
Gameplay => In-Game Roleplay Events => Topic started by: Dajoji on July 21, 2008, 12:28:45 pm

Title: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Dajoji on July 21, 2008, 12:28:45 pm
Word travels fast but only among folk of certain kind. Only those on the other side of the law may hear the rumors bellow:

A new gang is forming up and it seems they have a plan. Big loot. Big risk. What is this about? Only those with unlawful connections know...

[This event is for all players but only unlawful characters will be allowed to join this side. Players can contact me via PM or in-game to register, giving a brief description of their characters and why they would want to participate. No undercover goodies will be allowed. Don't even try it. You'll have a chance to join the event but not as a spy. The good guys will have a part too. If your characters are not really unlawful they wouldn't even hear what is going on. Faction points and previous RPs will be evaluated.]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Kaerli on July 22, 2008, 10:34:06 am
[Ok, you're confusing lawless/lawful and good/evil Dajoji.   X-/  :oops: As it is set up right now, a character who is played as Lawful-Evil (yes, I do use alignments as a shorthand, but that's all they're really good for :) cannot enter the event, neither can someone played along the lines of Chaotic Neutral.  Worse yet, what about someone played as Chaotic-Good? :O ]

Kaerli hears a rumor from somewhere that somebody is trying to pull off a big heist...(what will she do with it though?  You'll have to wait and see...)
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Parallo on July 22, 2008, 10:43:45 am
[Its only your idea of alignments that is making it confusing. Forget good and evil for a moment. Is your character one who would take property from another unlawfully? If so, then its the the thing for you.]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Dajoji on July 22, 2008, 11:05:58 am
[like stated in the first post: the rumors will only reach those characters that constantly break the law and are in touch the criminal factions in Yliakum. If your character does mercenary work and does not care about obeying the law then they can join this side. What we do not want are characters that are "good" but since they are such big heroes they go undercover and stop the baddies before they do anything. If you want to fight the baddies to come, you will have a chance.

I'm still waiting for baddies to contact me. So far only 4 people have shown interest. You can PM me, email me, /tell me, or /query me on IRC.]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Shaman on July 22, 2008, 11:06:31 am
Kaerli hears a rumor from somewhere that somebody is trying to pull off a big heist...(what will she do with it though?  You'll have to wait and see...)

[Instead of magically saying Kaerli knows about this because she's super-powerful, how about letting the event run its course? Your character wouldn't know, so that's how it should be. :/]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Kaerli on July 22, 2008, 11:09:14 am
Not super-powerful, but well-connected, Shaman.  And she only KNOWS about it at this point, she hasn't ACTED on the information yet and in fact probably will not act on it  :whistling: .
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Raa on July 22, 2008, 12:33:59 pm
[Whoever told her shouldn't know about it either, I'm guessing.]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Parallo on July 22, 2008, 12:40:41 pm
[Maybe her character is on the otherside of the law and therefore would have heard it. Did you guys read the first post?]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Shaman on July 22, 2008, 12:49:16 pm
[Maybe her character is on the otherside of the law and therefore would have heard it. Did you guys read the first post?]

[We all know Kaerli's character, she's a nature crusader who can kill ulbernauts with her bare hands. She isn't on 'the other side of the law', so to speak.]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Parallo on July 22, 2008, 12:59:29 pm
[Well, thats different then :P]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Dajoji on July 22, 2008, 01:13:24 pm
[Put it this way: is your character buddies with characters like Ukabnu, Zak, Kisatol, or Thorian? Would they want to join gangs like the Onyx Dagger or the Cutthroats or work with them if they have the opportunity to hit the jackpot? Do they see those gangs as the competition? If yes, I'm expecting you to contact me. If no, keep your eyes open because the Octarchy may need your help.]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: theirah on July 22, 2008, 01:27:49 pm
[What kind of jackpot? money? or ancient artifacts with potential knowledge? One of my chars doesnt always stay on the right side of the law, but she has no interest in money. She does, however, have interest in power and knowledge.]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Morila Qugay on July 22, 2008, 01:35:14 pm
[If someone is to join one of the factions, must they leave a current guild for the event?  I guess what I'm confused about is when you say gangs to you mean they would be a guild?]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Dajoji on July 22, 2008, 01:51:34 pm
[@theirah: can't tell you details about that.

@Morila: no guild affiliation is required or intended.]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Kaerli on July 24, 2008, 09:37:51 am
[Put it this way: is your character buddies with characters like Ukabnu, Zak, Kisatol, or Thorian? Would they want to join gangs like the Onyx Dagger or the Cutthroats or work with them if they have the opportunity to hit the jackpot? Do they see those gangs as the competition? If yes, I'm expecting you to contact me. If no, keep your eyes open because the Octarchy may need your help.]
[She IS acquainted with Zak and Kisatol.  She's also close to Maulus and his bunch as well as several Outlaws and ex-Outlaws (Org, Thinzall, ...).]

Kaerli mutters "Heist? P'shaw, who cares about Tria?"

Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Dajoji on July 24, 2008, 10:31:30 am
[Kaerli: are you sure you want to take that path? If you join this side of the event, Kaerli will be a criminal. Like stated in the first post, there will be a chance for other kinds of characters to join the event just not on the baddies side. Being acquainted and being an accomplice are different things. If you want Kaerli to be a criminal, then PM me to register. It does seem a little odd knowing Kaerli's always fought baddies (many of which have already signed up), but it's your call.]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Velh Krome on July 24, 2008, 10:34:55 am
[I am also sure she IS acquainted with all the lawful people, Datal, Raithen etc. as well - so what stops her? And one more addition: Since Kaerli already heard about it, I may have a "well-connected" char too. Chances would be he heard about Kaerli having heard about it - any chance she will tell him about all the details, names and the whole plot? I start to wonder if more than Kaerli will be needed to take down the whole government.. :P]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Kaerli on July 24, 2008, 06:22:35 pm
[Kaerli: are you sure you want to take that path? If you join this side of the event, Kaerli will be a criminal. Like stated in the first post, there will be a chance for other kinds of characters to join the event just not on the baddies side. Being acquainted and being an accomplice are different things. If you want Kaerli to be a criminal, then PM me to register. It does seem a little odd knowing Kaerli's always fought baddies (many of which have already signed up), but it's your call.]
[Dajoji: you didn't read the IC part of my last post :P]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Eathon on July 25, 2008, 05:32:57 am
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Ironstark on July 25, 2008, 09:16:15 am
Ttell the truth, i know Kaerli as a bad person... or at least she handles things in a bad way..
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Dajoji on July 26, 2008, 02:33:14 pm
A big thank you for all the baddies that joined the event and the goodies who tried to stop them. Special thanks to the hostages. We hope you all enjoyed the event despite the glitches.

Please note that the baddies were at all times wearing robes that covered their faces so unless they let you recognize their voices, witnesses should not be sure about their involvement in the crime committed. Please post your screenies and logs. Thank you.

Oh! And the baddies that missed their reward, hit me up ingame.
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Shaman on July 26, 2008, 02:34:49 pm
[Heh, I had to go right when it started. Typical...oh well, hope it was fun. My character still has a tale to tell, at least. I made sure I left on an epic note. ;)]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Ironstark on July 26, 2008, 02:38:16 pm
For my first event i think it was great fun apart from all the people who kept attacking us... yep!   

