
Gameplay => Wish list => Topic started by: Talad on January 06, 2002, 01:59:09 pm

Title: Marriage System?
Post by: Talad on January 06, 2002, 01:59:09 pm

                            posted 03-12-2001 06:59 GMT        

                         It\'ll b great if some sort of marriage system is implemented in this game, like when 2 friends meet and decide to marry
                         in-game,(just for fun)then they could invite ppl to the wedding, exchange rings and promises, etc... and if they have another friend
                         who\'s just started playing, he/she could start out as their child and live with them. I remember a game in which 2 gamemasters
                         married, it was THE grandest event in the game, lots of ppl attended the wedding and took screenies.(Not to mention the floor
                         was decorated with money) Think of the possibilties!
                            posted 03-12-2001 07:39 GMT            

                         in other games i have played, they had such a system. well it realy wasnt a system more than just that you had to petition a GM
                         to get married and to set a date where he/she could do the service and the area used. this would allow the GMs to set up the
                         KOS rules so all people could attend.

                         (KOS for those that might not know is kill on sight. most guards and NPCs didnt like those of different races and didnt like them
                         in thier area so they would kill them the GMs would wave this rule for weddings and other events.)

                         the weddings were mainly just the bride, groom, the GM, and all their friends. the casters would put on light shows with their
                         spell effects and the fighters just handed out the boos :). they wer fun to attend and realy added to the RP experience. pluss after
                         the service the GM would grant the couple a matching surname.
                            posted 03-12-2001 08:03 GMT            

                         Marriage system would be nice. Some one to keep you company. A very good example comes from a poor designed game
                         called \'RuneScape\' you might have heard about it. Well they didnt have a marriage system, but the people of RuneScape
                         pretended. Well the first couple got along fine until more and more of these marriages came along. Well it wasnt to far until this
                         thing got out of hand. Instead of pretending they would take it a step farther, They Could have Cyber Sex (NASTY STUFF :( )
                         they would marry the person and just steal his stuff. And they would that advantage of the person.

                         But the point is not to let this or anything bad from RuneScape happen to this game. A system would be great. I say \"Lets give it
                         a try.\"

                         And another thing, Will each race have 2 diffrent sexes? Like Male, Female, Or will we have to choose a race that looks like a

                         Leader of the Zeal Clan
                            posted 03-12-2001 08:21 GMT            

                         Each race will definitely have different sexes, even the elves :)
                            posted 04-12-2001 04:32 GMT            

                         Let\'s not let crappy players from Runescape ruin this game for us.
                         Maybe we could have a movement like kneeling down on one knee, so a guy can actually propose to a gal.
                            posted 04-12-2001 20:07 GMT            

                         talking about kneeling.... a game i used to play took many resorces and put them into animated emotes. say for example you
                         wanted to bow, you would type \"/bow\" and your character would drop to one knee and bow. text would then say, \"Kendaro bows
                         in humility and respect.\" and if you happened to have to have someone targeted it would mention so. as in \"Kendaro bows before
                         Kada-El in humility and respect.\" there were many many more animated emotes like dance, hug, eye, whistle, laugh, clap,
                         agree, and so on. gave a nice new interaction from player to player.
                            posted 04-12-2001 23:56 GMT            

                         i hope they put some of that in this game.
                         Would really give something xtra to the game.

                         Btw , with all the ideas i have seen ,
                         i think the game will never be finished.

                         Member of the Zeal Clan
    Mark von Wagner
                            posted 05-12-2001 11:04 GMT            

                         That\'s the nature of open-source projects: they are never finished: they merely become complete enough for use by
                            posted 05-12-2001 13:36 GMT            

                         yea, im a big open source enthuasist(sp?), but i think that a marriage system would be pretty awesome, and i think those
                         interactions like kendaro was talking about are a good idea to put in.

                         Leader of The Zeal Clan
                            posted 05-12-2001 17:29 GMT            

                         A marriage system would be a great idea. a way to do it would be maybe easy... first just as an in game type thing make a
                         chapple type building in the main city (there can be more than one) with a priest NPC. to personalize the chapple you would have
                         to write all guest names on a list and anyone not on the list would not be aloud in , or you could make it an open weding. then
                         both you and your partner could do somthing like stand on a certain space or both give a command. then the priest could go
                         through all his babbl...i do..i do ... done. (maybe even an option to give your own vows.)
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 05-12-2001 22:23 GMT            

                         Temple of Laanx anyone?
                            posted 05-12-2001 23:50 GMT            

                         Marriage, Runescape, saw the first 2 couples married, when Everdred was able to create Diamond Rings, on that day, I got
                         married to Villagesmith, and went down in rs history as being the first 2 people married in the game, then followed by Lightning
                         and Stud.

