
Gameplay => Guilds Forum => Topic started by: Garris Shrike on September 18, 2008, 04:06:40 pm

Title: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on September 18, 2008, 04:06:40 pm
Garris slowly walks up to the Ojavedan square plaza, remembering the times spent here.....shaking off his memories, he casually pins a frayed notice to a nearby cart. printed, in bold letters:

Are you a mercenary, assassin, or generally shady character? Are you renowned for your stealth, fearlessness, and speed? The Pack has need of you. the Reaver Pack is now accepting applications for new members. Those who wish to be a Reaver must have a good attitude, renowned skills or character, and must know how to traverse the world at least fairly decently. Inquire with Garris or Lokter, Enkis.


(Forums *Important for any Pack Member*:

The Reaver Pack is a family. It is loose knit and not officially a hardcore contracting guild, more of a we take what we get kind of deal, more of a gathering of players based on reputation as skilled characters. To be a Reaver I absolutely DEMAND that you have good character and roleplaying ability, and good loyalty.

The goal of the Pack is quite simple.

Reaver Pack Mission statement:

"To create a family of mercenaries, assassins, and warriors, and those with them. The Reaver Pack is a family, and as such, works like one. Those who become members of the Pack are allowed to bring in their wives, children, and acquired land into the Pack's holdings. The Pack will protect those within it as a brother would die for another brother. The Pack requries undying devotion. Reavers run together, not alone. Even if you are the wife or child of a Reaver Pack member, you are under the same protection as them. We are a family of friends."

So basically saying is, it's open to anyone with a good reputation, and you can bring those you know along with them. This is a very RP-ing guild, as I demand that those who become Reavers RP a Reaver character. Reaver clan work is based off of contracting:

Contracting with the Reavers:
The Reavers, to earn money, do odd jobs for those willing to pay. Now that we're pretty well established ingame, we should be able to pick up any work that needs done. If you need work done, contact a Reaver, you non-Reavers! We'll take part in any RP that you'd like, we're all actors.

Contracts can include anything within (or out of!) the law, provided it doesn't compromise your characters morals. The only rules we have on contracting currently are:
-the guild "Ways of Life" members cannot be harmed.
-Possible House of Purrty (?)

To join the Pack, post an application here or catch me online.

The Reaver Pack:

Founder: Garris Shrike

-Lokter Tarvitz

Specialized members and their roles:
-Vannaka, Duelist
-Lokter and Catarina, Smiths
-Lutrimer, Steward
-Garris, Lazy Bum

Members that we need:

In essence, those in every role of life.

Pack Members and their families:

Garris Shrike
Lokter Tarvitz
Vannaka (partial)

*Full Reaver and Reaver Pack Member Status:*
-Full Reaver: Those in the guild. They have full benefits, including applying for the war team for Guild vs. Guild wars, and are offered food and assistance whenever needed.
-Reaver Pack Member: Those who have applied to be a Reaver, but are in another Guild. You can be a Reaver and a Guild member with different guilds, so long as they do not interfere with your Reaver duties. The Reaver Pack members are offered food and assistance whenever needed and are accepted as part of the "family". They are not leeches on the Guild, as they must pay for what they take and give the family what it needs in time of duress. The system of supply and demand is in effect here.

***Note!: Even if you aren't a warrior and feel you can contribute something to the guild, we have need of players of every RP type! Apply!***

Pack History (For those interested):

[as told by Garris Shrike:]

As you walk into Ojeveda and into the bar, you notice a lean, wiry Menki sitting at a table, surrounded by some other Enkis, chatting and playing various games, and carelessly playing with knives....
You sit down, and inquire about the Reaver Pack guild, and its history. The wiry Enki is only too happy to oblige....

"The pack was started when H'okyba Da Ojaveda was disbanded. The H'okyba was a mercenaries guild, one of the strongest in Yliakum. Led by Blayze and his wife Nefert, the H'okyba had won many legendary battles, including one against the cretins who had invaded Ojaveda and their leader.

But the H'okyba is no more. Only I am left. Now, to get onto things...