 :sorcerer: :sorcerer: !FUN FUN FUN! :sorcerer: :sorcerer:
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: LigH on July 26, 2008, 02:42:14 pm
An impression from the "goodies"...

Alarm! What's going on? Jefecra calls for volunteers? -- Well, of course we support the Octarchy!

A scout mission they have to be done - discovering if any rogues near Gugrontid would be planning a raid. So we had to carefully watch Ukabnu and her gang for any signs. Who shall lead our little group better than a ranger? Kaerli ordered us (Shangshi, Kaisa, Armaud) to follow inconspicuously...

Well, we walked around possibly much further than necessary, but eventually we returned with the conclusion: It was not Ukabnu. But that was no news to Jefecra: He already heard that the rogues took hostages in Jirosh's shop. What a great idea: One door only, no chance for a surprise attack due to his long maze of storage, and we wouldn't want to risk the hostages' lives...

Finally approaching Ojaveda - together with Nenox, Mabra, and a domesticated Kormi delivering a heavy load - we faced the usual riot: People shouting all over, wise and stupid suggestions... Ujos and his Kormi had to hand over several crates of Platinum. And then the horde of Rogues left into the bamboo forest.

For the hostages' sake, we can only hope that they are satisfied with the commodities.
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Velh Krome on July 26, 2008, 03:00:35 pm
[Couldnt be around myself, but heard it was a good success, congrats! Keep it up! \\o//]
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Waari on July 26, 2008, 06:34:42 pm
[Unfortunately I could only take part in the first half of the event but i got some screenies before and when I returnd later

I did enjoy what i was involved in.

The meeting in the sewer

The meeting at Guiile's camp

Going into Oja

Outside Jirosh's

Hope you like them :)

Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Dajoji on July 26, 2008, 07:30:27 pm
Thanks Waari. Nice screenies. :)
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Shaman on July 26, 2008, 07:38:20 pm
What was the reward? I'm curious. :P
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Dajoji on July 26, 2008, 07:40:59 pm
Hehe, now, now... If we told you we'd have to kill you. :devil:
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Morla Phlint on July 26, 2008, 07:47:04 pm
[Well, I missed nearly everything but... *squeezes out two screenshots*

( ( (]

