
Gameplay => General Discussion => Topic started by: Talad on January 06, 2002, 02:00:12 pm

Title: Fan Fiction
Post by: Talad on January 06, 2002, 02:00:12 pm

                            posted 03-12-2001 23:10 GMT        

                         Well I know I like to write stories. I don\'t know how many of you do though. So what I have thought of was to start this thread and
                         post a piece I have just finished. In this thread please feel free to post your own works. It would be nice if they had at least some
                         type of PlaneShift background to them so to not seem too off topic for these boards. Well enjoy, and I hope to see and read
                         some of your works as well. Who knows, if the team happens to like anything we have written there might be an opportunity for
                         background or setting positions. Not saying there will be but who knows.


                         It was mid day. The crystal was shining brightly off the the water of a small river. A band of adventurers has arrived at this river
                         and stoped for a minute to inspect a strange sight. For there in the midst of the river, where the water rolled over a small ledge,
                         sat an Enkidukai. This seemed strange to the adventurers cause with the Enkidukai being partly cat like, they are not knows to
                         like the water. Matter of fact, they normally avoid water at any cost. Now here sat an Enkidukai inside a small waterfall with the
                         water pouring all around him.

                         The adventurers moved in closer to inspect this irregularity further. The Enkidukai was not moving at all. He just sat there, legs
                         crosses, arms draped to his sides, and his eyes closed tightly. He almost seemed like he was asleep. This intrigued the
                         adventurers more and more and they moved ever closer.

                         \"Come no closer.\", said the Enkidukai without opening his eyes. \"You are many. What is it you wish of here?\"

                         \"What are you are doing in the waterfall?\", the adventurers asked.

                         The Enkidukai responded still with his eyes closed tightly, \"Searching for peace of mind.\"

                         The adventurers then asked, \"Who, if we may ask, are you?\"

                         The Enkidukai rose to his feet then sprung from where he was sitting. With a large leaping flip, the Enkidukai now stood face to
                         face with the adventures. With his eyes now wide open he raises his left fist and thumps it to his chest. He then bows before
                         them and says, \"The Kendaro here, at your service.\"

                         The Enkidukai, named Kendaro, was tall and his fur was brownish in color. He was slender but one could feel the strength he
                         possessed. His eyes were brown and he glowered over each of the adventurers as though to size them up. His piercing eyes
                         made the adventurers feel slightly uneasy. Kendaro, feeling this uneasiness, then snickered softly and with a crooked sneer
                         spoke again, \"The Kendaro will show you to a place where you can rest, get food, and get drink. You look like very tired
                         adventurers to the Kendaro. The Kendaro shall help you gain your strength back.\"

                         With that he turned sideways to bid the adventurers to follow. The adventurers looked puzzled but decided to follow Kendaro.
                         After all if this were a trap, they were many and he was just but one Enkidukai.

                         Kendaro lead them to a small hut like structure. Inside the adventurers found the hut to be quite comfortable though it lacked any
                         of the finer things they were used to. In the left corner was a rolled up straw mat. It must have been Kendaro\'s bed. To the center
                         of the hut was a small wooden table where a picture of water sat next to several wooden goblets. Around the table were several
                         wooden chairs and to the surprise of the adventurers, there was exactly the same amount of chairs as them. Over in the right
                         corner was a fire pit. The pit had a large pipe about two foot above it that then lead up and out of the roof. On this fire were several
                         fish being smoked. Again there was the exact same number of smoking fish as there were adventurers.

                         The adventures, feeling real uneasy about this situation, start mumbling between each other. Kendaro then spoke to ease the
                         adventurers, \"Fear not friends. The Kendaro has sensed you coming and prepared for you well. Eat, drink, and be the Kendaro\'s
                         guests while you regain your strength. When done, the Kendaro shall be outside to guide you back to your adventure.\"

                         Now the adventurers were feeling slightly better but all types of exadjurations began to fly as they ate the fish cautiously. \"He
                         must be some type of wizard.\" one of them said. \"Maybe a great shaman.\" another mentioned. \"I bet he has some type of mind
                         reading ability.\" was said by yet another. \"He is outside, lets see what he is up to.\" said the leader of the group.

                         A few of the adventurers went over to one of the small circular windows and spied out to see what Kendaro was doing. What they
                         saw was unusual and quite strange to them. He was out there by himself and doing what they thought to be a dance. The
                         movements were as if he was fighting someone in slow motion. The transition from one move to another was done slow but the
                         initial move itself was fast and showed great power. The onlookers were both amazed and confused at what they were seeing.