The Reaver Pack is an ancient way of life, really. Born from the same principles of the H'okyba, and countless other guilds before it. The Pack is family. Those in the Pack are those to protect. Reavers are not solitary animals, except in odd cases.
(For just a little bit of Reaver history/story:
Reavers are fierce creatures, and so the Pack must be fiercely protective of those within it.
The Reavers are nomads, and will travel to where they are needed. We can be mercenaries for hire in times of war, or workers for hire in times of peace. But we stick together.

I have great dreams for the pack, traveler....dreams of having a nomadic village, of those within us becoming great legends, and the rest of us being the unseen players supporting the Legends, only to be elevated to that status one day ourselves. The Pack is family. Family supports, builds up, and shares loss, no matter the pain.... we are born of necessity, of the way of life known to all." [conceptually, the Reavers are a new clan. We have no old "history", but we are willing to make it.]

Garris slowly stares at you, with piercing green eyes....

"Will you become one with the Pack?"

-Delving into the Reaver Backstory!
The Reaver leaders have developed a rather interesting backstory for those interested. Ask them ingame about it (Through RP, of course) and you may learn some interesting things. Also, if you would like to sign up on the forums and chat there, feel free to do so! We'll give you guest status and you can poke around.

-The Reavers have no set religious background. You're free to worship whomever you please, provided it doesn't interfere with Pack matters. Which some may.

-The Reavers do engage in some RP that may be considered mature (PG-13+ we take to groupchat), so if you expect a tame clanchat...don't join. I'll personally ask you ahead of time if you have any problems with that, and if you do, this may not be the guild for you.

-The Reavers try to appear professional (with the exception of myself  ;D), therefore, outside of your clan members, try and uphold the Reaver name!

More Technicalities:

System: Reavers are a family, family gives to the other members in time of need. *This requires FULL devotion to the clan. Those who are not willing to help a brother out should not join. Of course, this also means that you will receive aid when you are in need too. But you must be able to give when necessary, unless you are low on supplies yourself*

Hard? Yeah. Very hard. But if we were able to pull this off, it would be an incredible step in the right direction for PlaneShift RP.

Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Wolf Pack
Post by: Vannaka on September 18, 2008, 06:21:43 pm
It is loose knit and not officially a guild, more of a gathering of players based on reputation as skilled characters.
[other junk i removed]
I'll found the guild when I have 5 dedicated commitments from players willing to build the clan hierarchy with me.

So is it a guild or not...? you said it's not officially a guild, but then you said you would found the guild when you have enough players...
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Wolf Pack
Post by: Colinb on September 18, 2008, 07:09:15 pm
Well to begin with you got an interesting concept that I never saw before.
But you may want to looks at these parts of your recruitment thread

-No history, you may want to add some to make your thread more interesting I personally look at the the history when looking for a org/guild first.
-The name, unless you got a really good reason your in for some nasty tells from trolls.
-Make the ranks on your own, if you do it with the other 4 your looking for it may cause more grief then it can help and they may leave if they don't get there way.
-The requirements are slightly confusing, your asking for renown skill? I don't quite understand what you mean by that.

Good luck with your guild.
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Wolf Pack
Post by: Donari Tyndale on September 19, 2008, 06:20:29 am
Colinb wanted to ask "What in laanx name are wolves?", but he forgot about that ;). Seriously. Get another name. Wolves do not exist, and why did the poor Devs bother to create unique races if you just go and use wolves? That is not very creative, and creativity is the key to success.

Since he now states that I fully agree with Colinb.
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Wolf Pack
Post by: ThomPhoenix on September 19, 2008, 06:23:31 am
There may be something like wolves, just like Kikiri resemble chicken. However, there's no knowing for sure until Settings deals with it. I recommend visiting the library and reading some books on the currently known biotope of Yliakum.
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Wolf Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on September 19, 2008, 10:04:25 am
good lord, it's been forever since I played this o.O
thanks, all! ThomPhoenix (or another moderator), would you mind changing the name of the thread to "The Reaver Pack"

And I'll edit the first post with some history for those of you interested. Didn't have the time too yesterday, pardons.


