
Support => Server Status => Topic started by: grunior on June 10, 2008, 04:00:25 am

Title: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: grunior on June 10, 2008, 04:00:25 am
I noticed that the XML server report (at is no longer updated and keeps holding the data from Sun Apr 27 11:05:44 UTC 2008.

Is this happening by purpose? I don't think this is considered to be a bug, so i don't think i should use the bug tracker for reporting it.

I used this file for a PHP-script displaying the players currently online (including guild and rank), now i had to fall back to the HTML report, which lacks the detailed information.

Thanks  :),
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: Cebot on June 10, 2008, 05:22:33 am
It's a known issue. It happened when the laanx moved to a new server. If I remember correctly acraig said it requires ruby on the new box, which isn't installed yet.

Lets hope it will get fixed soon :P
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: acraig on June 11, 2008, 12:05:08 pm
Yes, I hope to have it fixed soon. I've been very busy the last month or so and my PlaneShift time has been limited.   
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: grunior on June 12, 2008, 06:14:29 am
That is good news, indeed!  \\o//

I've got no problem with the waiting. Just glad to hear that it was not removed by purpose. Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: Elvors on September 20, 2008, 04:22:53 am
Is this related to the graphs not updating?
(Update: I mean those on )
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: grunior on September 25, 2008, 10:23:59 am
Don't think so. The XML report is down for about 5 months now  :'( - the graphs were still working during that time.
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: grunior on January 05, 2009, 05:33:46 am
Err, now that a new year has begun.... :innocent:

Any chances to get ruby back onto rails (and the player list updated again)?
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: Raekh on January 05, 2009, 05:35:48 am
Hope its fine to post this here..=P

The german forums have a working list:
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: peeg on January 05, 2009, 06:06:16 am
The list on is powered by a small PHP script I wrote some time ago.

If there's interest I'd happily clean up the sources and provide 'em to download :)
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: Raekh on January 05, 2009, 06:12:32 am
Kind offer, peeg!
Not wanting to sound demanding, but in addition, I see the people registered on the forums are highlighted/linked in that list - any chance you could add a quick howto or explanation on how to have guildies hightlighted in a customized list (if it was that easy, of course;))? This could be some nice candy for all the guild websites!
Would be fabulous!
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: grunior on January 05, 2009, 06:03:29 pm
Thanks for the feedback, but these lists most probably use the HTML page at . This is what i use as a fallback solution, too. The list i'm referring to is the one at , which still is dated "Sun Apr 27 11:05:44 UTC 2008". It includes guild information (guild, rank) and therefore is way more useful to give a structured view of the players online.

@Raekh: To highlight the members of a specific guild you would have to use the database of the guild's site and compare it to the list of users online. So there can't be a "general" solution to this, because it depends on the CMS you use for your guild's site - at least not with the current HTML based user listing. My page/script gave you the wanted result when calling <mypage>/psinfo.php?guild=<your_guild>, but that's not possible without the XML report.  :-\

That's why i keep asking for it. ;)
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: rakshak on January 23, 2009, 09:27:36 am
I've asked for the xml to be fixed in the past, but nobody cares. With some help i devised my own way. Kindly look at this: . If you like it, I can help you set one like that for yourself. I'm only a pm away.
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: acraig on January 23, 2009, 03:34:44 pm
It's not that nobody cares.  It's the fact that I haven't had time to be involved in the project as much as I would have liked the last 6 months or so.   One of these days it will updated again ( and for both servers ). 
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: Oomi on January 23, 2009, 07:15:26 pm
Please everyone, don't forget that all team members are all volunteers, and sometimes they must take time away from PlaneShift to deal with real-life things. This doesn't mean that they've forgotten or don't care. The team must weigh carefully the severity of problems and the availability of devs who can fix them, then prioritize accordingly. We are all grateful for acraig's work, and welcome the improvements he has made & will continue to make as his real life allows.
Title: Re: XML server report no longer updated
Post by: LigH on January 27, 2009, 02:07:32 am
@ grunior:

This XML report is the source my own "PlaneShift Online Buddy List" system was based on.

I developed my PHP source loosely from peeg's sources which parse the HTML output of the server page on the website instead.