                         Marriage would have been better in rs if you could recognize you was married like PS will.
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 06-12-2001 00:35 GMT            

                            posted 07-12-2001 03:30 GMT            

                         in rs there was a little problem with sick minded perverts like guys would come up to u and say \"wanna get married baby we can
                         have cXyber-sex and all\" it was sick also there were a problem with whores people with girl charectors would come up to u and
                         say \"want to do it, only 25gp ur so sexy\" and stuff like that it was gross, also most of the people that charged money were
                         probably girls in rl
                            posted 07-12-2001 03:31 GMT            

                         not girls in rl
                            posted 07-12-2001 20:08 GMT            

                         Good to see another eq player kendaro. After playing eq, the question of surnames came up with me for this game. Are we going
                         to have last names? That is what really made it work in everquest (eq) is that you both had your last name changed to the same
                         thing. Only problem with marriage system is every online girl I talk to turns out to be a man! and half the time it\'s the same man
                         playing different chars! boy was I sick when I found that out, all 3 times
                            posted 05-01-2001 02:20 GMT            

                         lol that\'s sick, i\'m a girl in rl :D
                            posted 05-01-2001 02:57 GMT            

                         lol! do u think we can persuade people to play chars of their own sex? Coz there\'s no bonuses or limitations for either gender...
Post by: Severed Hope on December 21, 2002, 04:55:17 am
Ok, sorry to bring up a dead topic, but i wanted to throw in my two cents.  ++ I am reading up a lot so I can keep current with the state of the game.

I think it might be a good idea to tie everyones gender selection to their real gender.

If you SAID you are female when you signed up, ALL your characters are female, no matter what.

And vice versa.

I mean, this is as much a social meeting as it is a game, and I think honesty in-game about our genders should be as forced as it is in real life.

Sad as it is, some people look for girl/boyfriends through the internet (no offence to anyone here who may do it. It\'s just a pet peeve of mine) so we should make it at least a little easier for them.

At least in the game, everyone is ripped / built / vavavoom.  :rolleyes:
Post by: kinshadow on December 21, 2002, 12:03:42 pm
Originally posted by Severed Hope
I think it might be a good idea to tie everyones gender selection to their real gender.

That would be great if this was a CyberSex Sims Online game, but this is a RPG.  You should be able to play whatever \'role\' you want.  Hell, I occasionally make a female character in the mMORPGs I\'ve played and I enjoy playing the \'role\'.  Then again, I guess I\'m not as sick/desperate as some people and I don\'t take it as far as they do.  I guess a rule of thumb would be \"don\'t get emotionally involved with fake 3D fantasy characters\".  Its a RPG and its fine to have role-played marriages and the like, but its not a substitute for real life and you should not tie \'love\' to it.  Except, of course, if the person is Kada-el (damn that\'s some good Photoshop). :D

Post by: Severed Hope on December 21, 2002, 02:16:04 pm
yeah, any role.  But none of this SWITCHING roles to play stupid mind games with people.  Certain unnamed cretins seem to make a hobby out of telling stories and supporting their stories with other characters played by them: only they never tell you its a story (AKA they are lying through their teeth) and they end up trying to get you involved in endless reams of stupidity.

I am male all the time in real life, and yet somehow real life never turns into

a CyberSex Sims Online game

so I doubt applying this to a game would make the game that, either.  

So if I lied on this forum, for instance, and said I was female -- that would be Ok with everyone? Even if I convinced someone through PM\'s to meet me somewhere, etc?  Its the same principle in game, but now, I suppose, after having drank some coffee (I wrote my first reply at like, 1:00 in the morning or something like that) it would be better to maybe tie the ACCOUNT to your gender, instead of the character, since some people (ahem no names here [grin]) want to play a role where they get to look at their characters opposite gender posterier all the time.  :rolleyes:

Anyway... I just want to have some sort of mechanism to keep people from lying *too much*

I still think they should tie your character gender to your real gender, but I doubt the idea will be very popular.  Say, when and if they register the game... thats when the gender choice is made.
Post by: Fantasyfiend on December 23, 2002, 12:41:51 am
This topic really shouldn\'t be so deep it involves the players personal life. I mean, it\'s just a game. There are no real vows or there might not even be real love (actually it sounds kind of sad in that context). To take on a different role in a game is fine. Its a \"Role Playing Game\". You want to be a cross dressing barbarian? Fine. It\'s your role. But if you want a relationship in real life, you have to make your gender and sexual preferance clear. Now there are sickos who would claim to be young teenage girls just to wierd you out in a public place, just bear that in mind when relationships start getting outta the game.
Post by: Fantasyfiend on December 31, 2002, 08:10:03 am
I\'m honestly sorry if I came off as sounding rude. I really didn\'t mean to, but it seems reeally unlikely that an ingame marriage would be anything more than a game, and if you should happen to find love online. Just be careful. That stunning she elf could be some ugly, hairy guy named Bob.
Post by: Aruneko on December 31, 2002, 01:42:45 pm
Originally posted by Fantasyfiend That stunning she elf could be some ugly, hairy guy named Bob.