Currently, it is an organization, and those from any clan are willing to join. I will be creating a clan however, if 5 members are willing to dedicate their time to it. It is more of a family-type organization, but those who wish to become "Full Reavers" will be inducted into the Guild.


Thank you! but yes, the renowned skill is quite simple. You must be known either here on the forums or ingame as a good roleplayer or character developer. Basically you have to be good at what you do.
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Siteri Kidachi on September 19, 2008, 12:17:16 pm
You know, the Plakkem Hverrjanor guild used wolves as a theme and nobody complained about that...
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on September 19, 2008, 12:50:08 pm
I'm just not cool enough to use 'em as a theme :P

but mm, no worries. This should do. Still looking for 5 founders.

Currently, I found someone IG who will tailor us clothing, but won't join the clan...or will she? :whistling:
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on September 19, 2008, 02:07:38 pm

I was contacted by Vannaka whilst IG, he has agreed to help train duelers. Those who don't know, he is a very experienced dueler and will train those who are willing to join the Reavers.

Also, a lovely Northrir lady will be tailoring clothes for those who need it. :flowers:
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on September 25, 2008, 04:34:42 pm
I will join the Pack...
I have no great assets to give but i am loyal and will stick to the Reaver way of life.

I am a budding swordsman with a mild interest in blacksmithing.

I also have an affinity for the dark way, which has left me excluded by some becuase of my roots and my skills, they find it unsettling to be around me.
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Tontow on September 25, 2008, 05:09:05 pm
Is there a website?
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on September 26, 2008, 10:31:53 am
I'll work on creating a website today.

Thank you, Lokter. Your enthusiasm is perfect for a Reaver.

[catch me IG, i'll tell you whatever you need to know. Currently all you need to do is put that you wear the Reaver Pack emblem somewhere on you (I'll create that today as well, provided I get the time ::|) and if you want, begin asking others and spreading the word about the Pack. Funds are always appreciated from anyone to help make the guild a reality.]
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on September 28, 2008, 06:04:50 am
i can contirbute funds... how much do you need to get started?

also can you post the link to the website once you are done?
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on September 29, 2008, 10:06:43 am
currently due to my character being wiped, I'm in need of about 19 grand.
Sick, eh?
The website will be up soon...I'm trying to make it as nice looking as possible.
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Vannaka on September 29, 2008, 11:14:58 am
19k isn't a problem, talk to me when you have enough members to start a guild
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on September 29, 2008, 11:39:47 am
you got wiped?.. what for?

if i can find someone within the guild who is willing to supply iron and coal (or steel stocks) then i can make some basic weapons... fairly high quality...
i think to represent the fact that the guild is a close community then if you want to buy a weapon off me then i wont charge another guild member (as long as it didnt cost me too much to make, if this is the case then a discounted price will be implemented...)
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on September 29, 2008, 12:59:22 pm
That would be great.

Hear that, folks? You join the clan, provide Lokter with the materials, you get a free weapon..basically :thumbup:

and, I got wiped for inactivity. Basically, I hadn't been on since Crystal Blue.

On that note!
The new website is up. Keep in mind, it's a little sparse...we don't have much to work with right now. I'll be adding on periodically in the upcoming days as I think of stuff. Suggestions would be helpful as well.

and here's the new Reaver Pack emblem, kiddos:
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on September 30, 2008, 10:28:53 pm
the guild has roared to life! I was able to sneak online for just a short while and meet Vannaka to create the guild. Will update this post tommorrow as i am on my psp currently and typing is a drag.
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Mordraugion on October 01, 2008, 03:23:26 am
No one gets wiped for inactivity, the only characters that get forcibly deleted/Inventory wiped are retiring or ex GMs/Devs, Garris was neither

Apart from a few who (after and exploit was discovered) refused to give info, but I dont recall Garris as one of those.

thanks Caarrie :)
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: LigH on October 01, 2008, 06:32:29 am
Hey Lokter - wish you a lot of fun with your pals.
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Caarrie on October 01, 2008, 07:01:04 am

No one gets wiped for inactivity, the only characters that get forcibly deleted/Inventory wiped are retiring or ex GMs/Devs, Garris was neither

[dont forget after one of the major dup issues talad wiped chars that did not tell him why they had so much money, it happens to some] :offtopic:

Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on October 01, 2008, 10:10:36 am
Thanks Gag

remeber what we talked about!!
Title: Re: [Loose Guild/Organization] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on October 01, 2008, 02:54:15 pm
eh, for some reason I didn't have all of my stuff and stats. I don't really know why but I'm not complaining ab out it much. GM's and devs are doing great.

