
Fan Area => Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) => Single Author Stories => Topic started by: announcer on June 10, 2008, 05:56:58 pm

Title: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: announcer on June 10, 2008, 05:56:58 pm
Hail ladies and lads!

[This topic has been started to point out the visual effect and the stories told behind an actual non- roleplay battle.. since there has ever been discussion between the so called RP-ers and the so called powerlevellers... this story is about the actual cause and effect of reasons of a non-roleplay battle which are pretty common in this realm known as Yliakum. it's also meant to display there is a lot of visual RP going on in an actual non-RP battle.

In this example i will display the things that actually can go on in an actual and visual battle between the so called powerlevellers, duellers and so on, those hard working characters do have a background and a will to thrive, they do have a mind, they do have a conscienceness: i'll do my best to write an RP-considered story! Note: it is only an example]

One brave Dermorian warrior steps forward, he is born in the Warm Woods of Southern Dermoria and raised all his life by the ways of nature among his clan of the finest secluded Dermorian hunters not known to most men (and women), not even by the so called "sophisticated" Dermorians that dwell the Dermorian cities. The larger part of his life consisted of hunting the smaller and larger animals of the land in order to survive. With many decades of hunting experience such as setting traps, and sneaking behind his prey: he is a fine and skilled hunter, and trap setter. 'T is not the only way he is familiar to hunt down prey as he has studied the many books of the Arcane lore... but he'll rely on his fine own crafted swords, as this is agreed upon in this very battle. There will be no magic, only weapons!

As he gazes his opponent up and down, he is caught in the memory of his younger years of the neighbouring enemy clans of the woods not sharing the same beliefs, the sentence :"Thou areth not welcome here" ever running to his mind.... These enemies not understanding the ways of sharing the fruit of the land, and hence attacking his clan.

The words by his deceased father ever standing him by: "My son, thou shallt not make any difference between foul beasts and foul men!"

As he is suddenly pulled out of his memories, his mind is set, and his will clear: "I shall not stand down, I will not fail, nor will I fall, I will live another day!! NO FEAR!!!"

Back from absence of thought and the present, he once again looks his opponent into the eye.. "Thou areth ill-minded, and unjust" quickly goes through his mind as he remembers the words of his foe: "This is our land, we are Kran, ye Dermorian are not wanted here! Ye shall not thrive our lands, and this mine is ours, ours alone!" "We will keep this land to ourselves, thou shallt best leave, or we will make you so!"

Remembering everything he has ever stand for, he ponders of the ways that are just, he is interrupted by a yell: "Thou shallt leave! We will kill ye if ye don't!", which awakens his brutal side, triggered by this unjust command, he is destined and merciless to the opponent that wants his hide! He remembers also brutality only excists in the mind, the heart makes the Dermorian stand there! Thus he ignores the fact he is very determined and brutal, emotionally going berserk facing his unjust foe!

"I will not bow, nor will I fall!" is his reply: "If ever comes a day to die, this is not the day! Today I'll fight!" His enemy making two jumps as to show he is about to slaughter the Dermorian.

The Dermorian replies by two jumps of his own, not to taunt the one that wants him dead, but to show he understands the way of honourable battles, displaying he is ready.

In a split second he is determining what the Kra is gonna do, Kra is going for a full frontal attack commonly known under the strong Krans. Standing still for a brief moment, he remembers every lesson he has learned in his hunting days and life. He decides in that same second to go full frontal on the Kra as well... only to deceive his opponent.

When the two well-learned and experienced warriors closen to each other, the Dermorian shifts his move, surprising the well armoured Kra, he shifts this time to the right, making a sword swing from the side!

The Kra totally surprised, dodges this attack, which leaves the Dermorian puzzled... The Dermorian quickly reminds himself there is no time to be puzzled in a fight to the death and jumps away a few Kra-lengths away from him, crossing his swords to block any surprise attacks!

The two battle titans look at each other, as they both failed a succesfull strike of their finests weapons, quickly going in for the second attack... Kra who is learned in the timing and distance of his attacks,  chooses a full-frontal attack again, the Dermorian anticipates and runs towards his enemy, thinking: "I will not bow"

In a full frontal attack while running at his opponents swords, the Dermorian who is also well-known in the precision strike of an attack, jumps away, avoiding a fatal strike! foreseeing the Kra will smythe in a deadly blow!