Nice way to put it, Fantasyfeind. :D
Post by: Vengeance on January 01, 2003, 12:22:40 pm
I agree that most people don\'t get too emotional about it, but on the other hand, why do it if there is no stat advantage to it, other than to cement some sort of friendship or romance?

The people I knew who got married in EQ ranged from the fairly casual to the scarily serious about it.

- Venge
Post by: Fantasyfiend on January 14, 2003, 09:57:47 pm
Here lies the interesting problem. Is it done out of friendship? Love? Or is it just for stats and money? I don\'t think (sadly) that players should use this as a dating tool, yet marrying just for stats seems like such a cold lifeless marriage (like the Clintons). I mean, either way. It seems like things just spiral into hell. I think that the ONLY perk to being married, should be something small like your spouse being able to talk to you from beyond the grave instantly. Otherwise, things seem like they would get ugly pretty fast.
Post by: Golbez on January 14, 2003, 11:38:25 pm
In my opinion this has been one of the most pointless arguments I have ever read in this thread (I don\'t mean to insult anybody here).

I have no real opinion about marriages in a game. If it\'s included, I\'m not sure if I\'ll ever get my character married. But I think it will appeal to a great amount of players. In any case, it would be fun to assist to a friend\'s wedding.

Now...The point is you are not actually marrying another person. It\'s your character marrying another one. If were are all RolePlaying, what\'s wrong with having our male character marry a female character, even if that player is a guy? That doesn\'t say anything about your personal preferences :P

Besides, that system in which the gender of your character is strictly tied to your own through the registration will never work, as far as I know. Remember this game will be free. What prevents a player from creating another account, registering as a person from the opposite sex, and thus play characters with that gender?
Post by: paxx on January 15, 2003, 07:39:43 am
Heres a question, should we allow polygamy in the game???

On a serious note, people who marry in RPGs are fine, who really cares an RPG is about having fun.

Stat bonuses, only if there is difficulty in the marriage, some trade off.

Do they share bank accounts, does one have to give up their guild, something or another?.

Second point, if there is a reason that we want to encourage marriage, we will give stat bonuses?.but I will do my best to split them apart in some way (succubus and incubuses here I come)

Third point, when ever I am learning a game I play a female character (I?m male) I just prefer looking at a female backside then a males for 4 hours a day, once I learn the ropes and start ignoring the characters movements (it happens) I usually switch to a male character and become more in character?.and I use my female character to flirt with the guys playing the game :-)
Twisted for sure, but if done right?great fun, most fun to be had in these games is playing with peoples perceptions, problem is if you are too good you might end up talking about cats for 10 hours with a real female and think it was the best thing to do with your time, if that happens it is time to shelve that character for a month.
Post by: Culsoron on January 15, 2003, 08:01:53 am
You are a online transexual, great :)

I agree, so what it goes a little wild, its for fun right. A would like to marry someone in game, but marriage must not be to convedient eather, or everyone would marry eachother. Male - Male or Female - Female marriages should not be allowed, but if a male plays as a female, marry all you want.
Post by: FMiddy on January 16, 2003, 12:13:26 am
ya, its not california ya know, its planeshift,  :D

anyway, I think it should be in, getting stats and money for it? maybe not... should it have advantages, yes, instant advantages, no, make the people work together like a real couple to ears special things, you know, have like... a \"love\" stat, and when you do something nice for your spouse, like give them something or whatnot, it goes up, once the combined number of the love stat reaches a certain point, you get something special, but as in real life, so it cant be abused, make getting things get old, like you give something to your spouse, you get 3 love stat points, if you gave another item to them 5 minutes later, its only 2 points but after a couple hours or a day, the special feeling of recieving a gift from the one you love, returns...  :))
Post by: Fantasyfiend on January 21, 2003, 10:26:55 pm
Actually, thats one of the best ideas about marriage I\'ve heard yet. (No offense to anyone else.). Why would it be funny to flirt with other guys as a girl? I\'ve never played a sexually stimulating female in a game. However I did play an ugly old witch from Banjo-Kazooie, which was pretty fun, even though she weighed 400 lbs. and ate her boogers. Just my opinion. I don\'t think characters should get stat or gold bonuses. That would make being a bachelor less fun than what the married folks would have. I mean, some players might want to be playboys, who hang out at the bar and have one-nighters. This could implement VD into the game!
Post by: Princess Aelya on January 21, 2003, 11:15:51 pm
oh yea sure... STD\'s are a must have in PS... :rolleyes:

