating a senseless division of the community into classes. We're all just PlaneShift players. *grins* Specially when the members of these pseudo-classes don't usually wanna hang out together. Think about it, you'd get more fish! :P

Concluding, as it is, this guild thread is a small story merged with a small explanation. I'd like it better if it were more of a flyer where it would tell us what you are, how you do stuff and how we can find you. Everything as summarized as possible and with all the extra sparkle I'm sure you can put into it.

Good luck with this project Ulfer! Looking forward to finding the Bloodstone Brethren in-game.
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Gwinn Ravenn on August 05, 2008, 01:56:22 pm
A very solid Guild. So far I haven't met one of the clan that wasn't willing to RP to some extent. YIPPIE   GREAT job!!!!

I read something earlier in this thread about bar fights. Hummm Dwarves getting drunk and fighting in a bar.... who would have thought ;) seems in character to me. But I wasn't there so.........

Anyway Love the concept, Love the guild. Great job guys!!
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: rakshak on August 19, 2008, 10:14:14 pm
(This is kinda a review of Bloodstone Brethren.)

Disclaimer: Though my opinion about the Bloodstone Brethren is biased as I have been associated with them, but few would disagree with the leadership qualities of Ulfer, and the gameplay of other senior players in the guild. Roleplay is highly promoted in this guild, and we even RP while mining platinum and in /tells.

When I restarted playing PS after a big gap of two years, I suddenly saw many guilds in action. This was new to me, as guilds were not very prominent in those old days, perhaps the only two guilds I used to see around were "Janner's Way" and "Way of the Hammer". It was good to see so many guilds now, as I believe competitiveness leads to improvements. I was approached by six guilds, Ulfer from Bloodstone Brethren just one of them. I tested all their patience, by taking a long time, to observe how their guild fits into my requirements, and how I can fit into the guild's requirements. I finally joined Bloodstone Brethren after taking a time of 4 long days to decide.

As a Bloodstone member, I observed the guild closely. They have a great leader in Ulfer, who knows well who to recruit, who to keep, and also who to kick out. He's extra nice to guild members in need, and sets the standards of conduct by his own actions. There were several other highly motivated dwarfs in the guild, Baruden, Balynder, Diere to name a few - all of them have iconic RP personalities and really really warm-hearted behavior and strong gameplay. I benefited tremendously from Bloodstone, as I believe they benefited from me as well.

I went off PS again due to studies, and then "just logged in" few days back to see what's happening. Bloodstone was still there, in fact much stronger than before. I was no longer part of the guild because I had earlier stated "I didn't know if I'd be back". But after being associated with Bloodstone, I just don't want to look at any other guild.

All in all, Bloodstone Brothers is a very well-thought guild with a great leader and members. If ever I leave PS and rejoin, Bloodstone Brethren will be my guild of choice.

I'd conclude by saying "Once a dwarf - always a dwarf; Once a Bloodstone - always a Bloodstone"!
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Ulfer on November 08, 2008, 09:11:57 pm
*Slides a few circle to Rakshak*


Thank you for your kind words and advice Rakshak, Gwinn, and Sangwa. It's much appreciated.

Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Grimr on February 05, 2009, 07:13:14 pm
Our beloved souvereign Ulfer, being too ill to lead our guild, has decided to retreat to a more healthy environment in hopes of regaining his strength.
Ulfer has transferred the souvereignty to elder Baruden, who will lead our guild from this day on.