(17:09:22) Morla watches Cutaff carefully from a distance
(17:09:53) Xeonart glances around then back at Cutaff "I almost doubt any of us are here for an ambush."
(17:10:30) Stelanso looks at Cutaff "Well, well who have we got here?"
(17:11:21) Lyaph inspects the dwarf
(17:11:53) Maulus nods "He's right, lets talk."
(17:12:50) Morla nods at Shauni
(17:12:57) Shauni nods at Morla
(17:13:32) Allola turns to Shauni and growls, she walks over by Xeonart.
(17:13:39) Maulus says: More specifically, about this heist we've all heard about.
(17:13:49) Xeonart steps forward "Well I can't say why everyone else is here...But personally I'm here because I heard some rumors spread from Ubakunu's lowers..."
(17:14:08) Xeonart says: [so spelled that wrong..]
(17:14:22) Allola says: [Ukabnu =P]
(17:14:29) Cutaff says: Well, I run my business alone!
(17:14:41) Cutaff says: If you want a job you'll have to find someone else...
(17:15:01) Maulus says: If you want your life, you'll start talking.
(17:15:03) Cutaff looks at the crowd for a few seconds, assessing each one of them.
(17:15:14) Morla nods at Orgonwukh
(17:15:17) Orgonwukh elbows Morla "Who the heck knows Vis..." then he glares at the crowd
(17:15:34) Morla grins
(17:15:45) Cutaff says: Hmmm...
(17:16:07) Orgonwukh looks around, then chuckles at Allola "Hey, this dwarf might be someone you could have fun with, eh?"
(17:16:19) Allola growls at Orgonwukh "Shut up!"
(17:16:23) Maulus says: What do you say?
(17:16:28) Orgonwukh sniggers
(17:16:34) Cutaff says: You don't look like a useless bunch after all... Maybe, a friend of mine can use your help.
(17:16:59) Orgonwukh mumbles to Morla
(17:17:02) Maulus says: That sounds good.
(17:17:16) Allola growls at Orgonwukh, and places a hand on her dagger shelth.
(17:17:29) Cutaff says: The job she has in mind, of course... is not exactly... legal.
(17:17:36) Orgonwukh tilts his head to Morla, eyeing Allola, hands on the sabre hilts
(17:17:38) Maulus says: Even better
(17:17:40) Shauni says: get to the point!
(17:17:48) Xeonart rolls his eyes "Yes please do."
(17:17:52) Orgonwukh looks around suspiciously
(17:17:56) Stelanso says: Skip the minor details.
(17:18:17) Allola rolls her eyes, looking at Orgonwukh "Dont you touch me!"
(17:18:23) Cutaff says: And you've obviously tried your best to track me down so I guess you've been hearing about the new gang forming up.
(17:18:31) Orgonwukh rolls his eyes at Allola, then he nods to Morla
(17:18:40) Xeonart nods slightly
(17:18:49) Cutaff says: You'll need your best weapons.
(17:18:51) Maulus says: Yes yes.
(17:19:06) Morla nudges Orgonwukh "Leave that for later, will you?"
(17:19:11) Shauni murmurs, "or spells..."
(17:19:27) Cutaff nods
(17:19:38) Orgonwukh pouts a bit at Morla, then looks at Cutaff, listening
(17:19:44) Cutaff says: Well... that also means you'll have to follow orders.
(17:19:50) Cutaff says: And don't act stupid.
(17:19:52) Allola looks over to Xeonart "You know, You should really kill that Org."
(17:19:55) Cutaff says: Can you do that?
(17:20:20) Allola nods to Cutaff.
(17:20:24) Orgonwukh says: We can do a lot. It depends on what we gain from it, eh?
(17:20:28) Cutaff looks like Allola "Killing each other before the job is done is what I meant by 'acting stupid'."
(17:20:29) Xeonart glances at Cutaff "Are you sure you can trust everyone here not to act stupid...I doubt it."
(17:20:31) Shauni nods
(17:20:31) Morla says: Orders...hmmm.. depends who they are coming from..
(17:20:48) Allola smirks at Cutaff "Nah, I'll kill 'im later."
(17:20:51) Shauni says: im not changing my loyalty if thats what you mean
(17:20:54) Orgonwukh bursts out laughing
(17:20:57) Kitera mutters, "Orders... pfftt".
(17:21:14) Cutaff says: The job is simple. Find this friend of mine, do what she says and you get paid handsomely.
(17:21:21) Allola glares at Orgonwukh "If you lay your flithy hands on my, Shangshi'll kill you!"
(17:21:35) Morla grins
(17:21:36) >Eharan Cikaud greets Morla Phlint.
(17:21:47) Orgonwukh grins at Allola "I won't lay my hands on filthy you, be sure."
(17:21:58) Morla nods to Eharan
(17:22:03) Orgonwukh adresses Cutaff "what friend?"
(17:22:04) Xeonart sighs "Who is she?"
(17:22:05) Allola growls at Orgonwukh and pulls at her dagger.
(17:22:25) Orgonwukh unsheaths his sabres
(17:22:37) Shauni says: not now orgon..
(17:22:39) Morla kicks Orgonwukh "Not now!"
(17:22:51) Orgonwukh jerks and ponders
(17:23:01) Cutaff says: She asked me to gather mercenaries for her for an important job. I was too busy with my "deliveries" that... I forgot. But luckily, now I have you lot of volunteers.
(17:23:10) Allola blinks slightly and drops her dagger back in the shelth and listens patiently to Cutaff
(17:23:33) Orgonwukh sheathes his sabres and listens to Cutaff, watching Alolla out of the corner of an eye
(17:23:36) Cutaff says: I don't know what she's planning to do, but I hear it's big.
(17:23:48) Shauni smiles
(17:23:57) Shauni says: sounds good to me
(17:23:58) Kitera crosses her arms and taps her foot patiently.
(17:24:01) Morla says: Who is she anyway?
(17:24:03) Cutaff says: I hope nobody here has a problem killing a guard or two if necessary?
(17:24:04) Xeonart mutters under his breath "Good...half this lot can die if we are lucky.."
(17:24:05) Orgonwukh says: Mercenary job! Sounds good. What's the rip off?
(17:24:22) Allola smirks "I've already killed a couple"
(17:24:25) Morla chuckles
(17:24:32) Cutaff says: Good... good...
(17:24:33) Orgonwukh remains silent, observing the crowd intensely
(17:24:52) Orgonwukh mumbles to Eharan, Morla and Shauni "... careful... trap..."
(17:25:02) Cutaff says: And... there might also be civilian casualties...
(17:25:16) Erisikel says: "poor of them"
(17:25:16) Morla nods silently, her ears changing direction all the time
(17:25:19) Xeonart smirks "Now that sounds good."
(17:25:26) Cutaff says: I don't think she likes that much. She's kind of a softy...
(17:25:38) Cutaff says: at least when it comes to doing jobs clean.
(17:25:51) Shauni says: what problems would we face? does anyone else knwo about this?
(17:25:58) Shauni says: *know
(17:26:16) Allola turns her head and glares at Orgonwukh before looking back to Cutaff
(17:26:52) Cutaff says: Well, the guards suspect something but they have no clue.
(17:27:07) Kitera says: They have no clue fulstop.
(17:27:26) Cutaff says: You should be alright as long as you keep your faces covered and kill anyone who IDs you.
(17:27:58) Maulus nods
(17:28:03) Cutaff says: that is, if you care about not being identified, that is...
(17:28:14) Cutaff says: But I'm sure some of you already have to hide from the guards anyway.
(17:28:15) Xeonart shrugs "Not really..."
(17:28:16) Allola nods.
(17:28:18) Stelanso says: And what happens when they come back from the death realm?
(17:28:19) Orgonwukh nods and takes out some cloth and wraps it around his neck
(17:28:38) Cutaff looks at Stelanso "If they come back..."
(17:28:44) Maulus chuckles "Maybe someone will be happy to see me then.."
(17:29:06) Lyaph pulls his hood up over his head making it shade his face
(17:29:48) Stelanso shrugs "It happens you know!"
(17:30:11) Cutaff says: Well, that'll be your problem then. The job is risky...
(17:30:19) Cutaff says: But the pay more than makes up for it, I hear.
(17:30:23) Maulus shrugs
(17:30:40) Maulus says: Killing a guard is good pay in itself.
(17:30:46) Maulus chuckles
(17:30:47) Erisikel says: We are brave enough to handle it
(17:30:50) Xeonart sighs, sliding his hair back muttering "If I deal with them coming back won't be an option.."
(17:30:50) Cutaff chuckles
(17:30:55) Eharan says: aha.. the good stuff.. how do i know it's worth my while..
(17:30:56) Allola sighs and looks a bit impatient with Cutaff "Who're we after?"
(17:30:57) Kitera nods at Maulus's words.
(17:31:16) Orgonwukh says: The payment! What's the payment!
(17:31:32) Cutaff says: That you'll have to ask my friend. I don't know what she has in mind.
(17:32:09) Allola sighs "Who is your friend, dwarf!"
(17:32:13) Erisikel says: where is she? where's the meeting point?
(17:32:35) Orgonwukh glances around "Does noone else want to know about the payment?"
(17:32:50) Shauni says: no.. only how we get it
(17:32:51) Allola glares at Orgonwukh "He said he doesnt know!"
(17:32:54) Maulus says: Are you listening?
(17:32:58) Maulus shakes his head
(17:33:01) Cutaff says: Hah! Before I tell you where she is I need to make sure you're not going to rat us out.
(17:33:13) Cutaff looks at Maulus
(17:33:15) Erisikel says: heh
(17:33:20) Morla crosses her arms "He's teasing us!"
(17:33:21) Erisikel raises an eyebrow
(17:33:24) Allola smirks at Cutaff and mutters somthing.
(17:33:28) Cutaff grins
(17:33:36) GuildChat from Waari: 'ello Aro
(17:33:52) Cutaff looks at Tangor
(17:33:58) Cutaff grins
(17:34:08) Cutaff looks at Karnafe
(17:34:21) Cutaff nods
(17:34:27) Karnafe nods
(17:34:33) Cutaff looks at Xeonart
(17:34:34) Xeonart stares back at Cutaff
(17:34:35) Orgonwukh crosses his arms "I think this stinks! I am lacking information. Sounds like a trap to me. Can you proove you are not hired by the octarchs, Cutaff?"
(17:34:45) Cutaff nods
(17:34:56) Cutaff laughs loudly
(17:35:09) Maulus sighs at Orgonwhuks comment
(17:35:11) Cutaff says: You'll have to take my word, fool.
(17:35:21) Allola glares at Cutaff.
(17:35:21) Cutaff lookst at Allola
(17:35:23) Orgonwukh says: Yeah, if I take your word, I am a fool!
(17:35:32) Cutaff nods
(17:35:37) Xeonart smirks "He's got a good point...."
(17:35:39) Kitera says: I would rather take your money than your word.
(17:35:39) Cutaff looks at Kitera
(17:35:41) Maulus mumbles "Perhaps you are then"
(17:35:48) Cutaff nods
(17:35:58) Cutaff looks at Erisikel
(17:35:59) Allola giggles slightly.
(17:36:22) Maulus says: I'm here for the sport, the money is a bonus, lets get it going.
(17:36:29) Cutaff nods
(17:36:33) Nedoko says: Whats going on?
(17:36:38) Allola nudges Xeonart and smirks "You're going to die."
(17:36:42) Cutaff looks at Shauni
(17:36:44) Shauni stares back at Cataff... "Whats the point in this?"
(17:36:44) Morla shhhs Nedoko
(17:36:51) Cutaff nods
(17:36:54) Xeonart glances at Allola "Too late for that."
(17:37:03) Cutaff studies Nedoko
(17:37:07) Allola rolls her eyes "Its never too late."
(17:37:13) Cutaff nods
(17:37:25) Cutaff looks at Morla
(17:37:28) Nedoko says: Are we ready?
(17:37:35) Shauni says: be silent
(17:37:36) Morla grins back at Cutaff
(17:37:51) Xeonart shrugs and leans against the pillar, taking a closer look at everyone
(17:37:53) Cutaff narrows his eyes at Morla
(17:38:09) Cutaff says: You look like one who hides well...
(17:38:12) Maulus waits
(17:38:18) Morla arches an eyebrow "Yess?"
(17:38:29) Cutaff says: Been doing favors to Octarchy, haven't you?
(17:38:44) Nedoko says: No...
(17:38:45) Allola laughs and looks at Morla "Her? No way.."
(17:38:46) Morla cracks up laughing
(17:38:56) Nedoko says: Why do you think that?
(17:39:38) Morla says: You think that the guards should now about what I'm doing in order to be worthy in your eyes?
(17:39:54) Morla says: *know
(17:40:14) Morla glares at Cutaff
(17:40:53) Morla says: Well?
(17:41:26) Shauni chuckles
(17:41:28) Nedoko says: Cutaff, have you heard of a new gang settling?
(17:41:29) Cutaff smirks "Don't think about turning on us..."
(17:41:42) Allola smirks "Morla's not with the orchary, thats like saying Xeonart's in the Dark empire!"
(17:41:53) Cutaff looks at Waari
(17:41:55) Xeonart rolls his eyes
(17:42:02) Cutaff nods
(17:42:04) Morla grins "Don't make me do it"
(17:42:10) Kitera hears the mentioning of the dark empire and begins to cough.
(17:42:30) Waari smiles back from under his hood
(17:42:33) Cutaff looks at Orgonwukh
(17:42:35) Allola looks at Kitera, her look turns to a glare
(17:42:42) Cutaff looks at Eharan
(17:42:45) Maulus glances at Kitera
(17:42:50) Cutaff nods
(17:42:53) Eharan glares back
(17:43:04) Cutaff looks at Stelanso
(17:43:10) Maulus stands next to Lyaph
(17:43:14) Stelanso smirks back
(17:43:29) Cutaff nods
(17:43:36) Cutaff looks at Lyaph
(17:43:55) Cutaff nods
(17:44:01) Lyaph nods back at Cutaf and smiles
(17:44:16) Cutaff says: Well, I think you all will do.
(17:44:25) Xeonart says: You say that now....
(17:44:25) Karnafe nods and looks at everyone
(17:44:34) Morla laughs
(17:44:39) Allola rolls her eyes and points to Kitera "I dont trust her!"
(17:44:46) Maulus says: Done looking?
(17:44:55) Orgonwukh says: I don't trust this dwarf, but let's see where we are going, eh?
(17:45:14) Araroyige rushes up, panting "Am I late?"
(17:45:14) Allola glares at Orgonwukh "You dont trust anyone but that shrunken Head!"
(17:45:16) Cutaff says: You will be working for Guile. She's tough like an ulber and will kill you if you get in her way