As the Dermorian thinks of putting some dreadfull arrows into the Kra, he remembers what they agreed upon: "no magic!" He takes some distance from the Kra foe to discover some weaknesses...

The two, who by now have drawn some attention towards them, try to ever comprehend the flaws in their opponents skills, circling around each other to measure each other's strength.. They go for a clash of swords again, realizing their swords are the same strength!

Kra's mind goes: "I will not rest before this outlander leaves my country". Dermorian mind goes "I will not fall!"

Hence they strike! Kra hits the Dermorian full frontal, leaving him half dead with the strike of his perfect swords! The Dermorian is going crazy, questioning the strength of his perfect swords! "What is wrong, this cannot be!" he thinks... he realizes he cannot think too long over what just happened and takes his distance to judge the moves of his foe that wants him dead, the crowd going wild over the first hit!

Swiftly moving and circling, Kra thinks: "He is half dead, MUAHAHAHA"

The Dermorian half dead thinks: "This isn't over yet, today, i will not die!... NO FEAR!!!" and circles behind the Kra to deliver a full strike on Kra's armor, leaving them both half dead!!

Both opponents counting their wounds face each other again, this time more carefully as they have seen each other's strength, both undetermined to die! None of them willing to yield or to stand down... Their intentions still clear as it was decided: Kra wants Dermorian dead as he thinks the Kra mine is Kra's alone, the Dermorian not willing to give up his life or his beliefs of justice and the ways of nature!

Hence they face each other again, this time knowing how swfitly they can both move... Dermorian makes yet another strike, but misses! He is sincerely going wild on the swords he is wielding, as he questions his survival! Kra makes a counter attack with his sharp swords that leaves the Dermorian one breath away from dying...

Dermorian goes into another reminiscence of what his father told him, he takes his distance while doing so... "Son, thou shallt not fear!"

In some trance during the fight, the Dermorian regains his strength and beliefs, and everything he has learned... He runs towards the Kra, one and a half head taller than him, circles behind him and strikes a final blow!

Kra falls down!!!

Justice prevails!

[This was just an example in what things can happen in a non-RP duel and what one of the two can think, since i cannot see what the other one thinks, comments welcome, this was just a display of fights that occur among the so called: "powerlevellers" since i am fed up with the term and displayed here that there is actually a lot going on RP-wise here in these so called: non-RP battles.... note: this example is just an example and i might add... a very short fight]

Announcer of Masters of Move (thank you, hail to the hard-working people out there, you know who you are. i can make a couple of dozens of these stories by the way, based on non-RP facts)

Title: Re: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: Under the moon on June 10, 2008, 11:55:16 pm
I am confused by what you mean when you say non-RP battle. All duels that you would get into because of in-character reasons are RP battles. Are you saying mechanics-based fights verses text-based fights?

edit- friendly pointer. No living Dermorian, or any race for that matter, is from or has seen their homelands. Sorry, no Southern Dermoria.
Title: Re: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: announcer on June 11, 2008, 06:23:21 am
My point exactly... many so called hardcore RP-ers don't even know the history of this plane

Official Planeshift site quote:
They are native of a land called Dermoria and before the arrival to Yliakum their habits were tribal and characterized by the love of nature; they were nomads in search of new pastures and hunting areas.

They are skilled farmers and food hunters. They can survive in extremely difficult terrains eating roots and plants. Due to this their everyday food has an high percentage of vegetables.

" end quote

[and yes, this was an example of what can happen in a "mechanics-based duel" ]
Title: Re: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: Under the moon on June 14, 2008, 05:46:22 pm
I know the history very well (better than most), and restate what I wrote. No living Dermorian is from or has ever seen their homeland. Kran and Lemur are the only exceptions, as they are in their homeland.