We thank Ulfer for all the good work he has done in making our guild what it is today, and hope he will someday recover enough to join us again.
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: barren on May 24, 2009, 10:46:34 am
OCC the bloodstone main forum are down for now .we are useing  one at in the mean time

Bauden Etewack
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: LigH on September 26, 2009, 04:24:30 am
/me sends the Brethren a greeting from their former member - Telnorn Tolesoy. He hopes to meet them again soon before he finally leaves Yliakum.
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Makron on September 29, 2009, 01:48:21 am
/me sends the Brethren a greeting from their former member - Telnorn Tolesoy. He hopes to meet them again soon before he finally leaves Yliakum.
This guild is dead
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: EpochBooloySynopsis on October 05, 2009, 06:05:38 pm
Dovoy Brodrs! Its been a while and Ive been busy I hope I can be welcomed in return and that ye my brodrs have been well!
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: barren on October 11, 2009, 04:33:18 am
OOC:The New Bloodstone guild forum can be found at

OCC:The guild Sovereign Yahh will not have any internet conntion to some time in nov :(

If you need to conntact the bloodstone use the forum or as the Wsy of the hammer to pass on a message thanks Baruden
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: barren on April 13, 2010, 03:32:56 pm
we the bloodstone brethren are now looking for new blood any able body dwarf that would like to join or want to talk to us look for Sovereign Yahh Elder baruden or ask any of the guild that you see.Or ask one of The Of the hammer guild to pass a message on.

We are a Dwarf only guild we been around about 2 year.Allied with our brothers and sisters of the The Way of the Hammer the other dwarf only guild.and friend to a lot of other guild
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: bloodedIrishman on April 13, 2010, 06:32:11 pm
The Bloodstones rule...they just do. And with Yahh it's even better.  ;D
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Yahh on April 13, 2010, 07:38:28 pm
        ( (
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: bloodedIrishman on April 13, 2010, 10:43:23 pm

Fully outfitted in a four-horned battle helm, mail & leather armor and shiny plate boots. In his left hand he permanently hefts a tankard for ale refills and for fighting, the staff on the right is for holding him up when hes drunk.
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: LigH on April 14, 2010, 02:26:43 am
Oh ... this one needs to be topped ( ... :P

But you can submit requests too. :)
Title: The Blood Ritual
Post by: Baruden Etawack on February 25, 2011, 01:51:33 pm
The Blood Ritual

It is believed that once mighty ulbernaut is slain in close combat and its heart removed a dwarf of the bloodstone is imbued with great strengh.

The blood rite is a ceremony that demonstrates the clan fighting prowess.
Each heart is blessed and then prized as a trophy of battle.

Bakin Fundinson High Cleric of Bloodstone
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Baruden Etawack on July 02, 2011, 07:49:49 am
We the bloodstone brethren are now looking for new blood any able body dwarf that would like to join or want to talk to us look for Sovereign Yahh Elder baruden or ask any of the guild that you see.Or ask one of The Of the hammer guild to pass a message on.

We are a Dwarf only guild we been around over 3 year.Allied with our brothers and sisters of the The Way of the Hammer the other dwarf only guild.and friend to a lot of other guild

All Dwarfs have a rigid sense of honour that is centered upon a bond or promise. Oath-takers must swear a solemn and sacred oath to abide by and respect the Codex of Stone. Oaths are of special importance for Dwarfs and The Brethren will therefore place great significance on the actual fulfillment of this Oath.

All prospective Dwarfs must demonstrate the Codex of Stone and know of it in it's entirety during the seven cycles of initiation. When one is deemed worthy to join the ranks of the Bloodstones, a final task must be completed... and its evidence presented at the ceremony.


* Complete five quests (not including tutorial): [10 points.]
* Get a valiant sheild: [15 points.]
* Find and name  both ways into the sewers: [10 points.]
* Find and name the 5 people that live and work in the arena: [5 points.]
* Find the way into the dungeon below the iron temple and climb to the top of the tower: [10 points.]
* Travel to the four cities and fortess and learn the names of the 4 taverns and names of the storage persons in each place 6 of them: [ 15 points.]
* Travel to the Bronze Doors and find out which creatures live at the three lakes there [ 10 points ]
* Stay within the Guild for two weeks: [25 points.]