Anyways, news from the Guild quarters!

-Guild Creation: September 30, 2008.

Head Leader: Garris Shrike. The first five characters invited to the guild were thanks to Vannaka and Lhaa, two buddies of mine on at the time. If you would like an invite, all you have to do is simply post in this thread or private message me.

Founding Five:

Lokter Tarvitz
Vannaka (honorary)
Lhaa Meeru (honorary)
-open slot

I'm on currently to sort the whole thing out, I had to leave in a rush last night the minute after creation was done due to my elder brother defragging the computer. Thanks for everyone's patience in this, and many MANY thanks to Vannaka and Lokter for helping me sort this whole thing out.

The Reavers are open for business 8)

I've also taken the liberty of updating the website further. Also, the forums are nearing operational status.

once again, the site link is:
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Candy on October 02, 2008, 12:38:48 am
Wait, so you still need a fifth person, or is it created?

I do have an alt that might kinda fit the "shady character" thing, but she's something of a loner and might take some IC convincing to get involved. :P
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on October 02, 2008, 11:05:35 am
Wooo! good news everyone...

although they are not yet completed (eg. a couple of categories missing and no custom look) it is ready to use! keep checking the website becuase as soon as Garris has checked them then the link will sonn appear on the forums page!
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on October 02, 2008, 12:00:35 pm
Haha, if you need IG convincing Garris Shrike is the man for the job. I made the ultimate loner merc consider it :p

and yes, a 5th founder is nice...if you convince me you've got what it takes.

Anyways, I'll go ahead and post the link to the forums on the main site, and here!

and a reminder...CONTACT ME IG THROUGH TELLS IF YOU WANT AN INVITE! this is important! Not only can I RP your character into an invite, I'll have another valuable member to our family.

Forums: (many thanks, lokter! We're definitely going to a part of some BIG rp events and organize our own, for sure. That's another demand...a nice RP organizer other than myself would come in really, really handy.)

And the website, again updated but just to give out the link and spam for more visitors ;D:
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on November 06, 2008, 12:21:38 pm
Ok then.. Recruitment drive starts now. All those who think they have what i takes to be a reaver must contact me on Saturday between 7-8PM GMT to be part of the Recruitment boot camp , you will all be offered a place within the guild as long as you meet our standards (the standards are nothing to do with stats, just the ability to RP and activeness)

We will still be recruiting outside of these times but we wanted an Event to get the ball rolling.

The Rank system has been updated to show how the pack do things, but it also allows for Non-linear progression, eg. if you wanted to specialise in crafting then you can become a Specialist quickly without going through all the other ranks (this doesnt mean you can skip straight to it), whereas if you wanted to be a Reaver Hero then you would have to work through the ranks and prove yourself.

More information will be added in the next couple of days weeks concerning the new Rank system.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on November 14, 2008, 12:46:58 pm

Young Blood
The new members of the pack, untrained, untested and still finding their place in the world. They have yet to complete a contract.

Reaver Aspirant  
After porving their worth on a simple contract a Young Blood will be premoted to this rank. Upon attaining this rank the member gains respect and freedom, aswell as better payed contracts.

Reaver Initiate  
These members have reached fairly high levels of expertise and have proven themselves numerous times, they now await the day when they shall be called upon and elevated to the rank of Reaver

Fully fledged and skillful warriors, they have shown their loyalty and worth countless times. They are fully commited to our cause and so have been duly Rewarded.

This rank is reserved for those who have left the Path of the Warrior to learn a craft, these members are fully commited to their chosen craft and provide both a source of income and supplies in times of need. Wihthout the efforts of these members the pack would struggle to survive.