As a roleplayer, I have never had any issue with folks duking it out using game mechanics to support their roleplaying. In fact, I generally avoid 'RPed' duels completely, and encourage people to use the duel system (even though I don't like it currently). I have seen folks who complain about 'duelers', but generally because they are running around looking for a fight for no IC reason.
Title: Re: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: Candy on June 14, 2008, 05:54:27 pm
While I admit to participating in some RP fights, I have to say I prefer mechanics-based duelling. I like seeing my character actually do something, rather than having them stand there as I type "Monala tries to punch So-and-So in the face". It's also more rewarding for people that both PL and RP to see the results of their training. I've never had the (mis)fortune of getting into a mechanics-based duel, though. :P
Title: Re: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: RichardShru on June 14, 2008, 06:50:26 pm
Only problem I have with mechanics based dueling is I don't have the time to level up my character as would be required to fight even semi-effectivly in a duel. And yes, I've been in a duel (two actually, one with Asentis which had me down with one blow, and one with Qia where she fell down twenty stories  ;D) but I also never quite figured out how to even use the magic portion of the game, nor have I been able to effectivly hold on to a weapon for any length of time (I've lost every weapon I've ever had in an rp fight. A guy can only spare so much tria for these things lol). In short, I think mechanic based duels are good for those who can put the time into killing enough $%*# to level up there stats, but I'm not one of those guys  :D
Title: Re: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: Candy on June 14, 2008, 10:46:46 pm
I find the time for it...but that's because I have no life. XD

But really, some quests can earn you a generous amount of PP's so you can train up 'til you can get the mobs that give more out. Finding time's a bit of an issue, but I've found that leveling has been faster once I was able to kill things that gave me more than a single-digit number of PP's.
Title: Re: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: announcer on June 22, 2008, 10:23:36 am
Some good argumentations have been given though, for instance: time

These duellers have spent time to level up their strength and so, yes. They chose to spend time on levelling and training instead of continuously RP-ing. It's a choice on how people use the time they have, so i don't think it can be used as an excuse or argumentation...  ::|

I might add that most of these people RP a lot while levelling, they are not just some numb puppets standing there indifferently and mindlessly swinging their hard earned weapon  ;)

Yes, i think time makes a good example to display the term "powerlevelling" is far-fetched, these players just chose to spend time on making their characters develop their stats and skills, since it is their desire to grow and develop in Planeshift, which is probably in most RPG's a very good incentive to play in the first place... Without the developping your character effect this would mainly be a chatbox, and i don't think that is the general idea of a MMORPG like Planeshift  8)
Title: Re: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: Candy on June 22, 2008, 11:43:17 pm
Well in some cases, people really don't have a lot of time and get caught up in the roleplay. I find that with evenings - given four or five hours to myself - I tend to roleplay unless nobody's on the ole' BL (*cough*Fridaynights*cough*).

However, on my days off, when there tend to be guildmates on in the morning and RP buddies towards the afternoon and evening, I seem to have the 40(PL'ing/questing)-60(RP) mix I like.
Title: Re: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: Duraza on June 23, 2008, 12:32:38 am
Announcer, I understand what your trying to say but its the way you say it that annoys me....Your not happy with the term powerleveler and thats completely understandable. However saying that things are 'non-rp' isn't the best choice of words for making a point. Everything should be RP, whether you choose to level or chat all day. I'm sure you already understand that but I just wanted to make a point of it(possibly to edit your first post to reflect that as to not get others confused?).

As for the whole discussion of PvP vs Chat fights, I'd just leave it as a thing of personal preference. I've known/know plenty of great rpers with fully maxed characters who rather pvp then type out a fight. I know people who RP all day and still rather use PvP then type out a fight. People who never train and type out every fight. A bulk of the players I used to know who quit had highly trained characters but they hated PvP and they were the ones to teach me to fight solely on using /me and /my. There isn't a right or wrong as long as people stick to the settings.

I personally just am horrible at dueling and love Chat fights. Not only that but my client is a lag monster  ;D. I'd call myself a hardcore rper but that doesn't stop me from leveling every now and then.
Title: Re: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: Parallo on June 23, 2008, 08:32:03 am
I see what is trying to be done. You have outlined a fight which in game was probably just 'lol, lets fight' and tried to justify it with character back story. If the in game fight was actually like this then it doesn't actually need justification. It is rp. You just need to brush up on settings and things. Maybe take some books with you to spawn points.
Title: Re: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: announcer on June 23, 2008, 04:29:09 pm
thanks for your comment, duraza

@parallo: no, such reasons are commonly there in this world.. (it was not: lol, let's fight)
Title: Re: an actual fictative non-roleplay battle
Post by: Parallo on June 24, 2008, 09:39:46 am
So you're saying that such a thing happened as described here? Word for word? If that is the case then it was hardly 'non-rp' and I am back to not seeing the point.