On a more serious note, I made a thread about this a long while back. How would one go about getting married? Would there just be some kind of minister or priest (most likely a mod) who does the ceremony at a church? Which brings up another issue...How could a diaboli get married when they hate and are uncomfortable around anything holy? (such as a church)
Post by: Link on January 22, 2003, 04:25:35 am
You should have to submit your ID and all your medicals and stuff too so that your character will match you perfect, so If your 6 feet tall, 90lbs, have braces, acne, and glasses, you will have it all In game.
Post by: Silverblade on January 22, 2003, 07:02:11 am
awww, but then I\'d never be able to get married.

Nah, actually I look quite a bit like the guy in my sig... Well the hair anyway...
Post by: Keldorn on January 22, 2003, 07:06:28 am
you mean you\'re also made out of polygons?
Post by: Silverblade on January 22, 2003, 08:55:30 pm
Yes, and believe it or not, I walk around in steel armour.
Post by: Kiern on January 22, 2003, 09:10:30 pm
Must get hot, although it would be nice to walk up to someone and hit them in the head...i dont think they\'d try to fight back, more just stare at you
Post by: Silverblade on January 22, 2003, 09:15:17 pm
Yes it does get hot. I sometimes go to the swimming pool to cool down. That doesnt really work though. Ever tried swimming in a full suit of armour? It\'s not an easy task...
Post by: Fantasyfiend on January 24, 2003, 10:42:53 pm
I\'ll bet. Still, it would be great exercise struggling for your life. Y\'know, I seriously thought about starting to wear chainmail to public places. Seriously, I found a site where I can buy platemail & stuff (expensive), & I would wear it to school. People would hear clink-clink-clink, & they would be like

Girl: Look! There goes , isn\'t he so dreamy in his studdly armour?

Then in reality it would go something like

Girl: (sigh) That loser again? What?! You would think he read Lord of the Rings or something.

I\'m sorry, what was thee topic about again? Oh yeah, marriage. I suppose a player could become a priest, and do thee marriages for players, that might be cool.
Post by: Waylander on October 08, 2003, 11:50:03 pm
Oh yeah revive the old thread, anyway maybe if we made it part of the gaming experience.  For example if you fight within 100 meters of you beweded you get a combat or watever bonus while if she/he dies near u your attack does less and all that.  Justa thought, justa thought
Post by: Altharion on October 09, 2003, 12:42:09 am
well will or do girls play ps devotedly??
Post by: elscouta on October 09, 2003, 08:14:59 am
There is already a few girls in PS: Kada-El, Mogura...

But i think there are a lot more boys than girls.
Post by: Waylander on October 10, 2003, 03:08:45 pm
there might be but so wat all that means is that the boys will fight for a girl, could end being really funny
Title: Well
Post by: Natrina on October 10, 2003, 05:21:50 pm
I\'m a girl and I think that allowing marrige would be wounderfull! Even if you couldn\'t have cilldren, it could always be fun :P
I once had a marrige in Warcraft III and caught my man cheating one me, he said \"They\'re my siters\" they were npc\'s so I killed them all. lololol
Post by: Altharion on October 10, 2003, 05:50:43 pm
sure  :rolleyes:

but the thing about boys figthing over a girl but marriage thats commitment and commitment is not cool.
Post by: Waylander on October 11, 2003, 02:10:16 am
Personaly id marry a monkey or a tiger or beer,  but those wives scream at you too much
Post by: Vengeance on October 11, 2003, 01:15:02 pm
I believe we will definitely support marriages after CB.  It is too good a RP thing not to have.  Talad has even said something about children too--so who knows....

- Venge
Title: Thats cool!
Post by: Sarios on October 11, 2003, 02:39:34 pm
Just wondering though, if we were to declare some one as our child would they be given a change in last name also? If we are going with the last name idea!
Post by: Fanomatic2000 on October 11, 2003, 05:47:58 pm
Personaly id marry a monkey or a tiger or beer, but those wives scream at you too much

Yeah, and they have a bad habit of eating their husbands/wifes too.
Post by: Waylander on October 11, 2003, 07:23:28 pm
I rather be eaten than screamed at,  being eaten can only take wat an hour or so, while screaming hehe. ud be lucky to get away with 24 hours