
Development => PlaneShift Mods => Topic started by: ThomPhoenix on December 10, 2008, 05:58:19 pm

Title: A Light-Weight Inventory
Post by: ThomPhoenix on December 10, 2008, 05:58:19 pm
A Light Weight Inventory


The purpose of this mod is to provide a more light-weight and smooth user experience. In this mod, you will use the "Small Inventory" or "Bag" window to access your items. You can use "v" to access this window quickly, although you can edit this key in your options menu in-game. Notice: If you upgraded from an older client, you may need to set the key for "Bag" manually in options. You can also use "/show bag". For the best experience I recommend using this mod together with Caarrie's "Small Inventory" mod which can be found in This Thread. (

I only made Art for the Default skin for now, but more is to follow. The background will still look reasonable in, say, the Elves skin though.


For all the download links in this topic, Right-Click on the links and choose "Save File As".

Required Window Background: Download 1 ( & Download 2. (
You need to add the background of this window to your PlaneShift client. Do this by navigating to main PlaneShift installation folder, then to Art and then Skins. Open up the zip file of the skin you're using, for example for the default skin. Then drag & drop the "imagelist.xml" file into that zip file. We're not done yet. Now open up the "backdrop" folder which is within this zip file, and drag & drop the equipment.png file into there. Verify the file is actually there, and you're done with the Art Part!

Required change to your Inventory Window: Download (
In your main PlaneShift installation folder, go to the Data folder and then to the Gui folder. Copy over the new inventory.xml file into this folder. When asked if you want to overwrite the existing inventory.xml file, choose Yes.

I want to remove this mod!

A shame, but well! You can easily use the --repair function of the updater to restore your files.
Title: Re: A Light-Weight Inventory
Post by: Caarrie on December 10, 2008, 06:13:38 pm
at this time it looks like this mod only supports the default skin not elves or stone
if you want to try this with the other skins you can edit the xml in the following way:
find the line in the modified inventory.xml file
Code: [Select]
<bgimage resource="Equipment" alpha="128" />
replace it with
Code: [Select]
<bgimage resource="GM Background" alpha="128" />
this does not require any further modificatations of the skin zips other then what comes with the client.
Title: Re: A Light-Weight Inventory
Post by: ThomPhoenix on December 10, 2008, 06:16:54 pm
You can use the installation guide I provided to install this mod for every skin you use. It's true that window background I provided may fit in less with, for example, the Stone skin. I am working on specific versions for those skins though. In the mean time you may use the background for the default skin, or other backgrounds such as the one Caarrie mentions.
Title: Re: A Light-Weight Inventory
Post by: svuun on December 10, 2008, 11:26:52 pm
  really nice going thom, the layout makes much more sense and is definitely easier to use.  one question (i should just download it and experiment) but when you open the inventory (either by pressing "I" or the shortcut) do both windows pop up?

  actually i couldn't open the small inventory as I couldn't access a sack, and there was no inventory button... i'll experiment with it i guess or post if you have info. thanks.
  give up. couldn't open the small inventory and thus couldn't access anything. unless i was near a furnace and opened the container, then opened the small inventory.  I tried adding a small inventory button, but it didn't work.

( (

ok i saw the "Bag" key binding in options and will use that.  sorry about that. :whistling:
Title: Re: A Light-Weight Inventory
Post by: weltall on December 11, 2008, 01:39:39 am
if you didn't reset your setting most probably you need to set the button from keys (it's bag the entry for it) or use /show bag.

Caarrie is that a typo or it's really "GM Bacakground" ?
Title: Re: A Light-Weight Inventory
Post by: svuun on December 12, 2008, 10:20:45 pm
thom were you able to
Code: [Select]
/dequip righthand or left hand or sabre with this mod. i reverted to original and I was able to /dequip fine, but with this inventory, i do not get a result, but I can of course use the mouse to dequip items.
Title: Re: A Light-Weight Inventory
Post by: ThomPhoenix on December 16, 2008, 01:34:15 pm
Yeah, with this mod only equipping using the GUI is possible. It's because of some bad design decisions (in my opinion) that were made with the inventory code. Until that is fixed modded inventories like these will have some limitations that the default one doesn't have.
Title: Re: A Light-Weight Inventory
Post by: Arerano on December 16, 2008, 04:20:27 pm
Maybe you can add the other slots but "out of sight" - outiste the visible area? (assuming that's the reason why equiping with commands doesn't work)
Title: Re: A Light-Weight Inventory
Post by: Izzabella on December 16, 2008, 07:17:26 pm
you all are making this WAY too complicated...if you want a lighter-weight inventory just hand over some stuff, no questions asked and it will be taken off your hands free of charge! ;D
Title: Re: A Light-Weight Inventory
Post by: svuun on December 17, 2008, 02:50:14 am
Maybe you can add the other slots but "out of sight" - outiste the visible area? (assuming that's the reason why equiping with commands doesn't work)

yeah that worked and i was able to /dequip /equip with no problem. (
Title: Re: A Light-Weight Inventory
Post by: ThomPhoenix on December 17, 2008, 03:46:45 am
Hmm, clever :D