Reaver Steward  
The ambassadors of the pack, they organize contracts for all our members and deal with minor issues. They are respected by all and wear their rank with pride. There is never more than two Stewards at any one time. They work closely with the leaders of the pack to ensure our future. 
Reaver Hero
The legendary warriors of the pack. They form the elite core of the pack's might. Inspiring leaders and great Warriors who have mastered their preffered method of combat, be it Sword, Axe or Magic.

The Founding Five  
This rank is held by The Five. The members who were there at creation. At creation each of the Five was given a ring, each ring set with a different gem. Diamond, Obsidian, Ruby, Saphire and Emerald. Upon the death of one of the five his ring would be destroyed and the gem placed in the mouth of the dead founder before his body was cast into the burial well. Of the five rings only two remain, of The Five founders.... only two remain. The Obsidian ring is carried to this day by Lokter Tarvitz and the Diamond by Garris Shrike, between them they are the last reminder of the first days of the pack. Garris also holds the rank of Pack Overlord, although in power the two are equal.

Pack Overlord  
This rank is held by Garris Shrike, although he is the leader of the pack most of the decisions are made in meetings with the most trusted and respected members of the Pack.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on November 14, 2008, 01:42:33 pm
Thank you, Lokter.

As Lok stated, while I may be the pack Overlord, he has the same status as I do. He is in essence a leader, so he is capable of making decisions regarding alliances and rp events.

I'll be on for the recruitment drive, but you neednt be on then if you want to join the pack. It would just be a plus in our eyes if you participated. Another way to join would be to /tell me ingame, and we'll devise a rp for you to get in.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on November 18, 2008, 12:25:44 pm

New forum posts, regarding RP contracts, guild funding, a brand new RP full of mystery and intrigue, and for you readers out there, a tale of Verail, a founding Five-er!

Read up!:
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Shaman on November 18, 2008, 05:30:59 pm

New forum posts, regarding RP contracts, guild funding, a brand new RP full of mystery and intrigue, and for you readers out there, a tale of Verail, a founding Five-er!

Read up!:

Wow, your forum is like an open book. Outlaws never reveal what they're going to do -before- they do it. :P
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on November 18, 2008, 09:48:14 pm
Jeezis, I thought Lok had that blocked up to visitors. Thanks, I'll have him hide that ;D

Not too much you can do of course with that info, unless you go directly against all RP standards, and *gasp* use it, of course. But I'll still hide it, just in case.

Also, let's welcome some new players to the pack! Congrats, your RP was good enough for me. :flowers:
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on November 19, 2008, 12:11:26 pm
All the stuff is hidden except the Anouncements and the Rules...
Sorry about that.. we had some problems with the user groups and i had to unblock some stuff
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on November 19, 2008, 03:34:56 pm
Thank you, Lokter.

I'd also like to have you all note, that, while the Reaver Pack is somewhat established and we do have GREAT RP going on with the members (Thanks for meshing so quick, guys. It's great to be able to play like this off of all of our different approaches), we are still building. This means that anyone who wishes to help ground how we do things is welcome to PM me or catch me ingame. Those already in the guild, we have a fight ahead of us to stay established, but so far, you all are going above and beyond what I expected.  \\o//
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on November 26, 2008, 09:38:01 pm

Due to a bad computer crash, I may not be on for a couple of days :'(.

Continue without me. This is really making me angry >:(
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on December 06, 2008, 06:26:21 am
After a large recruitment drive i am pleased to say we have almost 20 members, with at least 4 online around 6-8pm GMT, with numbers only increasing as the day goes on.

Thanks to Lutrimer , Vannaka and Catarina for making this possible.

Also Congratulations to Catarina and Garris!  \\o//
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on December 06, 2008, 08:46:17 pm
After a large recruitment drive i am pleased to say we have almost 20 members, with at least 4 online around 6-8pm GMT, with numbers only increasing as the day goes on.

Thanks to Lutrimer , Vannaka and Catarina for making this possible.

Also Congratulations to Catarina and Garris!  \\o//

 :-[ I'm honored  :innocent:

To continue with Lokter's quicky update...