                         After watching him for a while, the adventurers all came out and watched Kendaro. Soon Kendaro stopped moving and stood
                         silently in the field. The adventurers advanced, with puzzled looks, and asked, \"What is it that you were just doing? We thought it
                         was some type of dance but it wasn\'t like anything we have ever seen.\"

                         \"The Kendaro was performing his kata.\", he responded. \"It is how the Kendaro keeps his fighting skills and body sharp.\"

                         \"KATA? What is this kata you speak of?\", they asked.

                         Kendaro responded, \"Kata is form made up of many fighting moves all put together to make it easy for the Kendaro to remember
                         them.\" He then continued, \"Was the Kendaro\'s cooking to your liking? If so and you are all well rested now, the Kendaro will lead
                         you back to your adventure.\"

                         The adventurers all nodded their heads in satisfaction and gathered their things to return to their journey. Kendaro then lead them
                         back to the river where they first found him. He pointed in the direction that would be the safest for them to travel. As they walked
                         off, Kendaro shouted to them, \"If ever you find yourselves in need of a friend. Don\'t hesitate to call on the Kendaro. The Kendaro
                         will always be willing to help.\"
                            posted 03-12-2001 23:34 GMT            

                         verry nice written,
                         i thougth i was reading a book.

                         Member of the Zeal Clan
                            posted 04-12-2001 01:24 GMT            

                         Wow thats really good, What do you sell books or something? Will there be a part 2? The world may never know. All in All Great

                         Leader of the Zeal Clan
Post by: Talad on January 06, 2002, 02:00:37 pm
                            posted 04-12-2001 04:28 GMT            

                         Excellent story! I like to write stories, too, but I think I\'ll wait till the demo\'s released before writing anything. I just need to know
                         more about the game first. By the way what are your ages? Nothing personal, just interested in knowing the major age groups
                         who will play this game.
                            posted 05-12-2001 22:42 GMT            

                         I\'m in the creation of a prepared people :)

                         It is about my (whitti the charachter)s father :)
    Archbishop Xaiver
                            posted 06-12-2001 01:32 GMT            

                         Very nicely written, I like how you get into such great detail!!
    Oldman Kay
                            posted 06-12-2001 02:32 GMT            

                         Here is one by moi,

                         I sat, mediating. I had woven together some straw into a makeshift mat. I sat on the mat. Intense silence is needed for the
                         grandest power, and I was almost there. Silence. Silence. My body started to lift. Higher, inch by inch. I leviated even higher. I
                         clenched my hands. My senses were gone. The only thing I could feel is the silent yet screached pulsation of my brain and heart
                         working together as one. Peace and tranquility. I lifted. Higher and higher. I was 3 stories in the air by now. I opened my hands
                         and held them out. I spoke the words that I had been taught by my grandfather just before his death,
                         \"Ahmon-rhea-da-kata-sa-men-asta.\" A power quietly shivered in a minute light in my palms. Sweat trickled down my face as the
                         light become became brighter and brighter. I screamed the final words \"Darem-osa-da-rem-ena!\" The power engulfed my hands
                         and up my arms, down my chest and legs until I was inside the power.

                         I opened my eyes, I saw the glow of the power around me. I slowly lowered myself to the ground. I closed my eyes and then
                         started to control the energy. The power slowly worked its way into a small circle in front of my chest. In leviated for a second the
                         shot out 3 yards away from me. I moved my hands in a motion to come to me. The circle of power raced towards me and shot
                         inside my chest. I had found the ultimate power and now I could control it for it was inside me. I raised my hand, fixated the
                         power on my hand, the light slightly glimered, then it a beam shot out of my hand and blew up a nearby boulder.

                         I showed no emotion for my new found power, and lowered my hand. I opened my eyes to suddenly see some blunt object
                         swinging towards my face. It was to late to react and I was struck in the head and knocked unconscious.

                         I awoke in a dark cavern. Three sconces were on the wall almost giving off enough light to see. I was on some stone table, and
                         something was strapped around me. I concentrated for a minute and realised the power was gone, but I could slightly feel that a
                         bit of it was still left inside me. I concentrated the power, but suddenly I felt a hand on my arm. It felt furry, and claws on the
                         fingers stratched my skin.