[Just a snippet from my logs  :devil:]

Edit: removed ooc line
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: LigH on July 26, 2008, 11:22:16 pm
I was so amazed about the Kormi, I forgot to take screenshots guiding it into Akkaio...

But I have developer tools...

( (
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Scuzzle on July 26, 2008, 11:31:09 pm
A big thank you for all the baddies that joined the event and the goodies who tried to stop them. Special thanks to the hostages. We hope you all enjoyed the event despite the glitches.

Please note that the baddies were at all times wearing robes that covered their faces so unless they let you recognize their voices, witnesses should not be sure about their involvement in the crime committed. Please post your screenies and logs. Thank you.

Oh! And the baddies that missed their reward, hit me up ingame.

Yes it was great fun being a hostage locked to the floor unable to revolt for two hours. :P 

About the baddies wearing robes that covered their faces, well, I was there when they robed up so I got to see all of their faces before they did so.  ;D

How about the "goodies" reward. I don't think a sore hiney counts. :@#\
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Dajoji on July 26, 2008, 11:38:11 pm
Poke me ingame to fix that.
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Jarexia on July 26, 2008, 11:55:57 pm
Kaisa had been relaxing in Kada `El`s, her money slowly dwindling and the prospect of getting a good dice game (and turning around her money problems) hadn`t been looking good...and as she left the inn she happened to overhear a most interesting conversation...a conversation that would lead to a most unexpected adventure and new companions...