*Upon completion of the tasks, an RP-Event Ceremony will take place following the recital of the Bloodstone Oath at the Laanx Temple and will be presented with a battle helm, and then a Celebration at Kada-Els.
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Soloyos on July 28, 2011, 07:53:17 am
Oath Taker

All Dwarfs have a rigid sense of honour that is centered upon a bond or promise. Oath-takers must swear a solemn and sacred oath to abide by and respect the Codex of Stone. Oaths are of special importance for Dwarfs and The Brethren will therefore place great significance on the actual fulfillment of this Oath.

All prospective Dwarfs must demonstrate the Codex of Stone and know of it in it's entirety during the seven cycles of initiation. When one is deemed worthy to join the ranks of the Bloodstones, a final task must be completed... and its evidence presented at the ceremony.

*Upon completion of the tasks, an RP-Event Ceremony will take place following the recital of the Bloodstone Oath at the  Temple and will be presented with a battle helm, and then a Celebration at Kada-Els.

Lore Master

Hoarding wealth is the greatest passion among Dwarfs. They are a steadfast race and work hard for their riches and possessions. Rare and valuable items are passed down through generation to generation and so a Guilds treasury is held most dear, as it is both a source of wealth and a bond formed between kin. No Dwarf feels secure unless their treasure hoard is heaped high enough for them to sit on!

Lore Masters are opportunists in trade, always looking to earn an extra circlet. The duty of a Lore Master is to hunt and identify the greatest and rarest of items to donate to The Brethren, or market in auction. In frequent cases, excess weapons of the forge find their way to the hands of a Lore Master, and in turn, to those with the largest Tria pouch! Lore Masters are great storytellers are scribes of Bloodstone, recording the great achievements of the Guild in tomes for all to see.


Dwarfs have a great reverence for old things, valuing them for their memories and associations. A skilled Dwarf craftsman reveres great pride in their work and so lives on through it and forms a tangible connection to the past. The preservation and continuing use of such an item is a form of respect and veneration for its creator.

Dwarfs are the greatest miners and tunnelers in Yliakum, they delve deep beneath the surface for metals, precious gems, and whatever other mineral wealth buried in the depths. These raw materials are tended in furnaces to form perfect stocks and ingots, ready for use.

Dwarfs obtain all they really need by trading in raw materials. Through this exchange of crafted items, many diplomatic and profitable opportunities present themselves between neighboring Guilds. The duty of a Artisan is to survey and know the surrounding lands in great detail for discovering new ore sources requires a keen eye. Artisan must also be knowledgeable in all metal properties and able to produce only the finest of stock.

All Dwarf craftsmen are adept in repairing weapons and armour, and able to manipulate metals into fine blades for their works. The duty of the craftsman is to arm every Bloodstone with weapons worthy of a Dwarf.


All Dwarves have a lust for life and a inquisitive nature of all things. They work hard and they play hard. Woven through those extremes are the comforts that sustain them. They enjoy good foods from fresh ingredients both rare and common to fill their hearty appetites, plentiful and satisfying brews to free their spirits for the next day, well rendered remedies to sooth the aches and pains of their daily pursuits, access to unusual solutions for the unexpected needs to keep the work flowing, insights into new alloys to yield ever better service from their weapons and tools, lubricants for machinery and acids for etching runes and a deep connection to nature which provides all the resources not made by the hands of the races in Yliakum.

The Dwarfs have always been famed for their sturdiness of build, and the Warriors are a testament to their kin. A Warrior is a master of combat and their duty is to hold a battle line, and to take a heavy toll on those who try to break it. As the line marches forward, they act to secure its hard-won advance, for Warriors can hold a patch of earth with the single-minded tenacity of an oak.
The Bloodstone Brethren must always be prepared for War, for the possibility of threat is always present in the minds and hearts of all. Warriors must train vigorously in all aspects of combat and work closely with a Guardian, learning the techniques of dueling in the hope that perhaps one day they will, in turn, fulfill the role of Guardian. The duty of the Warrior is to become an able fighter, for these Dwarfs form the back-bone of the Bloodstone military might.