                         I looked over and saw purple glowing eyes. They stood there, stairing deep into my eyes. My eye lids grew heavy. I quickly
                         understood that this creature was doing some sort of hypnotism. I tried to open my eyes more but it was so hard. Not knowing
                         what to do, I spit at the eyes that hovered in front of me. It hit the creature. It grunted and a bit of steam filled the air. It smelled
                         like rotten eggs. I felt the steam closer to my face, the eyes were gone but I could still smell the rotten egg smell. Then it

                         I looked over at the sconces as one by one they lit up and I noticed the hovering purple eyes standing next to them. It looked
                         back at me and grunted. I saw some sort of claw reach into the flaw and it caught on fire. It slightly moved its claw and flung it at
                         me. I gasped and concentrated as hard as I could. The flame stopped in mid-air. I had control over it, so I lifted it up and threw it
                         at the creature. It hit it and apparently lit its arm-hair on fire. It screamed and flung its arm violently in attempt to extinguish the

                         I heard some strange noise as if stomping feet. I looked to my left and saw 5 sets of purple eyes coming into the room threw a
                         dark hallway. They grunted and pushed the other creature to the ground. I could not see what was happening but I heard the
                         creatures clawing into something, and a single creature screaming. They had killed the creature who had its arm lit on fire,
                         apparently they did not like mistakes.

                         The straps binding my legs and arms down were ripped off and two of the creatures picked me up. They hurried me off to some
                         cavern where I saw a lava flow, and a solid gold statue of some ape-like creature in front on a ledge. The lava flowed as if a
                         water-fall into some extremely deep gourge. They hurried to the edge. I saw hundreds of other eyes. Then they closed. I heard
                         some strange grunting noise and I was lifted higher. Suddenly the creatures holding me pulled me backwards. I now knew what
                         would happen. They flung me fowards into the volcanic flow.

                         I twisted in the air and grabbed on to the statue and flipped backwards back onto the ground. All the creature\'s eyes were closed
                         now except for the two that threw me. They screamed, and I also heard some wild beating noises as if slamming their fists
                         against some surface. I ran for my life and grabbed a sconce on the wall and ran down a cavern. I could here the thundering of
                         the creatures\' feet behind me.

                         I turned left, then right, and heard the sound of water. I knew the water might lead to a source outside, it was my only hope of
                         survival. I ran towards the rushing water and finally found a waterfall. I looked to my left and right and noticed three creatures.
                         Apparently it wasn\'t the light that made them invisible, they were natural shadows! The hairs grew on their bodies as some sort of
                         sense, probably for feeling. Except for their glowing eyes, all you could see was an extremely faint shadow. I ran foward but one
                         of the shadow creatures jumped in front of me. Its arm swung at me and I ducked to the floor and tried to trip it, but my leg
                         simply went threw it. Another swing smacked me in the side. Another one hit my leg. I did not know what to do. But wait, fire! It
                         hurt that other creature, it must hurt them all!

                         The sconce was on the floor so I quickly grabbed it. I swung it around in front of me. The shadow creatures backed off. I slowly
                         stepped to the edge of the waterfall. I heard a dripping, and suddenly a few drops dripped on the sconce, extinguishing it. The
                         creatures grunted again and raced towards me. I suddenly stopped, and concentrated and I leviated. I flew up into the air, but to
                         my surprise the creatures could float to. I concentrated once more and opened my palm. I focused and controlled the energy.
                         Two of the creatures charged at me. I clenched my palm, then opened it and power shot out light the two creatures on fire
                         sending them sprawling to the ground.

                         The third creature flew in front of me. It swung its arm and I dodged. But it swung too fast but my arm stopped it right in front of
                         my face. It grunted, then started to laugh. I concentrated and clenched my hand. I swiftly raised it in front of me and opened it
                         igniting the creature.

                         I looked down and saw the rest of the praying shadows. They flew towards me. I then let go and fell. I fell all the way to the
                         bottom of the waterfall. I swam under it and out into a small stream leading to a forest. I looked back and saw nothing, they were
                         finally gone.
    Oldman Kay
                            posted 06-12-2001 02:42 GMT            

                         In paragraph 2 or 3 I wrote:


                              I saw some sort of claw reach into the flaw and it caught on fire.

                         Flaw should be changed to Sconce. I have no earthly idea why I wrote flaw.
                            posted 07-12-2001 11:08 GMT            

                         Chapter 2 is done. You can find it on my PlaneShift community and or the link for it over on Whitties thread in Wish List.
                            posted 07-12-2001 15:13 GMT            

                         I have read chapter 2 , and its good
                            posted 08-12-2001 06:05 GMT            

                         who is running the zeal clan here u kendaro
                            posted 08-12-2001 13:19 GMT            

                         The Leaders of the Zeal clan are : NecromancerZeal and BinaryReject

                         I am a member of the Zeal clan
                         If u whant more information check out our
                         site and post your questions on the Zeal forum.


                         Member of the Zeal Clan
                            posted 09-12-2001 10:01 GMT            

                         very well written kendaro, as gion said, i felt as if i was reading a heading over to read chapter 2.

                         Leader of the Zeal Clan
                            posted 10-12-2001 00:01 GMT            

                         there is a chapter three now... :p