(01:55:30) Gag says: Her gang must have been hiding.
(01:55:33) Jefecra says: I cannot send my guards or she will pull her cutthroats back and hide.
(01:55:36) Kaerli says: I don't know where she is either...
(01:55:50) Jefecra says: That's why I need help from people who will not draw attention.
(01:55:58) Gag says: Miners...
(01:56:03) Armaud says: Eh? Had trouble gettin' here, what's goin' on?
(01:56:04) Gag says: Or looking like those.
(01:56:13) Kaerli grins "I'm by there quite often...the cutthroats don't really pay any mind to me."
(01:56:15) Armaud looks around.
(01:56:18) Jefecra says: Please, go to her camp and see if there is anything unusual going on there. Do not make contact, just take a look and report back to me.
(01:56:28) Kaerli nods "Where would her camp be?"
(01:56:31) Gag says: Yes, Sir!
(01:56:34) >Gag Harmond salutes Jefecra Harcrit with respect.
(01:56:35) Jefecra says: Do not risk a confrontation.
(01:56:41) Kaerli flips her hood up.
(01:57:05) Jefecra says: This is an intelligence job. I hear her camp is on the way to Gugrontid.
(01:57:12) Armaud says: Oy...
(01:57:15) Kaerli nods slowly.
(01:57:18) Gag says: Crouch and clear up!
(01:57:25) Shangshi says: Then we shall go and see whats to see.
(01:57:25) Jefecra says: I will be waiting for you. Be safe.
(01:57:32) Kaerli says: I'll go in first...
(01:57:49) Armaud says: Ye need th' muscle in case ye screw up, so I'm comin' too.
(01:57:55) Gag says: I'll take a left route, near the face.
(01:57:56) Jefecra says: No, you should all go together. You're a small enough group to go unseen.
(01:58:07) Gag says: Together? ... Well.
(01:58:13) Jefecra says: Be careful, citizens. May Laanx watch over you.
(01:58:15) Kaerli nods "Alright then, follow me."
(01:58:19) Armaud says: Aye.
(01:58:52) Kaerli looks to Kaisa "Are you coming?"
(01:58:53) Kaisa says: Excuse me...if you would have me along....I will do all I can to assist you.
(01:59:44) Shangshi looks at Kaisa "By all means."
(01:59:45) Kaerli says: Alright, the Octarchy needs me to lead a small scouting party.
(01:59:46) Gag tells group: Expect surprises.
(02:00:35) Gag tells group: Move on.
(02:00:59) Kaerli says: Alright, we need to take this slow and steady, stealthy too. I'll lead ahead, you folks follow at a distance. Stick to a walking pace.
(02:01:15) Kaisa nods "Will do".
(02:03:50) Kaerli says: Alright, keep up with me until we hit the gate, then I'll pull ahead.
(02:05:15) Kaisa draws her dagger
(02:05:26) Armaud takes his hammer in his other hand.
(02:06:45) Armaud gets dragged into the trees. (to a tractor-pull in real life, apparently! :D)
(02:07:19) Gag tells group: Stop!
(02:07:24) Gag tells group: Armaud is missing...
(02:07:54) Kaerli tells group: Hmmm...
(02:08:05) Kaerli tells group: Ma'am, you're follwing a trifle bit closely.
(02:08:53) >Kaisa Tuulod takes a seat.
(02:09:05) Kaerli tells group: Figure out if Armaud was attacked or not...If he was, that's a concern.
(02:09:22) Kaisa looks about nervously.
(02:09:27) Kaerli tells group: If not and he just darted off, we can't lose time looking about for him.
(02:09:33) Kaerli tells group: And remember, keep your distance folks.
(02:09:34) Shangshi tells group: Ill have a look
(02:09:38) Kaisa nods
(02:09:55) Kaerli tells group: They will easily be able to spot the group, as opposed to me by myself creeping along.
(02:10:10) Kaisa tells group: Okay. I promise to keep back.
(02:10:17) Kaerli tells group: Stay with Gag and Shangshi.
(02:10:22) Gag tells group: The dwarf is missing.
(02:10:25) Kaisa tells group: Okay.
(02:10:26) Kaerli tells group: Don't just promise to "keep back."
(02:10:27) >Kaisa Tuulod stands up.
(02:10:35) Kaerli tells group: We can't afford to have our cover blown.
(02:10:41) Kaerli tells group: Attacked? Or did he just leave?
(02:11:17) Kaerli tells group: Alright, as far as the dwarf goes?
(02:11:17) Shangshi tells group: I think he left.
(02:11:21) Kaerli nods.
(02:11:37) Gag tells group: Let's continue. Smaller group is better.
(02:11:40) Kaerli tells group: We'll take the long way around, pulling past them.
(02:11:50) Kaerli tells group: Then doubling back towards Gugrontid and the camp.
(02:12:03) Kaerli tells group: The Cutthroats will think that we're just strolling down the road.
(02:13:38) >Kaisa Tuulod takes a seat.
(02:13:58) Gag tells group: Up to about the clacker valley.
(02:14:26) Kaisa tells group: If we get jumped by bandits...? Make for Gug?
(02:14:49) Gag tells group: Yes. Next meeting: Passage to Gugrontid.
(02:16:26) Gag tells group: We are near the "Cutthroat bane" now, the broken rock bridge.
(02:16:36) Kaisa watches the sides of the gorge.
(02:18:57) Kaerli tells group: Keep going.
(02:19:09) Gag tells group: Looking over the lake now.
(02:22:31) Kaerli tells group: Alright, we'll be going up to the top of the ledge next.
(02:23:17) Kaerli tells group: Keep your distance, but don't lose sight of me.
(02:23:29) Kaisa nods, "Will do."
(02:26:49) Kaerli raises her right hand above her head, elbow bent, in the "HOLD" signal.
(02:27:22) Kaerli tells group: We were told the camp was on the path to Gugrontid.
(02:27:38) Kaisa tells group: On the ridge? Back overlooking the road?
(02:27:39) Gag tells group: Yes, and this path goes over the hills in this direction...
(02:27:50) Gag tells group: Where the trees are.
(02:29:11) Kaisa tells group: How about we circle round, past the head, to the left?
(02:30:19) Kaerli tells group: Alright, I haven't seen a trace of them, but yes...let's keep going this way, following the ridge.
(02:34:57) Kaerli makes the hold signal again.
(02:35:11) Kaerli tells group: Ukabnu seems to be in her normal spot...
(02:35:19) Kaisa tells group: Alone too...
(02:35:28) Gag tells group: Her secondant?
(02:35:34) Kaerli tells group: And who would that be?
(02:35:37) Gag tells group: Usually between the trees?
(02:35:57) Kaerli points at the trio atop the ledge "That set?"
(02:36:03) Gag tells group: Yes.
(02:36:04) Kaisa tells group: I`ll keep an eye out behind.
(02:36:09) Kaerli tells group: Nope, he's not there.
(02:36:14) Kaerli tells group: I can't see him at least.
(02:36:20) Gag tells group: Her.
(02:36:41) Kaerli tells group: No, not there.
(02:37:03) Kaerli tells group: I saw a gap in the rock next to the way to Gugrontid
(02:37:13) Gag tells group: We could check the mine valley when we return.
(02:37:15) Kaerli tells group: That would be an ideal spot for him to set up camp.
(02:37:30) Kaerli tells group: I doubt it...
(02:37:33) Kaisa tells group: We could split into pairs?
(02:37:52) Kaerli tells group: No...
(02:38:15) Kaerli tells group: Even though we all might be capable fighters, we don't all know the arts of stealth well.
(02:38:25) Gag tells group: You mean the trees to the left of the passage, and the crack near that?
(02:38:31) Kaerli tells group: Yes.
(02:38:34) Kaerli tells group: That spot.
(02:38:55) Kaerli tells group: Either that, or he's camped somewhere near the ruins, but I doubt it.
(02:39:05) Kaisa mutters under her breath "I`m not that great a fighter, but...."
(02:39:26) Gag tells group: Don't pout. You are just not a ranger.
(02:39:27) Kaerli tells group: We'll start with the gap, then work across to the ruins area from behind.
(02:39:38) Kaisa tells group: Thanks. I think.
(02:41:30) Gag tells group: And now?
(02:42:06) Kaerli tells group: So, maybe we should report back in.
(02:42:11) Shangshi tells group: I agree
(02:42:14) Gag tells group: Alright.
(02:42:21) Kaisa tells group: You don`t want to check the road further up?
(02:42:23) Kaerli tells group: We'll head back up the ridge and work back to Hydlaa using it, behind Ukabnu and her Cutthroats.
(02:42:30) Kaisa tells group: Okay.
(02:42:32) Kaerli tells group: No...nothing's out of the ordinary.
(02:43:03) Kaisa tells group: We`ll probably get back and find Hydlaa`ll been sacked.
(02:43:09) Kaisa chuckles.
(02:43:22) Kaerli grins "There's not enough of 'em for that."
(02:45:13) >Gag Harmond greets Mabra Tarbas.
(02:45:16) >Gag Harmond greets Nenox Xyon.
(02:45:18) >Kaisa Tuulod waves.
(02:45:23) >Nenox Xyon stands up.
(02:46:37) Gag says: Hello.
(02:46:44) Gag says: Have you seen any Cutthroats on your path?