Guild RP is VERY alive and kicking. Nothing is done with this guild unless it's RP, by definition. Due to this reputation, we attract good roleplayers. In turn, our roleplay gets better. It's an unending chain. I'm really happy with where I see this going. The only thing I want more out of our members is..panache. But we definitely have some characters :P
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Shaman on December 06, 2008, 09:08:37 pm
Throwing in my 2 cents, I have seen some amazing roleplayers from this guild :sorcerer:

Keep up the good work. :)
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on December 06, 2008, 09:14:10 pm
Thanks, Shaman!
It's gone alot better than I expected. It really helps to have more than one dedicated leader. I'll update the first page a bit with some more information.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on December 07, 2008, 09:37:29 am
Hehe.. we are getting ourselves noticed at least....

but unfortunately we still need people to come to us with *cough* "Jobs" *cough* they need doing, Otherwise we are going to struggle somewhat with funds :(
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Entevir on December 09, 2008, 08:45:20 am
Hence why I'm using my privilege to put out a call. Everyone who feels like a pointless errand they don't want to do. From deliveries to difficult information gathering to assassinations. Just give us anything you feel like. If its not something big that you came up with off tyhe bat we probably will consider it and do it.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on December 12, 2008, 02:28:29 pm

Well then, not long ago we were a small guild with 6 members. We were making a little scene but had no real plans, no goal and not really much of a background. Well! I am glad to say that this has changed! We now have 18 members with 6 or 7 online from 7PM-01AM GMT. We are getting noticed on the RP scene, aswell as some big plans in the pipelines we now have a fully established background and traditions for the Reaver pack. Look out in the Story Writing thread for some intruiging stories of past members and events.

Thanks to all involved with the pack

~Lokter Tarvitz~
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on December 19, 2008, 11:43:35 am

Well then, Massive fundraising and a renewed recruitment drive coming up. Thankyou VERY much to those Reavers who donated large amounts of Tria towards our guildhouse fund, unfortuantely a guildhouse will NOT be possible becuase of the reserve prices placed on the houses. I shall be calling a Covenant soon to discuss the situation with funds and recruitment. Aswell as some other issues, keep watching this topic for more updates and news!

~Lokter Tarvitz~
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on December 23, 2008, 12:21:22 pm

Welcome the newest Founding Five-er to the guild! Those who know know, those who don't, find out IG or leech the info OOCLy :D.
Said person's done alot for the guild since the original idea, so it's great to have them aboard.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Shaman on December 23, 2008, 02:05:07 pm
Meh, edited. No more tavern fights, please.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on December 23, 2008, 02:26:44 pm
I'm really disappointed with how everything turned out.

I'd like to give a severe reprimandation to those involved, including myself. I was given OOC information ICly, and acted upon it like any normal roleplayer.

Remember this simple rule:

"Don't apply OOC information ICly".

Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on December 23, 2008, 03:06:09 pm
On the same note, I'd also like to issue an apology for how angry I was following it.
My guild acted badly. We all impulsed a bit, and ruined what could have been a good RP. I originally wanted the RP to be thought-out, but as information surfaced and was fed to me, it looked like it was going to end quickly. For those uninformed, here's what happened. I won't put out any names except my own.

It started with someone feeding me information ICly that they had a clue to who the killer of my child was. I was not told this was OOC information that said character did not actually know. I acted upon the information, and tried to use it as it was given to me, to search suspects, in the tavern, quietly and without too much of a fuss. This was all well and good, until a member of my guild started some violence in the tavern. I told them to take it outside, and they obliged, but even what happened was probably far too violent for the likes of a tavern RP. I am not a big fan of violence in the tavern. In fact to this point I have always told those who came in violently to "mind the guards" and whatnot, and to put their weapons up. Anyways, continuing to use this "false" information carried on until the true suspect arrived at the Tavern. He was put through the same process, and of course, through the OOC information, was found out. This caused havoc.

Several weapons were drawn, and the guards were called. This is where it got ugly. Of course, since the guards did not respond, several of us continued with the RP. I tried to hustle the suspect away, because the guards were called, but other events happened due to the actions of others that escalated the violence, leading to some very, VERY angry people who eventually resorted to shouting OOCly about the whole thing. I was one of them.