The Brethren are a very religious clan, giving praise to both their God, as well as respect for their own departed dead. Though the time of there god  walking among them is long over, the effect it had upon the Brethren is profound. The teachings have given rise and influenced every aspect of Dwarf lifestyle, culture and warfare. While every Bloodstone worships there god, like religions elsewhere in Yliakum there are priests who tend to the cares of the people and ensure the teachings of their religion are never forgotten.
Dwarfs harness magic by manifesting its energy from the inscriptions of runes on the surface of glyphs, which by their mere presence somehow imbue them with power. Clerics seek knowledge in the Ways to better understand the gift of magic. Once a Cleric transcends to Elder, it is said, the elements can be commanded by ones will alone, with devastating effect. A Clerics duty is to become strong in the Ways of Magic.

Guardians are the elite of the Dwarf Warriors and are selected from the bravest and most aggressive Dwarfs to serve as the Bloodstone's most elite guards. The Guardian is an embodiment of endurance and is characterized by sheer stubbornness and refusal to go down even under the heaviest of blows. It is said that there are few warriors in Yliakum who can boast they are as tough as a Guardian, and none that can prove it.
The duty of the Guardian is to act as the Sovereigns loyal protector, to uphold discipline and courage in all things for the Guardian represents true power and strength. Wherever there is trouble, threat, or danger, the Guardian is always within the thick of it, prepared to to protect the honour of Bloodstone.

Dwarfs live to a very grand age. The relative length and fullness of a Dwarf's beard indicate how old and wise he is - hence, Dwarfs are immensely proud of their beards and never cut or trim them. Whatever they are doing, if Dwarfs are in any doubt as to how to proceed, they look to the Dwarf with the longest beard to tell them what to do. He provides what is invariably the wisest solution.
Elders are the oldest and wisest of Dwarfs there know and teach many skills and form the Council of the Bloodstone. The duty of an Elder is to guide, to teach, and to enforce the Codex of Stone. Elders considered true Dwarfs, recognised and respected, these valued members of Bloodstone are sought by the Sovereign in times of great difficulty.
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: Soloyos on September 22, 2011, 09:44:35 am
Are you new to town? or returning from a long time away? or maybe just looking for somewhere to call home? Then if your a dwarf the Bloodstone Brethren is for you. We are a well known and respected clan throughout Yliakum and are here to support you with your experience ingame, from friendship to help in general, we will be there for you.

If you want to know more please contact a member in game. Either Baruden, Yahh or Soloyos, would be preferable.
Title: Re: [GUILD] Bloodstone Brethren
Post by: barren on January 27, 2012, 12:04:09 pm
Are you new to town? or returning from a long time away? or maybe just looking for somewhere to call home? Then if your a dwarf the Bloodstone Brethren is for you. We are a well known and respected clan throughout Yliakum and are here to support you with your experience ingame, from friendship to help in general, we will be there for you.

If you want to know more please contact a member in game. Either Baruden, Yahh or Darege, would be preferable.

We the bloodstone brethren are now looking for new blood any able body dwarf that would like to join or want to talk to us look for Sovereign Yahh Elder baruden or Sister Darege ask any of the guild that you see.Or ask one of The Of the hammer guild to pass a message on.

We are a Dwarf only guild we been around over 4 year.Allied with our brothers and sisters of the The Way of the Hammer the other dwarf only guild.and friend to a lot of other guilds.

All Dwarfs have a rigid sense of honour that is centered upon a bond or promise. Oath-takers must swear a solemn and sacred oath to abide by and respect the Codex of Stone. Oaths are of special importance for Dwarfs and The Brethren will therefore place great significance on the actual fulfillment of this Oath.

All prospective Dwarfs must demonstrate the Codex of Stone and know of it in it's entirety during the seven cycles of initiation. When one is deemed worthy to join the ranks of the Bloodstones, a final task must be completed... and its evidence presented at the ceremony.