(02:49:13) >Gag Harmond greets Jefecra Harcrit.
(02:49:13) >Gag Harmond salutes Jefecra Harcrit with respect.
(02:49:29) Gag says: Have a sip.
(02:49:30) Kaerli looks to Jefecra "Ukabnu's in her normal spot, and her secondant is as well.
(02:49:33) >Gag Harmond dropped a Greater Potion of Healing.
(02:49:48) Gag says: What?
(02:50:03) Kaisa takes a swig and nods her thanks to Gag.
(02:50:45) >Kaisa Tuulod stands up.
(02:51:03) >Gag Harmond picked up a Greater Potion of Healing
(02:51:11) Shangshi says: Jefecra?
(02:52:46) Jefecra says: Oh! You're back!
(02:53:20) Jefecra says: I'm afraid we were all wrong!
(02:53:27) Kaerli nods "We saw Ukabnu in her normal spot, her secondant tried to hide from us using a cluster of trees but we saw her as well.
(02:53:50) Jefecra says: I have just been informed the rogues are in Ojaveda! They have taken hostages in Jirosh's shop and they are threatening to kill them.
(02:53:58) Kaerli grins and pokes Jefecra "Oh my oh dear..."
(02:54:09) Gag says: That's quite the opposite way.
(02:54:15) Kaerli says: This is bad...
(02:54:21) Jefecra says: Bhurral is asking me for backup. Please head there!
(02:54:28) Shangshi says: Do you have any idea of number?
(02:54:29) Kaerli says: Alright.
(02:54:32) Kaisa rolls here eyes. "Here we go!"
(02:54:41) Gag says: That will take a bit.
(02:54:42) Jefecra says: Bring as many blades as you can! The rogues must be stopped!
(02:54:47) Kaerli says: This is a totally different situation, where we need to be as swift and violent as possible.
(02:54:57) Jefecra says: Hurry!
(02:54:59) Kaerli says: Do you know of their exact position or have any ideas of their number?
(02:55:01) Gag says: We shall invite more warriors.
(02:55:15) Kaerli says: Yes, we need a couple more fighters to go with us.
(02:55:16) Jefecra says: There's no time. Grab anyone you find along the way.
(02:55:22) Gag says: Meet me at the fountain, I will shout at the plaza.
(02:55:27) Kaerli says: No...let's go.
(02:55:56) Gag shouts: Warriors, listen!
(02:56:06) Gag shouts: Rogues have taken hostages in Ojaveda!
(02:56:17) Gag shouts: Everyone willing to help, join us at the plaza!
(02:56:38) Nenox says: I'm sorry, you talked to me earlier I didn't get that.
(02:56:42) Nenox says: I'd be glad to help.
(02:56:51) Kaerli nods "We better get moving."
(02:56:51) Gag says: It's alright, the situation turned already.
(02:57:06) Gag shouts: We are leaving towards Ojaveda!
(02:57:10) Kertus says: What's going on?
(02:57:15) Gag says: Alright, let's move.
(02:57:23) Nenox says: Do you want to help too Mabra?
(02:57:24) Gag says: Jefecra ordered us to help.
(02:57:30) Kaerli says: No time to explain, we need to get going!
(02:57:32) Mabra nods
(02:57:40) Nenox says: Okay, we two will join you

Kaisa reclined in her seat at the tavern, remembering the last day`s events, "Well, I was fine with a scouting party," she shrugs, "but hostages and a massed band of miscreants? Not really my thing." She plays idly with a pair of dice in her hand, her drink in the other.
"But, I knew an old friend who was into this kind of I sent a messenger to Jarexia...."


The Klyros warrior Jarexia Kadnessar nods, "I was in the market in Oja when I received Kaisa`s message. We don`t always see eye-to-eye...she`s a bit of a rogue herself and finds it hard to resist money, but occasionally she does the right thing. I guess yesterday she had a brief attack of conscience. That or she was bitter she`d missed out on the raid herself."