As an "oldbie" I feel really ashamed for the actions of many members of my guild, and for many of my actions as well. So eh....take this "humble Garris" moment, and feel free to rub it in. Those who feel insulted, go ahead and post, please. Take it up with me, so we can get this whole thing sorted out. I don't want any hard feelings because of this.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Shaman on December 23, 2008, 03:34:52 pm
Just as a quick note, my character really has no evidence on him that can be spotted by the blind eye. The only thing that stands out is a bruise, which is among many other bruises, so that's very unreliable. If this RP is going to be continued, please look for real evidence, and don't jump the gun and rush out saying it's the right person.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on December 23, 2008, 03:53:25 pm
heh, really was quite the mixup eh.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on December 23, 2008, 06:37:32 pm

I'd like to make one more post on the issue before we move on :p

We've all agreed to roll with the RP that happened. Which is what we should have done in the first place, but hey, alot of mixed up things happened.

If you don't want to be an Outlaw and have the opportunity to roleplay as an outlaw or enemy of the government, please PM me or get ahold of me ingame. Your name will be removed from the Reavers, as we are pretty well all in trouble with the Octarchy now. Of course, now that we're all cooled down from the event, alot of us have began looking on it as an opportunity to have better RP through it. So before hasty decisions are made, please cool it and look at it from all sides.

Yours truly,

~The Butcherbird.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Vannaka on December 24, 2008, 10:56:22 pm
Just as a quick note, my character really has no evidence on him that can be spotted by the blind eye.

no! surely you jest?
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on January 05, 2009, 07:22:12 am

Well then, it's been a while since my last update. Hopefully the Pack will finally get our Weapons Shop open. If we can sort this out then we will be supplying the Rogue community with High quality weapons for good prices.Congratlations to Leumasocyw, our new  Steward to replace Lutrimer (we still want him back). We also have a few new members.  Also check our forums for more regular updates and details.

~Lokter Tarvitz~
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on January 05, 2009, 10:54:20 am
Also, a quick note to all you haters.
I have gotten some BS regarding Vannaka, saying he is a PoCer, etc....and therefore cannot roleplay. While Van has a unique style of going about things, I suggest you RP with him first. He is quite capable of it.

Also, If any newbies or people who want to LEARN some basic RP stuff and think they might fit into the Reaver Pack wanna join, I'm willing to shoulder noob-teaching for a while. Give me some contact!
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Orgonwukh on January 06, 2009, 06:57:57 am
Also, a quick note to all you haters.
I have gotten some BS regarding Vannaka, saying he is a PoCer, etc....and therefore cannot roleplay. While Van has a unique style of going about things, I suggest you RP with him first. He is quite capable of it.

Also, If any newbies or people who want to LEARN some basic RP stuff and think they might fit into the Reaver Pack wanna join, I'm willing to shoulder noob-teaching for a while. Give me some contact!
That is what I call "encouraging roleplay".   :thumbup:
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Lokter Tarvitz on January 06, 2009, 04:51:21 pm
We would run some sort of RP bootcamp.. but that would mean us giving IC instructions on how to act IC.. which will become confusing, and we cant make it OOC as then it would just become mayhem.  I suppose we could call it "Re-education" where we work IC to teach them about Yliakum, and then with OOC info given in group chat to help them improve their RP...

An ideas or volunteers to help out?
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on January 06, 2009, 05:01:04 pm
Technically what it means to me is, if anyone comes to me through tells or on here asking to be taught anything or shown some RP, I will take some time out of my day and do so, having one of my character interact with them and such.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Leumas on January 15, 2009, 01:13:41 pm
Well i just had to stop by and say high, ive been a member for a while but havent had the chance to post much, hopefully this will be the first of many. Also, kudos to Garris, Loktor, Azilim, Vannaka and the other members who have made this guild such a great one to be in. Congrats Loktor for yourr new position.
Title: Re: [Guild] - Reaver Pack
Post by: Garris Shrike on January 15, 2009, 08:06:14 pm
The boy's earned it. I'm just not on enough. \\o//