(02:59:04) Phinneas shouts: Release my guildmate at once!
(03:00:05) Jarexia says: help is on it`s way. Warriors from Hydlaa come as we speak!
(03:00:27) Edellin says: We should think of some other options.
(03:00:29) Ulfer says: they'll be dead 'fore they get the chance...
(03:00:55) Phinneas says: Who will be the first to fall to my blade?
(03:01:19) Jarexia says: Tell me, what is the situation?
(03:01:27) Chiyeren says: I don't know
(03:01:33) Phinneas says: They have hostages.
(03:01:35) Chiyeren says: I just arrived
(03:01:45) Phinneas says: I heard my guildmate, Takhi's voice.
(03:01:46) Edellin says: Perhaps if we give them money...
(03:01:54) Jarexia says: Do we know how many of them there are? And how many hostages?
(03:01:55) Didle says: no
(03:01:57) Phinneas says: Shendee was a hostage, but she escaped
(03:02:01) Ulfer says: I ain't givin 'em my tria!!
(03:02:14) Shendee smiles triumphantly
(03:02:20) Edellin says: I saw at least 6 of them
(03:02:25) Phinneas says: It doesn't matter how many cowards are in there. We'll cut them all down.
(03:02:27) Edellin says: but I think there are more.
(03:02:34) Shendee says: just rush them
(03:02:42) Edellin says: And they have I think about 10 or more hostages.
(03:03:01) Shendee shouts: all hostages,
(03:03:06) Ulfer says: aye, wonder 'ow they managed to tie 'n bound so many...
(03:03:45) Jirosh shouts: Please! Do what the rogues say! They'll kill us all!
(03:04:02) Jarexia says: What is it they want, anyway?
(03:04:15) Shendee says: they are not saying
(03:04:20) Coralen says: then let's kill the roques
(03:04:20) Shendee says: no demands
(03:04:35) Jarexia says: Might it not be wise to find out what?
(03:05:14) Guiile shouts: Hand over the platinum shipment or everyone DIES!
(03:05:31) Didle says: yes
(03:05:37) Phinneas says: ok, who is next?
(03:06:43) Rell tries to free his hands but is unsuccessful
(03:06:44) Kotahi says: I believe the rogues are scarred of us.
(03:06:47) Neoma says: as we said they are COWARDS
(03:06:50) Edellin says: yeah lets attak
(03:06:56) Tomislav struggles to break free
(03:07:16) Takhi says: Free me! FREE ME!@!!
(03:07:35) Shendee says: burn the crates
(03:07:39) Shendee says: someone with magic
(03:08:50) Jarexia says: Flame spire? Burn the crates down?
(03:09:02) Shendee says: what ever works
(03:09:03) Takhi says: I'm trying!!
(03:09:11) Guiile shouts: Everyone stay calm or I'm going to kill hostages! We're only here for the platinum!
(03:09:29) Shendee says: what platinum?
(03:09:34) Shendee says: who's???
(03:09:48) Ulfer staggers out of the shop, his armor damaged you notice several cuts
(03:09:49) Takhi spits out the gag Lorandor cut from her mouth.
(03:10:10) Cilay says: brother Ulfer !
(03:10:14) Merina slips a blade through the crates and tries to cut Tomislav/s bonds
(03:10:15) Cilay says: are you ok?
(03:10:21) Ulfer says: took two 'o 'em down but there's jus too many!
(03:10:43) Takhi says: *MMMPH!!
(03:10:43) Guiile shouts: Hand over that shipment of Platinum! I don't want to turn this into a massacre but I will if I don't get that Platinum!
(03:10:43) Ulfer says: brodr Cilay, I couldn't... I...
(03:10:46) >Ulfer Knalgan sighs dramatically at Cilay Mecur.
(03:10:57) Cilay says: what happened? what do they want?
(03:11:01) Lorandor says: you will die as well
(03:11:02) Jarexia says: Shendee, you were in there, is that correct?
(03:11:13) Ulfer says: they took hostages, we tried to break in but... overwhelmed
(03:11:14) Shendee says: I am here
(03:11:24) Shendee says: yes i was
(03:11:32) >Shendee Waellar stands up.
(03:11:32) Ulfer pants heavily, fatigue showing
(03:11:36) Jarexia says: Is there anything you can tell us?
(03:11:38) Jirosh shouts: The shipment must be on its way!!! Please bring it to us.
(03:11:41) Cilay looks towards jirosh shop
(03:11:49) Shendee says: there are about 15 rogues
(03:11:54) Cilay says: where is the shipment!?
(03:11:56) Jarexia says: Fifteen?!
(03:11:57) Shendee says: holding most in the back
(03:12:10) Shendee says: dont know what shipment they want
(03:12:14) Shendee says: from Jirosh?
(03:12:22) Ulfer whisper "there must be another way in"
(03:12:31) Cilay says: tell us what want! but dont hurt the hostages!
(03:12:43) Jarexia says: The shipment is coming from Gug?
(03:12:52) Shendee says: i got out before they put up those craites
(03:13:18) Lorandor says: you are trapped, they die you die
(03:13:23) Shauni says: be silent
(03:13:33) Shauni says: and make everyone else silent
(03:13:59) Takhi finally chews through hew gag with her fangs. "Come on! Are you afraid of a little kitten like me?!?"
(03:14:36) Takhi says: Let's go big boy!!
(03:14:39) Ulfer tires to pear inside the crates
(03:15:06) Takhi says: I've got your platinum right here!!
[(03:15:13) >Ulfer Knalgan, Didle Sisisix, Merina Kutha and Jarexia Kadnessar picked up Wooden Crates to clear the barricade.]
(03:15:48) Ujos says: Huhu?
(03:16:00) Guiile says: My platinum? My platinum is way heavier than you can carry.
(03:16:19) Rell says: Take the platinum and go.
(03:16:34) Ujos says: Why is the boss tied down?
(03:16:35) Shangshi says: I and some others have been send by Jeferca.
(03:16:39) >Jarexia Kadnessar greets Shangshi.
(03:16:49) Guiile says: Because he's our hostage.
(03:16:56) Jirosh shouts: Stop the fighting! Please. They'll kill us all!
(03:17:04) Jarexia says: Hail. Kaisa sent a signal. I have expected you, Shangshi.
(03:17:08) Guiile says: You're the courier, and you have what I want.
(03:17:31) Ujos says: I bring boss' order.
(03:17:31) Allola blinks looking around for Shangshi
(03:17:59) Ulfer shouts: so what do ye want?
(03:18:04) Guiile says: Well, then, come in.
(03:18:05) Lorandor says: you ok shendee
(03:18:11) Allola growls at Ulfer "We want platinum!"
(03:18:34) >Jarexia Kadnessar greets Kaerli Stronwylle.
(03:18:35) >Kaerli Stronwylle greets Jarexia Kadnessar.
(03:18:38) >Gag Harmond greets Jarexia Kadnessar.
(03:18:41) Gag says: Backup!
(03:18:44) Kaerli says: Alright, what are we up against?
(03:18:48) Gag says: Jefecra sent us.
(03:18:55) Jarexia says: There is quite a gathering. A good dozen rogues or so...and over ten hostages.
(03:19:05) Kaerli says: Where exactly are they?
(03:19:05) Jarexia says: They are demanding platinum.
(03:19:11) Jarexia says: In the store. Come, see.
(03:19:19) Gag says: Bah. We were at Gug.
(03:19:25) Cilay pets kormi
(03:19:53) Jarexia says: That kormi carried the shipment?
(03:20:02) Kaerli says: I guess...
(03:20:06) Phinneas shouts: You cowards, hiding behind hostages.
(03:20:21) Jarexia says: Well...that`s what they what?
(03:20:37) Shangshi looks at the people within
(03:21:00) Jirosh shouts: Ujos! Do what they say!
(03:21:37) Ujos says: Ohh... so many hooded people. You bad!
(03:21:38) Phinneas shouts: Don't give them what they want. They re a band of cowards who will not fight you.
(03:21:49) Shauni says: shut up
(03:21:52) Ujos says: I don't want them to kill boss!
(03:21:59) Phinneas says: Make me coward
(03:22:01) Jarexia says: Make them come out for the shipment...
(03:22:07) Rell shakes his head, "This is possibly the worst planning of a robbry i have ever seen.."
(03:22:08) Xeonart rolls his eyes "Could this be any slower.."
(03:22:21) Gag says: People, step back a little from the door. Just a few steps.
(03:22:25) Allola eyes Ujos "If you dont want us to kill your boss, hand over the shipment."
(03:22:26) Shangshi scowls as he hears Xeonart
(03:22:28) Jirosh says: There... he has your platinum. Now will you let us all go?
(03:22:32) Phinneas says: Shauni, you are the worst coward of the bunch
(03:22:40) Jarexia says: Good thinking Gag!
(03:23:49) Nenox takes out his weapons.
(03:24:34) Minks watches the crowd
(03:25:00) Jarexia shouts: You have your platinum, don`t you? Let the hostages go!
(03:25:36) Minks whispers to the Fenki next to her "What's going on? Is Jirosh in danger?"
(03:25:58) Tanosn says: you just wait untill you try to leave...
(03:26:09) Zwenze whispers: Pirill, whats going on here? What haev you broke?`
(03:26:20) Pirill nudges Zwenze
(03:26:27) Pirill says: shush, this is serious
(03:26:33) >Gag Harmond greets Zwenze Whitebearded.
(03:26:35) >Gag Harmond salutes Zwenze Whitebearded with respect.
(03:26:40) >Pirill Poveniy salutes Gag Harmond with respect.
(03:26:40) Azileq says: There are hostages.
(03:26:56) Gag whispers "Jefecra sent us."
(03:27:06) Minks frowns
(03:27:37) Phinneas shouts: You cowards didn't even accept the challenge of my blade.
(03:27:57) Erisikel says: i like its horns for my wall
(03:27:58) Ujos says: Kormi is my friend!
(03:28:09) Sanxx wonders if someone could wrap some warm ulbie skins around her, then maybe she can be "unfrozen"
(03:28:11) Karnafe says: plat be a fine peace offering
(03:28:13) Allola kicks at Takhi
(03:28:17) Guiile says: Rogues! We leave! Take the chests and we're off.
(03:28:26) Ujos picks up the crates
(03:29:15) Jarexia tells group: Soon as they come out, we hit them?
(03:29:30) Gag shouts: Outbreak!
(03:30:03) Ujos shouts: Please! Let us go or they will hurt Kormi and boss!
(03:31:41) Phinneas shouts: I don't care what they do to me, just don't let them get away!
(03:32:06) Ujos shouts: No! they will kill Kormi! Please!
(03:33:00) Shauni shouts: THATS IT!! KILL THE KORMI!
(03:33:06) Sanxx shouts: dont let them escape..kill them
(03:33:10) Shauni shouts: unless you let us out!
(03:33:16) Ujos shouts: No!
(03:33:28) Phinneas shouts: Kill them all, don't worry about us, we would rather die than let them have what they want!
(03:34:03) Phinneas shouts: Kill the rogues!
(03:34:10) Hanace shouts: kill them!
(03:34:18) Guiile shouts: No one is getting killed here!
(03:34:50) Ujos shouts: Please! Kormi is my friend!
(03:34:53) Phinneas shouts: They will kill us anyhow, so get them now!!
(03:35:06) Meredee smiles at Ujos "How much do you want for it?"
(03:35:13) Meredee points at kormi
(03:35:25) Lhaa shouts: Stop please, he's going to kill me!
(03:35:34) Jarexia says: Let them`s just money.
(03:35:52) Jarexia mutters "and we can track them anyway."
(03:35:58) Nenox steps back.
(03:36:10) Phinneas shouts: someone untie us, in back of Jirosh's
(03:36:22) Tharback says: yes
(03:36:23) Ujos says: No!
(03:36:38) Scisel says: Yes someone come untie us!
(03:36:49) Erisikel says: well well
(03:36:55) Phinneas shouts: Get the rogue!
(03:36:56) Kotahi starts to cut scisel's ropes
(03:37:01) Tanosn pushes Eriskkel
(03:37:01) Erisikel says: are you still alive?
(03:37:06) Azileq helps to untie those held
(03:37:09) Jarexia helps free Scisel
(03:37:16) Scisel says: I'm free!
(03:37:18) Scisel says: Thank you
(03:37:21) Tharback says: help
(03:37:24) Azileq extends paw to Scisel
(03:37:29) Hanace shouts: LET ME UP!
(03:37:30) Phinneas shouts: No you won't because then we will kill you!
(03:37:32) Scisel says: ok shauni than we will move [;p]
(03:37:32) >Siretek Henacuse stands up.
(03:37:34) Tanosn says: your not going anywhere rouge
(03:37:35) Zantatous says: grr
(03:37:39) Nenox tells group: What shall we do?
(03:37:48) Erisikel says: no need to get that closer to sense your stench, enki
(03:37:49) Jarexia starts to cut Tharback`s bonds.
(03:37:50) Hanace shouts: I'll kill you!!!
(03:37:54) Azileq looks to Phinneas and unties him
(03:38:05) Phinneas says: Thank you
(03:38:16) Kotahi tries to untie scisel
(03:38:18) Azileq glares at the rogue... leave now... and live
(03:38:24) Tharback says: um thanks
(03:38:27) Phinneas says: Someone take that rogue out
(03:38:28) Tanosn says: or... you can die... slowly...
(03:38:36) Erisikel says: if you want to keep alive, stay here
(03:39:13) Jarexia keeps pulling at Tharback`s bonds.
(03:39:20) Azileq prays to the gods... to free Phinneas... as he is untied now
(03:39:29) Scisel says: I think they forgot about us
(03:39:32) Gag tells group: Conflicts usually turn out into boring ends.
(03:39:40) Tanosn stands guard to keep hostages safe
(03:39:44) Jarexia we`ll have you out of those ropes soon enough, master dwarf.
(03:39:45) Scisel says: the leader has left the area
(03:39:51) Tanosn says: ill make sure that rouge doesnt coem back
(03:39:52) Tharback tries to burn the ropes
(03:40:08) Azileq says: I am standing with you Tanosn
(03:40:13) Tharback says: magic resistant...
(03:40:21) Jarexia gets out his torch.
(03:40:23) Tanosn says: glad to hear it Azileq
(03:40:26) Jarexia says: Okay...careful now.
(03:40:30) Phinneas says: I have been untied.
(03:40:43) Shangshi tells group: did they 'sneak away'
(03:40:45) Jarexia tries to singe the ropes binding Tharback.
(03:40:54) Tanosn tries to burn off Zantatous's bonds
(03:41:20) Minks peeks trhough the shelf
(03:41:24) Jarexia says: Can you move master dwarf?
(03:41:32) Minks says: umm...Is everyone allright?
(03:42:18) Azileq places a hide next to Tharback to make him comfortable... until he can move.
(03:42:21) Tanosn continues tying to free Zantatous
(03:42:31) Tharback says: gee...thanks...
(03:42:41) Azileq tries to cast magic to help her guild mates find freedom
(03:42:43) Minks says: Can...can I help?
(03:42:47) Zantatous says: sorry the bonds must be fire prooff.
(03:43:23) Tanosn casts the darkway spell known as weakness on the bonds
(03:43:32) Tomislav recovers his weapons
(03:43:47) Tanosn says: hm... it oesnt seem to work...
(03:43:49) Jarexia helps Tharback to his feet.
(03:43:49) Tharback says: I"M FREE!!!!
(03:43:50) >Neoma Grayeheat greets Tharback Theshort.
(03:44:02) Hanace says: What did he say Ujos?
(03:44:04) Tharback says: thank you sir
(03:44:06) Azileq hugs brother Tharback
(03:44:09) >Jarexia Kadnessar greets Tharback Theshort.
(03:44:13) >Tharback Theshort greets everyone.
(03:44:15) Jarexia says: You`re welcome sir.
(03:44:39) Nenox says: Everything okay with all of you?
(03:44:48) Tharback says: LET"S HUNT THEM DOWN!!!!!!!!
(03:44:49) >Merina Kutha greets Tomislav.
(03:44:53) Meredee sighs
(03:44:54) >Tomislav greets Merina Kutha.
(03:44:58) Pirill says: is anyone hurt?

"I`ll cut the rest of the story short, but the rogues managed to vanish pretty well..resulting in a lot of panicked searches in Oja and all through the country between there and Hydlaa. We eventually got back to Jefecra, but he hadn`t heard or seen anything."
"Finally I, Gag and Nenox decided to check where Gag, Kaisa and the others had orginally scouted...but to no avail."

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Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Orgonwukh on July 27, 2008, 02:51:43 am
Thanks to the GMs for organising an event for baddies. I really liked the bunch of thugs and appreciate the way they roleplayed together.
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Bamko on July 27, 2008, 06:10:10 am
well, I was following this... and no announcement in this forum when it was going down, nor did any of my buddy's let me know about it.  I was on for most of the day too :-(

I even spent a lot of time around Hydlaa and gugrontid (thinking there is where the money might be.... actually dug 3 whole pieces of plat too!)

I am really sorry I missed this.  Was kinda hoping for a octarch's cryer running from place to place announcing "Call to arms! call to arms! all citizens for the good of yliakum, muster in the hydlaa plaza for further instructions from [bob?] " Guess they had all the people they needed.  Maybe I need to work on my Ingame friendships more, eh?

oh well, glad others had fun. 

Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Ironstark on July 27, 2008, 07:05:30 am
i think one of my favourite bits was when we badies teleported back to Kadels just after the event, Allola tried to rob us all of our ingots and we all ended up in the same spot.
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Morla Phlint on July 27, 2008, 07:08:19 am
About the baddies wearing robes that covered their faces, well, I was there when they robed up so I got to see all of their faces before they did so.  ;D

Did you check our descriptions to see if we are already cloaked before being actually morphed into rogues?  ;) I for one was cloaked from the beginning and so were at least the most of my guild mates if not all :P
Title: Re: [Event] Unlawful Connections
Post by: Allola on July 27, 2008, 12:15:30 pm
i think one of my favourite bits was when we badies teleported back to Kadels just after the event, Allola tried to rob us all of our ingots and we all ended up in the same spot.

Allola snickers"I acctually got one ten of the ingots from one of you" Manical laughter

Anyways, The event was fun, i enjoyed it. I liked having an event for the Baddies for once. All the events i've known to be where for Goodies, so it was nice to have one for us Baddies. Thanks.